Thoracic skeleton

Chapter 15 Thoracic skeleton

The bones of the thorax consist of the ribs and sternum, but radiographic examination of the area also involves demonstration of the sternoclavicular (SC) joints. Referrals for radiography of the ribs have declined, especially in cases of trauma. Although painful, rib fractures are treated conservatively unless displacement causes fracture fragments to penetrate the soft issue of the thorax and induce pneumothorax or haemothorax. Evidence of these conditions is definitely required via radiographic examination, but the posteroanterior (PA) chest projection is considered to be the most appropriate means for demonstration of these appearances,1 as the most important aspect of diagnosis is that of assessing the effect injury may have had on thoracic contents. The PA chest film is also very likely to demonstrate the fractured rib and fragments causing a pneumothorax, haemothorax or evidence of visceral damage.2,3 Ribs positioned below the diaphragm on the PA image are those that are less likely to penetrate the pleura, thus reducing or eradicating the need for separate X-ray examination of these. The PA chest image also shows ribs 1–6 reasonably well in their entirety, but not ribs 7–12.

Metastatic deposits may be demonstrated by X-ray but are better located via scintigraphy; however, as metastases in the rib may lead to pathological fracture it may be necessary to undertake plain radiography. In addition to fractures and metastasis, other rib lesions seen on plain radiography include fibrous dysplasia, aneurysmal bone cysts, myeloma and granuloma,4 but it is questionable whether X-ray would be the method of choice to demonstrate them.

Oblique ribs

The oblique projection is designed to turn the lateral portions of the ribs away from their profiled position as seen on the PA chest radiograph. Of course, this means that other aspects of the ribs will not be well demonstrated on the oblique projection. For this reason, oblique ribs projections must always be accompanied by a PA chest radiograph.

It is more than obvious that exposures should be made on arrested respiration, but the phase varies according to the ribs under examination owing to the position of the diaphragm in relation to individual rib height. Because the diaphragm effectively splits the area covered by ribs into two different densities, this has implications for adequate demonstration of ribs on the radiograph. As a result, exposure for oblique projections of the upper ribs (1–6) is made on arrested inspiration to facilitate their demonstration over the air-filled lung tissue, and ribs 7–12 on expiration to demonstrate them over abdominal tissue below the diaphragm.

In addition to the phase of respiration, angulation can be used to maximise the number of ribs shown above or below the diaphragm. Caudal angulation will project the image of the diaphragm lower in the case of the upper ribs, as can cranial angulation to project it higher and maximise the number of lower ribs shown below the diaphragm.

Posterior oblique for upper ribs (Fig. 15.1A,B)

Image receptor (IR) is vertical for projections of the ribs unless otherwise stated; antiscatter grid is often required for lower ribs.


C7 to T12, lateral margins of ribs on affected side, midclavicular line on the opposite side

It is not necessary for this projection to be undertaken erect, but it is described thus as it is more comfortable for the patient who has painful ribs, as their weight does not lie on their injured thoracic ribcage. Supine oblique positioning can still be adopted for patients who cannot sit or stand erect.

Traditionally the upper rib oblique projection has been described using antiscatter grid,5,6 but as ribs 1–6 lie superior to the diaphragm in a low-density area, direct exposure is possible without an antiscatter device. This allows reduction in exposure factors and therefore affords less radiation dose to the patient. In the case of larger patients it is possible that provision of adequate contrast may be compromised by an increase in tissue density. This, coupled with the higher density over the mediastinum, may require the use of a grid.

Mar 3, 2016 | Posted by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY | Comments Off on Thoracic skeleton

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