1 Craniocerebral Diseases
Normal Brain Maturation in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Malformations and Developmental Abnormalities
General Pathology and Neurology
Abnormalities of Ventral Induction
Abnormalities of Dorsal Induction
Developmental Abnormalities of the Cerebral Cortex, Corpus Callosum, and White Matter
Hydrocephalus (Congenital Forms)
Other Malformations and Developmental Abnormalities
Diagnostic Evaluation of Epilepsy
General Pathology and Neurology
Injuries of the Facial Skeleton
Tumors and Tumor-like Diseases
General Pathology and Neurology
Tumors of the Sellar Region and Skull Base
Tumors and Tumor-Simulating Diseases of the Skull
General Pathology and Neurology
General Pathology and Neurology
Granulomatous Bacterial Infections
Infections and Inflammations.of the Head and Neck Region
Demyelinating and Degenerative Diseases
General Pathology and Neurology
Congenital White-Matter Diseases (Leukodystrophies)
Degenerative Diseases with Primary Involvement of the Deep Gray Matter
Other Diseases with Primary Neuronal Involvement
Iatrogenic Lesions and Effects of Medical Conditions
Effects of Radiation and Chemotherapy
Effects of Other Treatments and Medical Conditions
Plain Films
Basic Principles and Applications
The term “plain films” refers primarily to plain radiographs, in this case radiographs of the skull that have been obtained using conventional or digital technology without the prior administration of contrast material.
Because roentgen rays are attenuated in proportion to the average atomic number of the tissue through which they pass, the radiographic contrast between bone or calcifications and soft tissues is high. The contrast between different soft tissues is low, especially when the tissues are surrounded by bone.
Metallic foreign bodies have particularly high radiographic contrast, for example:
• Vascular clips
• Bioimplants
• Fragments of projectiles.
Air in the integumental soft tissues or inside the skull is relatively easy to identify because it appears darker than its surroundings. Today, however, the main purpose of plain skull films is to detect abnormalities in the cranial bones themselves. Their primary role is to provide a basic diagnostic impression.
If more detailed information is needed and especially if brain pathology is suspected, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are more rewarding than plain skull films. MRI can yield particularly high softtissue contrast, even in marrow-containing cancellous bone. Plain films have shown relatively low sensitivity to soft-tissue changes, including changes in paranasal sinuses and mastoid/middle ear air spaces, whose high natural contrast is decreased when inflammatory mucosal thickening is present.
Survey Films and Special Views
Survey Films
Radiopaque structures that are superimposed within a body region penetrated by roentgen rays produce overlapping shadows on plain radiographs. Thus, when radiologists analyze survey films (Figs. 1. 1, 1.2), they must have a detailed knowledge of anatomy and must be able to visualize in three dimensions while taking into account projection-related effects: objects located close to the film or image plane are portrayed more accurately (sharper and with less magnification) than objects located farther from the film.
If cranial CT is also to be performed, it is usually sufficient to obtain one frontal and one lateral view. If an occipital skull fracture is suspected, the Towne projection is also useful as it provides an excellent general view of the occipital squama. Axial views of the skull base are now considered obsolete because high-resolution CT (HR CT) is far more informative.
Standard frontal plain films are usually taken in the posteroanterior (PA) projection because many important cranial structures are located in the anterior half of the skull, and the PA projection places them as close as possible to the film or image plane. The semiaxial Towne view is an anteroposterior (AP) projection. Lateral skull films demonstrate the cranial vault along with most of the facial bones and the two upper cervical vertebrae (C1, C2). Slight deviation from a true lateral projection is desirable, because symmetrical bone structures such as the orbital roofs and clinoid processes are not directly superimposed in a slightly off-lateral view. Traditional plain films are still best for evaluating the texture of the calvaria. Simple linear fractures may be missed on CT scans if they run parallel to the scan plane. On the other hand, CT is better than plain films for detecting depressed fractures of the calvaria.
Fig. 1.1 a, b Plain skull films (schematic): normal PA and lateral views (after Piepgras).
a PA projection.
1 Outer table
2 Diploë
3 Inner table
4 Pacchionian granulations
5 Coronal suture
6 Lambdoid suture
7 Sagittal suture
8 Canal of diploic vein
9 Pineal gland (projected into the frontal sinus
10 Mastoid process
11 Mandibular condyle
12 Petrous part of temporal bone (superior margin)
13 Lateral border of anterior cranial fossa
14 Innominate line = anterior lateral wall of middle cranial fossa projected into orbit
15 Foramen rotundum
16 Superior orbital fissure
17 Lesser wing of sphenoid
18 Anterior clinoid process
19 Frontal sinus
20 Septum of frontal sinus
21 Crista galli
22 Sphenoid sinus (with superimposed ethmoid cells)
23 Ethmoid cells
24 Bony nasal septum
25 Orbit
26 Squamous suture
27 Zygomatic arch
28 Maxillary sinus
29 Inferior border of floor of posterior cranial fossa
30 Occipital condyle
31 Atlanto-occipital joint
32 Inferior turbinate
33 Nasal cavities
34 Dens axis
35 Anterior nasal spine
36 Posterior arch of atlas
37 Transverse process of atlas
38 Lateral mass of atlas
39 Atlantoaxial joint
40 Spinous process of axis
41 Body of axis (projected over the maxilla)
42 Mandibular angle
43 Mandibular canal
44 Mental foramen
45 Internal acoustic meatus
b Lateral projection.
1 Sella turcica
2 Dorsum sellae
3 Anterior clinoid process
4 Tuberculum sellae
5 Planum sphenoidale
6 Clivus
7 Petrous part of temporal bone (petrous pyramid)
8 Internal acoustic meatus
9 Squamous suture
10 Mastoid process (both sides superimposed)
11 Occipital condyle
12 Occipital squama
13 Internal occipital crest
14 Internal occipital protuberance
15 External occipital protuberance
16 Lambdoid suture
17 Parietal bone
18 Frontal bone
19 Lambda
20 Bregma
21 Outer table
22 Diploë
23 Inner table
24 Coronal suture
25 Pineal gland
26 Groove for middle meningeal artery
27 Diploic vein (sphenoparietal sinus)
28 Greater and lesser wings of sphenoid
29 Anterior border of middle cranial fossa
30 Frontonasal suture
31 Nasal bone
32 Infraorbital margin
33 Ethmoid bone
34 Sphenoid sinuses
35 Maxillary sinuses
36 Frontal sinuses
37 Zygomatic process of maxilla (projected onto body of zygoma)
38 Frontal process of zygoma
39 Coronoid process
40 Mandibular condyles (both sides)
41 Mandibular rami (both sides)
42 Air in epipharynx
43 Soft palate
44 Hard palate
45 Anterior nasal spine
46 Dens axis
47 Opisthion (posterior rim of foramen magnum)
Fig. 1.2 a, b Plain skull films (schematic) with normal variants (after Piepgras).
a AP projection.
b Lateral projection.
1 Hyperostosi s frontalis interna
2 Calcified choroid plexus (glomus) in trigone of lateral ventricles
3 Metopic suture
4 Sutural bone (incarial bone)
5 Frontal emissary vein
6 Diploic veins (Breschet confluence)
7 Pacchionian granulations
8 Ossification of the falx
9 Dural calcifications in the wall of the superior sagittal sinus
10 Bony groove for the transverse sinus
11 Diploic vein (sphenoparietal sinus)
12 Calcified interclinoid ligament
13 Calcified petrosellar ligament
14 Occipital spur
15 Pineal gland
Views of the facial bones primarily serve a screening function. They should be held to a minimum and are unnecessary if HR CT is planned. Given the comprehensive information that is furnished by HR CT, including detailed images of the temporal bone, there is no longer a sound rationale for traditional special roentgen views such as the Mayer, Schiiller, or Stenvers views.
Conventional Tomography
The goal of conventional tomography is to provide nonsuperimposed views of complex bony structures. Unlike CT, however, it yields images in which a particular tissue layer is displayed preferentially but not in isolation. The spatial resolution depends mainly on the tomographic slice thickness and the degree to which the image blurs areas that are of no diagnostic interest. High resolution requires a high tomographic angle and a multidimensional (nonlinear) pattern of tomographic motion. Conventional tomography may still have a role in the radiologic evaluation of the facial skeleton, but HR CT is usually more rewarding and also involves less radiation exposure.
Computed Tomography
In this digital, computer-based sectional imaging modality, the body region of interest—in this case the skull—is scanned with a narrow bundle of roentgen rays that is passed across the region. As successive projections are obtained around the region of interest, a curved or circular array of highly sensitive detectors registers the resulting roentgen ray attenuation along each projection. From the large volume of data that is generated, a computer calculates the spatial distribution of the attenuation values, or “tissue densities,” and uses a Fourier transform to reconstruct an image of the scanned body section. The resulting matrix of 256×256, or 512×512, or more numerical values undergoes a digital-to-analog conversion to produce an analog image, which is displayed on the computer monitor. This two-dimensional (2-D) image is composed of picture elements, or pixels, each of which represents a volume element (voxel) since the scanned tissue section has a definite thickness. The size of the individual volume element depends on the slice thickness, the size of the matrix, and the diameter of the image field. In the visible image, which can be documented on sheet film, each matrix or density value is assigned a corresponding shade of gray that is described quantitatively in terms of Hounsfield units (HU). The Hounsfield scale ranges from –1000 H U to +3000 HU, in which water is assigned an arbitrary value of 0. In a standard CT examination, additional sectional images are generated by advancing the examination table a given distance, usually equal to the slice thickness, and repeating the scanning process. The term “scan” usually refers to the sum of the sectional images from one body region, or it may refer to the sectional image itself.
Visual interpretation of the sectional images is facilitated by selecting portions of the density scale (windows) for modulating the image contrast. Since the examiner can vary these windows electronically over a wide range, controls are needed for image manipulation. Thus, standard window settings have been devised for different body regions and for specific diagnostic situations. The correct window setting is particularly important for cranial CT, because the density differences in the brain parenchyma cover a narrow range of values. The evaluation of two tissue types with very different densities, such as the brain parenchyma and cranial bone, requires two different window settings for image documentation:
• Soft-tissue window
• Bone window (Fig. 1.3).
The evaluation of soft tissues located close to bone sometimes requires some manipulation of the window setting so that any abnormalities can be detected more easily.
Displaying a volume element as a picture element involves averaging the density values (CT numbers) within the scanned volume. As a result, neighboring structures that project into the volume will affect its recorded density. This is important if structures that originate in an adjoining slice occupy a portion of the examined slice, distorting the measured CT numbers and perhaps causing misinterpretation. In cranial CT this phenomenon, called the partial volume effect, is mainly encountered in the skull base region where bony prominences are in close proximity to soft-tissue structures, but it can occur in any area where tissues of lower density are closely interspersed with tissues of higher density.
Fig. 1.3 a, b Axial cranial CT scan at the level of the external auditory canals. Slice thickness: 4 mm; normal findings.
a Soft-tissue window.
b Bone window.
With large, abrupt changes in attenuation like those between bone and soft tissues or air, disproportionate beam hardening and distorted measurements lead to image computation errors for which the CT system cannot fully compensate in reconstructing the image.
Hyperdense and hypodense streak artifacts are particularly common in slices that contain the petrous pyramids and brainstem or the skull base and portions of the paranasal sinuses or mastoid air cells. This type of image artifact, i.e., density abnormality with no anatomic counterpart, can also occur in the basal portions of the posterior fossa, which is why structures such as the lower brainstem or basal components of the cerebellar hemispheres can seldom be reliably evaluated on CT scans. Even below the calvaria, beam hardening can increase the apparent tissue density to a degree that can mimic a subdural hematoma. Scans occasionally show hypodense areas on the floor of the middle fossa that are difficult to distinguish from encephalitis or an early stage of ischemic brain infarction. Motion artifacts do not affect an isolated part of the image, and generally they can be readily identified by their characteristic pattern and their proximity to bone.
Standard Techniques
While CT is inferior to MRI in terms tracranial soft-tissue contrast, it still offers several advantages:
Advantages of CT
Shorter examination time
Lower cost
Easier to monitor seriously ill patients
Easier to evaluate bony structures
For these reasons, CT has become the imaging modality of choice in standard care settings and for emergency diagnosis.
In approximately 30–50% of all cranial CT examinations, renally excreted iodinated contrast medium is administered by intravenous injection to accentuate the contrast between tissues with different blood flows or to evaluate the integrity of the blood—brain barrier (BBB). Iodine has a high atomic number, making it a strong attenuator of roentgen rays. The increase in image contrast that is induced by contrast medium is called enhancement (Fig. 1.4). Usually the contrast medium is administered after plain scanning, but contrast-enhanced CT scans are sometimes obtained without preliminary plain scans.
CT contrast media are typically used in a concentration of 300 mg 1/mL and are administered in a dose of 1–2 mL/kg body weight.
Despite the very short scan times of modern im agers, correct patient positioning is an essential prerequisite for CT images of acceptable quality.
Fig. 1.4a, b Axial cranial CT scan at the level of the basal ganglia. Slice thickness: 8 mm; normal findings.
a Before i.v. contrast administration.
b After i.v. contrasta dministration (100 mL, 300 mg/mL).
In all cranial CT examinations, therefore, suitable positioning aids should be used for comfort and to stabilize the head.
The brain is scanned in axial slices directed parallel to the orbitomeatal line. In a standard CT examination with incremental table feed, the routine slice thickness is 8 mm in adults and 4 mm in children under age 1. A slice thickness of 4 mm is used to detect or exclude abnormalities in the posterior fossa or brainstem, and it may be necessary to angle the slices by tilting the gantry in the craniocaudal direction relative to the orbitomeatal line. A slice thickness of 2 mm or less is necessary for examinations of the orbits, sellar region, and skull base. The sella turcica is best studied using thin slices and coronal scanning. Coronal scans are also preferred over axial scans for examinations of the paranasal sinuses and extraocular muscles, using a slice thickness in the range of 2–4 m m (Fig. 1.5).
If fine structural details of the bone are of primary interest, as in examinations of the middle and inner ear, HR CT is recommended. This technique is based on the use of a special reconstruction algorithm.
Special Techniques
Modern CT scanners with high-performance roentgen ray tubes and other hardware and software modifications allow cranial and body examinations to be done using spiral technique. In spiral CT, the table is not incremented but is advanced at a steady rate while the roentgen ray tube rotates around the patient, who is at the center of a circular detector array within the gantry. As a result, image data are not recorded separately for each slice but are acquired continuously, generating a data set for the entire scanned volume. This data set can then be processed secondarily into individual slices by the CT computer. The slice thickness can be made relatively large by suitable selection of the data-acquisition and partitioning parameters, largely eliminating artifacts due to partial volume averaging.
In examinations of the head, spiral CT is used mainly for the purpose of generating three-dimensional (3-D) reconstructions or minimizing motion-related artifacts.
Spiral CT not only provides complete coverage with no interslice gaps but also acquires the data at a very high speed, completing the scan within 20–30 seconds. Thus, CT angiography (CTA) can be performed by intravenous (i.v.) in jection of a contrast medium with a power in jector and by scanning the region of interest while blood iodine concentration in the cerebral arteries or veins is at its peak. The image data can then be processed at a workstation using the maximum intensity projection (MIP) technique to reconstruct a 3-D image of the opacified vessels. For example, a circle of Willis angiogram can be generated to screen for the presence of basal aneurysms or vascular occlusions (Fig. 1.6).
Fig. 1.5a, b Coronal cranial CT scan through the orbits and paranasal sinuses. Slice thickness: 4 mm; hybrid window for simultaneous bone and soft-tissue imaging; normal findings.
a Scan plane at the center of the globes.
b Scan plane 2 cm anterior to the orbital apex.
Fig. 1.6 CT angiography. 3-D reconstruction of the circle of Willis (viewed from above) shows an acute occlusion of the right middle cerebral artery. Spiral acquisition of image data following an i.v. contrast bolus (100 mL/20 s, 300mg/mL).
The blood flow to an organ, in this case the brain or portions of it, can be investigated by dynamic CT (perfusion CT). As in CTA, sectional images are acquired very rapidly after the injection of contrast medium at a rate of approximately one image per second, but the table remains stationary so that the image plane is unchanged. The inflow and washout of the contrast medium in the tissue can be precisely observed and displayed in parametric images that describe some aspect of cerebrovascular perfusion. For example, there are parametric images for cerebral blood flow, cerebral blood volume (CBV), and the “peak arrival time” of the contrast medium. A disadvantage of this method when used wit h a traditional CT scanner is that only one brain section can be examined per bolus injection. The latest generation of CT scanners, known as multislice scanners, can map the perfusion of large brain areas by using multiple detector rings to record roentgen ray absorption. One question of clinical interest is whether this new technology can supply cerebrovascular data that are useful in selecting acute stroke patients for a recanalization procedure.
Image Data Postprocessing
Even single CT slices can be used as a basis for making precise measurements of length and area. Reliable volume measurements, however, require a more sophisticated approach that ideally includes spiral scanning and a computer workstation. Density measurements, often performed directly at the CT console, are helpful for tissue discrimination. “Secondary” reconstruction, or image reformatting, to produce CT images in planes other than the primary scan plane requires an uninterrupted series of individual slices.
The thinner the individual slice and the more stationary the patient during the examination, the better the spatial resolution of the reformatted image, and the better its diagnostic quality.
Reformatted images are used mainly to investigate topographic issues and questions regarding the extent of space-occupying lesions.
Spiral CT is a particularly good source of image data for 3-D reconstructions. The spatial relationship of pathologic processes to adjacent softtissue and bony structures can be evaluated by generating surface-rendered images or semitransparent displays (Fig. 1.7).
Fig. 1.7a, b Cranial 3-D reconstruction with spiral acquisition of image data.
a Soft-tissue window.
b Bone window.
Two types of electronic postprocessing are available for the visualization of individual structures:
Techniques of electronic postprocessing
Surface rendering, in which the surface or interface of a structure provides the demarcation boundary from neighboring structures
Volume rendering, which encompasses contiguous voxels that have the same or similar tissue density
“Segmentation” is a technique that can be used to delete precisely defined normal or pathologic structures from the image data set.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Basic Principles and Applications
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is based on the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance, which occurs in all atomic nuclei that have an odd number of nucleons (sum of protons and neutrons). Because of their electric charge and their spontaneous rotation about their own axis (nuclear spin), these nuclei possess a magnetic moment and can be thought of as tiny dipole magnets. A prime example is hydrogen nuclei, which consist of a single proton. A water sample, then, contains countless magnetic dipoles. In the absence of an external magnetic field, these protons are randomly oriented and their magnetic moments cancel out. But if a water sample is exposed to an external magnetic field B, the protons (hydrogen nuclei) tend to align with the external field and start to wobble, or precess, about the field axis like spinning tops. The average axis of this precession can only be directed parallel or antiparallel to the axis of the applied magnetic field (Fig. 1.8).
The frequency of this precession is characteristic and depends both on a nucleus-specific factor and on the local magnetic field strength. The precessional frequency for protons is approximately 42 MHz/tesla (T) and is called the Larmor frequency. Because the protons that are aligned parallel to B0 occupy a lower energy state, they slightly outnumber the antiparallel protons. As a result, the magnetic moments of the two proton groups do not completely cancel out, resulting in a “net” moment that can be measured (with some difficulty) as a vector on the B0 axis.
Fig. 1.8 The magnetic moment M precesses about the axis of the static external magnetic field B at the (precessional) frequency ω.
The system composed of a water sample and external magnetic field B0 can now be selectively influenced by adding energy in the form of a radiofrequency (RF) pulse. If the pulse is applied with a frequency that matches the Larmor frequency, the hydrogen protons will enter a state of nuclear resonance and absorb a portion of the RF energy. At this point the magnetic moments do not precess in a disordered fashion but are synchronized (in phase) and will increasingly “flip” to the higher-energy antiparallel alignment, depending on the amplitude and duration of the RF pulse. The result of this is that M0 tilts away from its alignment along B0 (thus acquiring both a longitudinal and a transverse component) and starts to precess in a spiral motion about the B axis. The ultimate size of the angle between M0 and the main field axis, called the flip angle, depends on the magnitude and duration of the energy transfer. An RF pulse that tips M0 off-axis to a 90° tilt is called a 90° pulse.
When the RF pulse is terminated, the transverse magnetization (the transverse vector component of M0) declines, while the longitudinal magnetization (the longitudinal vector component of M0) reapproaches its initial value as the protons return to alignment with the static field (Fig. 1.9).
While undergoing this transverse relaxation (decay of transverse magnetization), the energy that was transferred to the protons is released from them as an RF signal at the Larmor frequency, and this signal can be picked up with an antenna or receiver coil. The RF signal generated by the protons decays exponentially with the time constant T2*. This loss of signal strength is termed the free induction decay (FID). The transverse relaxation is accompanied by longitudinal relaxation as the hydrogen nuclei realign along B0. This longitudinal component is described by an exponential function with the time constant T1. Besides the proton density (PD = the density of “free,” unbound hydrogen nuclei), the different relaxation characteristics of tissues are primarily responsible for producing image contrast in MRI.
Spatial encoding is necessary to locate the point from which the received signals originate within the examined volume (here, a water sample). This is done by means of gradient coils, each of which generates an additional magnetic field that is superimposed over the main field and produces a linear change of field strength along its own axis. The effect of superimposing gradient fields on B0 is to produce different field strengths at different points within the imaging volume. The gradient fields are first used to excite only the protons within the desired slice. When the RF pulse is turned on, a gradient field is applied perpendicular to the desired scan plane (slice selection). Because the Larmor frequency depends on the magnetic field strength, the resonance condition is satisfied only within one “slice” of the water sample, i.e., only the protons in that slice are excited to a higher energy level and subsequently relax to a lower level, emitting a signal. Two additional steps are needed to define the point within the slice from which the signal originates. First, while the signal is being read by the coils, a gradient field is applied along a selected axis within the slice (frequency encoding). Because the spins precess at different frequencies depending on their location, a mixture of frequencies is detected. After this signal is analyzed and resolved into individual frequency components, the contribution of each position with respect to the selected axis can be determined. Spatial encoding for the second slice axis is performed in a separate step. It is done by applying another gradient along that axis, in this case between the RF pulse and the signal readout (phase encoding). The effect of this gradient is to rotate the magnetization vector by a variable amount (depending on its location) at the start of signal readout, thereby encoding spatial information in the initial phase of the detected signal.
