Nose and paranasal sinuses

3.24: Nose and paranasal sinuses

Anagha Rajeev Joshi, Ankita U. Shah, Ashwini Sankhe


  • ACC – Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
  • ACP – Antrochoanal polyp
  • ADC – Apparent Diffusion Coefficient
  • AE – Anterior Ethmoid Cells
  • AFRS – Allergic Fungal Rhinosinusitis
  • AIDS – Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
  • AJCC – American Joint Committee on Cancer
  • AN/ANC – Agger Nasi Cell
  • ANCA – Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies
  • BE – Bulla Ethmoidalis
  • CHARGE syndrome – Coloboma of eye, Heart defects, choanal Atresia, Retarded growth, Genital abnormalities, and Ear anomalies.
  • CNPAS – Congenital Nasal Pyriform Aperture Stenosis
  • CSF – Cerebrospinal Fluid
  • CT – Computed Tomography
  • EB – Ethmoidal Bulla
  • ENE – Extranodal Extension
  • ENEc – Clinically overt Extranodal Extension
  • ESB – Ethmoid Skull Base
  • FB – Frontal Beak
  • FD – Fibrous Dysplasia
  • FESS – Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
  • FR – Frontal Recess
  • FS – Frontal Sinus
  • FSC – Frontal Septal Cell
  • FSDP – Frontal Sinus Drainage Pathway
  • GPA – Granulomatosis with Polyangitis
  • Gy – Gray
  • HPV – Human Papilloma Virus
  • HU – Hounsfield Unit
  • ICA – Internal Carotid Artery
  • IFAC – International Frontal Sinus Anatomy Classification
  • IOC – Infraorbital Canal
  • ION – Infraorbital Nerve
  • ITA – Intestinal-Type Adenocarcinoma
  • JNA – Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma
  • L – Level
  • LNW – Lateral nasal wall
  • LP – Lamina Papyracea
  • M – Middle Turbinate
  • MDCT – Multidetector Computed Tomography
  • MO – Maxillary Sinus Ostium
  • MPR – Multiplanar Reconstruction
  • MRI – Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • MT – Middle Turbinate
  • MTCP – Middle Turbinate with Cribriform Plate
  • NHL – Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
  • NLD – Nasolacrimal Duct
  • O – Onodi Cells
  • OMU – Osteomeatal Unit
  • ONB – Olfactory Neuroblastoma
  • P – Polyp
  • PE – Posterior Ethmoid sinus
  • PNS – Paranasal Sinuses
  • PSAA – Posterior Superior Alveolar Artery
  • PSAN – Posterior Superior Alveolar Nerve
  • S – Sphenoid sinus
  • S – Nasal Septum
  • SAC – Supra Agger Nasi Cell
  • SAFC – Supra Agger Frontal Cells
  • SBC – Supra Bulla Cell
  • SBFC – Supra Bulla Frontal Cell
  • SCC – Squamous Cell Carcinoma
  • SI – Signal intensity
  • SmCC – Small-Cell Undifferentiated Carcinoma
  • SNEC – Sinonasal Neuroendocrine Carcinoma
  • SNUC – Sinonasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma
  • SOEC – Supraorbital Ethmoid Cell
  • SS – Sphenoid sinus
  • SSDP – Sphenoid Sinus Drainage Pathway
  • SSS – Silent Sinus Syndrome
  • T1W – T1-Weighted
  • T1WI – T1-Weighted Imaging
  • T2W – T2-Weighted
  • T2WI – T2-Weighted Imaging
  • TNM – Tumour Nodes Metastasis
  • U – Uncinate process
  • UP – Uncinate Process
  • W – Window


  • Imaging plays an important role of paranasal sinuses.
  • Primary imaging modality is CT.


CT acquisition is done in axial plane using thin collimation (1 mm or below) followed by retrospective multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) which is done in all three planes, i.e. coronal, axial and sagittal plane, using both the bone and soft tissue window. If need be, curved reconstruction can be done.

It is advisable to use nasal decongestants prior to CT, unless contraindicated.

