• Well-defined, geographic signal abnormality, which tends to involve anterior 1/3 to 1/2 of vertebral body
• T2WI shows increased signal in multiple bodies, with abrupt transition to normal marrow signal
• T1WI C+ shows markedly diminished enhancement of affected vertebral body areas
No associated epidural or paravertebral soft tissue
Rare to involve posterior elements
Top Differential Diagnoses
• Infarction secondary to underlying systemic disease
Sickle cell
Acute leukemia (ALL or AML)
Transplantation with graft vs. host disease
• Infarction secondary to aortic disease
Abdominal aortic surgery
• Metastatic disease marrow infiltration
• Leukemia or lymphoma marrow tumor infiltration
• Granulomatous or fungal infection
Diagnostic Checklist
• Infarction as sign of systemic illness or malignancy, such as leukemia
• Associated with spinal cord infarction; useful as a confirmatory sign that nonspecific T2 hyperintensity in cord reflects infarction
(Left) Sagittal T1WI C+ MR in a patient with a new diagnosis of lymphocytic leukemia shows multiple well-defined, geographic foci of diminished enhancement in multiple vertebral bodies, with a rim of increased enhancement. There is no associated soft tissue mass and no disc involvement.
(Right) Axial T1WI C+ MR in a patient with multiple vertebral infarcts and a new diagnosis of ALL shows sharply marginated lesions in both right and left sides of the vertebral body with mild peripheral enhancement.
(Left) Sagittal T1WI MR shows multiple infarcts in a patient with ALL status post chemotherapy. Note well-defined low signal present in the anterior 1/2 of multiple vertebral bodies. (Courtesy M. Pathria, MD.)
(Right) Sagittal T2WI FS MR in a patient with ALL status post chemotherapy shows focal, well-defined hyperintensity in the anterior 1/2 of multiple vertebral bodies, which also involves the sacrum. (Courtesy M. Pathria, MD.)
• Immature bone infarct, bone marrow infarction
• Infarction of vertebral body cancellous bone and marrow secondary to systemic disease or aortic pathology
• Not osteonecrosis (Kümmell disease)
General Features
• Best diagnostic clue
Geographic T2 hyperintensity of multiple vertebral bodies with diminished enhancement in setting of systemic disease
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