Fig. 1.9a—d Nuclear resonance.
a FID after the application of an RF pulse. An antenna can register the decay as an RF signal.
b During FID, the protons return to their initial longitudinal alignment with the static field.
c Longitudinal magnetization (longitudinal relaxation) increases exponentially with the time constant T1.
d Transverse magnetization (transverse relaxation) decays exponentially with the time constant T2.
The time delay between two successive excitation cycles is called the repetition time (TR), and the delay between excitation and signal reception is called the echo time (TE). The frequency and phase encoding are deciphered using a 2-D Fourier transform (2-D FT). As in CT, this process yields sectional images in which the gray level of each picture element (pixel) is proportional to the amplitude of the RF signal received from the corresponding volume element (voxel).
Standard Techniques
With its high contrast resolution and multiplanar capabilities, MRI has joined CT as one of the premier imaging modalities in neuroradiology. The reasons why it is not generally preferred over CT relate to cost and capacity: the examinations are relatively expensive, and CT scanners far outnumber magnetic resonance (MR) imagers at the present time. On the other hand, the primary use of MRI can often shorten the diagnostic algorithm. A significant advantage of MRI over CT is that the acquisition technique can be modified to display a variety of parameters (e.g., relaxation times, PD, diffusion, perfusion, flow), whereas image contrast in CT is based solely on differences in electron density. MRI is also the first imaging modality that provides equally detailed information on both structure and function.
Intravenously administered paramagnetic gadolinium-containing contrast agents have a major role in current MRI practice. These agents amplify the differences in signal intensity between tissues that differ in their blood flow or BBB integrity. Paramagnetic contrast agents are highly effective and extremely safe. The frequency of their use depends basically on the clinical population. In Germany, gandoliniumcontaining contrast agents are administered in 50–80% of cranial MRI examinations. The usual dose is 0.1 mMol/kg body weight, but occasionally it is prudent to increase the dose (to as much as 0.3 mMol/kg) when, say, a low-field imager is used (field strength < 0.5 T) or when looking for faintly enhancing lesions.
The effective, economical utilization of MRI requires a more comprehensive knowledge of the physical principles of the modality and the examination technique than this book can convey, and so the reader is referred to other sources for details. The discussions below are intended as an introduction to help in understanding the clinical chapters.
The MR experiment described above can be modified further to achieve specific types of image contrast. The basic pattern in which RF pulses and gradients are switched on and off is called the sequence.
Spin-Echo Technique
The 180° pulse is applied halfway through the interval between the initial 90° pulse and data readout (at time TE/2). Its purpose is to compensate for the effect of external fields on the precessing spins, which tends to dephase the individual spins and increase the rate of transverse relaxation. When the 180° rephasing pulse is applied, the precessions are gradually resynchronized so that a signal of maximum strength (echo) is measured at time TE. Because the 180° pulse eliminates the effects of magnetic field inhomogeneities, transverse relaxation no longer occurs with a time constant of T2* but obeys the slower, tissue-specific time constant of 12. By selecting various combinations of TR and TE, the operator can obtain images in which contrast is determined chiefly by PD or by the T1 or T2 relaxation time of the imaged structures (Fig. 1.11).
Fig. 1.10 Pulse sequence in the spin-echo imaging method. Tr = 2 s, TE = 20 ms. Accordingly, a 180° rephasing pulse is applied 10 ms after the initial RF pulse. The phase encoding gradient is incremented a total of 256 times. The phase encoding gradient is incremented a total of 256 times.
Gph Phase encoding gradient
GR Readout gradient
GS Slice selection gradient
HF RF pulse
Gradient-Echo Technique
The hallmark of all gradient-echo (GRE) sequences is the omission of a 180° rephasing pulse.
Because a 180° pulse is not used, transverse relaxation in GRE sequences occurs faster than in SE sequences and is described by the time constant T2*. Also, a flip angle < 90° is commonly used in GRE sequences. This allows the longitudinal magnetization to recover more quickly, making it possible to shorten the repetition time and total acquisition time. By selecting various combinations of flip angles, TR, and TE, and by using additional RF pulses or special gradients, the operator can obtain images with different weighting of the parameters PD, T1, and T2*.
Fig. 1.11 a—c Axial MR images at the level of the lateral ventricles. Image contrast can be manipulate by varying the acquisition parameters.
a T1-weighted image: Tr = 600 ms, TE = 12 ms.
b T2-weighted image: Tr = 3300 ms, TE = 85ms.
c PD-weighted image: Tr = 3300 ms, TE = 14 ms.
Thus, despite their shorter acquisition time, GRE sequences have not replaced SE sequences for clinical imaging. Currently they are used as a supplement to SE sequences for applications such as the high-resolution 3-D imaging of the brain or inner ear.
Inversion-Recovery Technique
The inversion-recovery (IR) technique employs a 180°–90°–180° pulse sequence.
The initial 180° pulse “inverts” the longitudinal magnetization, which begins to revert to its initial state through longitudinal relaxation. If a 90° excitation pulse is applied at time T1 (T1 = inversion time) during this relaxation process, it will rotate the recovering longitudinal magnetization into the transverse plane. Thereafter, the process is similar to an SE sequence, using a 180° rephasing pulse to generate an echo. The strength of the measured signal yields information on the longitudinal magnetization at time T1.
Inversion-recovery images are distinguished primarily by their high T1 contrast.
Another advantage of IR sequences is that the signal from certain tissue types or substances can be selectively suppressed by the proper selection of T1. This forms the basis for techniques such as short-TI inversion recovery (STIR) to suppress fat signals and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) to suppress signals from the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
Special Techniques
Rapid Acquisition with Relaxation Enhancement
In rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement (RARE), known also as turbo SE or fast SE, several echoes (each produced by a 180° rephasing pulse) are differently encoded and read in rapid succession following an initial 90° pulse. This shortens the scan time by a factor equal to the number of echoes that are received in each excitation.
This technique is useful for the very rapid acquisition of T2-weighted SE images.
Because only the data readout is modified in the RARE technique, it can be combined with any pulse sequencing method (SE, GRE, or IR). Numerous acronyms have been employed in the literature for these RARE variations. Wit h very fast gradient systems, all the echoes necessary for image encoding can be read after a single RF excitation. These single-shot RARE techniques have also been called HASTE and EXPRESS in the literature.
Echo-Planar Imaging
Echo-planar imaging (EPI), like the RARE technique, involves the readout of multiple echoes after each excitation, but EPI differs from RARE in that a 180° refocusing pulse is not used between the echoes. If only part of the echoes necessary for image generation are read in a single excitation, the technique is called multishot EPI. If a complete readout is obtained, it is called singleshot EPI.
Single-shot EPI can reduce image acquisition times to less than 50 ms.
Because the fast gradient variations call for fast gradient switching times and high maximal gradients, the hardware of the MRI unit and especially the gradient systems must meet stringent requirements. As a result, it is only since the mid-1990s that EPI-compatible systems have become available for clinical use.
Echo-planar imaging is suitable for all special applications in which it is important to have a very short scan time and reduce motion-related artifacts. This includes measurements of diffusion and perfusion in the brain. Like RARE, EPI is a data readout method that can be combined with various scan sequences (SE, GRE, IR).
Diffusion-Weighted MRI
With diffusion-weighted MRI, it is possible to measure the random microscopic movement of water molecules.
To sensitize the MR sequence to microscopic movements, two strong, bipolar gradient pulses are inserted between the excitation pulse and data readout (Fig. 1.12).
The effect of the first gradient pulse is to dephase the individual nuclear spins, which are exposed to slightly different magnetic fields at different locations and therefore rotate at different rates about the magnetic field axis. A second, mirror-image gradient pulse rephases the spins, provided they have not moved during the interval between the two gradient pulses. But since random molecular motion is always present, some amount of residual dephasing will persist and can be detected on diffusionweighted images as a loss of signal intensity. The greater the motion of the water molecules, the greater the loss of signal strength. The magnitude of the signal loss can be used to calculate the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC). The ADC varies in different types of tissue and is also affected by disease processes. For example, the ADC is decreased in cytotoxic edema but is increased in vasogenic edema and necrosis. The ADC is also temperature-dependent.
The b value determines the diffusion weightedness of the sequence. It is calculated from the strength and duration of the diffusion gradients and the time interval between the dephasing and rephasing gradients. Because diffusion-weighted MRI is very susceptible to motion artifacts, EPI sequences should be used for diffusion-weighted imaging.
Perfusion MRI
For perfusion MRI, a contrast-material bolus is injected intravenously and its passage through the brain is tracked with a fast T2*-weighted sequence (GRE or GRE-EPI). Because the paramagnetic contrast agent flows through the brain capillaries in high concentration and does not escape into the surrounding tissues if the BBB is intact, a transient concentration gradient develops between the capillaries and tissue, which in turn disturbs the magnetic field. The resulting field distortion causes a loss of signal intensity on T2*-weighted images (Fig. 1.13).
Fig. 1.12a, b Principle of diffusion-weighted sequences.
a Without diffusion.
b With diffusion.
Calculation of the rCBV and rMTT requires sophisticated postprocessing of the MR data. Both parameters yield important information, especially in the diagnosis of cerebrovascular diseases that involve microcirculatory changes, such as ischemia and hemodynamically significant stenoses of arteries supplying the brain.
Functional MRI
Functional MRI (fMRI) can record local changes of cerebral blood flow in response to a selective stimulus (e.g., motor, sensory, or visual) for the mapping of brain functions.
Functional MRI capitalizes on the fact that oxygen-rich blood has different magnetic properties than oxygen-poor blood, and that this difference can be visualized with T2*-weighted sequences. Thus, the paramagnetic deoxyhemoglobin leads to a fall of signal intensity in T2*-weighted images while the diamagnetic oxyhemoglobin has no effect on signal intensity. The activation of a particular brain area is associated with a rise in oxygen consumption accompanied by an increase in local blood volume and perfusion that overcompensates for the higher consumption. During stimulation, then, increased signal intensity is observed in activated brain tissue on T2*-weighted images. Because this signal increase is small (1–15%, depending on the field strength and type of stimulus), sophisticated postprocessing is required. This might include motion corrections, for example, as well as statistical techniques to distinguish true cerebral activation from pseudoactivation.
Magnetization Transfer Contrast Imaging
In all MR sequences described thus far, the signal arises entirely from “free” protons that are bound to very small molecules such as water or lipids. Protons that are bound to immobile macromolecules, such as proteins, cannot be detected. Because of their very short relaxation time (less than 1 ms), they no longer emit a signal by the time the signal is measured. However, the free protons and macromolecule-bound protons still interact through chemical exchanges and mutual energy transfer. In this way, the macromolecule-bound protons influence the relaxation times of the free protons even though they remain “invisible” themselves. Because the bound protons can be excited over a much larger frequency range, these proton species can be selectively excited and “saturated,” as in the magnetization transfer contrast imaging (MTC) experiment. But the exchange processes also transfer magnetization to the free protons. The greater the proportion of macromolecule-bound protons in the sample, the faster this transfer takes place. If the RF saturation pulse is followed immediately by a standard MR sequence (SE, GRE, IR), the presaturation in the more proteinrich tissue leads to a greater signal reduction than in protein-poor structures. The new type of contrast that results from this process is used in MRA to suppress signals from stationary tissues; it also facilitates the diagnosis of white-matter diseases and of contrast-enhancing primary tumors and metastases.
Fig. 1.13 Perfusion MRI. A transient, logarithmic fall in signal intensity is measured in the gray and white matter of the brain. Because of the higher cerebral blood volume, the signal decrease is greater in the gray matter (GM) than in the white matter (WM).
Three-Dimensional Imaging Techniques
The RF excitation traditionally used for individual slices (2-D technique) can also be applied to an entire volume. Spatial encoding in the direction perpendicular to the image plane is accomplished by phase encoding (p. 15) after the excitation pulse is applied. Data reconstruction is accomplished by using a 3-D FT. The advantage of this technique is that it produces a slice thickness less than 1 mm with no degradation of image quality from increased noise. Since long acquisition times are needed to compile a data set composed of many thin slices, clinical application of the technique requires the use of fast GRE sequences.
Image Data Postprocessing
Unlike the “tissue densities” (attenuation values) in CT, the signal intensities in MRI do not correspond to absolute physical quantities inasmuch as the detected signal is amplified, digitized, and normalized in a way that will optimally utilize the available gray-level scale. As a result, tissue characterization cannot be achieved by measuring signal intensities and is difficult to achieve with reference phantoms. It is possible, however, to obtain images whose gray levels do represent absolute physical quantities by using multiple parameter-weighted images as a basis for constructing “parametric images” that reflect specific tissue parameters (T1, T2, PD, ADC, rCBV, rMTT). Due to the variability of these tissue parameters in a given medium, it is by no means easy to achieve automatic tissue segmentation or tissue characterization even with parametric images. Lengths, areas, and volumes can be measured, however, as in other digital imaging techniques.
It should be noted that distortions can occur at the periphery of MR images. These distortions are especially pronounced in EPI.
MRI data can also be used for multiplanar reconstructions. If the data sets were acquired with 3-D techniques and a small slice thickness, one can reconstruct images in any desired orientation with the same quality as the original images.
Magnetic Resonance Angiography
Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) permits the noninvasive imaging of blood vessels based on the magnetic properties of “flowing” protons (Fig. 1.14).
The most commonly used technique is time-of-flight (TOF) MRA. To accentuate the contrast between stationary tissue and flowing blood, the scan parameters in a GRE sequence can be selected so that the interval between two successive excitations is insufficient for stationary nuclei to relax completely. As the stationary nuclei experience more RF pulses, they soon become saturated. This means that little longitudinal magnetization is still available in the stationary tissue for reexcitation by subsequent pulses, and so the tissue emits a low-intensity signal. In vessels, on the other hand, “new” blood that is not yet magnetically saturated is constantly flowing into the pulsed slice or volume from outside. Consequently, much less saturation occurs within the perfused vessels, and so the vessels give a high signal. Turbulent blood flow like that occurring behind stenoses or at vascular branch points can produce a complete signal loss, termed a signal void. Because of this effect, stenoses often appear tighter on MRA than they really are and can even mimic an occlusion.
Fig. 1.14a, b MR angiography. MIP from data sets acquired with a TOF sequence.
a Coronal display of the large basal arteries, including the terminal segments of both carotid arteries.
b Lateral display.
These artifacts can be minimized by contrastenhanced MRA. This technique is based on the principle that paramagnetic contrast material, when administered as an i.v. bolus, causes a shortening of T1 almost exclusively within the vessels during the first pass. This provides contrast between the vessels and stationary tissue in fast, heavily T1-weighted GRE images. One disadvantage of this technique is that contrast injection and sequence initiation must be precisely timed to ensure that the vessels of interest are imaged during maximum bolus transit. Another problem with this method is that it is difficult to image arteries and veins separately.
A third commonly used MRA technique is phase-contrast MRA (PC-MRA). As in diffusionweighted imaging, a velocity encoding gradient is used to selectively image flowing protons. A technique based on PC-MRA has been developed for quantifying the flow velocity in blood vessels.
A special technique for postprocessing digital MRA data is MIP. In this technique the acquired 3-D data set is reduced to 2-D projections from arbitrarily selected viewing angles. This is done by projecting a ray electronically from each observation point through the 3-D data set. The maximum gray level encountered by each of the rays within the 3-D data set is then displayed on the projection plane orthogonal to the ray.
An advantage of MRA over conventional angiography is that the projection plane can be selected retrospectively in MRA.
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
In magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), a designated volume (voxel) in the tissue is selectively excited. Spatial encoding is omitted during data readout, however, meaning that no additional gradients are turned on during the acquisition. Subjecting the signal to a one-dimensional Fourier transform yields information on the spectral composition of the signal as a function of resonant frequency (Fig. 1.15).
Because the local magnetic field that the protons “see” is influenced solely by the chemical environment of the protons (in the absence of gradient fields), the spectra provide information on the chemical bonding of the protons and the percentage distribution of different chemical species in the volume of interest. For example, free water and protons in various lipids can be differentiated from one another using this technique. Besides the hydrogen nucleus, the nuclei of phosphorus (31P), fluorine (19F), and carbon (13C) can be used for MRS.
Fig. 1.15a, b Volume-selective MRS (proton spectroscopy) in the cerebral white matter.
a Localizing image. the signal (spectrum) is acquired from a cube-shaped volume with a 2-cm edge length.
b Corresponding spectrum. The area under the peaks correlates with the concentration of the particular substance.
Cho Choline
NAA N-acetyl aspartate
MRS is particularly useful for the noninvasive study of metabolic processes.
MRS can identify initial and degradation products based on their resonant frequencies. Also, the quantity of a substance present in a volume element can be determined based on the amplitude of its spectral peak. Tumors, enzyme defects, and degenerative diseases are all associated with demonstrable shifts in normal spectral patterns. But despite the high information content of these spectra, MRS has not become established as a routine clinical procedure due to the technical difficulty of detecting protons that are present in trace amounts in addition to the dominant water and fat protons. Moreover, the information from the study is limited to a voxel that has been defined on an a priori basis. This problem can be overcome by chemical shift imaging (CSI), which not only measures spectra in one voxel but covers the entire region of interest wit h a voxel matrix. Since a spectrum is acquired in each voxel, the distribution of metabolites can be mapped based on the individual metabolite concentrations.
Basic Principles and Applications
Modern imaging techniques, most notably CT and MRI, have altered the indications for cerebral (supra-aortic) angiography (Fig. 1.16).
For example, patients with a brain tumor often undergo angiography only if the devascularization of a presumed hypervascular tumor is planned before the actual tumor surgery. Angiography is still widely used for the investigation of vascular occlusive diseases and vascular malformations. But in these diseases as well, advances in MRA and CTA are changing the indications for invasive angiography. Meanwhile, endovascular procedures with therapeutic intent (interventional angiography) are being performed in growing numbers of patients.
Retrograde brachial angiography and direct carotid angiography have been all but abandoned in favor of catheter angiography. In the latter procedure, a thin plastic catheter is introduced into the arterial system by the percutaneous Seldinger technique. The transfemoral approach is most commonly used, but the transaxillary and transbrachial routes are available as alternatives. Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) following i.v. contrast administration is obsolete for visualizing the intracranial vessels and is no better than Doppler ultrasound for extracranial vascular examinations. There are no absolute contraindications to cerebral angiography, but the general rules governing the use of iodinated contrast media still apply. Tests should confirm that the patient’s coagulation status is within safe limits:
Coagulation values
Prothrombin time (PT) > 50 %
Partial thromoboplastin time (PTT) < 1.5 times normal
Fig. 1.16 Diagram of the supra-aortic vessels (after Piepgras).
1 Aortic arch
2 Brachiocephalic trunk
3 Common carotid artery
4 External carotid artery
5 Internal carotid artery
6 Middle cerebral artery
7 Anterior cerebral artery
8 Vertebral artery
9 Basilar artery
10 Posterior cerebral artery
11 Anterior cerebral artery
12 Left subclavian artery
13 Right mammary artery
Selective transfemoral angiography to depict the cerebral arteries and veins can almost always be done in patients under 50 years of age using a 5F or 4F universal catheter with an approximately 45° angled tip. The catheterization time in older patients can often be reduced by using a sidewinder catheter with a doubly curved end. Occasionally a twist-resistant 6F catheter can also be used. A n introducer sheath helps to facilitate catheter changes and reduce trauma to the femoral artery during tedious vascular catheterizations. The former practice of injecting contrast medium into catheters that are difficult to see with fluoroscopy is not recommended with nonionic media, because they do not have the anticoagulant effect of ionic media. To avoid thromboembolic complications, the catheter should be periodically flushed with saline, especially after contrast injections and each time a guidewire has been used. This can be done manually or with an infusion pump, with 500IU of heparin added to the irrigating fluid per 500 mL of NaCl.
The complications of cerebral angiography are almost entirely thromboembolic, although no reliable figures are available on their incidence. When discussing the procedure with the patient, the angiographer should state the complication rate in his/her own department. Publications report about a 3% rate of transient neurologic deficits, a 0.2–1 % rate of persistent neurologic deficits, and a mortality rate of less than 0.1%. The angiographic risk is considerably higher in patients with underlying atherosclerotic disease than in the mostly younger patients who undergo angiography for a subarachnoid hemorrhage or cerebral vascular malformation.
Arch Aortography and Subclavian Angiography
Survey View of the Aortic Arch
Survey angiography of the aortic arch is performed with a 4F or 5F pigtail side-hole catheter that is advanced to the ascending aorta by the transfemoral route. Forty to sixty mL of contrast medium injected at a rate of 25 mL/s (cut-film technique) or 30 mL injected at a rate of 15 mL/s (DSA technique) will adequately opacify the aortic arch and supra-aortic vessels as far as the skull base. The optimum visualization of all branch vessels often requires two injections—one in a left oblique projection and one in a right oblique projection. A global contrast injection into the aortic arch is rarely sufficient to define the intracranial vessels, however. It should also be noted that the preoperative evaluation of atherosclerotic wall changes in the cervical carotid bifurcation requires a sound knowledge of intracranial vascular anatomy.
Selective angiography is, therefore, preferable to arch aortography alone.
Subclavian Angiography
Subclavian angiography employs the same endhole catheters used for selective cerebral angiography. The catheter is placed in the initial portion of the subclavian artery, and 10–12 mL of contrast medium is injected at a rate of 10 mL/s. This study is recommended for preliminary visualization of the branch vessels prior to selective vertebral artery catheterization.