PNS CT mainly is a plain study with few indications for contrast study such as nasal or PNS masses, e..g., JNA, carcinoma, inverted papilloma and uncommon conditions such as Wegener’s Granulomatosis (Granulomatosis polyangitis—GPA)

Role of MRI is limited, naming few, extension of lesion intracranially, into the orbit, into orbital apex, into skull base and perineural spread following the paranasal carcinoma.



The nasal cavity is formed by the nasal bones and is separated into left and right halves by the nasal septum, both of them are triangular shaped. The nasal septum is easily identifiable both on coronal and axial CT sections.

Made of




Bones —Vomer, perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone


Superiorly Cribriform plate

Inferiorly Hard and soft palate

Lateral walls of the nasal cavities are complex structures supporting the inferior, middle and superior nasal turbinates and, occasionally, a fourth turbinate, known as the supreme turbinate. The middle and inferior nasal turbinates usually have a similar shape and demonstrate a convex margin medially and a concave margin laterally.

The nasal cavity is divided by these turbinates into the superior, middle and inferior meatus (Fig. 3.24.1).

Fig. 3.24.1 Axial CT section shows the nasolacrimal duct ( straight arrows) and pterygomaxillary fissure ( curved arrows).

Parts of Nasal Cavity Drains Via

Superior meatus

Posterior ethmoidal air cells and sphenoid sinus

Sphenoethmoidal recess.

Middle meatus

Frontal sinus Maxillary sinus Anterior ethmoidal air cells

Frontal sinus drainage pathway Via the maxillary ostium

Inferior meatus

Nasolacrimal apparatus

Nasolacrimal duct (NLD)

Paranasal sinuses

The paranasal sinuses consist of paired frontal, ethmoid, maxillary and sphenoid sinuses.

Frontal sinus

Salient features

  • Located superior to the orbits and ethmoid sinuses.

Boundaries and relations

  • The superior and posterior walls of the frontal sinus separate the sinus from the cranial vault.
  • The floor of the frontal sinus is formed by the orbital roof.

Ethmoid sinus

Salient features

  • Composed of multiple air cells and usually are divided into three groups: the anterior, middle and posterior.
  • Located medial to the orbits, inferior to the frontal sinuses, and anterior to the sphenoid sinuses.

Boundaries and relations

  • The roof of the ethmoid sinus (fovea ethmoidalis) separates the ethmoid sinus from the anterior cranial fossa.
  • Medial margins: middle turbinates and lateral lamella.
  • Lateral margins: medial orbital walls.


Anterior ethmoidal cells

Through individual ostia opening into the infundibulum

Middle ethmoidal cells

Through the ethmoid bulla, or Directly into the semilunar hiatus, or through the infundibulum and therefrom to the middle meatus via the semilunar hiatus.

Posterior ethmoidal cells – Situated between the ground lamella and the sphenoidal sinus

Drain into superior meatus and, subsequently, into the sphenoethmoidal recess.

Maxillary sinus

Salient features

  • Largest and most constant of all the paranasal sinuses.
  • Pyramidal shape.
  • Defect in the medial wall, called ‘the fontanelle’, which does not contain any bone and is formed by connective tissue and sinus mucosa.

Boundaries and relations

Anterior wall

Facial surface of the maxilla.


Orbital floor, has a canal for the second branch of the fifth cranial nerve (V2).

Medial wall

Portions of the ethmoid, palatine and lacrimal bones


Alveolar process of the maxilla and palatine bones


Pterygomaxillary fissure medially and infratemporal fossa laterally.


Through the primary ostium into the ethmoid infundibulum

Sphenoid sinus

Salient features

  • Located within the sphenoid bone posterior to the ethmoid sinuses.
  • Most posterior paranasal sinuses.


  • Depending on the degree of pneumatization, the roof, posterior walls, and lateral walls of the sphenoid sinus separate the sinus from the cranial vault.
  • The anterior wall is shared with the posterior wall of the ethmoid sinus.
  • Generally, they can extend as far as the clivus and are posterosuperiorly limited by the sella turcica.

