Brad H. Thompson • William E. Erkonen
Chapter Outline
How to Review the Chest Radiographs
Normal Thoracic Cross-Sectional Anatomy
Foreign Bodies, Lines, and Tubes
Atelectasis, Pleural Disease, and Pulmonary Emboli
Pulmonary Nodules, Masses, and Carcinoma
Mediastinal Compartments and Pathology
Aneurysms and Vascular Calcifications
The chest radiograph is the most commonly performed radiographic examination accounting for 45% of all radiographic examinations in the United States. Since all clinicians should be adept and comfortable reviewing chest films, it is our goal through this chapter to provide a primer on how to logically interpret chest radiographs and discuss those disease processes which are commonly encountered.
The chest radiographic examination consists of two projections, namely posteroanterior (PA) and lateral views. When the patient’s condition precludes these standard views, a single portable anteroposterior (AP) view can be obtained with the realization that portable AP films of the chest (which do not include a lateral projection) are generally less sensitive for detecting disease, and are subject to technical limitations such as magnification and suboptimal patient positioning. Every effort should be made to get the patient to make a maximum inspiration for the portable examination as a suboptimal inspiration contributes to a nondiagnostic examination. For these reasons, obtaining PA and lateral radiographs is preferable. What constitutes a good quality chest image? First, examination of the image should reveal that the spine is barely visible behind the heart. Secondly, the lungs should not be black, and thirdly the blood vessels in the lung should be easily seen and crisp. The diaphragm should be seen at the level of the eighth to tenth posterior ribs as evidence of a good inspiratory effort. A standard PA chest film exposes the patient to 0.1 milliSieverts (mSv) of radiation, which is similar to 10 days’ exposure to environmental background radiation. In comparison, the dose of a standard chest CT is approximately 8 mSv, which is comparable to 3 years’ exposure to natural background radiation. According to the American College Radiology Appropriateness Criteria, routine admission and preoperative chest radiography is not appropriate in an asymptomatic whose history and physical are unremarkable (1).
The radiographic techniques and positioning are optimized for evaluation of the lungs primarily, and do not generally provide for a sufficient diagnostic evaluation of extrapulmonary structures such as the ribs or spine. Dedicated rib or spine views provide better radiographic detail of these structures.
Correct patient identification may seem elementary, but errors do occur, especially in a busy work environment resulting in inappropriate management decisions. Fortunately, with the advent of digital imaging and picture archive and communication systems (PACS), these errors are rare.
The next step is verifying optimal patient positioning and correct left–right annotation. All images must be routinely annotated with left or right side markers by the technologist. For all frontal projection chest radiographs (either AP or PA), the right (R) and left (L) markers indicate the patient’s right and left side, respectively (Fig. 3.1).
One ground rule worth remembering is that “you only see what you know” and lack of knowledge about chest anatomy and normal radiographic findings will only limit your success in film interpretation. Also the more images you see, the greater your data bank (and expertise) becomes. Anatomically there are three lobes (upper, lower, and mid) and two fissures (major and minor) on the right and two lobes separated by one fissure on the left. Each lobe in turn is divided into segments, each with its own bronchus and blood supply.
Table 3.1
Checklist for Frontal Chest Film Review
When first reviewing a chest film, we suggest the observer render an initial Gestalt impression by examining the entire image for any obvious abnormality such as an enlarged heart or a lung mass. Then, we suggest reviewing the film in a logical and methodical approach. Checklists reduce human error and they are a feature of everyday life. The use of a mental checklist is essential to avoid overlooking radiographic abnormalities. The following checklist or system is suggested in Table 3.1. We find it useful to start at the top of the film and identify the tracheal air column. This accomplishes two goals: Firstly, the trachea on a correctly centered PA film should be midline and should be superimposed over the spinous processes of the upper thoracic spine, and the scapulae should be clear of the lungs. This ensures that the patient is not rotated (Fig. 3.2). Secondly, any deviation of the trachea off midline on a correctly centered film indicates a potential mediastinal or thyroid mass.