Other neurologic indications for subclavian angiography
Suspected vascular stenosis with or without subclavian steal
Spinal vascular malformation
Neurovascular compression syndrome at the thoracic outlet
Carotid Angiography
Carotid angiography after direct puncture of the artery is of minor importance today. But if transfemoral vascular catheterization is unsuccessful, it may be necessary on occasion to insert a catheter directly into the left common or internal carotid artery. The carotid system on the right side can be visualized by retrograde brachial angiography (high-pressure retrograde contrast injection into the brachial artery). There are also occasions when direct carotid angiography is necessary for interventional procedures. A standard multipurpose catheter can almost always be advanced to the right carotid artery by the transfemoral route, while a sidewinder catheter is often helpful for reaching the left carotid artery in older patients withelongated vessels. Whe n the DSA technique is used, the manual injection of 6-8 mL of contrast medium in a concentration of 150 mg I/mL is sufficient for common carotid angiography. But when cut-film technique is used, 10–12 mL of contrast medium in a concentration of 300 mg I/mL should be injected at a rate of 8-10 mL/s using a power injector.
Even small amounts of contrast medium are sufficient for selective injections of the internal carotid artery or external carotid artery. But potentially hazardous wall changes at the carotid bifurcation should first be ruled out with a test injection and multiplanar views.
Selective carotid angiography is indicated in patients with a suspected hemodynamically significant stenosis of the cervical carotid bifurcation, and it is still essential for the diagnosis of intracranial vascular diseases in the anterior cerebral circulation (Fig. 1.17).
Vertebral Angiography
Selective injection of the vertebral arteries to define the posterior cerebral circulation (Fig. 1.18), like selective carotid angiography, is almost always done via the transfemoral route.
Almost without exception, a standard multipurpose catheter can be successfully maneuvered into the left vertebral artery. When the catheter tip is placed at the C5 level, a forceful injection will also opacify the terminal portion of the contralateral vertebral artery in most cases. The manual injection of 5 mL of contrast medium at a concentration of 150 mg I/mL is sufficient for DSA, while the cut-film technique requires 7 mL of contrast medium or slightly more at a concentration of 300 mg I/mL injected at a rate of 6 mL/s with a power injector. Vertebral angiography and especially carotid angiography will often demonstrate portions of the circle of Willis, which functions as the key collateral pathway connecting the anterior and posterior cerebral circulations (Fig. 1.19).
Retrograde Brachial Angiography
Retrograde brachial angiography provides an alternative in cases where the supra-aortic vessels cannot be depicted using a catheter-based technique.
Puncture of the brachial artery above the elbow is technically simple and can be done with a special needle or a simple plastic i.v. cannula. Retrograde power injection of the right brachial artery opacifies the vertebrobasilar and right carotid system, while injection of the left brachial artery opacifies only the vertebrobasilar system. The examination can be performed under local anesthesia if a nonionic contrast material is used. For serial filming, 40–50 mL of contrast medium in a concentration of 300 mg I/mL is injected at a rate of 20–25 mL/s, and filming is initiated after a brief delay.
Sinus Venography
Catheterization of the craniocerebral venous sinuses is generally done by the transfemoral route following puncture of the femoral vein, using the same catheters as for selective cerebral angiography.
Indications for sinus venography
Selective blood sampling from the inferior petrosal sinus in patients with a central endocrine disorder and no evidence of a pituitary adenoma on MRI
Interventional procedures
Sinus blood sampling for a differential hormone assay must be done on both sides simultaneously, requiring that separate catheters be placed in the right and left inferior petrosal sinuses. As the catheter is withdrawn, additional blood samples are taken:
• From the jugular vein,
• From the right atrium,
• From the inferior vena cava.
It is advisable to discuss the examination protocol with the endocrinology lab before the test is performed.
Fig. 1.17a—d Carotid angiography. Diagram of vascular anatomy following injection of the common carotid artery.
a Arteries: AP projection.
1 Common carotid artery
2 Internal carotid artery
3 Carotid siphon
4 Ophthalmic artery
5 Posterior communicating artery
6 Posterior cerebral artery
7 Anterior choroidal artery
8 Anterior cerebral artery (A1 segment)
9 Middle cerebral artery (M1 segment)
10 Lenticulostriate arteries
11 Anterior communicating artery
12 Anterior cerebral artery (A2 segment)
13 Frontobasal artery
14 Frontopolar artery
15 Callosomarginal artery
16 Pericallosal artery
17 Insular arteries
18 Prerolandic artery
19 Rolandic artery
20 Parietal arteries
21 Artery of angular gyrus
22 Deep temporal artery
23 External carotid artery
24 Superior thyroid artery
25 Maxillary artery
26 Middle meningeal artery
27 Superficial temporal artery
28 Occipital artery
b Arteries: lateral projection.
1 Common carotid artery
2 Internal carotid artery
3 Carotid siphon
4 Ophthalmic artery
5 Posterior communicating artery
6 Posterior cerebral artery
7 Anterior choroidal artery
8 Anterior cerebral artery (A1 segment)
9 Middle cerebral artery (M1 segment)
10 Lenticulostriate arteries
11 Anterior communicating artery
12 Anterior cerebral artery (A2 segment)
13 Frontobasal artery
14 Frontopolar artery
15 Callosomarginal artery
16 Pericallosal artery
17 Insular arteries
18 Prerolandic artery
19 Rolandic artery
20 Parietal arteries
21 Artery of angular gyrus
22 Deep temporal artery
23 External carotid artery
24 Superior thyroid artery
25 Maxillary artery
26 Middle meningeal artery
27 Superficial temporal artery
28 Occipital artery
Fig. 1.17 c Veins: AP projection.
1 Superior sagittal sinus
2 Ascending cerebral veins
3 Inferior sagittal sinus
4 Vein of septum pellucidum (septal vein)
5 Thalamostriate vein
6 Internal cerebral vein
7 Basal vein (of Rosenthal)
8 Great cerebral vein (of Galen)
9 Straight sinus
10 Confluence of sinuses
11 Transverse sinus
12 Temporo-occipital vein (of Labbe)
13 Occipital sinus
14 Middle cerebral veins and junction with sphenoparietal sinus
15 Sigmoid sinus
16 Internal jugular vein
Fig. 1.17 d Veins: lateral projection.
1 Superior sagittal sinus
2 Ascending cerebral veins
3 Inferior sagittal sinus
4 Vena septi pellucidi (septal vein)
5 Thalamostriate vein
6 Internal cerebral vein
7 Basal vein (of Rosenthal)
8 Great cerebral vein (of Galen)
9 Straight sinus
10 Confluence of sinuses
11 Transverse sinus
12 Temporo-occipital vein (of Labbe)
13 Occipital sinus
14 Middle cerebral veins and junction with sphenoparietal sinus
15 Sigmoid sinus
16 Internal jugular vein
Fig. 1.18a—d Vertebral angiography. Diagram of vascular anatomy (after Piepgras).
a Arteries: AP projection (Towne projection).
b Arteries: lateral projection.
1 Vertebral artery
2 Muscular branches of vertebral artery
3 Anterior spinal artery
4 Left posterior inferior cerebellar artery
5 Inferior vermian artery
6 Tonsillohemispheric branch
7 Basilar artery
8 Anterior inferior cerebellar artery
9 Right and left superior cerebellar artery
10 Marginal branch
11 Superior vermian artery
12 Posterior cerebral artery (circular part)
13 Temporo-occipital artery
14 Internal occipital artery
15 Posterior callosal artery
16 Posterior choroidal arteries
17 Thalamic arteries
18 Posterior communicating artery
c Veins: Towne projection.
d Veins: lateral projection.
1 Superior sagittal sinus
2 Inferior sagittal sinus
3 Vena septi pellucidi (septal vein)
4 Thalamostriate vein
5 Internal cerebral vein
6 Great cerebral vein (of Galen)
7 Confluence of sinuses and falcotentorial veins
8 Straight sinus
9 Confluence of sinuses
10 Transverse sinus
11 Sigmoid sinus
12 Inferior petrosal sinus
13 Occipital sinus
14 Basal vein (of Rosenthal)
15 Precentral vein of cerebellum
16 Superior vermian vein
17 Inferior vermian vein
18 Hemispheric veins of cerebellum
19 Petrosal vein
20 Anterior pontomesencephalic vein
Fig. 1.19 Diagram of the circle of Willis (after Piepgras).
1 Anterior cerebral artery
2 Internal carotid artery
3 Posterior cerebral artery
4 Basilar artery
5 Circular part of posterior cerebral artery
6 Posterior communicating artery
7 Middle cerebral artery
8 Anterior communicating artery
Basic Principles and Applications
The following sonographic techniques are currently available for the diagnosis of craniocerebral diseases:
• Extracranial and transcranial Doppler ultrasound
• Color duplex sonography
• Cranial sonography in newborns and infants.
Ultrasound examinations are easy to perform, require no complex preparations such as sedation or anesthesia, and permit low-cost, risk-free follow-ups with no exposure to ionizing radiation. In infants, cranial sonography can generally be performed until the sixth to ninth month; after that the fontanelles are too small to provide a useful acoustic window for scanning with a 5 to 7.5-MHz sector transducer. The main difficulty in Doppler and duplex examinations of the cervical vessels is transducer orientation, i.e., selecting the proper insonation angle. In transcranial scanning, even an experienced examiner may have difficulty locating the acoustic window, which is in the temporal region above the zygomatic arch. Even with optimum transducer placement, much experience is needed to assign the recorded Doppler signals to specific circle of Willis vessels. Details on the physical and instrumental requirements of ultrasonography can be found in the specialized literature.
Sonography in Newborns and Infants
In recent years, cranial sonography has become a routine examination that is particularly useful in neonatology.
Indications for cranial sonography
Checking premature infants for intracranial hemorrhage
Screening newborns
Newborns are screened with ultrasound to investigate the cause of developmental retardation, respiratory problems, or seizure disorders (malformations, hydrocephalus, cerebral atrophy), and to follow the progression of known diseases.
Brain examinations in infants and newborns routinely employ coronal and sagittal scans (Figs. 1.20, 1.21), and the findings are documented for standard transducer placements:
• Coronal scans through the caudate nucleus and the frontal horn of the lateral ventricle, through the thalamus and third ventricle, and through the glomus choroideum in the lateral ventricle.
• Sagittal scans on the median plane and paramedian planes tilted 15° to the right and left.
The third ventricle, unlike the lateral ventricles, is difficult to delineate with ultrasound in a normally developed brain.
Because of transducer geometry and the convexity of the calvaria, small extra-axial hematomas or hygromas may be missed with cranial ultrasound. Therefore, CT should be performed if such a lesion is suspected. Because 70% or more of preterm infants have a cerebral hemorrhage, especially if a respiratory distress syndrome is also present, the indication for sonography should be promptly recognized, especially since these hemorrhages almost always occur in the first 2–3 days of life. Subsequent CT or MRI follow-up examinations are often necessary in children with:
• Cerebral leukomalacia,
• Inflammatory brain diseases
• Posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus, or
• Developmental delays due to various causes.
Fig. 1.20 Cranial ultrasound scan of a newborn. Coronal scan through the thalamus, normal findings (with kind permission of Dr. Dittrich, Pediatric Hospital, University of Mainz).
1 Lateral ventricle
2 Thalamus
Fig. 1.21 Cranial ultrasound scan of a newborn. Parasagittal scan, normal findings (with kind permission of Dr. Dittrich, Pediatric Hospital, University of Mainz).
1 Corpus callosum
2 Lateral ventricle
2 Thalamus
Transcranial and Perioperative Sonography
Doppler and duplex sonography are among the studies currently used in the hemodynamic evaluation of neurovascular diseases. Transcranial Doppler ultrasound (TCD) is used mainly to examine the large basal cerebral arteries for spasms and thromboembolic stenoses, particularly the basilar artery and middle cerebral arteries. It can also be used in conjunction with the balloon occlusion test before interventional procedures or radical tumor surgery to confirm that the remaining arteries can provide sufficient flow to the brain following the therapeutic occlusion of a major supply vessel. Transcranial Doppler ultrasound is also useful in the intraoperative assessment of collaterals before temporary or permanent vascular clipping and to detect arterial spasms. This can help determine the cause of postoperative parenchymal hypodensities on CT scans and assess the potential for ischemic infarction. Another application of TCD is for continuous hemodynamic monitoring in endarterectomies performed at the carotid bifurcation. In tumor resections, ultrasound can be used to locate and delineate more deeply situated tumor components, and it is also effective in the precise localization of abscesses and cysts.
Sonography of the Cervical Vessels
The high incidence of stroke, which often results from atherosclerotic plaque or stenosis at the carotid bifurcation, underscores the importance of accurately evaluating the cerebral vessels in the neck. Both hemodynamic and thromboembolic phenomena contribute to the pathogenesis of cervical vessel disease. It is important, therefore, both to evaluate flow and to accurately determine the degree of stenosis, since surgical treatment can significantly reduce the risk of stroke in symptomatic patients who have greater than 70% stenosis. In color duplex sonography (CDS), color flow is superimposed on the grayscale image to display vascular morphology, flow direction, and the Doppler waveform in one image (Figs. 1.22, 1.23).
Color flow is a color-encoding process in which stationary tissues appear in shades of gray while flowing blood is displayed in shades of red or blue. The brightness of the color is proportional to the flow velocity. Blood moving toward the transducer is encoded in red; blood moving away from the transducer is encoded in blue.
Thus, the transducer is positioned so that arteries appear red and veins appear blue. An additional color can be used to encode a certain velocity range such as the high flow in a tight stenosis. While the carotid arteries can be imaged in both longitudinal and axial views, the vertebral arteries can be imaged only in longitudinal section. Besides atherosclerotic stenoses and occlusions, including the subclavian steal syndrome, ultrasound can also detect the following changes in the cervical arteries:
• Stenotic kinking
• Aneurysms
• Wall dissection and ulceration
• Thrombi
• Hypervascular tumors (e.g., carotid body tumors).
Fig. 1.22 Duplex sonography of the common carotid artery. Longitudinal color duplex scan of the common carotid artery and overlying jugular vein (left) is displayed alongside a Doppler spectrum of the common carotid artery (right). Normal findings (with kind permission of Dr. Sievers, Department of Neurology, Mainz University Hospital). ACC Common carotid artery
Fig. 1.23 Duplex sonography of the carotid bifurcation. Transverse duplex scan of the internal carotid artery and external carotid artery. The brighter signal in the external carotid artery results from the higher flow velocity in that vessel. Normal findings (with kind permission of Dr. Sievers, Department of Neurology, Mainz University Hospital).
ACE External carotid artery
ACI Internal carotid artery
As in other sonographic techniques, the quality of the study depends on the skills and experience of the examiner. In experienced hands, the results are comparable to those of intraarterial DSA. Intravenous DSA of the cervical vessels has been completely superseded by CDS. A major advantage of duplex sonography over invasive angiography is the ability to obtain precise crosssectional vascular images. The degree of stenosis revealed by sonography is often greater than the stenosis visible on angiograms. If the ultrasound findings are equivocal, isolated stenoses can also be reliably detected by CTA and MRA (especially when contrast agents are used).
Nuclear Medicine Imaging
Basic Principles and Applications
Functional imaging in nuclear medicine is based on the tracer principle described by Hevesy. It states that the biochemical properties of organic compounds remain unchanged when stable atoms are replaced by corresponding radioactive isotopes. The extremely low concentrations (in the micromolar to picomolar range) ensure that metabolic processes in the examined system are not altered and that pharmacologic actions do not occur. As a result, physiologic processes such as metabolism, neurotransmission, gene expression, and signal transduction can be studied noninvasively in living patients. Functional abnormalities develop well in advance of morphologic changes. Nuclear medicine procedures are sensitive enough to detect extremely low molar concentrations in the range of 10−10 to 10−12; in this respect they are 104 to 106 times more sensitive than MRI.
Planar Imaging
In the cranial region, planar techniques are now used primarily for skeletal imaging (see p. 277), although tomographic techniques are becoming increasingly important as adjuncts. The diagnosis of cerebral diseases relies almost exclusively on the sectional imaging techniques of single photon emission DT and positron emission tomography (PET), which are discussed below in greater detail. The only exception is the use of planar imaging to confirm brain death by demonstrating an absence of brain perfusion.
Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography
Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) is a sectional imaging technique for mapping radionuclide distributions in multiple tomographic planes. Unlike PET, SPECT employs nuclides that emit a single photon and thus require the use of lead collimators. The most commonly used radionuclide is 99mTC (140 keV, half-life 6 hours). Depending on the system design, the radionuclide emissions can be detected with one to four scintillation camera heads that rotate around the region of interest.
The scintillation detectors are made of thallium-activated sodium iodide crystals. Using more camera heads leads to higher count rates, enabling the use of high-resolution collimators. Three-head cameras with ultrahigh-resolution collimators achieve spatial resolutions of less than 10m m full width at half maximum (FWHM). Dedicated systems for brain imaging with rotating annular collimators provide resolutions better than 8m m FWHM. As the camera system is rotated around the patient, 2-D projections of activity distribution are acquired at each angle increment, and filtered back projection or iterative algorithms are used to reconstruct multiplanar images of the activity distribution from these planar views. The resulting images may be visually interpreted or semiquantitatively analyzed with respect to defined reference regions.
Since physiologically occurring molecules cannot be directly labeled for SPECT imaging, it is necessary to develop tracers that exhibit similar properties. The most important of these tracers will be described below along with their applications in nuclear medicine neuroimaging.
Fig. 1.24 99mTc-ECD SPECT. Axial scan on the right shows normal cerebral perfusion of the cortex, basal ganglia, thalamus, and cerebellum. Scan on the left shows decreased perfusion of the thalamus and occipital cortex (arrows).
Perfusion SPECT
Two lipophilic tracers that cross the BBB are being used with approximately equal efficacy for SPECT perfusion imaging: 99mTc-hexamethyl-propyleneamineoxime (HMPAO, Ceretec) and 99mTc-ethyl cysteinate dimer (ECD, Neurolite) (Fig. 1.24). These are noninert, diffusible agents that behave like chemical microspheres and show a high extraction rate during their first pass through the cerebral microcirculation. Intracerebral retention occurs after the diffusible lipophilic tracers are converted to nondiffusible hydrophilic complexes. These tracers can immediately detect cerebral perfusion reductions before any abnormalities are apparent in morphologic imaging studies. Indications are TIAs, prolonged reversible ischemic neurologic deficit (PRIND), ischemic brain infarctions including zones of functional deactivation (e.g., crossed cerebellar diaschisis), and determination of the hemodynamic perfusion reserve (reserve capacity, determined after administration of the carboanhydrase inhibitor acetazolamide). Both 99mTc-HMPAO and 99mTc-ECD are also commonly used for the localization of epileptogenic foci and for the early differentiation of dementing diseases, such as distinguishing dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT) from frontotemporal dementia (FTD), multi-infarct dementia (MID), subcortical atherosclerotic encephalopathy (SAE), and pseudodementia due to depression.
Amino Acid Metabolism SPECT
123I-labeled alpha-methyl-L-tyrosine (IMT) is becoming increasingly important as a SPECT tracer of amino acid transport in the brain. The agent enters cells via the L-carrier system for large neutral amino acids, even passing across the intact BBB. Its methyl group prevents its incorporation into proteins, and so tracer uptake exclusively reflects transmembranous amino acid transport. For treatment planning, IMT provides a high lesion-to-background contrast that can accurately define the histologic extent of gliomas of high or low malignancy. IMT is also used in follow-up to distinguish recurrent glioma from postirradiation changes, especially radiation necrosis.
Neurotransmission SPECT
This technique is used mainly in investigations of the dopaminergic system. 123I-iodobenzamide (123I-IBZM) is a benzamide derivative that crosses the BBB and can be used to examine the density of the postsynaptic D2 receptors in the corpus striatum. The main indication for this study is in differentiating idiopathic Parkinson syndrome (Parkinson disease) from a secondary Parkinson syndrome caused, for example, by encephalitic, vascular, or toxic processes or occurring in multisystem atrophy. Other indications are in confirming or excluding Huntington chorea and monitoring the neuroleptic therapy of schizophrenia. A recently approved agent, 123I-fluoropropyl-carbomethoxy-iodophenyl-tropane (123I-FP-CIT, Ioflupane), detects presynaptic domapine transporters in the corpus striatum, thereby demonstrating the density and integrity of nigrostriatal neurons (Fig. 1.25). It is used for the early differentiation of an essential tremor from Parkinson syndromes.
123I-Iomazenil is the tracer used to visualize central benzodiazepine receptors, which normally show their highest density in the occipital and frontal cortex. The tracer is used to locate epileptogenic foci and evaluate the integrity of cortical neuronal structures.
Fig. 1.25 123I-FP-CIT SPECT. Axial scan shows normal, symmetrical distribution of presynaptic dopamine transporters.
Cerebrospinal Fluid SPECT
111In-Ca2+-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) is administered intrathecally (usually in the lumbar region, sometimes suboccipitally) in suspected cases of occult or intermittent CSF rhinorrhea. Multiple nasal swabs are then taken and checked for activity, which is checked against the activity in the blood. CSF scintigraphy is also used in rare cases to test the function of CSF shunts and evaluate the direction and velocity of the CSF flow (e.g., in normal pressure hydrocephalus).