Drainage pathways of the sinuses

Osteomeatal unit

Drainage pathways

Osteomeatal unit ( Fig. 3.24.2)

  • Principal target of Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS).
  • Final drainage pathway for the frontal, anterior ethmoid, and maxillary sinuses

Ethmoid infundibulum

  • Sickle-shaped sagittally oriented three-dimensional space
  • Extends anteriorly from the agger nasi/frontal recess region towards the middle meatus, running downwards and posteriorly between the lamina papyracea laterally and the uncinate process medially.
  • This resulting V-shaped drainage channel collects the mucociliary output of the frontal sinus, agger nasi cells, anterior ethmoid cells and maxillary sinus.

Uncinate process

  • Thin bony leaflet that resembles a hook, projecting from the maxilla.
  • Oriented in almost a sagittal plane and runs in anterosuperior to posteroinferior direction.
  • The concave posterosuperior free margin of the uncinate process is parallel to the anterior surface of the ethmoid bulla. When it is curved more medially than usual, the free margin of the uncinate process may protrude into, and sometimes even out of, the middle nasal meatus.

Ethmoid bulla or bulla ethmoidalis

  • Largest and most non-variant air cells in the anterior ethmoid complex.
  • Located just posterior to the free edge of the uncinate process.
  • Formed by pneumatization of the bulla lamella, or second ethmoid basal lamella, and appears a bleb on the lamina papyracea.

Hiatus semilunaris

  • Opening between the anterior surface of the bulla and the free edge of the uncinate process

Drains the frontal sinus and measures, on average, 13 mm in anterior to posterior diameter.

Has the shape of an inverted funnel, the apex of which is at the frontal ostium and seen in the parasagittal plane as an hour-glass shape. The ‘waist’ of the hour glass corresponds to the frontal ostium which is situated at the level of the frontal beak. The frontal sinus lies above the waist and the frontal recess can be identified below the waist configuration.

The FSDP is formed by the walls of the adjacent air cells, hence, the term recess rather than nasofrontal duct.

The frontal beak (frontonasal process of the maxilla) forms an important surgical and imaging landmark in the anatomy of the frontal sinus drainage pathway. The size of the frontal ostium is influenced by the thickness of the frontal beak.

The agger nasi and frontal ethmoidal cells, can impinge on this already narrow pathway.

Boundaries of frontal recess

  • Anteroinferiorly, the agger nasi air cell (ANC);
  • Posteriorly, the ethmoidal bulla;
  • Laterally, the lamina papyracea;
  • Medially, the lateral wall of the olfactory fossa and the middle turbinate; and
  • Superiorly, the fovea ethmoidalis.

Sphenoethmoid recess/sphenoid sinus drainage pathway (SSDP)

  • Drainage pathway of the sphenoid sinus, a rather small structure next to the midline, between the anterior sphenoid sinus wall and the posterior wall of the ethmoid cells.
  • Related laterally to the superior (and supreme, if present) turbinate and roof of the nose superiorly.

Fig. 3.24.2 Coronal CT section showing the ostiomeatal complex. Asterisk, Infundibulum; BE, Bulla Ethmoidalis; MO, Maxillary sinus ostium; Thick white arrow, Uncinate process; Thin White arrow, Hiatus semilunaris.


Fig. 3.24.3 Parasagittal CT section showing the frontal sinus drainage pathway. AE, anterior ethmoid cells; AN, Agger nasi cell; FB, Frontal beak; FS, Frontal sinus; White line, frontal recess.

Fig. 3.24.4 Coronal CT image shows the frontal beak ( straight white arrow) separating the frontal sinus ( asterisk) above it and the frontal recess below it ( curved white arrow). Note the thick frontal beak on the right side ( double curved white arrow) and the thin frontal beak on the left side ( straight white arrow).

Fig. 3.24.5 Axial CT image depicting Sphenoid sinus ostium ( arrows) PE, Posterior ethmoid sinus; S, Sphenoid sinus.

Fig. 3.24.6 Sagittal CT image depicting sphenoethmoid recess ( arrow). S, Sphenoid sinus.

Fig. 3.24.7 Coronal CT shows sphenoid sinus (SS) and canals in relations to it. Curved arrows, Foramen rotundum; Dotted arrows, Vidian canal; Straight arrows, Optic canal.

