
Sternum, oblique X-ray

  1. Body of clavicle
  2. First rib
  3. Second rib
  4. Seventh rib
  5. Jugular incisure
  6. Sternal end of clavicle
  7. Manubrium of sternum
  8. Sternal angle
  9. Body of sternum
  10. Xiphoid process
  11. Calcified costal cartilage

Thoracic cage, a-p X-ray

  1. Head of first rib
  2. Neck of second rib
  3. Shaft of first rib
  4. Osteochondral junction
  5. Tuberculum of costa VI
  6. Head of sixth rib
  7. Shaft of sixth rib
  8. 12th rib
  9. Mamma
  10. Clavicle
  11. Inferior angle of scapula
  12. Diaphragm
  13. Gastric air

Thorax, 99m Tc-MDP, scintigraphy

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Dec 20, 2015 | Posted by in PEDIATRIC IMAGING | Comments Off on Cage

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