Positron Emission Tomography
With its increasing availability, PET is quickly gaining importance in the clinical diagnosis of cerebral diseases. Positron emitters emit one electron neutrino and one positron. The neutrino passes through tissue with no interactions, while the positron travels approximately 1–2m m before colliding with an electron and forming a positronium. After a life time of 1.2×10−10s, the resting mass of the positronium is transformed into pure energy. This annihilation process yields two gamma quanta, each with an energy of 511 keV, that diverge at an angle of almost exactly 180°. A dedicated PET scanner consists of multiple detector rings arranged axially around the patient. Most detectors in current use are made of bismuth germanate (BGO). For emission measurement during PET acquisition, pairs of opposing detectors respond simultaneously to the arrival of the two gamma quanta produced by the annihilation. This two-photon detection process, called coincidence detection (Δt ≈ 10–15 ns), yields considerably more information than the detection of a single photon by SPECT. This “electronic” collimation eliminates the need for lead collimators, resulting in a marked increase in counting rate yields. A transmission measurement with a rotating external source, such as Ge (half-life: 271 days), is obtained to correct for the attenuation of photons by the tissue. Modern full-ring PET systems have a transaxial resolution in the range of 3–6 mm. The newest hybrid systems combine PET and CT scanners; after correlation and fusion of the data sets, they permit the direct visualization and analysis of both functional and morphologic parameters.
The data can be analyzed semiquantitatively by calculating standard uptake values (SUV = tissue concentration adjusted for injected activity and body weight). Another approach is the absolute quantification of metabolic parameters, such as glucose turnover (in umol/min/lOOg) and tissue perfusion (in mL/min/100 g), based on the use of a pharmacokinetic compartment model and a knowledge of the arterial input function of the administered tracer.
Positron-emitting radionuclides are produced in a cyclotron—a circular accelerator in which targets of stable isotopes are bombarded with heavy charged particles (protons, deuterons, alpha particles) in a vacuum. Many positron emitters have a very short half-life (HL), and so they must be produced close to the facility where they will be used. Examples are: 15O (HL: 2 min), 13N (HL: 10 min), and 11C (HL: 20 min). Exceptions are generator nuclides such as 68Ga (HL: 68 min), which can be separated from the “mother-daughter” nuclide system without a cyclotron. One of these radiopharmaceuticals, 68Ga-DOTATOC, is a labeled peptide that can be used to quantify the somatostatin receptor density of meningiomas, thereby differentiating them from other tumors such as neurinomas.
Fig. 1.26 18F-FDG PET. Axial scan demonstrates normal, symmetrical cerebral glucose metabolism.
18F has assumed special importance, since its relatively long HL of 110 min allows it to be transported commercially over moderate distances. With its long HL, the agent can also be used to label hormones, proteins, and antibodies with slow kinetics. Almost any molecule can be labeled by substituting 18F for hydrogen or an OH group without significantly altering its properties. Also, F is distinguished by a low positron energy (0.64 MeV) and a correspondingly small tissue range.
The advantages of PET over SPECT are the possibility of absolute quantification, the ability to directly label a number of physiologically occurring molecules (e.g., glucose, water), accurate attenuation correction, better spatial resolution, and a better count-rate yield. The disadvantages of PET are its higher costs, the greater logistical demands due to the short HL of positron emitters, and the still limited availability of PET scanners.
Meanwhile, techniques have been devised for labeling numerous biomolecules with positron emitters. PET has found broad applications in clinical neurology and oncology in recent years. The most important PET tracers and their applications in nuclear medicine neuroimaging are described below.
Glucose Metabolism PET
The energy requirement of the brain is covered almost entirely by the oxidative metabolism of glucose, and a strong correlation exists between glucose consumption and regional synaptic activity. Anaerobic glycolysis is increased in tumor cells and correlates with the degree of malignancy. The regional distribution of glucose metabolism can be measured by 14C-deoxyglucose autoradiography, a technique described by Sokoloff. 2-[18F]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG) is the most commonly used PET tracer in neurology and oncology. It permits the visualization and quantitation of glucose metabolism (Fig. 1.26). FDG is transported through the cell membrane by hexose-specific carrier proteins. Uptake can occur without any disruption of the BBB. Once inside the cell, FDG is phosphorylated by the enzyme hexokinase. This reaction is irreversible within the brain due to the absence of phosphatase in that organ. Because the FDG molecule has no OH group at the C2 ring position, it is not metabolized further, and the negatively charged 2-deoxyglucose-6-phosphate accumulates within the cell in a process called metabolic trapping. The high physiologic cerebral uptake of FDG reflects the oxidative energy metabolism and is closely linked to brain activity. The rate of glucose utilization by the gray matter in the awake, resting state is approximately 40µmol/min/100g and can increase by up to 60% with neuronal activation. The average glucose turnover rate of the white matter, by contrast, is only about 20 μmol/min/100g.
Glucose metabolism PET can be used in glioma patients to evaluate the grading of the tumor, locate its metabolically most active components to determine a biopsy site, and permit the early postoperative detection of residual tumor. In the follow-up of higher-grade gliomas, FDG PET can help to distinguish recurrent tumor from radiation necrosis. In the follow-up of low-grade gliomas, it permits the early detection of malignant transformation. It can also be used in AIDS patients to differentiate between lymphoma and toxoplasmosis. Other applications of FDG PET are the early differential diagnosis of dementing disorders and the preoperative localization of epileptogenic foci, especially in temporal lobe epilepsy.
Fig. 1.27 18F-fluoro-dopa PET. Axial scan shows normal, symmetrical distribution of presynaptic nigrostriatal neurons
Perfusion PET
The measurement of cerebral blood flow is based on the indicator dilution method. The models most often used for quantitation are based on the unicompartment model developed by Kety during the 1950s. The tracers used in experimental settings consist of highly diffusible, usually 15O-labeled molecules such as H215O or 15O-butanol, which allow for repeated measurements owing to their short HL of 2 min (e.g., before and after visual or auditory stimulation, before and after cognitive or motor tasks to locate risk structures prior to tumor resection). Under physiologic conditions, glucose metabolism and blood flow are closely linked over a wide range of values. Gray matter perfusion measured by the 15O method in the awake, resting state is approximately 60–80 mL/min/100g. This contrasts with an average white-matter perfusion of only about 20–30 mL/min/100g.
Amino Acid Metabolism PET
The physiologic extraction of amino acids from the blood into the brain occurs rapidly, even across the intact BBB. But because it is very low (only about 1 %), physiologic intracerebral tracer uptake is also low, and even low-grade gliomas contrast sharply with the low surrounding activity. Some tracers label this carrier-mediated transport exclusively (e.g., 18F-fluoroethyl-tyrosine, FET), while others are additionally incorporated into proteins (e.g., L-methyl-11C-methionine, MET). Labeled amino acids provide a means of distinguishing recurrent glioma from radiation necrosis. Because very little of these tracers accumulates in healthy brain parenchyma (unlike FDG), the histologic extent of even lowgrade gliomas can be determined.
Neurotransmission PET
Numerous agents have become available for the PET imaging of presynaptic or postsynaptic parameters, although most have been used for research purposes. Our present discussion is therefore limited to dopaminergic and gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic neurotransmission.
18F-fluoro-L-dopa can be used to map dopamine synthesis in presynaptic nigrostriatal neurons (Fig. 1.27). 11C-carbomethoxy-iodophenyltropane (CIT) can demonstrate the presynaptic reuptake system, making it possible to evaluate the integrity of dopaminergic neurons in the corpus striatum. On the postsynaptic side, the striatal dopamine D2 receptor density can be quantified with 11C-raclopride, 11C-methyl-spiperone, or 18F-fluoroethyl-spiperone. The main indication is the early differential diagnosis of diseases of the basal ganglia or extrapyramidal movement disorders.
The central receptor antagonist 11C-flumazenil is useful in quantifying the density of benzodiazepine receptors. It furnishes information on inhibitory GABA-ergic neurotransmission and can be used for the preoperative localization of epileptogenic foci.
Additionally, a number of labeled receptor ligands are available for mapping other dopamine receptor subtypes, muscarinergic and nicotinergic acetylcholine receptors, and opioid and serotonin receptors.
Normal Brain Maturation in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
To evaluate many diseases in pediatric neurology, it is necessary to know the appearance of normal brain myelination on MR images. In this section we shall review normal myelination patterns in the developing brain and show examples of their imaging appearance.
The maturation of the various tract systems appears different on T1-weighted images than on T2-weighted images. Myelinated brain areas appear bright on T1-weighted images and dark on T2-weighted images. Myelination tends to occur in predictable patterns, as outlined below:
• Myelination begins at the neuron soma and proceeds distally along the axons,
• The brainstem and diencephalon myelinate from caudal to cephalad and from dorsal to ventral,
• Sensory tracts myelinate earlier than motor tracts,
• Myelination in the telencephalon begins at the central sulcus and progresses toward the periphery, spreading first in the occipital direction, then temporally, and finally in the frontal direction,
• The last structures to myelinate are the corticocortical association tracts (U fibers).
The basic MRI protocol should include:
T1-weighted sagittal images
T1-weighted axial images
Corresponding T2-weighted images
The imaging parameters should be selected to provide clear differentiation of the gray and white matter.
Ensure adequate spatial resolution by using:
At least a 190×256-pixel matrix,
A 200–220 mm field of view, and
A slice thickness of 3–5 mm.
Conventional SE and turbo-SE (TSE) sequences (fast-SE, RARE sequences) are largely equivalent for detecting relevant changes in T2-weighted signal intensity when comparable TR (at least 3000 ms) and TEeff values (at least 80 ms) are used.
The signal intensities that are normally observed in various brain regions from birth to 32 months of age are summarized in Table 1.1.
Note that this information pertains only to children wh o were born at term. Corresponding adjustments must be made for preterm infants.
For example, a child born in the 32nd week of gestation will have the brain maturation of a newborn when examined at 8 postnatal weeks.
Birth and First Postnatal Month (Fig. 1.28)
Infratentorial structures that are myelinated at birth in the full-term infant are the medulla oblongata, the inferior and superior cerebellar peduncles, and the superior vermis of the cerebellum. At the supratentorial level, the posterior limb of the internal capsule and the adjacent ventrolateral thalamus appear bright on T1-weighted images and dark on T2-weighted images (Fig. 1.28c,g).
T1-weighted images. T1-weighted images at the end of the first postnatal month show high signal intensity in the middle cerebellar peduncle, the deep white matter of the cerebellum, and-as circumscribed hyperintensity of the medial lemniscus—in the dorsal pons (Fig. 1.28a). At the level of the midbrain, the decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncles, the optic tract, and the superior part of the quadrigeminal plate (superior colliculus) are myelinated at this stage (Fig. 1.28b). At the supratentorial level, the posterior limb of the internal capsule and the adjacent ventrolateral thalamic nuclei appear as areas of high signal intensity (Fig. 1.28c). The proximal optic radiation appears as a hyperintense tract running along the trigone of the lateral ventricle. In the centrum semiovale near the vertex, high white-matter signal is found in the precentral and postcentral gyri and in the adjacent periventricular white matter (Fig. 1.28d).
T2-weighted images. The cerebellar white matter still shows high signal intensity on T2-weighted images at this stage, the middle cerebellar peduncles appearing as bright structures that contrast with the adjacent white matter of the cerebellum. In the pons, the medial lemnisci on both sides stand out as conspicuous dark spots in the tegmentum (Fig. 1.28e). In the midbrain, the optic tract and superior colliculus are already myelinated (Fig. 1.28f). The corticospinal tracts appear as circumscribed dark areas in the posterior limb of the internal capsule, and the adjacent ventrolateral thalamus also appears hypointense. The portions of the optic radiation along the posterior horns of the lateral ventricles are dark as well by the end of the first month (Fig. 1.28g). An initial decrease in the signal intensity of the subcortical white matter is noted in the centrum semiovale. The cortical ribbon of the precentral and postcentral gyri has a relatively low signal intensity that contrasts with other cortical regions (Fig. 1.28h).
Age | Hyperintense structures on T1 -weighted images | Hypointense structures on T2-weighted images | ||
Birth (full-term) | Medulla oblongata Tegmentum of pons (medial lemniscus) Superior and inferior cerebellar peduncle Ventrolateral thalamus Posterior limb of internal capsule (incomplete) | Medulla oblongata Tegmentum of pons (medial lemniscus) Superior and inferior cerebellar peduncle Ventrolateral thalamus Posterior limb of internal capsule (less broad than on T1 -weighted images) | ||
1 month | Middle cerebellar peduncle Deep white matter of cerebellum Mesencephalon: decussation of superior cerebellar peduncles Superior colliculus Optic tract Centrum semiovale Cortex of central region | Mesencephalon: decussation of superior cerebellar peduncles Superior colliculus Optic tract Cortex of central region | ||
3 and 4 months | White matter of cerebellum, spreads peripherally Mesencephalon: corticopontine pathways of corticospinal tract Central optic radiation (lateral geniculate body to calcarine fissure) Anterior limb of internal capsule Posterior limb of internal capsule (complete) Splenium of corpus callosum Centrum semiovale and white matter of central region | Middle cerebellar peduncle Superior colliculus (increasing) Central optic radiation (initial) Posterior limb of internal capsule (complete) Splenium of corpus callosum Centrum semiovale (deep) | ||
After 5 months | Interindividual differences in pons maturation, culminating in uniform low signal intensity | Interindividual differences in pons maturation, culminating in uniform low signal intensity | ||
8 months | Genu of corpus callosum (from 6th month) Supratentorial white matter to subcortical U fibers, except in frontobasal and temporopolar areas From 8 months on, interindividual differences in midbrain maturation culminating in uniform high signal intensity | Middle cerebellar peduncle (increasing) Cerebral peduncles: corticospinal tracts Genu of corpus callosum (starting in 8th month) Centrum semiovale (increasing) Optic radiation and white matter of central region From 8 months on, interindividual differences in midbrain maturation culminating in uniformlow signal intensity | ||
16 months | Lateral thalamus, causing poorer delineation of internal capsule | Cerebellar folia Supratentorial white matter to subcortical U fibers, except in frontobasal, temporopolar, and periventricular areas | ||
24 months | Myelination is largely complete | Middle cerebellar peduncle darker than cerebellar white matter cerebellar white matter Putamen and pallidum separated by hypointense zone Supratentorial white matter except for occipital white matter bordering occipital horns of lateral ventricles (may persist into adolescence) | ||
32 months | Myelination is largely complete | Myelination is largely complete |
Fig. 1.28a—h Normal brain maturation in the first postnatal month.
a—d T1-weighted axial images:
a High signal: pontine tegmentum with medial lemniscus.
b High signal: quadrigeminal plate and decussation of superior cerebellar peduncles.
c High signal: posterior limb of internal capsule (incomplete) and ventrolateral thalamic nuclei.
d High signal: centrum semiovale and cortex of central region.
e—h T2-weighted axial images:
e, f Low signal (infratentorial): structures that appear brighton T1-weighted images.
g, h Low signal (supratentorial): posterior limb of internal capsule (less extensive than on T1-weighted images), ventrolateral thalamic nuclei, and cortex of central region.
4 Postnatal Months (Fig. 1.29)
T1-weighted images. T1-weighted images at this age show increasing myelination of the white matter of the cerebellum. The brainstem has acquired a largely homogeneous high signal intensity (Fig. 1.29a). Scans through the midbrain show areas of increased signal intensity in the lateral portions of the cerebral peduncles, representing myelination of the corticopontine fibers of the corticospinal tract (Fig. 1.29b). The anterior and posterior limbs of the internal capsule, the external capsule, and the splenium of the corpus callosum (but not the genu) also appear myelinated on T1-weighted images (Fig. 1.29c).By just 3 months of age, the central optic radiation is myelinated and can be clearly traced from the lateral geniculate body along the occipital horn of the lateral ventricle to the calcarine fissure of the occipital lobe (Fig. 1.29c). A reversal of signal intensity occurs in the occipital and temporal areas, especially around the ventricles, as the white matter now appears bright on T1 weighted images and the gray matter appears dark (Fig. 1.29d). This signal reversal has not yet occurred in the subcortical regions of the frontal and temporal lobes or in the insular cortex. Because of the timetable for myelination, which progresses from occipital to frontal and from central to peripheral, isointense areas appear in the frontal and temporal junctional regions as the gray and white matter temporarily acquire similar signal intensities (Fig. 1.29c,d). The high signal in the precentral/postcentral and occipital regions reflects increasing myelination of the U fibers and extends almost to the cortex (Fig. 1.29d).
Fig. 1.29a—h Normal brain maturation at 4 months.
a—d T1-weighted axial images:
a High signal: middle cerebellar peduncles.
b, c High signal: cerebral peduncles, optic radiation as far as primary visual cortex, anterior limb and entire posterior lim b of internal capsule.
d High signal: white matter (centrum semiovale), precentral and postcentral gyri.
e—h T2-weighted axial images:
e Low signal: middle cerebellar peduncles.
f Low signal: quadrigeminal plate and decussation of superior cerebellar peduncles.
g, h Low signal: posterior limb (incomplete) of internal capsule(g) and slight hypointensity of centrum semiovale (h).
T2-weighted images. The pons has a largely homogeneous low signal on T2-weighted images. Low signal intensity is also seen in the middle cerebellar peduncle, especially around the fourth ventricle. In the midbrain, the superior colliculus continues to appear dark. The myelinated portion of the posterior capsular limb has spread rostrally (Fig. 1.29g). The splenium and central optic radiation now show slightly decreased signal intensity relative to the adjacent white matter, the low signal extending to the calcarine fissure (Fig. 1.29g). The hypointensity of the ascending sensory and descending motor tracts in the centrum semiovale has increased, especially around the ventricles (Fig. 1.29h). The cerebral hemispheric white matter is still predominantly hyperintense, however (Fig. 1.29g,h).
8 Months (Fig. 1.30)
T1-weighted images. The middle cerebellar peduncles show increasing signal intensity on T1-weighted images, and the ventral portions of the pons appear somewhat brighter than the dorsal portions (Fig. 1.30a). At the level of the midbrain, the high signal intensity of the corticospinal tracts in the cerebral peduncles has spread medially (Fig. 1.30b). At the level of the basal ganglia, the anterior portions of the corpus callosum are also myelinated by the sixth postnatal month (Fig. 1.30c). At the supratentorial level, large areas of the cerebral white matter have undergone a reversal of signal intensity (Fig. 1.30c,d), sparing only the frontobasal and temporopolar regions, where the parenchyma is still mostly isointense.
Fig. 1.30a—h Normal brain maturation at 8 months.
a—d T1-weighted axial images:
a High signal: middle cerebellar peduncles.
b High signal: cerebral peduncles.
c, d High signal: genu of corpus callosum, internal and external capsule(c), supratentorial white matter, and subcortical U fibers(c, d) except temporal and frontopolar areas.
e—h T2-weighted axial images:
e Low signal: middle cerebellar peduncles.
f Low signal: cerebral peduncles.
g, h Low signal: genu of corpus callosum, internal and external capsule (c), optic radiation and white matter of pericentral region (g, h).
T2-weighted images. Myelination is not yet as obvious on T2-weighted images as on T1-weighted images. At the infratentorial level, there is more definite hypointensity of the middle cerebellar peduncle and adjacent dentate nucleus. The cerebellar white matter still appears bright and shows no corticomedullary differentiation. The dorsal portions of the pons are still somewhat brighter than its ventral portions. Two circumscribed hypointense areas flank the midline on the floor of the rhomboid fossa, formed by the medial longitudinal fasciculus medially and the nucleus abducens laterally (Fig. 1.30e). In the midbrain, the corticospinal tracts appear as hypointense streaks in the cerebral peduncles. At the level of the basal ganglia, increasing maturation of the genu of the corpus callosum and the anterior limb of the internal capsule is noted starting in the seventh postnatal month (Fig. 1.30g). The putamen now has a markedly lower signal than the pallidum. In the occipital lobe, the signal intensity of the white matter continues to fade while the projection fibers to the occipital pole increase in thickness (Fig. 1.30g). At the level of the centrum semiovale, the low signal intensity of the subcortical periventricular white matter continues to spread in the frontal and parietal directions (Fig. 1.30h).
16 Months (Fig. 1.31)
T1-weighted images. The T1-weighted signal intensity of the cerebellar white matter has increased, so that the middle cerebellar peduncles and cerebellar white matter now appear to have the same intensity (Fig. 1.31a). In the midbrain, the corticospinal tracts are no longer clearly delineated due to the increased signal of the adjacent substantia nigra (Fig. 1.31b). At the level of the basal ganglia, the putamen can be distinguished from the pallidum and internal capsule by its slightly lower signal intensity. The lateral portion of the thalamus has become brighter, obscuring its medial boundary with the posterior limb of the internal capsule (Fig. 1.31c). The white matter is now hyperintense from frontal to occipital and into the U fibers. The gyral pattern is more prominent frontally than occipitally due to the different maturation rates in those areas (Fig. 1.31d).
Fig. 1.31 a—h Normal brain maturation at 16 months.
a—d T1-weighted axial images:
a High signal: middle cerebellar peduncles.
b High signal: cerebral peduncles.
c High signal: corpus callosum, internal and external capsule, lateral portions of thalamus.
d High signal: cerebellar and cerebral white matter (a—d).
e—h T2-weighted axial images:
e Low signal: middle cerebellar peduncles and folia.
f—h Low signal: cerebral peduncles (f), corpus callosum, internal and external capsule (g), supratentorial white matter (patchy appearance, f—h) except for bright areas bordering the occipital horns of the lateral ventricles(h).
T2-weighted images. The cerebellar folia can now be identified on T2-weighted images owing to their progressive myelination and hypointensity. The dorsal part of the pons (tegmentum) is starting to become isointense to the ventral part (base) (Fig. 1.31e). The nucleus ruber can be identified for the first time in the midbrain, appearing as a faint rounded area of low signal intensity (Fig. 1.31 f). In the basal ganglia, the putamen and pallidum show approximately the same intensity (Fig. 1.31g). Myelination of the cerebral white matter has given it a lower signal than the occipital, temporal, and parietal cortex except in subcortical areas. Myelination is still incomplete in the frontobasal and temporobasal regions and along the occipital horns lateral to the optic radiation (Fig. 1.31b).