The functions of the sinonasal cavity are as follows:

  • Respiration
  • Conditioning of the inspired air (heat exchange, warming the inspired air, humidification and filtration)
  • Immune response to antigen (Mucus of the nasal cavity contains immunoglobulin A, lysozymes and lactoferrin).
  • Olfaction

The pattern of pneumatization

The pattern of pneumatization is unique to each group of sinuses and the continuous change in the size and aeration of the sinus as a child grows has a significant impact on the treatment/surgery of sinus pathology in the pediatric age group.

At Birth Growth

Frontal sinus

Not present

Appear late in life and cannot be recognized on imaging before age 6 years.

Ethmoid sinus

Few cells already are present

They continue to grow up to the puberty. In adulthood, about 6–10 ethmoid cells are present.

Sphenoid sinus

Growth of the sphenoid sinus starts between the third and fourth months of foetal development.

Pneumatization of the sphenoid bone starts at age three, extends toward the sella turcica by age seven, and reaches its final form in the mid-teens.

Maxillary sinus

It is the first sinus to develop, beginning its invagination process during the third gestational month.

The growth of maxillary sinus is characterized by biphasic rapid growth, first phase during the first 3 years of life and the second phase from 7 to 12 years of age. Pneumatization can continue slowly till the age of 20 years as well.

Variants of paranasal sinuses

There are multiple anatomical variants related to paranasal sinuses, both some of which are significant and insignificant, nonetheless, need to be mentioned in the report. Significant variant is the one, which impairs normal drainage pathways, hinders endoscopic access to distal areas, serves as a focus for occult disease or increases the risk of surgical error.

Before we proceed to other variations related to paranasal sinuses, we need to know certain nomenclature regarding pneumatization of sinuses which was first described for the frontal sinus.

  • Hyperpneumatized sinus refers to enlargement of a well-aerated frontal sinus which develops within the normal boundaries of the frontal bone.
  • Pneumosinus dilatans differentiates from Hypersinus because the sinus abnormally extends either anteriorly, causing frontal bossing, or posteriorly and laterally, displacing the adjacent anatomic structures such as the ophthalmic bulb and the frontal lobe.
  • A pneumatocele is the third type of hyperpneumatization characterized by focal erosion or generalized thinning of the bony walls, while in the first two types the sinus walls are normal.

Although this classification was developed for the description of frontal sinus anatomic variations, it has been now used in the literature for all paranasal sinuses.

  • Variations related to Cribriform/Olfactory fossa—Best plane to determine depth and evaluate cribriform plate and olfactory fossa depth is coronal plane.

Cribiform plate: Located in the midline and separates the roof of the nasal cavity from the anterior cranial fossa. It consists of horizontal lamina cribrosa and lateral/vertical lamella. The lateral lamella is the thinnest and most vulnerable bony portion of the skull base and is more prone for intraoperative injury like CSF leak (Table 3.24.1)

  • Variations related to OMU.

TABLE 3.24.1

Anatomical Variations—Olfactory Fossa and Anterior Ethmoidal Artery

Location Description of variant Clinical significance Radiological points
Olfactory fossa (Fig. 3.24.8) Olfactory fossa is bounded by horizontal fovea ethmoidalis which is the superior boundary while lamina cribrosa forms the inferior boundary of the olfactory fossa. The vertical distance between the lamina cribrosa and the fovea ethmoidalis represents the depth of the olfactory fossa with the vertically oriented lateral lamella as its lateral border. Greater the depth, the more prone is lateral lamella for intraoperative injury directly or through manipulation during turbinectomy or ethmoidectomy. Asymmetry in the depth of olfactory fossa can be noted. The depth of the olfactory fossa is determined by Kero’s classification and measured as height of vertical lamella

  1. (a) Keros type I defined as less than or equal to 3 mm in depth,
  2. (b) Keros type II defined as a depth of 4–7 mm,
  3. (c) Keros type III defined as greater than 7 mm in depth.
Anterior ethmoidal artery (Fig. 3.24.9) If the notch abuts the fovea ethmoidalis or lateral lamella, then the artery is considered relatively protected during FESS. The presence of supraorbital pneumatization of ethmoid air cells above the anterior ethmoidal notch places the artery at increased risk of injury during FESS, since the artery travels freely within the ethmoid sinus. Supraorbital pneumatization is a common and often overlooked critical variant, occurring in approximately 26%–35% of patients. The injury of artery during surgery causes retroorbital haematoma. Located on coronal CT images by identifying the anterior ethmoidal notch along the medial orbital wall at the level of the anterior ethmoid sinus

Fig. 3.24.8 Kero’s classification of olfactory groove (A): Type I (B): Type II (C): Type III.

