Investigations of the genitourinary tract

Chapter 31 Investigations of the genitourinary tract

As outlined in Chapter 28, contrast-enhanced imaging of the urinary tract was originally developed in the early 1920s, when suitable contrast agents were first used. For the most part of the 20th century contrast conventional radiography was the only option for imaging of the tract, but all complementary imaging methods, and especially ultrasound, now offer a significant contribution to imaging the area.

Ultrasound is an excellent imaging method that will show or estimate renal volume, parenchymal thickness, kidney shape and size, congenital development abnormalities, cysts, benign prostatic hypertrophy or carcinoma, hydronephrosis and tumours of the renal system. Use of colour Doppler will demonstrate the renal vascular system. The list is by no means exhaustive but does serve to show why ultrasound came to the forefront of imaging in this area.

The advent of low radiation dose computed tomography (CT) of kidneys, ureters, bladder (KUB) has now moved towards extra-low dose CT KUB (equivalent dose to a plain radiography KUB exposure), making CT a suitable option in this area.1 Comparison has been made between ultra-low dose (contrast-enhanced) CT and KUB (particularly relating to renal colic assessment), finding CT to be comparable in diagnostic yield to KUB.2 MRI also has a place in imaging the urinaryly system, thanks to its superior ability to demonstrate differences in soft tissue appearances. There is additional information on imaging methods for the urinary system at the end of the section on the urinary tract below.

As a result of these developments in imaging, the use of intravenous urography (IVU) has slowly receded since the 1980s, mainly because of the increased availability and use of ultrasound. However, it may still be used in some centres, in emergency cases, or where there may still be difficulties using or accessing other imaging modalities (more specifically CT). According to the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR), the unavailability of CT is the only reason for performing an IVU.3

Common pathologies and clinical indications for imaging of the Urinary System

This is not an exhaustive list and any suggested imaging methods are based on current UK guidelines.3


Renal calculi are formed in the urine and create problems for patients when they lodge in the urinary tract, causing severe pain (renal colic) and, potentially, ureteric obstruction, hydronephrosis and haematuria. Stones as small as 0.4 cm can cause renal colic. The constituents of calculi vary, but the most common are calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate; they are often radio-opaque (but can also be radiolucent and not visible via X-ray imaging) and can therefore be visualised on the plain radiographic image. However, owing to their (usually) small size they may not always be well visualised; this is also complicated by the surrounding (possible superimposition of) soft tissue structures of the abdominal viscera, and also mesenteric nodes and phleboliths. This obviously means that plain radiographic imaging of the abdomen, albeit a reasonable tool for imaging renal stones, is not as useful to determine ureteric stones and their position. Current UK guidelines suggest unenhanced low-dose CT as the investigation of choice, with IVU indicated only when CT is unavailable.3

Large radio-opaque calculi may occupy the space within the pelvicalyceal system, filling it in almost exactly the same shape as the system; these are known as staghorn calculi (Fig. 31.1) and can mimic the appearance of a contrast-filled pelvicalyceal system. They can be an incidental finding seen on abdomen images.

Benign and malignant prostatic disease

Although the prostate gland is not located within the urinary tract itself, prostatic disease affects urinary tract imaging by its extrinsic effects on the system. A large proportion of men from late middle age onwards will have an enlarged prostate due to benign prostatic hypertrophy/hyperplasia (BPH).4 Symptoms of this include frequency of micturition, poor urine stream and dysuria. Extreme forms can cause bladder outlet obstruction. Although a benign condition, BPH will often require treatment in order to alleviate its symptoms, as they often significantly affect the patient’s quality of life. It is important to differentiate between BPH and carcinoma of the prostate, which can cause similar symptoms.

If the urinary tract contains contrast agent, if prostatic enlargement of any type is present the bladder appears to have a depression at its base, in the shape of a mushroom. Bladder ultrasound with measurement of postvoid residual volume is the examination of choice when investigating BPH and the extent of its effect, and contrast radiography is not indicated for this condition.3 Ultrasound will help differentiate between BPH and prostatic carcinoma and is usually used in conjunction with assessment of blood levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA); an elevated PSA level may indicate malignancy.

Duplex system

This is a duplication of part or parts of the urinary system involving the kidney and ureter. The most extensive form presents as a single kidney which has two sets of calyces, two renal pelves and two ureters (Fig. 31.2); this may be unilateral or bilateral. Less extensive forms of the variant may show as two renal pelves entering a single ureter, or two pelves entering two ureters, which later fuse before entering the bladder. The variant is usually an incidental finding but is monitored in children because of its relationship to recurrent urinary tract infection (UTI).

Radiographic examination of the urinary system

Intravenous urography (IVU)

Although the current UK guidelines no longer consider the IVU a front-line examination, a description of the technique follows as some centres still use it on occasion in an emergency situation if CT is unavailable. It must be envisaged that in the near future this examination may no longer be carried out.

The aim is to demonstrate the renal cortex, calyces, renal pelvis, pelviureteric junction, ureteric drainage and the bladder (although demonstration of the bladder may not be required). Contrast agent is administered intravenously and images of the system are obtained through various stages, from glomerular filtration to urine and contrast collection in calyces, and then on to ureteric drainage and bladder filling.