24 Months (Fig. 1.32)
T1-weighted images. The brain maturation observable on T1-weighted images is largely complete by age 24 months. At the infratentorial level, the signal intensity of the middle cerebellar peduncle is now virtually identical to that of the cerebellar white matter. The pons has matured to a stage of almost uniform brightness (Fig. 1.32a). At the level of the midbrain, the corticospinal tracts are no longer clearly demarcated from the adjacent nuclei, and the same applies to the superior colliculi of the quadrigeminal plate (Fig. 1.32b). At the level of the basal ganglia, the putamen still appears slightly hypointense to the pallidum. The lateral portions of the thalamus are no longer delineated from the internal capsule (Fig. 1.32c). The supratentorial white matter appears generally hyperintense from the frontal to the occipital lobe, the high signal extending into the U fibers (Fig. 1.32d).
Fig. 1.32 a—h Normal brain maturation at 24 months.
a—d T1-weighted axial images: myelination is largely complete
e—h T2-weighted axial images:
e Low signal: middle cerebellar peduncle is darker than cerebellar white matter.
f—h Low signal: optic radiationto occipital pole (f), putamen and pallidum separated by narrow dark zone (g), all of supratentorial white matter is dark (h) exceptfor frontobasal and temporopolar areas (f).
T2-weighted images. The pons shows almost uniform low signal intensity on T2-weighted images, preventing identification of the medial longitudinal fasciculus and abducens nucleus on the floor of the rhomboid fossa (Fig. 1.32e). The middle cerebellar peduncles are still clearly demarcated from the cerebellar white matter, however, and the cerebellar folia now appear more distinct (Fig. 1.32e). The midbrain also shows a uniform loss of signal intensity. The nucleus ruber appears somewhat more conspicuous, and gray matter can be seen around the aqueduct (Fig. 1.32f). Almost all of the supratentorial white matter has a lower signal than the cortex, except for some oblong occipital zones that are still slightly hyperintense (Fig. 1.32h). These zones are located along the occipital horns but lateral to the optic radiation, serving to distinguish them from a congenital or perinatally acquired periventricular leukomalacia. The last vestiges of incomplete myelination are located in the dorsal white matter of the centrum semiovale and at subcortical sites in the frontal and temporal lobes (Fig. 1.32g,h).
3 Years (Fig. 1.33)
T1-weighted images. The brain maturation detectable by T1-weighted imaging is completed by age 32–36 months. Only the middle cerebellar peduncle is somewhat better delineated from the white matter of the cerebellar hemispheres compared with the adult brain (Fig. 1.33a). At the supratentorial level, the high signal intensity of the white matter extends all the way to the cortex (Fig. 1.33b—d).
Fig. 1.33 a—h Normal brain maturation at 24 months.
a—d T1-weighted axial images.
e—h T2-weighted axial images.
Myelination is largely complete. Physiologic high-signal areas border the occipital horns of the lateral ventricles (h) and may persist into adolescence.
T2-weighted images. Practically all of the infratentorial and supratentorial white matter is hypointense to the cortex on T2-weighted images, the low signal intensity extending far into the periphery (Fig. 1.33e—h). In the basal ganglia, the putamen and pallidum are separated from each other by a thin hypointense layer (Fig. 1.33g). Oblong hyperintensities along the occipital horns of the lateral ventricles are normal features and may persist into adolescence. Definitive maturation of the white matter, characterized by the myelination of all subcortical areas, continues to progress until about 20 years of age. It is evidenced by a decrease in the thickness of the cortical band.
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Malformations and Developmental Abnormalities
General Pathology and Neurology
Malformations of the brain result from disturbances of normal embryonic development.
Studies of molecular genetics have shown growing evidence of structural abnormalities involving a variety of chromosomes. Thus, the nature and extent of the disturbances depend on preexisting genetic factors as well as on intrauterine insults to the developing embryo. Whether the insult is ischemic, hypoxic, toxic, or mechanical is of minor importance. Because various primordial brain structures develop at the same time, combinations of malformations are common (Fig. 1.34).
Fig. 1.34 Timetable of normal brain development. The overlap of the developmental stages explains how congenital brain malformations can coexist.
Stages of brain development
Dorsal induction
Ventral induction
During dorsal induction (at about 3–4 weeks of gestation), the neural plate develops into the neural tube. Typical malformations caused by abnormal development during this period are:
• Encephaloceles,
• Chiari malformations with frequent associated spinal anomalies due to incomplete neural tube closure,
• Hydromyelia,
• Tethered cord.
During ventral induction (at 5–10 weeks of gestation), the actual structures of the midbrain and forebrain are formed. Anomalies at this stage affect the development and differentiation of the brain vesicles and the formation of the facial skeleton. They include:
• Holoprosencephaly
• Septo-optic dysplasia
• Midline cysts
• Cystic malformations of the posterior fossa.
Malformations due to errors at an early stage of central nervous system (CNS) development are particularly severe (e.g., anencephaly) and generally are not compatible with life.
Holoprosencephaly-type malformations of the forebrain are rarely observed clinically because the affected infants die shortly after birth. When the insult occurs at a later stage of embryonic development, the malformation is less severe and there are more opportunities for clinical observation.
A congenital brain malformation does not necessarily have clinical manifestations.
For example, anomalies of the corpus callosum are often clinically silent even if the entire corpus callosum is absent. Detecting such an anomaly with computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) should prompt a search for other, more severe malformations. The clinical neurologic findings rarely point to a specific diagnosis in children with a suspected brain malformation. The dominant features are psychomotor retardation and seizures.
Imaging Principles
The best imaging modality for detecting or excluding cerebral malformations and developmental abnormalities is MRI, whose arbitrary plane selection, good spatial resolution, and high sensitivity to the varying water and lipid contents of different brain tissues are ideal for detecting even minor structural anomalies, including changes in the cortex and white matter. MRI is superior to ultrasound and CT for detecting abnormalities in the formation and migration of neurons and glial cells during the course of brain development.
T1-weighted sagittal images are a good initial study for evaluating the midline structures of the (pediatric) brain but should be supplemented by proton density (PD)— and T2-weighted imaging, with axial scans often giving the best results. The need to add axial or coronal T1-weighted images depends on the situation. The use of heavily T1-weighted inversion recovery (IR) sequences also depends on individual requirements and may be needed, for example, to investigate the distribution of gray and white matter. Paramagnetic contrast agents are particularly useful if there is suspicion of neoplastic degeneration, as in the neurocutaneous syndromes.
Abnormalities of Ventral Induction
Alobar holoprosencephaly. This most severe form of holoprosencephaly is characterized by a complete failure of forebrain cleavage, resulting in absence of the interhemispheric fissure. The telencephalon appears as a horseshoe-shaped mass wrapped around a posteriorly open monoventricle, and the thalami remain fused (Fig. 1.35).
The pituitary and pineal gland are frequently absent along with the corpus callosum, and severe anomalies of the face and palate are generally present. Semilobar holoprosencephaly is a less severe form in which the thalamic nuclei show some degree of separation, and the rostral portion of the interhemispheric fissure is present.
Fig. 1.35 Alobar holoprosencephaly. Axial Ctshows an undifferentiated, horseshoe-shaped soft-tissue mass surrounding a monoventricle and “floating” in a greatly expanded CSF space.
Lobar holoprosencephaly, septo-optic dysplasia. Lobar holoprosencephaly is the least severe form. The septum pellucidum is always absent, and there may be fusion of the frontal lobes with dysplasia of the frontal horns and rostral falx. Often this condition is indistinguishable from septooptic dysplasia (absence of septum pellucidum, deformity of frontal horns, hypoplasia of optic nerves and chiasm), which some consider to be the mildest form of holoprosencephaly.
Neuroepithelial Cysts
These rare cysts require differentiation from arachnoid cysts. They are usually supratentorial and rarely infratentorial. Supratentorial cysts are typically located in the wall of the lateral ventricles but may also occur deeper in the brain tissue. Infratentorial lesions are usually located in the fourth ventricle. Because the cysts contain cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-like fluid, intraventricular neuroepithelial cysts are usually detected only if they are large enough to cause gross distortion of ventricular shape and obstructive hydrocephalus. On T1-weighted MRI, they may appear slightly hyperintense to CSF because of their high protein content, and this will facilitate the diagnosis. Paraventricular cysts are always easy to identify, even with CT.
These rare neuroepithelial cysts should not be confused with two normal variants that are more common:
Normal variants
Cavum septi pellucidi
Cavum vergae (dorsally adjacent, not always present)
Both of these variants are congenital cavities that contain CSF and extend posteriorly below the corpus callosum and between the two layers of the septum pellucidum. Very rarely, a cavum septi pellucidi may develop into a septum pellucidum cyst that produces a mass effect and clinical symptoms. A persistent cavum veli interpositi is occasionally seen above the roof of the third ventricle and below the splenium of the corpus callosum, especially in children. Again, this feature represents a clinically insignificant normal variant.
Dandy—Walker Malformation
Findings in Dandy—Walker malformation
Hypoplasia (occasional agenesis) of the cerebellar vermis
Cystic dilatation of the fourth ventricle
Massive dilatation of the fourth ventricle results in enlargement of the posterior fossa and elevation of the tentorium (Fig. 1.36).
With this distortion of the infratentorial structures, hydrocephalus is present in approximately 75% of cases. Common associated anomalies are callosal dysgenesis (20%) and cortical dysplasia (10%). Polydactyly, cardiac anomalies, and facial anomalies may also be present. Dandy—Walker variant denotes a condition with only moderate dilatation of the fourth ventricle, no enlargement of the posterior fossa, and aplasia of the inferior vermis. Mega cisterna magna, referring to an abnormally prominent cisterna magna, is considered by some to be the mildest form of the Dandy—Walker complex. It may be associated with mild or unilateral hypoplasia of the cerebellar hemispheres and slight enlargement of the posterior fossa. But the cerebellar vermis is intact, the fourth ventricle shows no dilatation or distortion, and hydrocephalus is absent.
Fig. 1.36 Dandy—Walker malformation. the large cyst, which communicates broadly with the fourth ventricle, has caused enlargement of the posterior fossa with upward displacement of the tentorium. the cerebellar vermis is hypoplastic, and the corpus callosum is completely visualized. Mild hydrocephalus is present. T1-weighted sagittal MRI.
Fig. 1.37 Infratentorial (retrocerebellar) arachnoid cyst. Midline cystic mass with compression and anterior displacement of the cerebellum and brainstem. T1-weighted sagittal MRI.
The clinically important distinction between a Dandy—Walker malformation with massive fourth ventricular dilatation and an infratentorial arachnoid cyst is easily accomplished if mass effects are noted, because (retrocerebellar) arachnoid cysts compress the contents of the posterior fossa from behind, narrowing the fourth ventricle and displacing it forward ((Fig. 1.37).
Equivocal cases can be differentiated by the MRI analysis of CSF dynamics or by CT scanning after intrathecal contrast administration.
Abnormalities of Dorsal Induction
An encephalocele is a protrusion of brain tissue and meninges through a congenital defect in the skull. A meningocele is a protrusion that contains only meninges and CSF.
Encephaloceles are only one-sixth as common as myelomeningoceles. The occipital and occipitocervical regions are predominantly affected, followed by frontal and ethmoidal encephaloceles. Temporal and parietal lesions are rare.
Occipital encephaloceles. Occipital encephaloceles usually involve the unilateral protrusion of occipital lobe tissue. The sulci of the prolapsed brain tissue show a convergent pattern toward the site of the bony defect.
Occipitocervical encephaloceles. Occipitocervical encephaloceles mostly contain cerebellum but may also contain portions of the occipital lobe.
Sincipital encephaloceles. Rare in the western hemisphere, sincipital encephaloceles (frontoorbital, frontoethmoidal) contain frontal lobe tissue and produce a visible bulge in the area of the nasal root and medial canthus.
Basal encephaloceles. Basal encephaloceles are a greater diagnostic challenge because they have no external manifestations. MRI is generally necessary to resolve all diagnostic issues, even if the cranial defect itself is clearly defined by high-resolution computed tomography (HR CT).
Orbital encephaloceles. The greater sphenoid wing is sometimes absent in neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF-2), resulting in an orbital encephalocele with protrusion of the temporal lobe. The clinical hallmark is a pulsatile exophthalmos that requires differentiation from a similar phenomenon caused by an arteriovenous (AV) fistula between the internal carotid artery and cavernous sinus.
Chiari Malformation
Chiari malformation refers to a group of disorders characterized by dysplastic changes in the neural and bony structures of the posterior fossa and craniovertebral junction. Several types are distinguished, the most important of which are Chiari I and II. The imaging modality of choice is MRI, with T1-weighted sagittal images providing the most detailed information.
Chiari I malformation. This condition is marked by extension of the cerebellar tonsils, and often adjacent portions of the cerebellar hemispheres, below the level of the foramen magnum. The cisterna magna is greatly narrowed or not delineated (Fig. 1.38).
• Syringohydromyelia
• Obstructive hydrocephalus
The farther the cerebellar tonsils extend into the spinal canal along the posterior aspect of the medulla oblongata and upper cervical cord, the more elongated and tongue-like they appear. They rarely extend past the atlas.
A Chiari I malformation should be diagnosed only if the tips of the cerebellar tonsils extend 5 mm or more below the plane of the foramen magnum.
Chiari II malformation. This condition is marked by greater elongation of the cerebellar tonsils, which in severe cases may extend for three, four, or more segments into the cervical canal (Fig. 1.39).
The inferior displacement of adjacent portions of the cerebellum is also more pronounced, and additional characteristic changes are present:
• Downward displacement and compression of the brainstem (including the fourth ventricle) with a Z-shaped cervicomedullary kink,
• Upward displacement of the cerebellar vermis through the tentorial notch,
• Posterior “beaking” of the quadrigeminal plate,
• Draping of the cerebellar hemispheres around the brainstem.
A stretching of the aqueduct commonly results in hydrocephalus. Other common changes are:
• Dysplasias of the corpus callosum and cerebral cortex,
• Absence of the falx cerebri with interdigitation of the medial cortical gyri,
• Syringohydromyelia.
Chiari II malformation is consistently associated with (lumbar) myelomeningocele.
Chiari III malformation. This is an extremely rare condition in which the Chiari II malformation coexists with an occipital or high cervical encephalocele.
Fig. 1.38 Chiari I malformation. Extension of the cerebellar tonsils into the cervical part of the cisterna magna is the only visible abnormality. T1-weighted sagittal MRI.
Syringobulbia and Syringohydromyelia
These CSF-filled cavities in the medulla oblongata (syringobulbia) or spinal cord (syringohydromyelia, usually cervical) are mentioned here because they often accompany the Chiari malformation. Both may occur in the same patient. Expansion of the ependyma-lined central canal is called hydromyelia, while cavities with a glial lining are called syringomyelia or syringobulbia. But since this distinction often cannot be made even by a pathologist, the term syringohydromyelia is often used for spinal lesions.
It is difficult to classify these conditions by their causes and pathogenesis. Although syringobulbia and syringohydromyelia are usually diagnosed in adults, at least some cases may also be classified as malformations because of their close association with dysraphic anomalies. A disturbance of local CSF dynamics appears to be a key factor in the development of the cavities, with Chiari malformations playing an important role. Trauma (leading to myelomalacia) and space-occupying lesions in the spinal canal (leading to neoplastic cyst induction or extrinsic cord compression) are other important causal factors.
Fig. 1. 39a, b Chiari II malformation.
a Elongated cerebellar tonsils and biventral lobule of the cerebral hemispheres extend deep into the cervical canal (well below a reference line from the posterior rim of the expanded foramen magnum to the hard palate). Note the beak-shaped tectum, callosal dysgenesis, and dysmorphic widening of the medial parieto-occipital cerebral fissures. T1-weighted sagittal MRI.
b Aplasia of the falx cerebri with interdigitation of the hemispheres across the midline. T1-weighted axial MRI.
The diagnostic modality of choice is MRI. The typical imaging appearance of syringobulbia is that of an eccentric, slit-like cavity of CSF signal intensity located within the medulla oblongata. With syringomyelia, the cord is often expanded and shows incomplete, haustra-like septations. Glial reactions are frequently observed at the upper and lower end of the cavity (high signal intensity in more T2-weighted images). Whenever a syrinx is found, a spinal tumor or a tumor at the foramen magnum should be excluded as the cause (using contrast administration in doubtful cases). Other important findings are:
• Chiari I or II malformation
• Tethered cord
• Disturbances of spinal CSF pulsation indicative of arachnoiditis.
Developmental Abnormalities of the Cerebral Cortex, Corpus Callosum, and White Matter
Abnormalities of Proliferation and Migration
The gray matter of the brain is subject to a complicated but precisely controlled developmental process that occurs mainly between the 7th and 16th weeks of gestation and is completed no later than the 25th week. It starts with the production of neuronal and glial cell precursors in the germinal matrix along the ventricular walls and is followed by a peripheral migration of the neurons to their destinations on the cortical surface. On reaching their destination, they differentiate into specific types of nerve cells such as pyramidal cells and astrocytes. The neurons migrate along specialized radial glial fibers that traverse the full thickness of the hemisphere from the ventricular wall to the pia mater and transform into normal astrocytes when the migration is completed. It is assumed that chemical messengers mediate the transit of the neurons along the surface of the glial cells. On reaching their destination, the neurons gather in specific cortical layers and form synaptic contacts with adjacent and more distant neurons. This process is called cortical organization.
Any disruption of neuronal generation, migration, or organization leads to a local or generalized abnormality of brain development with corresponding neurologic deficits.
The potential causes of these disturbances are diverse and may be congenital and hereditary as well as maternal or environmental (infections, toxic insults, ionizing radiation). It has been suggested that besides the malformations and developmental abnormalities described above, tuberous sclerosis (p. 62) should also be classified as a neuronal migration disorder.
Microcephaly is present when the head circumference is more than two standard deviations (SDs) below the normal range.
Microcephaly occurs as a nonspecific accompanying feature of various diseases and is generally associated with below-average intelligence. Microcephaly vera refers to children who have only a mild developmental delay with no focal neurologic symptoms. Histologically, decreased numbers of neurons are found in the second and third cortical layers.
Lissencephaly describes a condition in which the cortical gyri are absent (agyria) or diminished (pachygyria), resulting in a smooth, flat brain surface.
Children with lissencephaly typically show profound physical and intellectual impairment, although the extent of the malformation does not always correlate with clinical disability.
Two main types are distinguished:
Type I (classic lissencephaly). This type is associated with microcephaly and mental retardation, and a refractory epilepsy typically develops at an early age (Fig. 1.40).
If there is a concomitant genetic defect on chromosome 17, the condition is known as Miller—Dieker syndrome. MRI shows a predominantly smooth cerebral surface with flattened sulci and diminished white matter. Sometimes a thin outer cortical layer is demarcated from a thicker inner layer by an interposed layer of white matter.
Type II. This is a more complex anomaly with agyria, pachygyria, or polymicrogyria, a thickened cortex, and edematous or cystic changes in the white matter. Hydrocephalus is common. This form of lissencephaly is associated with two types of congenital muscular dystrophy:
• Fukuyama syndrome, in which the patient has severe mental retardation
Fig. 1.40a, b Lissencephaly type I.
a T1-weighted axial MRI.
b T2-weighted axial MRI.
Note the abnormally smooth occipital surface and the thickened cortical ribbon with an interposed layer of white matter (arrow).
Polymicrogyria is a defect of cortical organization characterized by a decreased number of neurons in the middle cortical layer.
Because the outer cortical neurons are the last to migrate to the cortex, it is assumed that polymicrogyria is based on postmigratory cellular damage caused by hypoxic-ischemic events or a maternal cytomegalovirus infection. This leads to the formation of multiple small gyri in cortical areas of variable size, which often show anomalous venous drainage. Polymicrogyria can affect any lobe of the brain but is often seen around the sylvian fissure. Symptoms depend on the location and extent of the cortical dysplasia; seizures and motor deficits are common. The small gyri are easily missed on magnetic resonance (MR) images, and in rare cases they are calcified.
A special form is congenital perisylvian syndrome, which is associated with bilateral pseudobulbar paralysis of the facial, pharyngeal, and masticatory muscles and with cognitive deficits and epilepsy. MRI typically shows a migration abnormality with bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria (Fig. 1.41).
Fig. 1.41 a, b Perisylvian polymicrogyria.
a T2-weighted sagittal MRI.
b T2-weighted axial MRI.
Images show a typical dense gyral pattern in precentral and postcentral cortical areas.
Schizencephaly denotes a cleft extending through the cerebral cortex from the pia to the ventricular ependyma, usually located in the area of the precentral and postcentral gyri and affecting one or both sides (Fig. 1.42).
The cleft is delimited by dysplastic gray matter, which forms a heterotopic, subependymal layer extending to the ventricle. Patients present clinically with seizures, hemiparesis, or developmental delay. The cleft may be classified as open-lip or closed-lip, depending on whether the cleft walls are separated or apposed. While open-lip clefts are easily recognized on MRI, the closed-lip type is often manifested only by a slight dimple in the ventricle wall.
Heterotopia refers to an ectopic collection of gray matter caused by a failure of neuronal migration.
Heterotopias can be described as subependymal, focal subcortical, or diffuse. Seizures are almost invariably present. While the subependymal form is consistent with normal brain development, focal subcortical heterotopias predispose to motor dysfunction. The heterotopic gray matter is clearly visible on MR images, with periventricular collections appearing as conspicuous contour irregularities along the lateral ventricles (Fig. 1.43).
Fig. 1.42a, b Open-lip and closed-lip schizencephaly.
a T1-weighted axial MRI.
b T2-weighted axial MRI.
The lateral dimple in the ventricle wall is typical of a closed-lip cleft. the open-lip cleftis delimited by gray matter extending from the piato the subependymal level (arrows).
The absence of edema and the isointensity of the heterotopia to normal gray matter are features that distinguish focal heterotopias from brain tumors.
