Table 5.21 Pelvis: widening (diastasis) of the pubic symphysis
Separation of the medial ends of the pubic bones.
A second pelvic fracture is usually present to complete a break through the pelvic ring.
Osteitis pubis
Lysis of the pubic symphysis and marginal sclerosis during healing phase. Bone marrow edema in the pubis about the pubic symphysis. Increased uptake on bone scan.
Bone dysplasia with premature osteoarthritis (OA) of the hips. Platyspondyly, short stature. No ossification of the epiphyses of the knees, talus, and calcaneus. Ovoid pear-shaped vertebra in infancy progressing to platyspondyly.
Fig. 5.24 Bladder exstrophy. A 5-month-old with diastasis of the pubic bones from bladder exstrophy.Fig. 5.25 Metabolic. Widening of the pubic symphysis with lysis in a patient with renal osteodystrophy. Note the erosions in the ischia.Fig. 5.26 Metabolic. Widened sacroiliac joints and pubic synchondrosis from renal osteodystrophy (arrows).Fig. 5.27 Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia with changes at the hips and iliac bones and widening of the inferior portion of the pubic symphysis.
Flattened, broad pelvis with flared iliac wings, and decreased acetabular and iliac angles.
An enlarged iliac angle may be seen by fetal US in the second trimester of fetal life.
Exstrophy-epispadias complex
Wide pubic symphysis.
Spectrum of anomalies of the lower abdominal wall, bladder, anterior bony pelvis, and e xternal genitalia.
Sacral agenesis and hypoplasia
Associated abnormalities include deformities of the lower extremities and anomalies of the genitourinary tract, lower gastrointestinal tract, and spine.
Fig. 5.28 Trisomy 21 with flattened broad pelvis (flared iliac wings), six non–rib-bearing lumbar vertebral bodies (11 pairs of ribs not shown), and double bubble of duodenal atresia.