and Horia Ples2
Department of Computed Tomography, SCM Neuromed, Timisoara, Romania
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes”, Timisoara, Romania
1.1 Normal Cerebral Angiography
Fig. 1.1
Neuro DSA – VRT
1. A. carotis interna
2. A. vertebralis
3. A. basilaris
4. A. cerebri anterior
5. A. cerebri anterior – segmentum A2
6. A. cerebri media – segmentum M1
7. A. cerebri media – segmentum M2
8. A. cerebri posterior
Fig. 1.2
Neuro DSA – MIP
Fig. 1.3
Neuro DSA – VRT
Fig. 1.4
Neuro DSA – VRT colour
Fig. 1.5
Neuro DSA – VRT colour
Fig. 1.6
Cerebral angiography 3D VRT reconstruction
Fig. 1.7
Cerebral angiography 3D VRT reconstruction
1.2 Arteriovenous Malformation at the Level of Pars Precentralis Dextra
Fig. 1.8
Arteriovenous malformation at the level of pars precentralis dextra
1. A. carotis interna
2. A. vertebralis
3. V. jugularis interna
4. A. basilaris
5. Partially embolised arteriovenous malformation
6. Drainage vein
7. Sinus sagittalis superior
8. Sinus transversalis
9. Sinus sigmoideus
Fig. 1.9
Cerebral angiography in the case of an arteriovenous malformation (arrow) (a. cerebra media) with accentuation of the vascularisation at the level of a. cerebra media (3D axial reconstruction)
Fig. 1.10
Cerebral angiography of a partially embolised arteriovenous malformation (arrow)
Fig. 1.11
Neuro DSA 3D MIP reconstruction, anterior plan. The arrow indicates the arteriovenous malformation
Fig. 1.12
Neuro DSA 3D MIP reconstruction, posterior view
Fig. 1.13
Neuro DSA 3D MIP reconstruction, lateral right plan. The arrow indicates the arteriovenous malformation
1.3 Arteria Basilaris Aneurysm at the Level of Pars Proximalis
Fig. 1.14
Neuro DSA 3D VRT colour reconstruction
1. A. carotis interna
2. A. vertebralis
3. Giant aneurysm
4. A. basilaris
5. A. cerebri media – segmentum M1
6. A. cerebri anterior – segmentum A2
7. A. cerebri anterior – segmentum A1
8. A. cerebri posterior
Fig. 1.15
Neuro DSA 3D MIP reconstruction
Fig. 1.16
Neuro DSA 3D MIP reconstruction
Fig. 1.17
Neuro DSA 3D VRT colour reconstruction