A range of projections are used for the IVU, in various combinations to demonstrate the system, and appropriate selection of this combination will be discussed later in this section. Projections used are taken from the following list:

Contrast agent can be seen almost immediately after injection, shown as a ‘blush’ in the renal cortex and known as a nephrogram (Fig. 31.4). This shows glomerular filtration of the contrast agent before it reaches the calyceal systems. It is important to see the renal outlines, as changes in the smooth outline may indicate the presence of tumours, cysts or cortical scarring. It also provides early information on renal size. It is possible to see appearances of renal blush for some time after injection and it is not always considered necessary to show the first blush immediately after injection of contrast agent, as renal outlines can be assessed along with the calyceal systems at later stages in the examination.

Around 5 minutes after injection the calyces should be seen to fill with contrast agent (Fig. 31.5), which then passes down the ureters to fill the bladder. In some cases the calyces empty quickly, preventing adequate demonstration of the calyces and renal pelvis. To counteract this, compression over the abdominal area level with the iliac crests is required, which restricts the flow of excreted contrast down the ureters. This therefore retains contrast agent in the kidney for a longer period to ensure adequate imaging of the collecting systems. Compression is usually left in place for around 5 minutes before an image of the kidneys is taken, but it must be noted that excessive and prolonged compression may cause the calyces to appear slightly blunted and distended (imitating early hydronephrosis). It is recognised that compression is often applied routinely, often 5 minutes after injection, to ensure optimal contrast build-up in the calyces, but there are contraindications to the use of compression that must be considered. These include:

In addition to fast drainage there may be other reasons for failure to demonstrate the cortex or calyces, and these are related to pathology or overlying bowel gas and faeces. Additional or supplementary projections/techniques may be necessary to improve visualisation in these situations. These include:

Tomography (and zonography) should not be used routinely and most manufacturers now offer limited equipment with this capability.

Once the calyceal system has been demonstrated it is necessary to provide information on the ureters and bladder; evidence of ureteric drainage is especially important. A KUB projection (around 15–20 minutes after injection) will show most of the tract, including some early bladder information (Fig. 31.6). If the use of compression has been necessary it must be released before this KUB can be taken, in order to allow kidney drainage. Compression release usually allows for good visualisation of ureteric drainage, as the contrast-enhanced urine flows down the ureter. Some sections of the ureters may not be visible on the KUB, owing to the fact that urine is transported down these structures by peristalsis and portions of the ureters will be constricted; these portions will not be visible on the image. This in itself does not really pose a problem: if the ureter is obstructed then there should be other evidence to suggest this, including distended or blunted calyces, hydronephrosis (seen initially as delayed concentration of contrast agent and later as distended and club-shaped calyces), distended ureters (or even megaureter) and failure of contrast to pass the obstructed area on prone KUB or oblique bladder images. The prone KUB is particularly useful to show the ureteric obstruction site: the kidneys lie posteriorly in the retroperitoneal abdomen and the ureters extend from the kidneys anteriorly until they are approximately level with L4/L5 and then towards the bladder, which is situated anteriorly in the pelvis. Therefore, in the supine patient urine is moving in an upward direction for the first section of the ureter; turning the patient prone after sitting them upright for 5 minutes reverses this and allows the urine to drain towards the site of obstruction.

Series of projections for the IVU

Texts describing excretion urography do vary on the suggested standard or routine ‘protocol’ for the examination,710 but it must be accepted that owing to the decline in its use as a front-line examination a ‘conventional’ IVU series is no longer a valid concept. Providing a useful IVU series must be governed by the need to keep radiation dose to the patient as low as is reasonably practical, as stated in current regulations and guidelines,3,1113 and the need to use a series that will provide the best possible diagnostic images for each patient and their clinical history (or the appearances found as the examination progresses).

So, considering the range of projections available, strategies to improve visualisation of key areas and effects of pathology on the appearances of the system, it is difficult to present a set of instructions that are guaranteed to work every time for every patient. The most important point is that, even if a set ‘protocol’ has been agreed, it is essential that radiographers carrying out IVU examinations must have a thorough understanding of the aims of the examination to ensure that those aims are met. An example of a ‘full’ IVU procedure is outlined as follows:

It is clear that this represents a significant number of exposures and it is increasingly rare to find that a full IVU series is undertaken in imaging departments. As the IVU is still undertaken in some centres, albeit with less frequency, it is necessary to outline how certain conditions may affect the IVU process.

Hydronephrosis (Fig. 31.7)

This may be known to pre-exist or may manifest itself during the examination as:

Simple modification involves ensuring that there are delayed images of the affected kidney, initiated at around 20 minutes after injection, to allow for more contrast agent to mix with the urine and improve image contrast over the calyces and pelvis. If available, tomography may be useful, especially if gas and faeces make visualisation even more difficult. If the other kidney appears to be functioning the rest of the ‘routine’ aspect of the examination may continue, with further delayed images of the affected kidney being supplied at intervals (depending on how quickly concentration of contrast agent appears to be progressing). Micturition is delayed until adequate demonstration of both kidneys has been achieved, unless several hours pass and this is not possible.

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