Posttreatment Imaging of the Paranasal Sinuses Following Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Endoscopic sinus surgery is a minimally invasive option for the treatment of several nonneoplastic indications, particularly for medically refractory sinusitis and polyposis. Numerous interventions can be performed through endoscopic sinus surgery, many of which may be performed together during the same procedure. There are also a variety of complications that can result from endoscopic sinus surgery. Radiological imaging plays an important role in the evaluation of patients after endoscopic sinus surgery. Thus, it is important to be familiar with the expected and complicated imaging findings associated with endoscopic sinus surgery, which are reviewed in this article.

  • Complications resulting from endoscopic sinus surgery are summarized and selected examples of diagnostic imaging are presented.

  • Complications resulting from endoscopic sinus surgery are summarized and selected examples of diagnostic imaging are presented.

  • Ultimately the decision to obtain diagnostic imaging following endoscopic sinus surgery depends on the specific clinical situation. The role of radiologists may be to guide the referring physicians toward selecting the most appropriate imaging modality for the particular clinical question ( Table 3 ). The goal of radiologists is also to provide a systematic description of the apparent postoperative findings, both expected and unexpected, with attention to the various conditions reviewed in this article.

    Table 3
    What referring physicians need to know
    Clinical Question Suggested Imaging Modalities
    Where is the site of CSF leak? CT
    Is there a cephalocele? Skull base MR imaging
    What is the source of the bleeding? Catheter angiography or CTA
    Is there intracranial infection? Brain MR imaging with contrast
    Why are there vision changes? Orbit CT and/or MR imaging
    Why is there recurrent sinusitis? Sinus CT
    Why is there nasal obstruction? Sinus CT


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