Dysgenesis of the Corpus Callosum
The corpus callosum, the largest commissure in the brain, is formed from the dorsal lamina terminalis by an aggregation of glial cells that, with the aid of surface molecules and chemical messengers, acts as a scaffold for axonal fibers sprouting from the cortex. This process is not synchronous for all segments of the corpus callosum (rostrum, genu, trunk, and splenium) but proceeds from front to back, except that the frontal portions of the genu and rostrum form last.
Fig. 1.43a, b Subependymal heterotopia.
a T1-weighted coronal MRI.
b T2-weighted coronal MRI.
MRI shows conspicuous contour irregularities (arrows) along the lateral border of the right lateral ventricle caused by ectopic collections of gray matter.
A disturbance of callosal developmentcan lea dto partial or complete dysgenesis, depending on its time of occurrence (Fig. 1.44).
Partial dysgenesis affects only the posterior part of the corpus callosum (trunk and splenium) while the genu remains intact. With complete dysgenesis or agenesis, the corpus callosum is absent. A small or absent genu results from a secondary disease process. Because the corpus callosum forms between 8 and 20 weeks of gestation, at a time when most portions of the cerebrum and cerebellum are also developing, callosal dysgenesis is frequently associated with other malformations such as:
• Migration abnormalities
• Encephaloceles
• Dandy—Walker malformation
• Other midline dysplasias.
Fig. 1.44a—d Dysgenesis of the corpus callosum.
a T1-weighted sagittal MRI.
b T1-weighted axial MRI.
c T1-weighted coronal MRI.
d T2-weighted axial MRI.
Note the absence of the cingulate gyrus in a, the steerhorn shape of the frontal horns in c, and the parallel configuration of the lateral ventricles in b and d.
Callosal dysgenesis is clearly visualized on axial, sagittal, and coronal MR images.
Besides the callosal anomaly itself, other characteristic features are present:
• Steerhorn shape of the frontal horns on axial or coronal images,
• Parallel arrangement of the lateral ventricles on axial images,
• Upward extension of the third ventricle into the interhemispheric fissure.
It is important to distinguish callosal dysgenesis from callosal hypoplasia, which is mainly seen in myelination disorders. Hypoplasia is associated with a thinned but complete corpus callosum that is most clearly visualized on sagittal images.
Developmental Abnormalities of the White Matter
Prenatal, perinatal, or postnatal events can interfere with normal white-matter development. Since MRI can trace the normal myelination process in the brain (p. 40), it can also detect changes and delays in white-matter maturation. In contrast to gray matter anomalies, however, often no conspicuous structural alterations are seen, and there may be only nonspecific signs such as:
• Enlargement of the lateral ventricles,
• Changes in the signal intensity of the white matter.
Serial examinations are necessary to distinguish between delayed myelination and acquired white-matter disease. In recognizing hypoxic-ischemic white-matter changes, it is also important to distinguish between premature and term infants, since the vulnerability of the brain parenchyma changes during the third trimester.
The classic explanation for this is that the boundary or watershed zone between the pial and ependymal blood supply shifts from the ependymal periventricuiar level in the developing fetus to the subependymal parasagittal level as term approaches.
Delayed Myelination
Delayed myelination occurs predominantly in children with hypoxic-ischemic brain injury and in hydrocephalus. Vitamin B12 deficiency and persistent seizures can also lead to a delay in myelination. During the firstyear of life, this delay is best demonstrated by T1-weighted MRI and should affect all of the supratentorial white matter equally.
Periventricular Leukomalacia
Periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) is the stereotypical brain injury occurring in premature infants in response to hypoxia, ischemia, or germinal matrix hemorrhage. Various underlying causes have been cited:
• Less oxygen saturation of the blood of the immature lung,
• High metabolic activity during myelination,
• Lack of autoregulation with insufficient vasodilative capacity of the cerebral vessels, making the periventricular white matter more susceptible to ischemia.
The best and simplest way to detect these periventricular white-matter injuries in newborns is by ultrasound scanning through the fontanelles. After about 1 week the lesions develop into periventricular cysts. As the damaged white matter breaks down, the cysts are gradually incorporated into the lateral ventricles, causing typical bilateral, sometimes angular enlargement of the occipital horns. MRI is of minor importance in primary diagnosis, but after fontanelle closure it can most accurately define the extent of the PVL along with secondary changes such as pyramidal tract degeneration (Fig. 1.45).
Additional MRI findings:
• Thinning of the corpus callosum (especially the trunk and splenium),
• Delayed myelination.
Parasagittal White-Matter Injury
Parasagittal white-matter injury is the stereotypical brain injury encountered in term infants. The shift of the vascular watershed zones as term approaches gives rise to a lesion pattern that spares the immediate subependymal regions. Since the glial cells are also better able to respond to injuries during the third trimester, the affected areas undergo a reactive gliosis rather than a complete parenchymal breakdown. Sites of predilection are the parasagittal frontal white matter and parieto-occipital white matter—the very regions that are difficult to evaluate with ultrasound because of their proximity to the calvaria. MRI is the optimal modality for these cases. T2-weighted sequences are particularly useful for demonstrating perinatal and postnatal white-matter changes (Fig. 1.46).
Cortical edema can be detected in the acute stage. Imaging in the subacute stage shows the spread of edema to the adjacent white matter and eventual thinning of the cortex with whitematter gliosis and permanent ex-vacuo enlargement of adjacent ventricular segments.
Fig 1.45a—d Periventricular leukomalacia.
a T1-weighted sagittal MRI.
b T1-weighted axial MRI.
c T2-weighted coronal MRI.
d T2-weighted axial MRI.
Note the thinned corpus callosum in a and the expanded occipital horns in b, with increased whitematter signal intensity extendin gto the ventricular walls in c and d.
Fig. 1. 46a, b Parasagittal whitematter injury.
a T1-weighted sagittal MRI.
b T2-weighted axial MRI.
Note the parasagittal distribution pattern of the lesions, which spares a thin subependymal rim (arrow).
The neurocutaneous syndromes, or phakomatoses, are a heterogeneous group of congenital systemic disorders that are associated with dysplasias and neoplasias of tissues of neuroectodermal and mesenchymal origin. The modes of inheritance have been established for the most important neurocutaneous syndromes, and these diseases will be discussed below.
Neurofibromatosis (NF) is the most common neurocutaneous syndrome. It is classified genetically and clinically into two subtypes:
NF-1 (classic von Recklinghausen disease). NF-1 predisposes to intracranial tumors such as gliomas, especially of the anterior visual tract. Other common brain tumors are diencephalic and brainstem gliomas, consisting mainly of pilocytic astrocytomas, and also gangliogliomas. Additional features of NF-1 are:
• Changes in skin pigmentation,
• Cutaneous fibromas,
• Cranial dysplasias such as absence or dysplasia of the greater sphenoid wing with orbital herniation of temporal lobe tissue, characteristic defects in the calvaria,
• Vertebral dysplasias such as kyphoscoliosis and posterior scalloping of vertebral bodies,
• Dysplasias of other structures of mesenchymal origin.
Fig. 1. 47 NF–1. Plexiform neurofibroma of the right cheek and sphenoid wing dysplasia on the right side with exophthalmos.
a T1-weighted axial MRI after paramagnetic contrast administration.
b 3-D reconstruction of the skull base from CT data (same patient, superior view).
Optic gliomas lead to elongation and thickening of the optic nerve and expansion of the optic chiasm. They frequently enhance on postcontrast MRI and CT scans. Usually only MRI can reliably detect postchiasmatic involvement. MRI can also demonstrate hamartomas, which appear as areas of increased signal intensity on T2-weighted images located in the visual tract, the periventricular cerebral or cerebellar white matter, basal ganglia, and dentate nucleus. The morphologic substrate of these changes is still uncertain. Apparently they are not tumor precursors, because they have not been found to undergo neoplastic transformation and they frequently regress.
The neurofibromas that characterize NF-1 are tumors of fibroblasts, myelin sheaths, and nerve cells.
Plexiform neurofibromas are pathognomonic for the disease. In the skull, these tumors occur predominantly at periorbital sites and are equally well demonstrated by CT and MRI owing to the good local tissue contrast (Fig. 1.47). The intraorbital extension of plexiform neurofibroma often produces significant mass effect.
NF-2 (“central” neurofibromatosis). NF-2 is much less common than NF-1, and its manifestations are predominantly neoplastic. In contrast to NF-1, the tumors do not originate from neuronal or glial cells but from cells of the Schwann sheath, meninges, and ependyma. Skin lesions may occur but are of minor importance. A characteristic feature of NF-2 is bilateral acoustic neurinomas (more precisely: vestibular nerve schwannomas). Neurinomas may also affect other cranial nerves and are often multiple. NF-2 also predisposes to meningiomas and ependymomas. Al l these tumors show intense contrast enhancement on CT and MRI. Sometimes cystic or necrotic components are also seen. Purely intrameatal acoustic neurinomas are missed on CT due to beam-hardening artifacts unless intrathecal contrast is used. The current imaging modality of choice for detecting a suspected acoustic neuroma (or other cerebellopontine angle mass) is MRI (p. 13).
Tuberous Sclerosis
Tuberous sclerosis (Bourneville—Pringle disease) is characterized clinically by the following triad:
Clinical triad of tuberous sclerosis
Adenoma sebaceum
Mental retardation
Cranial manifestations
Iris hamartomas
Subependymal glial nodules
Cortical tubers; ventricular enlargement in approximately 30% of cases
The number and location of the cortical tubers correlate with the degree of mental retardation and the severity of seizures. The gray—white matter junction is obscured within large tubers, which contain giant cells and increased numbers of astrocytes. Heterotopias and white-matter changes are found in the adjacent subcortical brain parenchyma. The tubers are isodense to the cortex on CT scans. They are isointense on MRI, which shows white-matter areas of increased signal intensity (Fig. 1.48).
The latter consist of giant cells, gliosis, and demyelinated areas and often form streaks extending from the subependymal nodules to the cortical tubers. If tubers and nodules are absent, these linear abnormalities may be the only sign of the disease on MRI. The subependymal nodules are composed of multinucleated giant cell astrocytes. They often calcify, becoming visible on CT scans. Contrast enhancement should be considered evidence of neoplastic transformation. Giant cell astrocytomas develop from the nodules in approximately 10% of patients. These histologically benign tumors are generally located near the foramen of Monro and can gradually lead to unilateral or bilateral obstructive hydrocephalus of the lateral ventricles. They appear on CT and MRI as calcified intraventricular tumors that often show intense contrast enhancement.
Hippel—Lindau Disease
Characteristic symptoms of Hippel—Lindau disease
Vascular, often partially cystic tumors of the cerebellum and occasionally of the spinal cord
Retinal hemangiomas
Visceral cysts and tumors
Retinal hemangiomas are found in 50–70% of patients. They are the only prepubertal manifestation and are detected by ophthalmoscopy. Cerebellar hemangioblastomas occur after puberty, are generally multiple, and form close to the pia. They consist of a capillary-cavernous vascular matrix without a tumor capsule, and they do not calcify. Solid, cystic, hemorrhagic, or structurally mixed hemangioblastomas are merely different stages of the same tumor, not histologic variants. All are clearly visualized by CT and MRI, but contrast enhancement is essential (p. 106). MRI is the most sensitive modality. Vertebral angiography is rarely indicated as a follow-up study, but it may be necessary for surgical planning or preoperative devascularization (Fig. 1.49)(p. 358).
Sturge—Weber Disease
This disease, the causes of which are obscure and which also is known as encephalofacial angiomatosis, affects blood vessels of the facial skin, leptomeninges, and eyes. Dysplasias are a very prominent feature, and there are no significant neoplastic manifestations.
The clinical features of Sturge—Weber disease include the following:
• Facial port-wine nevus
• Congenital glaucoma
• Seizures of early childhood onset
• Psychomotor retardation with hemiparesis on the side opposite the facial nevus.
Fig. 1.48a—d Tuberous sclerosis. MRI reveals multiple bilateral cortical tubers, especially in the frontoparietal areas, and numerous calcified subependymal nodules on the walls of the lateral ventricles.
a Noncontrast axial CT.
b T1-weighted axial MRI.
c T2-weighted axial MRI.
d T1-weighted axial MRI.
Fig. 1.49 Hippel—Lindau disease. Nodular tumor (hemangioblastoma) in the upper partof the cerebellum shows intense, homogeneous enhancement. Vertebral angiogram, lateral projection.
The angiomatosis, which is occasionally bilateral, is most clearly demonstrated by contrast-enhanced MRI (Fig. 1. 50). It is not detectable by angiography and is rarely visible on CT scans.
The angiomatosis forms a rim bordering the calvaria; it also follows the cortical gyral pattern and extends into the sulci. MRI studies have shown that the port-wine nevus and angiomatosis can occur on different sides. The leptomeningeal vascular changes are often accompanied by (angiographically detectable) abnormalities of the large cerebral veins. The cerebral arteries are unchanged. Angiomatous thickening of the ipsilateral choroid plexus is a typical finding on contrast-enhanced CT or MRI. Both modalities almost always show a predominantly cortical atrophy of the cerebral hemisphere on the dysplastic side. The overlying calvaria is thickened. Calcifications usually start in the parieto-occipital region and outline the cerebral fissures. Often they are visible during childhood on plain skull films.
Fig. 1.50 Sturge—Weber disease. Characteristic leptomeningeal angiomatosis, occurring here in the left parieto-occipital region. T1-weighted axial MRI afterparamagnetic contrastenhancement.
Hydrocephalus (Congenital Forms)
Hydrocephalus occurs when an imbalance between CSF production and reabsorption leads to an increased volume of CSF followed by a rise in intracranial pressure and possible damage to the brain parenchyma, depending on the duration and degree of the pressure increase. CSF production (0. 3–0. 4 mL/min) occurs mainly in the choroid plexuses of the lateral ventricles, while reabsorption occurs in the arachnoid villi of the pacchionian granulations over the cerebral convexity. CSF normally flows from the lateral ventricles through the foramina of Monro, third ventricle, aqueduct, and fourth ventricle into the basal cisterns before ascending through the sylvian cisterns to the paramedian convexity of the brain.
Clinical forms of hydrocephalus
Communicating hydrocephalus with obstruction outside the ventricular system
Noncommunicating hydrocephalus with obstruction inside the ventricular system
The site of the obstruction is determined radiologically, usually on the basis of CT or MRI findings. The CSF spaces proximal to the obstruction are enlarged, while the spaces distal to the obstruction are normal or narrowed. With elevatedpressure hydrocephalus, the periventricular white matter often shows a greatly decreased density (CT) or greatly increased signal intensity (PD- or T2-weighted MRI) as evidence of compensatory transependymal absorption of the ventricular CSF (Fig. 1.51).
Communicating Hydrocephalus
In approximately 30% of all congenital forms of hydrocephalus the obstruction is located outside the ventricular system. The most frequent cause in preterm infants (before 32 weeks) is intraventricular hemorrhage, which is followed within 10 days by partial fibrosis of the subarachnoid space. Acute meningitis can also lead to hydrocephalus by the obliteration of CSF pathways or by direct inflammation of the arachnoid villi. While bacterial meningitis tends to cause impairment of CSF flow over the cerebral convexity, granulomatous and parasitic meningitis tend to obliterate the basal cisterns.
Noncommunicating Hydrocephalus
In approximately 70% of congenital forms of hydrocephalus, the obstruction is located within the ventricular system.
Most frequent causes
Malformations of the posterior fossa, especially Dandy—Walker malformation (p. 51)
Aqueductal stenosis
Primary congenital aqueductal stenosis is characterized by an anomalous circular constriction in the upper third of the aqueduct. In aqueductal gliosis, a perinatal infection or hemorrhage leads to destruction of the ependyma with stricture formation. The different forms of aqueductal stenosis cannot be reliably distinguished by CT or MRI.
Recent studies confirm that when the impaired CSF circulation is treated surgically, as by shunt insertion, a decrease in ventricular size is not a good primary criterion for evaluating therapeutic response. A better criterion is the decrease in periventricular interstitial edema caused by CSF that is passed (“squeezed”) through the ependyma into the brain parenchyma. Thus, hydrocephalus-related complaints may regress without an accompanying reduction in ventricular size.
Other Malformations and Developmental Abnormalities
Porencephaly and Arachnoid Cysts
Primary porencephaly denotes the presence of a cavity in the brain parenchyma. In external porencephaly the cavity communicates with the subarachnoid space; in internal porencephaly it communicates with the ventricular system. Usually the lesion is a malacic cyst resulting from a fetal or perinatal impairment of blood flow (see Schizencephaly, p. 56) (Fig. 1.52).
Fig. 1.51 Acute hydrocephalus. Ventricular enlargementis still moderate, butthe subarachnoid space is already narrowed. The hyperintensity around the frontal horns represents interstitial edema due to transependymal CSF leak. PD-weighted coronal MRI.
Secondary porencephaly refers to similar cavities resulting from trauma, cerebral hemorrhage, or infection. It develops after gyrus formation is completed (32nd to 36th week of gestation). Insults at an earlier stage lead to schizencephaly, often combined with narrow, sclerotic cerebral gyri (ulegyria). The sylvian fissure is a site of predilection for porencephalic cysts. None of the forms mentioned above has an arachnoid lining.
Fig. 1.52 Porencephaly. A cavity of CSF signal intensity is located in the rightfrontal white matter. Only a thin membrane (presumably incomplete) separates it from the enlarged frontal horn. T1-weighted coronal MRI.
Arachnoid cysts are fluid-filled cavities that result from duplication or splitting of the arachnoid membrane. It is common to find dysplasia of adjacent brain areas, such as partial aplasia of the temporal lobe associated with arachnoid cysts in the middle fossa, but it is unclear whether this is a cause or effect of the cysts.
Most arachnoid cysts appear to be congenital or have a perinatal cause. A purely traumatic cause is considered rare. Although the cysts can occur anywhere in or adjacent to the subarachnoid space, they have a predilection for the temporal region. Despite their early origin, many arachnoid cysts do not become symptomatic until adulthood, if at all, due to an impairment of CSF dynamics or fluid secretion from the cyst wall. CT and MRI are of equal diagnostic value, and both will demonstrate all essential morphologic features (Fig. 1.53).
Information on the CSF dynamics of the cyst, i. e., the question of whether the cyst communicates freely with the subarachnoid space, requires intrathecal (lumbar) contrast administration and delayed CT scanning. Another option is to apply MR sequences that are sensitive to CSF flow. An arachnoid cyst producing a mass effect requires surgical treatment only if it has little or no communication with the subarachnoid space (Fig. 1.37).
Fig. 1.53a, b Arachnoid cyst. A cystic cavity of CSF signal intensity is visible in the left temporal area. There is a slightmass effect accompanied by partial aplasia of the temporal lobe.
a T1-weighted axial MRI.
b T2-weighted coronal MRI.
Ectopia of the Posterior Pituitary
Injury or even complete avulsion of the pituitary stalk can occur as a result of obstetric trauma. The extent of the injury can be accurately defined with MRI. Besides disruption of the pituitary stalk, images acquired at a later stage may show absence of the normal hyperintense neurohypophysis in the posterior sella and instead reveal a similarly hyperintense, bud-like regenerative neurohypophysis at the floor of the third ventricle. Vasopressin secretion by this “ectopic” posterior pituitary lobe (Fig. 1.54) prevents the occurrence of diabetes insipidus.
Due to the disruption of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, however, releasing factors can reach the adenohypophysis only by way of the general circulation and only in small amounts. A common result of this is pituitary dwarfism and, occasionally, panhypopituitarism.
Malformations of the Eye and Orbit
The bony orbit may be deformed primarily by facial clefts and premature suture closure or secondarily due to malformations of the globe and orbital soft tissues. Anophthalmos and microphthalmos are attributed to faulty development or incomplete regression of the optic vesicle. Associated anomalies such as facial clefts and basal encephaloceles as well as cataracts, colobomas, and epibulbar epidermoids in the opposite eye are common. In hypertelorism, the distance between the orbits is abnormally large. This symptom is found in a variety of craniofacial anomalies, including basal encephaloceles (p. 52).
Many syndromes are characterized by ocular and orbital involvement, including:
• Hemifacial microsomia
• Oculoauricular dysplasia (Goldenhar syndrome)
• Mandibulofacial dysostosis (Treacher-Collins-Franceschetti syndrome)
• Pierre-Robin syndrome.
Details on these syndromes can be found in textbooks on pediatric neurology and pediatric neuroradiology.
Cranial and Craniospinal Malformations
The size of the cranial vault correlates closely with brain development and intracranial pressure. Calvarial deformities most commonly result from premature closure of the cranial sutures.
Microcephaly is usually an expression of severe brain damage, while macrocephaly reflects an abnormally raised intracranial pressure. When a cranial suture closes prematurely, cranial growth at right angles to the suture is blocked or suppressed, resulting in a bony stenosis with compensatory growth. Premature synostosis of the coronal suture leads to decreased longitudinal skull growth with flattening of the frontal calvarial convexity and compensatory growth along the sagittal and lambdoid sutures (turricephaly). Premature closure of the sagittal suture leads to increased longitudinal growth at the coronal and lambdoid sutures, resulting in a long, narrow skull (scaphocephaly). Premature closure of the coronal and lambdoid sutures results in a short skull with compensatory growth toward the vertex (acrocephaly). In principle, premature synostosis can affect any cranial suture or a portion of it. Because the coronal suture is most often affected, turricephaly is the most common form of craniosynostosis. CT is the preferred imaging modality, and three-dimensional (3-D) surface reconstructions supplement the standard workup by showing the cranial deformity in its entirety, while permitting an analysis of the synostosis itself and the accompanying “crest. ”
Fig. 1.54 Ectopic neurohypophysis in a 12-year-old boy of shortstature. the pituitary stalk is extremely narrow, and a nodular soft-tissue mass of high signal intensity is visible on the floor of the third ventricle. The sella is relatively small and contains only the adenohypophysis; the normally hyperintense neurohypophysis is absent. T1-weighted sagittal MRI.