Fig. 3.24.9 Anterior ethmoidal artery (variant): Coronal CT shows intersinus anterior ethmoidal artery ( arrow) with supraorbital ethmoidal cell ( white square).

Narrowness of OMU is due to variations in the uncinate process, ethmoid bulla, middle turbinate, Haller cells, septal deviation or a combination of these (Table 3.24.2).

TABLE 3.24.2

Anatomical Variations—Uncinate Process (18.1%, cases) (best evaluation on coronal image) ( Fig. 3.24.10)

Location Description of Variant Clinical Significance Radiological Points
Superior attachment of uncinate process Lamina papyracea (medial wall of orbit) Or skull base/middle concha.

This variable attachment can cause probable damage to the skull base and lamina papyracea while uncinectomy.

Infundibular disease will be seen if uncinate process is attached to the skull base or middle turbinate as the frontal recess opens into the ethmoidal infundibulum.Infundibular disease will be spared when the superior attachment is to the lamina papyracea as the frontal sinus will open into the middle meatus directly.
Pneumatized uncinated process or uncinate bulla Aeration of UP

It increases the wideness of the uncinate and can be potentially dangerous for the infundibulum causing its narrowing. It can cause significant deterioration in OMU function by acting functionally like a concha bullosa or a widened ethmoid bulla. It can obstruct ventilation in the frontal ethmoid cells and the frontal recess region.

Can be misinterpreted as concha bullosa or widened ethmoidal bulla.
Deviation of the tip of the uncinate The UP can show lateral deviation or medial deviation. Rarely, the UP can be spiral, obstructing the middle meatus.

Lateral deviation—obstructs infundibulum and/or hiatus semilunaris.

Medial deviation—affects middle meatus.

Best seen on coronal CT images.
Curved UP If it is seen anteriorly and exiting from the middle meatus, it is called ‘Kaufmann’s double middle turbinate’. The horizontal and vertical orientation of UP is determined by adjacent structures.

Horizontal UP is commonly related to an enlarged ethmoid bulla.

The UP can show a set of rotation and attachment variations resulting in curved UP. The most commonly observed variation is a medially oriented UP.
Atelectatic UP It is seen attached to the inferior aspect of medial wall of orbit.

This variation is significant, if anterior endoscopic sinus surgery is applied. It can cause dangerous complications of orbital and optic nerve injury during uncinectomy, if unidentified radiologically.

Atelectatic UP is generally seen together with an opacified hypoplastic maxillary sinus.
Bifid UP

Mentioned very rarely in literature

Fig. 3.24.10 (A) Uncinate process (UP) variationsa pneumatized UP. (B)- Type I uncinate process, (Attached to lamina papyracea). (C)- Type V uncinate process (attached to skull base). (D) – Type III uncinate process. (insertion into lamina papryacea and junction of middle turbinate with cribiform plate).


Depending on its superior attachment, it can be divided according to Landsberg and Friedman criteria.

  • Type 1: Insertion into the lamina papyracea (LP).
  • Type 2: Insertion into the posterior wall of agger nasi cell (ANC).
  • Type 3: Insertion into the lamina papyracea and junction of the middle turbinate with the cribriform plate (MTCP).
  • Type 4: Insertion in to junction of the middle turbinate with the cribriform plate.
  • Type 5: Insertion into the ethmoid skull base (ESB).
  • Type 6: Insertion into the middle turbinate (MT).

    • Ethmoid Bulla—Best evaluated in coronal CT sections. The bulla ethmoidalis is seen superior to the ethmoid infundibulum.

