Drug-Induced Esophagitis

 Aortic arch, left main bronchus, retrocardiac

• Findings on esophagram (double contrast)
image Solitary or localized cluster of tiny ulcers distributed circumferentially on normal background mucosa

image Punctate, linear, stellate, serpiginous, or ovoid; collections of barium on esophageal surface

image Longer areas of ulceration with potassium chloride, quinidine, biphosphonates, and in patients with cardiomegaly

image Mass effect surrounding ulcer due to edema and inflammation; can mimic ulcerated carcinoma

• Superficial ulceration
image Giant, flat ulcers are uncommonly seen


• Reflux esophagitis

• Viral esophagitis

• Esophageal carcinoma

• Barrett esophagus


• Patient wakes up with severe odynophagia in morning after taking medications at bedtime with insufficient water
image Usually resolves spontaneously

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Nov 16, 2016 | Posted by in GASTROINTESTINAL IMAGING | Comments Off on Drug-Induced Esophagitis

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