Fig. 1.1
IJV in longitudinal scanning plane. The B-mode has no steering, and the color box has a variable degree and direction of steering. Therefore, there is a different visualization of color filling and flow direction in the same vessel. The more angled left and right steering makes possible a better visualization of vein to artery relation and relative flow direction changes

Fig. 1.2
J1 IJV in longitudinal scanning plane with steering. The role of steering both for B-mode and for color mode is crucial at the valve level, because of the lesser possibilities of probe tilting at the base of the neck. a B-mode without steering at the valve level. b Color box right steering. c Color box left steering. d B-mode and color box trapezoidal steering: The field of view is markedly increased with a reliable panoramic view. A dynamic evaluation of these examples is illustrated in Movie 1.1