• Evaluation of a pelvic mass, uterine enlargement, endometrial abnormalities, ovarian masses or acute pelvic pain • Uterus: a triangular or ovoid soft tissue structure located behind the urinary bladder • Cervix: a rounded structure inferior to the uterine corpus • Vagina: a flat rectangular structure at the level of the fornix • Broad and round ligaments: these are seen coursing laterally and anteriorly (respectively) • Ovaries: these are posterolateral to the uterine corpus The zonal anatomy is demonstrated as follows: • Ovaries: The follicles demonstrate higher SI than the surrounding stroma • Cervical canal: 3–4cm long and ⅓ the length of the uterus (it shortens after childbirth) • Cavity of uterine body: this is triangular in shape • Fallopian tubes: these are 5–6cm long • Embryology: the uterus, upper ⅔ of the vagina and Fallopian tubes are derived from the paired Müllerian ducts • Due to non-development or rudimentary development of one Müllerian duct • T2WI: a ‘banana-like configuration’ of the normal duct: there is a curved, elongated uterus with tapering of the fundal segment off the midline • Due to non-fusion of the two Müllerian ducts • T2WI: there are two widely separate normally sized uterine horns with two cervices • T1WI: haemorrhage may be seen if there is a transverse septa causing obstruction • Due to partial fusion of the Müllerian ducts (with incomplete fusion of the cephalad extent of the uterovaginal horns with resorption of the uterovaginal septum) • The uterine horns are separated by an intervening cleft (> 1cm) within the external fundal myometrium • T2WI (parallel to uterine long axis): there is a convex, flat or concave (< 1cm) external uterine contour (+ fibrous septa) • A transverse vaginal septum prevents loss of menstrual blood and results in haematocolpos • T2WI: a dilated vagina with intraluminal fluid of intermediate or high SI (± fluid and debris levels) • T1WI (+ fat suppression): this confirms the presence of any blood products which appear of high SI • A benign tumour arising from uterine smooth muscle cells (± varying amounts of fibrous tissue) • It is the most common uterine tumour (seen in up to 40% of premenopausal women) • Menorrhagia (if there is a submucosal location) • Depending on the proportion of smooth muscle, fibrosis and degeneration, appearances can range from hypoechoic to echogenic, and homogeneous to heterogeneous • Submucosal leiomyomas may mimic endometrial lesions on US – US HSG may aid in the diagnosis • T1WI: well-circumscribed, rounded lesions with intermediate SI • T1WI (FS): this can demonstrate haemorrhagic degeneration (with high SI) • T1WI + Gad: the enhancement is less than that of the adjacent myometrium • T2WI: there is lower SI relative to the myometrium or endometrium • An enlarged globular uterus, often with antero-posterior asymmetry
it allows transabdominal and transvaginal guidance of fluid or tissue sampling
it allows transvaginal-guided drain placement and guidance for placement of brachytherapy for cervical and endometrial malignancy
it allows intraoperative assessment for the completion of evacuation of products of conception
Normal US anatomy
Endometrium: proliferative phase: ≤ 8mm
midcycle: a trilaminar appearance measuring up to 12–16mm
secretory phase: hyperechoic due to the increasing glandular complexity
≤ 16mm
Ovaries: these are anterior to the iliac vessels
they typically measure 30mm in any two dimensions but may measure ≥ 50mm in one plane
the ovarian volume is usually < 10cm3
Computed tomography (CT)
Normal CT anatomy
the myometrium enhances with contrast (helping to delineate the endometrium, which is of lower attenuation)
they are of soft tissue density with small cystic regions
they are atrophic in postmenopausal women
Endometrium: this is of high SI
≤ 8mm (proliferative phase)
≤ 16mm (secretory phase)
< 5mm (postmenopausal women that are not receiving hormonal therapy)
Junctional zone (representing the innermost myometrium): this is of low SI (due to its low water content)
Peripheral myometrium: this is of intermediate SI (and higher than striated muscle)
Endocervical glands and mucus: central high SI
Stroma: low SI (as it is composed of elastic fibrous tissue)
Periphery of cervix: intermediate SI similar to myometrium (as it is composed of smooth muscle)
Hysterosalpingography (HSG)
it is often spindle shaped and there may be glandular filling
the average length and intercornual diameter is approximately 35mm
the isthmus is of uniform diameter and opens laterally into a wide ampulla
at approximately 10 weeks following conception the ducts migrate caudally and undergo fusion and subsequent canalization
congenital anomalies arise when this process is interrupted:
Uterine anomalies
Class II: unicornuate uterus
the remaining Müllerian duct is fully developed
the normal uterine zonal anatomy is maintained
the rudimentary horn demonstrates lower SI
Class III: uterus didelphys
the endometrial and myometrial widths are preserved
a vaginal septum is seen in 75% of cases
Class IV: bicornuate uterus
a normal zonal anatomy is seen within each horn and there is a dividing septum composed of central myometrium
Class V: septate uterus
Due to incomplete resorption of the final fibrous septum between the two uterine horns
The septum may be partial, or it may be complete and extend to the external cervical os
Vaginal anomalies
Disorder of vertical fusion
the lower ⅓ of the vagina is replaced by low SI fibrous tissue with loss of the normal zonal anatomy
it is oestrogen dependent, and therefore regresses after the menopause
they are usually multiple
subfertility (due to narrowed Fallopian tube or interference with implantation)
urinary frequency
Red degeneration: this follows acute impairment of the blood supply (often during pregnancy), and presents with acute abdominal pain and tenderness
Hyaline degeneration: there is gradual impairment of the blood supply, and it is asymptomatic
Obstetric complications: malposition
a retained placenta
interference with vaginal delivery
premature uterine contractions
there can be acoustic shadowing or shadowing echogenic foci due to the presence of calcification
any degenerated areas may not enhance
signal voids represent calcification or vessels
Radiological features
myometrial heterogeneity (due to the endometrial implants and intervening smooth muscle hypertrophy)
endometrial implants can present as diffuse echogenic nodules, subendometrial echogenic linear striations, or 2–6mm subendometrial cysts (representing haemorrhage within an implant)