25 Pancreatic Lymphangioma


Clinical Presentation

A 38-year-old woman presents with abdominal pain and epigastric tenderness.


Fig. 25.1 (A–D) Images from a contrast-enhanced abdominal CT scan show a large, lobulated, well-defined, hypodense, finely septated mass associated with the pancreatic head and body.

Radiologic Findings

Abdominal contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) scans (Fig. 25.1) show a large, lobulated, hypodense lesion with multiple thin septations, centered in the upper abdomen, intimately associated with the pancreas. The superior mesenteric artery and vein and the portal vein are patent.


Pancreatic lymphangioma

Differential Diagnosis

  • Pseudocyst
  • Pancreatic cystic neoplasms: mucinous cystic neoplasms, intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasia (IPMN)
  • Rare pancreatic cystic neoplasms: solid pseudopapillary tumor, acinar cell cystoadenocarcinoma, hemangioma, paraganglioma
  • Solid pancreatic lesion with cystic degeneration: pancreatic adenocarcinoma, cystic islet cell tumor
  • Metastasis
  • Cystic teratoma
  • True epithelial cyst (associated with von Hippel-Lindau disease, autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, cystic fibrosis)
  • Lymphocele (if patients have recently undergone surgery)



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Dec 26, 2015 | Posted by in GASTROINTESTINAL IMAGING | Comments Off on 25 Pancreatic Lymphangioma

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