Ethmoid bulla is large anterior ethmoid air cells and is a reliable surgery marker point because it is the highest and the most constant anterior ethmoid cell. The degree of pneumatization is highly variable. It may present as a giant ethmoid bulla which may narrow or obstruct the middle meatus and infundibulum.

  • Middle turbinate

The anterior vertical portion of the lamella of middle turbinate attaches to the cribriform plate. The middle portion called ground lamella/basal lamella forms the landmark between anterior ethmoid air cells from the posterior ethmoid air cells. The posterior most attachment is to the medial wall of maxillary sinus (Table 3.24.3).

TABLE 3.24.3

Variations of Middle Turbinate ( Fig. 3.24.11A–C) (Best Evaluated in Coronal CT)

Variant Description of variant Clinical significance Radiological points
Concha bullosa (30.6% cases) Pneumatization of the middle turbinate (MT).Occurs due to variation in the ethmoidal air cell system development. Generally asymptomatic and diagnosed incidentally by CT. Over-pneumatized MT sometimes can lead to nasal obstruction, headache, deviated nasal septum and chronic sinusitis. Bolger et al classified it into three types depending upon the site of pneumatization.

  1. (1) Lamellar-type (vertical lamella of MT pneumatization), also known as interlamellar cell of Grunwald.
  2. (2) Bulbous-type (inferior portion of MT pneumatization)
  3. (3) Extensive/Large type (vertical lamella and inferior portion of the MT pneumatization).
Paradoxical middle turbinate Related to change in the curve of middle turbinate. The curved middle turbinate edge is seen inferomedially with the concave surface facing the nasal septum. It can lead to significant narrowing of the middle nasal meatus and impede the normal drainage of OMU. Can be easily recognized in CT however can be overlooked by endoscopy.
Secondary and accessory middle turbinates It arises from the lateral wall of the middle meatus, just below the basal lamella and is located posterosuperior to the infundibulum and generally curves medially and superiorly. Rare, recently described Can mimic the real middle turbinate.

Fig. 3.24.11 Middle turbinate variations (A) – Left concha bullosa (B) – Interlamellar cell of Grunwald: (C) – Bilateral paradoxical middle turbinate (D) – Bifid middle turbinate.


Ethmoidal air cells (Table 3.24.4)

TABLE 3.24.4

Variations in Ethmoid Air Cells

Variant Description of Variant Clinical Significance Radiological Points
Haller cells (or Infraorbital ethmoidal cells)(Fig. 3.24.12) Ethmoidal cells located below the ethmoidal bulla, along the orbit floor and related to the maxillary sinus roof. They are seen lateral to the uncinate process and related to the inferior most part of lamina papyracea. The chances of maxillary sinusitis are more with larger Haller cells. Best evaluated in coronal computed tomography.
Agger nasi cells(Fig. 3.24.12) (30.6% cases) The anterior most ethmoidal air cells. Located anteriorly to the upper margin of the nasolacrimal duct and anteriorly to the maxillary sinus infundibulum. Initially described by H. Meyer; present in up to 98% of cases. Its larger dimensions may directly influence the patency of the frontal recess with frontal sinusopathy. Best evaluated in coronal computed tomography.
Onodi cells —- also known as sphenoethmoidal cells.(Fig. 3.24.13) Posterior most ethmoidal cells. They are closely related to the optic nerves and internal carotid arteries, hence clinically important in the case of sinusopathy of the sphenoid sinuses. Best evaluated in coronal computed tomography. The optic nerve is at risk when surgical excision of these cells is performed, hence, radiological evaluation prior to surgery is important. These cells also can be a potential cause of incomplete sphenoidectomy.

Fig. 3.24.12 Anterior ethmoidal air cell variations. (A): Agger nasi cells. (B): Haller cells (C): large ethmoidal bulla.

Fig. 3.24.13 Coronal CT image depicting bilateral Onodi cells (O) above the sphenoid sinus (SS).

International frontal sinus anatomy classification (IFAC)

The purpose of this IFAC classification was to identify anomalies and variations leading to obstruction of frontal sinus drainage pathway and guide the surgeon for planning of surgical extent (Fig. 3.24.14, Table 3.24.5).