According to Tessier, craniofacial malformations result from the incomplete fusion of clefts combined with the premature fusion of embryonic growth zones. They lead to various deformities of the facial skeleton. The best known condition is Crouzon disease, a syndrome characterized by craniosynostosis with brachycephaly, maxillary hypoplasia, and exophthalmos.
Bony deformities of the craniovertebral junction consist predominantly of:
• Dysplasias
• Dysraphias
• Segmentation anomalies.
A distinction is drawn between occipital and suboccipital dysplasias. In the first category, basilar impression with a small, flat posterior fossa and “high” cervical spine is of particular importance. It is not caused by an impression or invagination of the skull base but by deficient downward growth of the occipital bone. It has a high association with Chiari malformations (p. 52). Important among the suboccipital dysplasias is the osodontoideum with hypoplasia of the dens. Problems can arise in distinguishing an os odontoideum from a nonunited fracture of the dens (Fig. 1.55).
Fig. 1. 55a, b Os odontoideum. Conventional sagittal functional tomogram of the craniovertebral junction shows a hypermobile, unstable os odontoideum with a pseudarthrosis.
a Lateral flexion view,
b Lateral extension view,
Diagnostic Evaluation of Epilepsy
Between 0.5% and 1% of the population in Europe and North America suffer chronic, spontaneously recurring cerebral seizures (epilepsy). Approximately 5 % of all individuals have isolated seizure episodes during their lifetime, usually as a result of alcohol abuse, sleep deprivation, infection, cerebral ischemia, or an intracranial tumor. CT is usually adequate for the imaging evaluation of these isolated events. MRI is a more appropriate study for epileptic seizures, provided the seizures are focal (40–60% of cases) rather than generalized. Consequently, this differentiation should be made beforehand on the basis of clinical and electroencephalogram (EEG) findings. In patients with focal epilepsy, a meticulous examination will disclose structural, usually cortical changes in more than 90% of cases. These changes are not found in patients with a primary generalized form of epilepsy.
Most common epileptogenic lesions in Europe and North America
Hippocampal sclerosis (mesial temporal sclerosis)
Cortical dysplasia (Fig. 1.56)
Migration and gyration abnormalities (congenital malformations)
Brain tumors (generally benign)
Posttraumatic loss of brain substance
Vascular malformations
Inflammatory foci
The detection of these lesions influences the classification and treatment of epilepsy. Treatment generally consists of anticonvulsant medication. Lesion detection is of critical importance in patients who do not respond to medical therapy, because epilepsy surgery (resection of the epileptogenic zone) may offer the only chance for an effective treatment. MRI, with its unsurpassed contrast resolution, is the imaging procedure of choice for detecting the underlying pathology. This requires a complex imaging protocol (Table 1.2) tailored to the type of epilepsy that has been identified by clinical and EEG findings.
Fig. 1.56a, b Cortical dysplasia. Cortical thickening (arrows) with circumscribed high signal (arrow head) is noted in the right frontal area. the high signal is clearly distinguishable from CSF only on the PD-weighted image.
a PD-weighted axial MRI.
b T2-weighted axial MRI.
In patients with temporal lobe epilepsy, which accounts for approximately 80% of all focal epilepsies, axial slices should be angled parallel to the long axis of the temporal lobes or hippocampi, and coronal slices should be perpendicular to that axis. Generally it is best to have the highest spatial and contrast resolution possible. If Mr images are negative, CT should be performed since small calcified lesions may be missed on MRI.
Hippocampal sclerosis is the most common underlying pathology, detected in approximately 40% of cases. It is best seen on T2-weighted coronal images, appearing as a hyperintense area with gliosis or a focal atrophic area with loss of neurons (Fig. 1.57).
It may be necessary to quantify the signal and volume of the hippocampi in order to establish the diagnosis and exclude bilateral involvement (15%).
To detect small tumors, cortical dysplasia, and inflammatory foci, which together comprise an additional 40% of epileptogenic lesions, T1- and T2-weighted images should be supplemented by PD-weighted or fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequences; otherwise cortical or juxtacortical lesions with a high T2 signal are difficult to distinguish from CSF. Cortical dysplasia is characterized by unifocal or multifocal thickening of the cerebral cortex, which may or may not show increased T2 signal intensity. The dysplasia is often calcified, much as in tuberous sclerosis. The most common epileptogenic tumor is ganglioglioma, accounting for some 40% of cases. It is followed by:
• Astrocytoma
• Oligodendroglioma
• Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors (DNT, Fig. 1.58).
Fig. 1.57 Hippocampal sclerosis. The left hippocampus shows marked hyperintensity and atrophy as a sign of marked hippocampal sclerosis (later confirmed histologically). T2-weighted coronal MRI usin g a turbo-SE (TSE) sequence. Slice thickness: 2 mm; imaging plane perpendicularto temporal lobe axis.
Fig. 1.58a, b DNT. the hippocampus and parahippocampal gyrus are permeated by cysts with multiple enhancing nodules. The mass effectis minimal, and edema is absent.
a T2-weighted sagittal TSE MRI.
b T1-weighted SE MRI after paramagnetic contrast enhancement.
These benign tumors (WHO grade I or II) show contrast enhancement is less than 50% of cases. When present, this enhancement distinguishes the tumors from cortical dysplasia, which often has similar imaging features.
Cystic tumor components are common with gangliogliomas and are very common with DNT.
Migration and gyration abnormalities are distinguished from normal gray matter by their maldistribution or heterotopic location, and so they are difficult to identify on T2-weighted MR images. Heterotopias are best visualized on heavily T1-weighted IR images, which maximize the contrast between the cortex and white matter. T2*-weighted gradient-echo (GRE) sequences, with their high sensitivity to susceptibility changes caused by hemosiderin or calcification, should be used in posttraumatic epilepsy and in the detection of cavernous hemangiomas or calcified lesions.
Cerebral angiography has no diagnostic role except in patients with vascular malformations. It does form the basis for the Wada test, however, in which a barbiturate is injected into the internal carotid artery to produce short-term anesthesia of one hemisphere in order to identify the dominant speech hemisphere and suppress a presumed epileptogenic focus. Some cases also require selective Wada testing in which a microcatheter is used to inject the drug into peripheral cerebral vessels.
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Traumatic Lesions
General Pathology and Neurology
Brain injuries are classified as follows according to whether or not the dura mater has been breached:
Classification of brain injuries
Open brain injuries
Closed brain injuries
This classification takes into account pathomorphologic and functional aspects, including the therapeutic measures that are derived from them. Because the brain is enclosed within a firm capsule composed of the meninges and neurocranial bone, the various patterns of injury result from the biomechanical interactions that take place between the brain and its coverings. Trauma can cause brain edema, which may be diffuse or focal depending on the mechanism of the injury. Focal edema also occurs after vascular injuries that are associated with a disruption of arterial or venous blood flow. Vasogenic edema typically shows a territorial distribution.
Severe open brain injuries are often primarily fatal because of damage to vitally important centers.
If the patient survives the trauma initially, numerous factors determine the prognosis, including:
• Hypoxemia due to blood loss and aspiration,
• Increased intracranial pressure due to brain edema,
• Inflammatory complications.
Brain abscesses can also develop, even after a period of years.
Other trauma-related conditions that are directly or indirectly life-threatening include:
• Pulmonary complications due to long-term ventilation,
• Pulmonary emboli originating from pelvic and lower extremity venous thrombosis,
• Cerebral seizures.
The extent of permanent neurologic deficits depends on how much brain tissue has been permanently damaged (volume) and which brain areas have been affected (location).
More is known about the effects of trauma on the gray matter (cerebral cortex, basal ganglia) than on the white matter. Many, but not all head injuries that are associated with neurologic deficits leave behind morphologic traces that are detectable by modern imaging methods.
Imaging Principles
When clinically evaluating the severity of craniocerebral trauma, the examiner should consider that the patient’s verbal responsiveness and ability to summon help or seek medical attention do not rule out severe intracranial injuries.
Careful observation of the patient is essential for the timely and appropriate use of neuroimaging studies.
For example, it can be disastrous to withhold close clinical observation because a patient has normal-appearing skull films. The trauma history, posttrauma history, and current neurologic findings are critical in determining the further course of action. Special care should be taken when an adequate history is not available. Close cooperation with the neurologist and neurosurgeon is essential for an optimum neuroradiologie evaluation.
Improvements in emergency rescue procedures, along with the increased availability of CT, have substantially improved the survival rates and quality of life of patients with head injuries. The outstanding role of CT in primary diagnosis and follow-up is undisputed. Increasingly, however, MRI is also being used to evaluate craniocerebral trauma, particularly in the subacute phase and when it is necessary to resolve discrepancies between a trauma patient’s neurologic status and CT findings. It is unnecessary to perform CT in every patient admitted with a diagnosis of head trauma, as this would be costly and inefficient. Primary CT should be reserved for cases of acute craniocerebral trauma where there is impairment of consciousness not obviously attributable to substance use, where clouding of consciousness is observed, or where there are focal neurologic signs, a penetrating injury, or a palpable depressed fracture. CT is also used on a case-by-case basis following trauma that cannot definitely be classified as trivial.
With improvements in the transport of seriously injured patients, CT is sometimes performed so early that imaging abnormalities are notyet seen, despite the clinical presence of neurologic deficits. Contusional hemorrhages, for example, may not be detectable until 1 or 2 days after the injury. It should also be considered that traumatic extra-axial hematomas may not appear to require surgical evacuation based on initial CT findings but can undergo considerable expansion over the next several hours.
Craniocerebral Injuries
Brain Injuries
Closed craniocerebral trauma. A brain contusion (cortical contusion) is the most frequent diagnosis in patients with closed head injuries. The acute detection of contusional hemorrhage is usually accomplished with computed tomography (CT). The advantage of CT lies in the concomitant detection of bony injuries. One disadvantage is its limited value at the base of the brain due to partial volume averaging and bone-induced artifacts.
Blunt craniocerebral trauma. In the first systematic studies on the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in blunt head trauma, diffuse axonal lesions were found in approximately half of all cases, and cortical contusions were detected with the same frequency. Manifestations of deep graymatter lesions (basal ganglia) or primary brainstem injuries were found in only 4% of cases.
Brain contusions (cortical contusions). Brain contusions are caused by a force acting over a large area of the neurocranium. The mechanism may be abrupt deceleration after a fall or massive acute acceleration of the stationary skull. The initial effect is an isolated or confluent rhexis hemorrhage in the cerebral cortex or subcortical white matter. With passage of time, tissue liquefaction occurs and culminates in a cystic parenchymal defect. The detection of postcontusional states with imaging procedures such as CT and MRI is a common issue in disability assessments. Typical sites of occurrence are the frontobasal and temporal brain regions, which are at particular risk because of their proximity to sharp bony edges and the frequency of frontal head trauma. Contusion-related parenchymal hemorrhages are also found near the falx cerebri and tentorium. Because of the brain’s own inertia, a blow to the head tends to cause injury both at the site of the impact (coup) and on the side opposite the impact (contrecoup), and focal neurologic symptoms frequently occur immediately after the trauma. Traumatic cerebral hemorrhage cannot always be distinguished from spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage by imaging alone. This problem of differential diagnosis is most likely to arise when the history is unclear.
On CT, a brain contusion appears as an area of decreased density that does not conform to the distribution of a major cerebral artery. A hemorrhagic area may not yet be present, especially in acute diagnostic situations. But often there are already local or diffuse mass effects such as narrowing of cerebral fissures and cisterns, ventricular compression, and a shift of midline structures. Similar morphologic signs may also be seen in association with spontaneous hemorrhage or hemorrhagic infarction. CT is definitely superior to MRI in the acute stage of craniocerebral trauma owing to the more conspicuous image changes due to contusional hemorrhage (and other hemorrhages) (Figs. 1.59, 1.67).
At the same time, contusions near the skull base may be missed on CT due to partial volume effects. The use of MRI eliminates this problem, provided the lesion contrasts with normal brain tissue by virtue of its own signal intensity or the signal from perifocal edema.
On MRI, hemorrhagic brain contusions have the signal characteristics of watery fluid during the hyperacute phase (low signal on T1-weighted images, high signal on T2-weighted images). With the onset of deoxyhemoglobin formation after about 6 hours, the T2 signal intensity of the hematoma fades and finally becomes hypointense after passing through an isointense phase (Fig. 1.60).
Contusions are most easily detected when in the (subacute) methemoglobin stage. The hematoma has a very high signal intensity on T1-weighted images based on the paramagnetic properties of the Fe3+ ion. At this stage MRI can detect up to 40% more lesions than CT, which is relatively insensitive for the reasons stated, especially in the frontobasal and frontotemporal areas.
Shearing injuries (diffuse axonal injuries). Shearing injuries are intracerebral lesions that may be hemorrhagic or nonhemorrhagic and result from rotational forces that act on the neurocranium. They typically occur at sites where tissues of different strength and consistency are juxtaposed:
• At the gray—white matter junction
• Near the ventricles
• In the corpus callosum
• In the brainstem.
MRI is better than CT for detecting the injury when it has progressed to a stage of sufficient edema or hematoma with methemoglobin (the subacute stage of craniocerebral trauma). Since no primary treatment options are available, the delayed detection of shearing injuries is not a significant problem. Detection is still important, however, for the explanation of neuropsychiatric disturbances and as a baseline for future evaluations. Shearing injuries (and contusional hemorrhages) are poorly accessible to CT diagnosis, especially in the brainstem and near the skull base, and so MRI is preferred for the investigation of these areas. Basal contusional hemorrhages, which cannot be adequately imaged with CT for methodologic reasons, are often first detected by MRI during posttraumatic intensive care.
Fig. 1.59a, b Contusional hemorrhages.
a Initial scan shows hyperdense areas in the bifrontal and left temporal regions of the brain. Axial CT.
b Scan 13 hours later shows expansion of the hemorrhagic areas with the developmentof perifocal edema. Axial CT.
Fig. 1.60a, b Hemorrhagic contusion of the right temporal lobe in the acute to subacute stage.
a Axial CT shows a superficial hypodense area of brain parenchym a with small hyperdense components.
b T2-weighted axial MRI shows considerably more extensive damage with a larger hemorrhagic component. The high signal represents the contusion and associated edema. The very low signal is from contusional hemorrhages at the stage of deoxyhemoglobin or intracellular methemoglobin.
Today, MRI is indicated after head trauma if the CT findings cannot account for the severity of the clinical condition (e.g., impairment of alertness or thermoregulation) and very little bleeding can be detected. It is not unusual in these cases to find a contusion of the corpus callosum ((Fig. 1.61), brainstem, or thalamus, which will influence treatment planning.
Fig. 1.61 a, b Contusion of the corpus callosum.
a Sagittal image from a T2-weighted GRE sequence demonstrates a hyperintense area in the posterior corpus callosum. Extensive paranasal sinus disease is noted incidentally following several days of intensive care.
b Axial image from a PD-weighted sequence shows a hyperintense area in the posterior corpus callosum on the left side. Posttraumatic subdural hygroma is noted over both cerebral hemispheres as an incidental finding.
Another application of MRI is in the detection of intraparenchymal hemosiderin as a marker for old contusional hemorrhage. T2*-weighted gradient-echo (GRE) sequences are best for this purpose. The magnetic resonance (MR) equivalent of the hemosiderin residues—a strong, focal decrease in signal intensity due to susceptibility effects—provides neuroradiologie and medicolegal proof that the patient has sustained severe craniocerebral trauma. When posttraumatic olfactory and gustatory dysfunction are investigated, particular scrutiny should be given to the gyrus rectus and its surrounding in searching for hemosiderin residues ((Fig. 1.62).
Fig. 1.62 Hypointense hemosiderin residues in the region of the gyrus rectus—proof of postcontusional hemorrhage. A patient with olfactory dysfunction was evaluated by MRI several years after head trauma. Coronal image from a T2*-weighted GRE sequence.
Fig. 1.63 Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage following a brain contusion in the right temporal area. Axial CT.
Brain edema. MRI is also superior to CT for detecting significant brain edema with risk of ventricular compression, midline shift, or brainstem compression due to herniation—hence it is preferred over CT in patients with head injuries who show clinical deterioration. In children with head trauma one should take into consideration that brain edema may be more rapid and severe due to the higher water content of the young brain.
Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage. Subarachnoid hemorrhage typically accompanies brain contusions, but also occurs with isolated vascular injuries. Initially it is best demonstrated by CT, appearing as a hyperdense area in the subarachnoid space ((Fig. 1.63).
On MRI, subarachnoid hemorrhage can generally be detected only after the blood has clotted and reached the methemoglobin stage, forming a localized collection (e.g., in the interpeduncular cistern or in front of the pons) that shows a high signal intensity on T1-weighted images. Severe head trauma can also present with isolated intraventricular hemorrhage caused by brain laceration with tearing of the subependymal veins. Blood is sometimes found only in the ipsilateral ventricle, but is often distributed through the rest of the intra-axial cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) spaces. Intraventricular blood may become isodense to brain tissue on CT scans because of its dilution by CSF. When its corpuscular elements settle, only tiny blood levels may be found in the occipital horns of the lateral ventricles in the supine patient.
Late effects of craniocerebral trauma. Listed below are some of the late sequelae of head trauma that can be detected by imaging studies, and which often occur in combination. Some of the intracerebral changes are detectable only by MRI:
• Focal, regional, or diffuse brain atrophy with coarsening of the sulci, narrowing of the gyri, and enlargement of the intra-axial CSF spaces,
• Juxtacortical areas of gliosis representing postcontusional brain scars (often with Mr signs of hemosiderin residues from an old hemorrhage),
• Gliosis with or without hemorrhagic residues in the white matter after a shearing injury,
• Porencephalic parenchymal defects, with or without enlargement of adjacent CSF spaces,
• Various forms of elevated pressure hydrocephalus.
MRI can even detect ruptures of the optic nerve or optic chiasm and lacerations of other small structures. In patients who have already had surgery, one should consider whether all or part of the visible changes are a result of the surgical procedure. Secondary effects of vascular injuries and inflammatory complications should also be considered as the potential causes of some lesions.
Gunshot injury. A gunshot injury to the head is a form of open craniocerebral trauma in which the external injuries and brain injuries depend strongly on the nature of the projectile. In patients who initially survive a gunshot injury to the head, CT is the imaging procedure of choice as it can quickly define the location of the projectile in relation to the venous sinuses along with any other radiopaque materials such as metallic debris and bone fragments in the missile tract ((Fig. 1.64).
CT can also furnish important prognostic information by documenting parenchymal changes such as contusional hemorrhages, brain lacerations, and ventricular tamponade by blood. If CT shows damage to a major cerebral vessel, it may be necessary to proceed with digital subtraction angiography (DAS) to assess the need for a potentially life-saving interventional neuroradiologie procedure.
Fig. 1.64a, b Gunshot injury.
a The projectile entered the left side of the head in the posterior temporal region and is lodged above the anterior clinoid processes. Blood and indriven foreign bodies are visible along the bullet path. Axial CT.
b Same scan using a bone-window setting. Axial CT.
Subdural Hematoma
Subdural hematoma results from bleeding into the subdural space between the inner layer of the dura and the arachnoid. Its expansion is limited only by the resistance of the underlying brain, which is low in infants and the elderly but high in adolescents and adults.
Subdural hematomas are classified by the time interval between the trauma and the onset of clinical manifestations:
Classification of subdural hematomas by time to symptom onset
Acute subdural hematoma
Subacute subdural hematoma
Chronic subdural hematoma
Males predominate by about a 3:1 ratio.
Traumatic subdural hematomas are distinguished from extra-axial fluid collections caused by hemorrhagic internal pachymeningitis, a degenerative disease of the dura with multifactorial causes. Severe head trauma need not always be present in order for a subdural hematoma to develo
Patients with an acute subdural hematoma suffer initial loss of consciousness and exhibit paralysis withextensor responses. The development of malignant brain edema with a massive shift of midline structures implies a grave prognosis. Chronic subdural hematoma progresses in stages and has a completely different presentation. The mental deterioration that occurs in older patients is often mistaken for atherosclerotic multi-infarct dementia (MID) and may prompt an erroneous psychiatric referral.
With an acute subdural hematoma, the severity of the traumatizing force is greater than in the subacute or chronic form. As a result, the hematomas are often combined with other primary traumatic brain injuries. Hemorrhage into the subdural space is believed to be caused by the rupture of bridging veins, usually in response to a frontal blow to the head. This mechanism of injury is particularly common in elderly patients, whose brain is more mobile due to age-related atrophy and is, therefore, more susceptible to injury than in younger individuals.
Other causes of subdural hematoma:
• Dural sinus injury (with venous hemorrhage),
• Vascular anomalies (with spontaneous hemorrhage due to a dural fistula).
While acute subdural hematomas are typically unilateral, chronic hematomas are often bilateral. Chronic subdural hematoma is thought to be caused by repeated episodes of minor bleeding from injured vessels of varying size. The entry of CSF into the blood compartment is believed to contribute to the intracranial mass effect. Some chronic subdural hematomas can be interpreted as the late stage of an acute, traumatic subdural hematoma. In other cases the chronic hematoma is classified as “primary, ” at least by its clinical presentation. If hemorrhagic pachymeningitis is present, the collection is xanthochromic rather than bloody and is termed a subdural hygroma. This type of collection is particularly common in infants and small children and in patients over 50 with a degenerative consumptive systemic disease, atrophic brain changes, or alcoholism. Trauma has no causal significance in these cases, but even trivial injuries can induce subsequent hemorrhage leading to further clinical deterioration. In this type of chronic subdural hematoma, it is common to find fibrous membranes that loculate the fluid collection.
