Chapter 4 where the reader will find in particular sections dealing with ARSAC for the administration of radioactive substances, the transport of substances, the statutory instruments governing the general use of radiation and specifically its use for medical applications. In particular, the risk assessment of situations involving the administration of radioisotopes on an individual basis can be required frequently due to particular circumstances. The need for adequate staff monitoring and decontamination provision is also essential for the safe provision of radionuclide treatment.
Consideration of the patients’ circumstances in relation to the radionuclide being used is important. Treatments with pure beta emitters, such as yttrium-90, present very little hazard to other people unless the radioactivity is excreted in urine or other body fluids. However, simple hygeine precautions with wound dressings for a short period can also reduce any likely loss of activity and maintain the therapeutic benefit to the patient. By contrast, the administration of 131I with its half-life of 8 days, gamma ray emission at 364 keV as well as the beta particle emission and avidity for the thyroid gland if ingested in the form of iodide presents a more complex problem. Requirements and guidance are drawn from several sources including the IRMER regulations [
In circumstances when the activity exceeds 800 MBq, the patient will have to be admitted and cared for in specialized accommodation as follows:
• confinement to a single room with impervious wall finishes and flooring and with coved skirtings to ease decontamination
• the room be designated as a controlled area
• exclusive use of a toilet and shower facility connected directly to a main drain
• suitable warning signage to drainage for maintenance workers
• bed linen, towels and clothing must be monitored for contamination before patient discharge
• visiting by adults should be discouraged for the first 24 hours and restricted thereafter
• visiting by children and pregnant women is forbidden
• emergency decontamination kit and radiation monitor readily accessible
• staff must wear at least gowns and gloves to protect their skin and clothing from contamination
• overshoes should be worn if there is any chance of the floor being contaminated
• if possible, utensils such as cutlery and crockery should be disposable and all waste disposal should be dealt with by authorized personnel
• nursing procedures should be carried out in the minimum time compatible with good nursing care
• a clearly documented procedure must be provided to allow artificial resuscitation of a patient but minimize the risk of radioactive contamination.
Patients who have received radioiodine therapy may not be discharged until the radiation dose which they can potentially give to people they come into contact with is significantly reduced. This is achieved by adherence to simple precautions within specified levels of activity. The limit for discharge is generally held to be when the residual level of activity in the body has fallen below 800 MBq. This limit has no legal standing however, so a careful risk assessment is required before discharge, at whatever level.
The 800 MBq limit for iodine-131 was arrived at by carefully modelling likely patient behaviour and compliance. It corresponds to approximately 300 MBq.MeV, so this figure was initially taken as a suitable limit for discharge of patients who had received other therapeutic radionuclides, such as 153samarium or 90yttrium. Unfortunately, due to differences in half-life and radiation emitted, the extrapolation is not valid [
The MDGN [
Where risk assessment has shown it necessary, all patients should be given written instructions on leaving hospital about precautions to be taken to minimize the dose to others. This may take the form of a card. Even many weeks after precautions have elapsed, patients may retain enough radioactivity in their bodies to set off radiation alarms at airports. It is wise to question patients on their travel plans prior to discharge and warn them of the possibility of delay.
Following discharge from inpatient accommodation, the room may not be re-used until it has been monitored and declared free from contamination.
In the case of the death of a patient following the administration of a therapeutic dose of radioactivity, due regard must be given to the safety of the relatives, pathologists and undertakers, etc. The MDGN [
Staff who prepare, administer or care for patients who have received therapeutic doses should minimize the risk of receiving doses by adherence to good radiation protection principles. They must wear protective clothing when handling the radioisotope, the patient or any articles which may be contaminated. Contaminated goods and clothing must be carefully stored for assay and approved disposal by the medical physics staff. Contamination monitoring should be undertaken by experienced staff and all results recorded. In addition to film or thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD) badge monitoring, there may be a requirement for periodic monitoring of the staff for inhaled or ingested contamination, e.g. of the thyroid when nursing iodine therapy patients.
Although waste disposal is permitted in gaseous, solid and liquid form and gaseous waste may be encountered from fume cabinets, the majority of waste is liquid and solid. Syringes, swabs, paper tissues and all contaminated material constitute solid waste. Liquid waste arises from radioactive solutions from isotope administration, decontamination procedures and body fluids from patients. The disposal of radioactive waste from a hospital must be organized, carefully controlled and documented in compliance with the UK regulations to avoid hazard to staff patients and the general public. The Environment Agency will have set limits of activity for gaseous, liquid and solid waste for each site in its authorization. The site must show that it disposes of all waste by the best practicable means before authorization is granted.
In most cases, the disposal of radioactive excreta from patients is dealt with by discharging to the sewage system. In this way, the hazard to staff involved in collection and disposal is avoided. This is permitted where there is an adequate inactive effluent flow from the hospital to dilute the waste to a low concentration level, and when the toilets reserved for radioactive waste are connected directly to the main drainage system. Similar conditions must also be applied to the disposal of radioactive liquid waste from the laboratories. The waste pipes between the ward/laboratory and the main sewer should be labelled as potentially radioactive.
Some storage facilities are always required for contaminated belongings or storing high activity waste storage until it can be disposed of. An example would be the tubing and bags from peritoneal dialysis. Such storage facilities must be adequately shielded, designed to prevent risk of escape of material and labelled.
Once the activity has decayed to extremely low levels, it can be disposed of with the rest of the clinical waste. Larger concentrations of activity in solid waste or long-lived radionuclides will require special arrangements for disposal through authorized routes but, once again, strict activity limits are imposed.
Detailed records must be kept of all disposals of radioactive materials irrespective of which route has been used. These records should include the type of radionuclide, its activity at disposal, the route of disposal and the date of disposal.
The limits authorized for disposal as liquid waste under RSA93 [
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