
Cervical spine, a-p X-ray

  1. Foramen transversarium of C III
  2. Spinous process of C III
  3. Pedicle of vertebral arch
  4. Foramen transversarium of C IV
  5. Superior articular process of C V
  6. Inferior articular process of C V
  7. Anterior tubercle of C VI
  8. Transverse process of C VII
  9. Pedicle of C VII
  10. Transverse process of Th I
  11. Tubercle of first rib
  12. Head of first rib
  13. Body of vertebra C V
  14. Uncus (lip) of C V
  15. Lamina of thyroid cartilage (calcified)
  16. Uncovertebral joint (Luschka)
  17. Spinous process of C VI
  18. Intervertebral disc C VI – C VII
  19. Lamina of vertebral arch C VII

Atlas and axis, a-p X-ray, through open mouth

  1. Dens axis
  2. Lateral mass of atlas
  3. Inferior articular facet of atlas
  4. Lateral atlanto-axial joint
  5. Superior articular process of axis
  6. Spinous process of axis (bifid)
  7. Anterior and posterior arch of atlas
  8. Lower incisor teeth

Cervical spine, lateral X-ray

  1. Anterior arch of atlas
  2. Dens axis
  3. Superior articular facet of axis
  4. Foramen transversarium of axis
  5. Transverse process of axis
  6. Body of C III
  7. Uncus of C IV
  8. Anterior tubercle of transverse process
  9. Posterior tubercle of transverse process
  10. Zygapophysial (facet) joint C IV – C V
  11. Lateral mass of atlas
  12. Posterior arch of atlas
  13. Spinous process of axis
  14. Inferior articular process of axis
  15. Superior articular process of C III
  16. Inferior articular process of C III
  17. Lamina of vertebral arch C IV
  18. Spinous process of C IV
  19. Posterior wall of vertebral canal
  20. Intervertebral disc C VI – C VII

Cervical spine, oblique X-ray

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Dec 20, 2015 | Posted by in PEDIATRIC IMAGING | Comments Off on Spine

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