


Figure 63-1. Accessory ossicles of the hand. The shaded circles indicate locations of sesamoid bones.

1. Epitrapezium

2. Calcification (bursa, flexor carpi radialis)

3. Paratrapezium (petrapezium)

4. Trapezium secundarium

5. Trapezoides secundarium

6. Os styloideum

7. Ossiculum Gruberi

8. Capitatum secundarium

9. Os hamuli proprium

10. Os vesalianum

11. Os ulnare externum (calcified bursa or tendon)

12. Os radiale externum

13. Fissure of traumatic origin

14. Persisting ossification center of the radial styloid process

15. Intercalary bone between the navicular and the radius (paranavicular)

16. Os carpi centrale

17. Hypolunatum

18. Epilunatum

19. Accessory bone between the lunate and the triangular bone

20. Epipyramis

21. So-called “os triangulare”

22. Persisting center of the ulnar styloid

23. Small ossicle at the level of the radioulnar joint

24. None

25. Avulsion from the triangular bone; no accessory ossicle

26. Tendon or bursal calcification

27. Calcification of the pisiform

(Keats TE. Atlas of normal Roentgen variants that may Simulate disease, 5th ed. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book, 1992:420-430. Fig. 6-139, p. 430).

Figure 63-2. Accessory ossicles of the ankle.

1. Accompanying shadow on the internal malleolus (patella malleoli)

2. Intercalary bone (or sesamoid) between the internal malleolus and the talus

3. Os subtibiale

4. Talus accessorius

5. Os sustentaculi

6. Os tibiale externum

7. Os retinaculi

8. Intercalary bone (or sesamoid) between the external malleolus and the talus

9. Os subfibulare

10. Talus secundarius

11. Os trochleare calcanei

12. Os trigonum

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Jun 12, 2016 | Posted by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY | Comments Off on Bones

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