Fig. 3.24.14 Frontal cells (A): Supra Agger nasi cells. (B): Suprabullar cell. EB, Ethmoidal bulla.

TABLE 3.24.5

International Frontal Sinus Anatomy Classification

Ethmoidal cell Cell name Definition
Anterior cells (displace the drainage pathway of the frontal sinus medial, posterior or posteromedially) Agger nasi cell (ANC) Cell that sits either anterior to the origin of the middle turbinate or sits directly above the most anterior insertion of the middle turbinate into the lateral nasal wall

Supra agger nasi cell (SAC) Anterior-lateral ethmoidal cell, located above the agger nasi cell (not pneumatizing into the frontal sinus)

Supra agger frontal cell (SAFC) Anterior-lateral ethmoidal cell that extends into the frontal sinus. A small SAFC will only extend into the floor of the frontal sinus, whereas a large SAFC may extend signiflcantly into the frontal sinus and may even reach the roof of the frontal sinus
Posterior cells (displace the drainage pathway anteriorly) Supra bulla cell (SBC) (Fig. 3.24.13) Cell above the bulla ethmoidalis that does not enter the frontal sinus.

Supra bulla Frontal cell (SBFC) Cell that originates in the supra-bulla region and pneumatizes along the skull base into the posterior region of the frontal sinus. The skull base forms the posterior wall of the cell

Supraorbital Ethmoid cell (SOEC) (Fig. 3.24.9) An anterior ethmoid cell that pneumatizes around, anterior to, or posterior to the anterior ethmoidal artery over the roof of the orbit. It often forms part of the posterior wall of an extensively pneumatized frontal sinus and may only be separated from the frontal sinus by a bony septation
Medial cells (displace the Drainage pathway laterally) Frontal septal cell (FSC) Medially based cell of the anterior ethmoid or the inferior frontal sinus, attached to or located in the interfrontal sinus septum, associated with the medial aspect of the frontal sinus outflow tract, pushing the drainage pathway laterally and frequently posteriorly.

TABLE 3.24.6

Variations of the Frontal Sinus

Location Description of Variant Clinical Significance Radiological Points

Orbital roof pneumatization in the coronal plane is categorized in three patterns –

  • Only medial part pneumatized;
  • The medial and a portion of the central part pneumatized;
  • Roof predominantly pneumatized.

Aplasia/hypoplasia of frontal sinus

The agenesis of paranasal sinuses is a rare entity which is found to affect the frontal sinus commonly (12%) and maxillary sinus secondarily (5%–6%).

Nasal ventilation has been demonstrated to be an important factor in the development of the paranasal sinuses and thus nasal obstruction might be a contributing factor to reduced expansion of the sinuses.

Aplasia/hypoplasia of the frontal and/or sphenoidal sinuses may be part of the spectrum of primary ciliary dyskinesia or secondary ciliary dyskinesia; also seen commonly in spectrum of cystic fibrosis.

Other clinical syndromes associated with agenesis of paranasal sinuses include Down’s syndrome (hypoplasia of frontal sinus), craniosynostosis, and osteodysplasia (Melnick-Needles).

Frontal cells or Kuhn cells: Ethmoidal cells closely related to agger nasi cells (Fig. 3.24.15).

Fig. 3.24.15 Types of frontal cells. (A): Type I frontal cell, (B): Type II frontal cell,(C): Type III frontal cell, (D): Type IV frontal cell.

According to their pneumatization pattern, frontal cells can be divided into four different types: (Table 3.24.7)

TABLE 3.24.7

Type of Kuhn Cell Location Percentage %
I Single cell above agger nasi and below the frontal sinus floor 37%
II Two or more anterior ethmoidal cells (cluster of cells) that pneumatize above the agger nasi cell, and may extend to the interior of the frontal sinus 19%
III Unique anterior ethmoidal cells, which, due to their large volume, pneumatize above the agger nasi cell, extending superiorly into the frontal sinus 6%–8%
IV Isolated cells located inside the frontal sinus, above the agger nasi cell 2%–4%

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