On CT (as on MRI), an acute subdural hematoma may display a concave or convex boundary with the brain, depending on the size of the collection. If the boundary is convex, it can be difficult to distinguish from an acute epidural hematoma. With a subacute subdural hematoma, the inner border of the hematoma typically forms a secant across the inner table of the calvaria. Chronic subdural hematomas may have concave or convex borders. Large acute subdural hematomas often produce a midline shift at a very early stage. Discrepancies between the width of the hematoma and the degree of the midline shift are generally due to swelling of the surrounding brain tissue ((Fig. 1.65). Subdural hematomas often extend to the tentorium ((Fig. 1.66) or into the interhemispheric fissure ((Fig. 1.67).
If an acute subdural hematoma is not surgically drained and the patient survives, the hematoma will alter its composition with passage of time. This correlates with a change in density on CT and a change of signal intensity on MRI.
On CT scans, the initially hyperdense collection becomes isodense and then hypodense over a period of 2–3 weeks, finally showing the same attenuation as CSF.
Isodense subdural hematomas, especially when bilateral, are easily missed by a cursory look at the scans. If the surface of the brain is not clearly delineated below the inner table of the calvaria, particularly in older patients, an isodense subdural hematoma should be suspected (a primary isodense hematoma may occur in very anemic patients). Mass effects such as midline shift and unilateral or bilateral ventricular compression may be absent. A more common finding is the rabbit ear sign, in which the tips of the frontal horns of one or both lateral ventricles, which normally point forward, are displaced posteriorly. If an isodense subdural hematoma is suspected, it is often necessary to supplement the plain CT scan with a scan after intravenous (i. v.) contrast administration: the increased density of the cerebral cortex and the opacification of the displaced cortical veins will make it easier to identify the extra-axial fluid collection, which does not enhance. Narrow subdural hematomas over the cerebral convexity are also easily missed on CT, especially when near the vertex. If in doubt, coronal CT scans should be obtained. Another option is MRI. As it is sensitive to hemorrhages with a high methemoglobin content, including isodense subdural hematomas, MRI is generally better than CT for the evaluation of nonacute craniocerebral trauma. Nevertheless, CT is still the imaging modality of choice when an acute subdural hematoma is suspected.
Fig. 1.65 Acute subdural hematoma in the right frontotemporal area. Swelling of the right cerebral hemisphere has exacerbated the shift of midline structures. Axial CT.
Fig. 1.66 Film-like acute subdural hematoma on the left side of the tentorium. Axial CT.
Fig. 1.67 Traumatic hygroma in the left frontotemporal area due to bifrontal contusional hemorrhage with perifocal edema, intraventricular hemorrhage, and subdural blood in the interhemispheric fissure. Axial CT.
Subacute subdural hematomas are easy to detect on MRI, as they usually display a high signal intensity in all sequences. With the conversion of deoxyhemoglobin to methemoglobin and lysis of the red blood cells, the paramagnetic properties of the methemoglobin become a dominant factor at this stage. On reaching a chronic stage, however, the hematoma may become isointense to brain tissue on T1-weighted images, and mass effects may provide the only imaging clue to the presence of an extra-axial fluid collection. Meanwhile, the effusion usually shows homogeneous high signal intensity on T2-weighted images, unless there is recurrent fresh bleeding so that methemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin are present in the same collection. Contrast administration usually produces marked, uniform linear enhancement of the (thickened) meninges that surround the (subacute or chronic) subdural hematoma. Dura and arachnoid distant from the hemorrhage show the same response in many cases. Paramagnetic contrast enhancement is necessary only if doubt exists, however. The differential diagnosis includes various lesions that usually have a different clinical presentation:
• Meningioma en plaque,
• Neoplastic or inflammatory infiltration of the meninges and subdural space,
• Subdural pus (empyema).
While the former lesions show intense contrast enhancement extending to their core, a subdural empyema may closely resemble a subdural hematoma. It should be added that an untreated subdural hematoma that does not undergo complete reabsorption may calcify.
Epidural Hematoma
Epidural hematomas most commonly result from motor vehicle accidents. As with subdural hematomas, males predominate by a substantial ratio (5:1). The hemorrhage usually results from the traumatic rupture of a meningeal artery (especially the middle meningeal artery or one of its branches) or, less commonly, the rupture of a dural sinus. Blood collects in the space between the dura and the inner table of the calvaria.
Since the source of the bleeding is usually arterial, epidural hematomas tend to develop swiftly and produce clinical manifestations of rapid onset, for example:
• Headache
• Vomiting
• Motor unrest
• Altered mental status
• Obtundation
• Ipsilateral dilatation of the pupil (indicating oculomotor nerve compression)
• Pyramidal tract lesion with contralateral hemiparesis
• Seizures.
In contrast, an acute subdural hematoma usually has a venous source and therefore develops over a longer period. While it is generally true that a brief interval between injury and symptom onset implies an epidural hematoma while a long interval suggests a subdural hematoma, exceptions to this general rule may occur.
The prognosis of an epidural hematoma depends critically on the promptness of surgical decompression.
If calvarial injury is present, the hematoma is generally located on the side of the fracture. CT or MRI will often disclose a scalp hematoma over the site of the injury. Epidural hematomas most commonly occur in the temporal and parietal areas. Frontal, occipital, and infratentorial locations are less common, and hematomas at these sites are usually smaller. Bilateral epidural hematomas are unusual. Occasionally an epidural hematoma coexists with a subdural hematoma or a traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage. Epidural hematomas are relatively rare in children and the elderly, because the dura is more firmly attached to the calvaria in these age groups than in middle-aged persons.
On CT, acute epidural hematomas appear hyperdense and have a biconvex shape. Large hematomas are sometimes heterogeneous, containing zones of lower density that represent unclotted blood. The rapid development of the effusion promotes cerebral mass effects with a midline shift to the opposite side and the transtentorial herniation of medial portions of the temporal lobe. Brain swelling, brain edema, and disturbances of CSF circulation imply a less favorable prognosis (Fig. 1.68).
CT is usually superior to MRI in detecting a fresh hyperdense epidural hematoma, because oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin determine the signal intensity of the hematoma, which is therefore low or barely distinguishable from normal brain. Temporobasal epidural hematomas, especially when small, are defined more clearly by (coronal) MRI because CT is susceptible to artifacts in that region. MRI is also better in many cases for detecting parietal epidural hematomas located near the vertex, and it is superior to CT for detecting subacute epidural hematomas (usually caused by venous hemorrhage) for the reasons stated above.
Fig. 1.68a, b Extensive acute epidural hematoma on the left side.
a Temporobasal portion.
b Temporo-occipital portion. Mass effects from the hematom a and brain edema have caused the temporal lobe on the side of the hemorrhage to herniate into the tentorial notch, causing brainstem compression. Axial CT.
Vascular Injuries
Injuries of the intracranial arteries and veins occur most commonly, but not exclusively, in association with fractures of the calvaria or skull base. Posttraumatic carotid-cavernous fistulas are discussed in the chapter on interventional neuroradiologie procedures (p. 352). Tears of the large dural sinuses are usually caused by depressed fractures and most often involve the transverse sinus and sigmoid sinus. In the majority of cases, blood from the injured venous sinuses collects in the epidural space. Traumatic aneurysms (dissecting aneurysms or pseudoaneurysms) most commonly affect the internal carotid artery. Intracranial aneurysms typically involve the inferior limb of the siphon, while extracranial lesions usually occur at the level of the atlas (Fig. 1.69).
The latter aneurysms, which are a frequent cause of thromboembolic complications in head trauma, are believed to result from traumatic hyperextension and rotation of the head, causing the blood vessel to become stretched over the lateral mass of the atlas. Intracranial vascular injuries can result from mass effects that compress vessels against sharp dural edges, causing luminal stenosis or occlusion that may lead to ischemic infarction. This mechanism most commonly affects the anterior cerebral artery and its branches (compression against the falx) and the posterior cerebral artery (compression against the tentorium).
Skull Fractures
The inertia of the skull and the force applied per unit area are the critical factors that determine the occurrence and severity of skull fractures.
With focal depressed fractures, the brain may be injured by bone fragments or foreign bodies if dural injury is also present ((Fig. 1.70).
By contrast, depressed fractures that involve a larger area of the calvaria tend to cause brain contusion, which also occurs with bending fractures. Burst fractures often involve the skull base in addition to the calvaria. The intracranial displacement of bone fragments documented by neuroimaging studies does not equal the potential maximum displacement that may have occurred at the time of the injury. A fall is less likely to produce an overt fracture than a violent blow to the stationary neurocranium. The first type of injury tends to cause inertia-related lesions to the brain parenchyma. Based on the variable strength of the dural attachment to the periosteum of the inner table, fracture-associated injuries of the dura mater in children and the elderly are more common than in middle-aged persons. Nerves and blood vessels may be torn by a fracture that crosses their path, especially at the skull base.
Fig. 1.69 Traumatic aneurysm in the extracranial portion of the right internal carotid artery (arrow). A midfacial fracture on the left side has been stabilized with a miniplate. Frontal carotid angiogram.
Fig. 1.70 Depressed fracture of the left frontal bone with involvement of the frontal sinus (anterior and posterior wall) and orbital roof. Bone fragments have been displaced into the skull. Axial CT, bone window.
With frontobasal skull fractures, there is a danger of traumatic CSF leak if the fracture lines enter the walls of the sphenoid sinus or ethmoid labyrinth. CSF leak can also occur with temporal bone fractures that involve the mastoid. The patient complains of fluid discharge from the nose, and recurrent bouts of bacterial meningitis can develop in severe cases. Plain skull films cannot demonstrate a CSF leak, but they may show a large intracranial air collection (pneumocephalus) signifying an abnormal communication between the CSF space and the environment. The best way to detect CSF leaks, which can also occur spontaneously, is by CT cisternography. In this study several milliliters of a myelographic contrast agent are injected intrathecally via lumbar puncture, and the table is moved to a head-down tilt to opacify the intracranial subarachnoid space. CT examination is then performed in the prone position using coronal scanning and high-resolution technique (HR CT). In the most favorable case, the study will demonstrate the bone defect in the skull base along with contrast leakage from the basal subarachnoid space into the nose, paranasal sinuses, or mastoid air cells. Recently, MRbased methods have also become available for the detection of CSF leak.
Injuries of the Facial Skeleton
Trauma to the facial skeleton can cause individual or combined fractures of the various bones of the midfacial region.
Commom features of le Fort facial fractures
Fracture extension through the pterygopalatine fossa and pterygoid process
Abnormal mobility of a facial segment of variable size, depending on the fracture level
Le Fort fractures can occur in various combinations, such as a type I fracture on one side combined with a type II fracture on the opposite side ((Fig. 1.71).
Extensive fractures often transgress the midfacial boundaries and involve the skull base or neurocranium. If the injury involves the frontal skull base and breaches the dura, CSF leakage can occur.
Fig. 1.71 Le Fort classification of midfacial fractures. See text for a description of Le Fort I-III fractures (after Piepgras).
• Occipitofrontal and occipitonasal views to demonstrate the orbits,
• Submentovertical projection to demonstrate the zygomatic arches (“jug-handle view”),
• Panoramic tomogram (old term: orthopantomogram) to survey the maxilla and mandible.
But CT (preferably HR CT) is the imaging modality of choice for demonstrating midfacial injuries. Direct coronal scans are advantageous for evaluating fractures of the orbital floor or orbital roof and frontal skull base. Before the patient is positioned for coronal scanning (prone or supine with the head maximally extended), however, it is necessary to exclude cervical spinal injuries. The advantage of CT over conventional tomography is that it also defines the soft tissues and entails low radiation exposure. One drawback is that direct coronal scanning cannot be performed in seriously injured patients.
Direct fracture signs on CT
Discontinuity of bone
Displacement of bone
Indirect (and less reliable) fracture signs on CT
Local soft-tissue swelling
Soft-tissue emphysema
Herniation of orbital fat into the maxillary sinus or ethmoid cells
After thin axial scans have been acquired (maximum slice thickness and table increment of 2 cm), on newer systems the operator can reconstruct two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) images in sagittal and coronal planes at a separate workstation. Images can also be reformatted in oblique planes to correct for position-related asymmetries. Spiral CT is particularly useful for acquiring data sets in multiply injured patients. 3-D reconstructions permit a better spatial evaluation of complex facial injuries by demonstrating the rotational malalignment of fractured fragments. The fracture pattern can be appreciated better in volume reconstructions (Fig. 1.72) than on surface reconstructions, with less interference from metallic artifacts (e.g., dental fillings). However, this type of reconstruction can lead to apparent defects (“pseudoforamina”) in thin bones such as the orbital walls, ethmoid septa, and cribriform plate.
Infrazygomatic fractures. In these injuries all of the fracture lines are below the base of the zygomatic arch. They include the following:
Fractures of the alveolar process,
Le Fort I fracture (through the piriform aperture, facial wall of antrum, zygomaticoalveolar crest, maxillary tuberosity, and pterygoid process, usually involving the nasal septum and vomer),
• Longitudinal maxillary fracture.
Central or pyramidal fractures. These are pyramid-shaped midfacial fractures in which the maxilla is separated from the rest of the facial skeleton. This group includes:
• Solitary nasal bone fracture or nasoethmoid fracture,
• Le Fort II fracture (through the nasal root, medial orbital wall including the lacrimal bone and duct, medial orbital floor, facial/posterolateral antral wall, and pterygoid process: the nasal bones may be spared).
Fig. 1.72 Le Fort I–III fractures. Bilateral transverse fractures of the maxill a with horizontal separation of the nasal and antral floor (Le Fort I fracture), bilateral fractures of the orbital floor and lamin a papyrace a (Le Fort II fracture), transverse fracture of the nasal root, and bilateral fractures through the frontozygomatic suture (Le Fort III fracture). Additional fractures involve the frontal process of the maxill a on both sides and the lateral orbital wall on the left side. the fractures are accompanied by bilateral maxillary hematosinus and intraorbital air collections on the left side. Foreign bodies (glass fragments) are embedded in the buccal soft tissues, especially on the left side. 3-D volume reconstruction.
Centrolateral fractures. These involve the separation of the facial skeleton from the skull base. They include:
• Le Fort III fracture (through the nasal root, medial and lateral orbital walls, zygomatic arch, and pterygoid process with separation of the frontozygomatic suture; may involve the orbital floor and medial antral wall instead of the nasal root).
Lateral fractures. These mainly affect the zygoma. In addition to an isolated zygomatic arch fracture, the orbital floor is always involved. An important type of lateral midfacial injury is:
• Zygomaticomaxillary fracture (tripod fracture). In the zygomaticomaxillary fracture, a fracture or separation of the frontozygomatic suture and zygomaticomaxillary suture (orbital floor) is accompanied by a fracture of the zygomatic arch and the posterolateral wall of the antrum, resulting in a complete detachment of the zygoma from surrounding bones (Fig. 1.73).
Fig. 1.73a—d Tripod fracture of the left side. Depressed fracture of the facial and posterolateral antral walls and zygomatic arch plus orbital floor fracture with a fragment on the inferior rectus muscle and separation of the frontozygomatic suture. Maxillary hematosinus is also present. Coronal CT above; axial CT below.
Regional fractures. Involving the orbit and nasal skeleton, these fractures may occur in isolation or in conjunction with other midfacial fractures. The orbital blow-out fracture is a depressed fracture of the orbital floor that may be associated with the herniation of orbital soft tissues into the maxillary sinus. A similar depressed fracture can occur in the medial orbital wall, affecting the lamina papyracea. Fractures of the orbital roof may be associated with injuries of the frontal brain (Fig. 1.70) and fractures of the orbital apex with optic nerve injury.
Mandibular fractures. Mandibular fractures have several sites of predilection:
• Median, paramedian
• Canine region
• Body or ramus of the mandible
• Muscular processes (rarely in isolation)
• Articular processes.
Multiple fractures are common. Fractures of the articular processes (subcapital condyle fractures) account for 20–30% of all mandibular fractures.
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Tumors and Tumor-like Diseases
General Pathology and Neurology
Brain tumors are the third most common class of tumor after gastric and lung cancer, ranking with neoplasias of the hematopoietic/lymphatic tissue and colon. They are the second most common tumor group in children after the leukemias. Various systems have been devised for the classification of brain tumors. A widely used system is the 1993 revision of the World Health Organization (WHO) classification, which is based on tumor histogenesis, or the cells from which tumors originate. All cell types that occur in the brain can undergo neoplastic degeneration and form tumors. Additionally, every brain tumor is graded based on its biologic behavior. Four histologic grades (I-IV) are recognized in the WHO system:
WHO tumor grades
Grade I tumor: hypocellular tumor with no mitoses, necrosis, or vascular proliferation
Grade IV tumor: hypercellular, pleomorphic tumor with atypical mitoses, areas of necrosis, and vascular glomerula
Grade II and III tumors: intermediate stages
Each of the WHO tumor grades is associated with a prognostic implication following complete macroscopic tumor removal:
Prognoses associated with the WHO tumor grades
Grade I: cure
Grade II: 3–5years survival
Grade III: 2–3years survival
Grade IV: 6–9 months survival
Brain tumors. Brain tumors have special pathologic significance because even biologically benign forms can be extremely “malignant” because of their location in or adjacent to functionally important brain areas and the lack of space available for the displacement of brain parenchyma.
It should be added that malignant gliomas do not actually infiltrate their surroundings. Instead, the neoplastic glial proliferation involves increasingly larger areas of the brain.
Because of this, a glioblastoma cannot be removed completely on both a macroscopic and microscopic level.
The majority of brain tumors are primary to the brain, but up to 40% of brain tumors detected in adults are found to be metastatic. While 70% of brain tumors in adults arise at supratentorial sites, infratentorial tumors are more prevalent in children. Many types of brain tumor have sites of predilection and characteristic incidences in different age groups. Nearly all types of brain tumor (except meningiomas and neurinomas) are more common in males than females. Brain tumors metastasize primarily along cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pathways, usually to another site within the central nervous system (CNS), but occasional metastasis to locations outside the CNS has been described for almost all brain tumors.
The clinical manifestations depend on various factors, including:
Location and size of the mass
Tumor histology
Perifocal reaction.
The following initial symptoms are common:
Cerebral seizures
Altered mental status.
Later symptoms may include:
Signs of increased intracranial pressure,
Focal cerebral symptoms.
Very rarely, the tumor type can be inferred from its clinical manifestations, as in the case of cerebellopontine angle tumors.
The cause of brain tumors is still uncertain. Recent studies suggest that certain tumors, particularly gliomas, result from the mutation of numerous genes that regulate cellular proliferation and differentiation.
Treatment is generally surgical, the ideal goal being complete tumor removal. Lately, however, chemotherapy has come to play an increasing role in the management of certain tumors, particularly gliomas and lymphomas. Various forms of primary or adjuvant radiotherapy are also being used more frequently, in some cases as an alternative to operative surgery. In these procedures (interstitial or percutaneous stereotactic irradiation), which some users describe as radiosurgery, the radiation dose is selectively delivered to the tumor volume with submillimeter precision while sparing the adjacent brain tissue. Other treatments involve the use of various experimental therapies. Among the more promising approaches are:
• Gene therapy
• Immunotherapy
• Antiangiogenesis therapy.
Imaging Principles
The two most important imaging modalities for brain tumor detection are computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Plain skull films and cerebral angiograms are useful today only as adjuncts.
Plain skull films. The following signs are indicative of raised intracranial pressure on plain skull radiographs:
• Widened cranial sutures and increased convolutional markings in children,
• Demineralization and cortical thinning of the dorsum sellae (caused by slow-growing tumors that expand the sella) in adults.
Cerebral angiography. About the only application of cerebral angiography today is to define tumor vascularity prior to surgery or to direct the preoperative devascularization of hypervascular tumors. The following are nonspecific angiographic tumor signs:
• Vascular displacement
• Neovascularization
• Changes in vascular calibers.
CT, MRI. CT and MRI often have complementary roles in the evaluation of brain tumors. Whenever a tumor is suspected, these modalities should be performed with and without contrast administration whenever possible. A radiologic tissue diagnosis employs basic criteria such as:
• Tumor location (including intra-axial/extraaxial differentiation),
• Prevalence of the tumor being considered,
• Patient’s age.
Additional important criteria are:
• Tumor size
• Tumor margins
• Perifocal reaction
• Unifocal or multifocal tumor occurrence
• Mass effect from the tumor
• Internal structure of the tumor, including necrosis, cysts, calcifications, and vascularity.
Contrast administration increases the sensitivity for tumor detection (especially small basal neoplasms) andyields information on the integrity of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Contrast enhancement has two components that are frequently combined:
• Intravascular component, reflecting the increased vascularity of the tumor tissue,
• Extravascular component, reflecting a breakdown of the BBB.
It should be emphasized that tumor enhancement does not define the tumor boundaries, because tumor cells can be found a considerable distance past the margins of areas that show pathologic enhancement.
Imaging signs suggestive of malignancy
Ill-defined tumor margins
Tumoral necrosis (best visualized by MRI)
Tumor neovascularization
Increased cellularity
pleomorphism (increased attenuation values on CT, decreased T2 signal intensity on MRI)
Adjacent bone destruction
On CT scans, brain tumors may appear hypodense, isodense, or hyperdense to normal brain parenchyma, and mixed attenuation patterns can occur. On magnetic resonance (MR) images, the majority of brain tumors are hypointense to brain parenchyma on T1-weighted images and hyperintense on proton density (PD)and T2-weighted images. The degree and pattern of enhancement are highly variable, regardless of which imaging procedure is used. Although intense enhancement is more characteristic of a malignant tumor (except for pilocytic astrocytoma), the degree of enhancement does not reliably correlate with the grade of malignancy, the propensity for malignant transformation, or tumor vascularization. The density of a tumor on CT and its signal intensity on MRI are equally unreliable indicators of its biological behavior. As in CT, the initial images in an MRI examination are usually acquired in axial planes, and images in additional planes are generally added. The examination protocol and imaging parameters are generally modified according to the putative site of tumor occurrence and the expected tumor type.
Functional imaging techniques. Besides static CT and MRI techniques that mainly depict morphologic details, dynamic and functional imaging techniques are increasingly being used in the evaluation of brain tumors. For example, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

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