Petrous bone, CT series, diagrammatic scout view
Lines #1–14 indicate positions of sections in the following CT series. Consecutive sections, 3 mm thick
- Anterior semicircular canal
- Fenestra vestibuli
- Cochlea
- Auditory tube
- Carotid canal
- Mastoid antrum
- Posterior semicircular canal
- Lateral semicircular canal
- Pyramidal process
- Fenestra cochleae
- Facial canal

Ear, axial CT
Positions of sections are indicated above
- Head of mandible
- Auricle
- Mastoid process with air cells
- Tympanic part of temporal bone
- External acoustic meatus
- Carotid canal
- Bulb of internal jugular vein
- Sigmoid sinus
- Intrajugular process
- Facial canal

Ear, axial CT
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