
Paranasal sinuses, a-p X-ray

  1. Falx cerebri (calcified)
  2. Frontal sinus
  3. Orbita
  4. Ethmoidal air cells
  5. Superior orbital fissure
  6. Maxillary sinus
  7. Sagittal suture
  8. Innominate line (radiology term, tangential view of greater wing of sphenoid bone)
  9. Hypophyseal fossa (bottom)
  10. Nasal septum

Paranasal sinuses, a-p, tilted X-ray

  1. Frontal sinus
  2. Septum of frontal sinus
  3. Anterior ethmoidal air cells
  4. Maxillary sinus
  5. Posterior ethmoidal air cells
  6. Sphenoid sinus
  7. Mastoid air cells
  8. Orbita
  9. Foramen rotundum
  10. Infra-orbital foramen
  11. Innominate line (radiology term)
  12. Body of zygomatic bone
  13. Zygomatic arch
  14. Oval foramen
  15. Head of mandible
  16. Inferior nasal concha

Paranasal sinuses, scout view

Lines #1–7 indicate positions of sections in the following CT series. Sections are 1 mm thick. Prone position with hyperextended neck. Sections #2–6 display the “ostiomeatal complex/unit” comprising the maxillary sinus ostium, infundibulum, uncinate process, hiatus semilunaris, ethmoidal bulla, middle concha and middle meatus. Arrows ←, → and ↔ indicate that a structure can be seen on a previous or following section or both.

Paranasal sinuses, coronal CT

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Dec 20, 2015 | Posted by in PEDIATRIC IMAGING | Comments Off on Sinuses

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