Next, follow the trachea inferiorly to arrive at the cardiac outline, for an evaluation of the heart size. The transverse diameter of the heart should not exceed 50% of the transverse diameter of the thoracic cage measured at the same level. This is called the cardiothoracic ratio (Fig. 3.3). This measurement, however, is only accurate on PA films as there is considerable magnification of the cardiac silhouette on AP projections which makes an accurate determination of heart size on portable films generally unreliable. To illustrate the nature of this magnification, consider the analogy of the shadow cast of your hand by a flashlight; the closer your hand is to the surface/shadow, the more accurate the size of the silhouette. For this reason, PA films are performed with the anterior chest wall closest to the film cassette with the term PA denoting the direction of the x-rays (posterior to anterior). Poor inspiratory effort and recumbency can further exaggerate the cardiac size.
Next, evaluate the shape of the cardiac silhouette which has multiple components. The convex right cardiac border is formed by the right atrial shadow, which resides just below the vertical straight border rendered by the superior vena cava (SVC) (Fig. 3.4). The left ventricle constitutes the left heart border and the cardiac apex. The superior left cardiac border should be concave in most cases (Fig. 3.4). The right ventricle is directly superimposed on the cardiac silhouette and is not a border-forming structure on frontal radiographs. Similarly, a normal sized left atrium is also not visible on PA or AP radiographs (Fig. 3.5). In cases of left atrial enlargement, the superior left heart border becomes convex, and in severe cases, the right lateral border of the left atrium may become superimposed over the right atrial shadow, producing what is known as the double-density sign (Fig. 3.6). As the left ventricle enlarges, the cardiac apex moves down and out. As the right atrium enlarges, the right heart border becomes protuberant (Fig. 3.7).
Next, your review should take you superiorly to the aortic arch, pulmonary arteries, and the main stem bronchi. The left and right pulmonary arteries and the main stem bronchi form the primary hilar shadows. On normal chest radiographs, the left hilum is higher than the right hilum in approximately 70% of normal chest films and is at the same level in the remaining 30% of cases. A lower left than right hilum should alert one to left lower collapse. The pulmonary arteries and their lobar branches radiate outward from the hila. In an upright person, the pressure differential is enough that the lower lobe pulmonary vessels should be larger than the upper lobe vessels because of greater blood flow. The main pulmonary artery can be prominent in the young and athletic, especially in females. The aortopulmonary window is the concavity or space immediately below the aortic arch and above the left pulmonary artery (Fig. 3.8). Convexity of the aortopulmonary window raises the suspicion of either a mass or adenopathy occupying this space. It is important to remember that in the elderly the thoracic aorta commonly becomes tortuous or ectatic, and this should not be interpreted as abnormal. Now divide the lungs into horizontal thirds and compare the right and left lung fields for symmetry and lucency (Fig. 3.8).
Next, your attention should be directed to the mediastinum which is the extrapleural space between the lungs, specifically its contour and width. The vascular pedicle extends from the thoracic inlet to the base of the heart caudally. The right border of the pedicle is the SVC, and the left border is the aortic arch near the origin of the left subclavian artery (Figs. 3.2 and 3.9). Next, review both diaphragms; the right hemidiaphragm should normally be about 1 to 2 cm higher than the left due to the liver. The lateral recesses of the diaphragms form the lateral costophrenic gutters, which should be sharp and form an acute angle where the diaphragms insert laterally to the chest wall. Finally, determine the location of the gastric air bubble (if present), which should be underneath the left hemidiaphragm (Fig. 3.10).
The lower cervical spine, thoracic spine, shoulders, and ribs complete a routine review of a chest film (Figs. 3.10 and 3.11). On a PA radiograph, the horizontal portions of each rib are the posterior arcs and the anterior ribs are usually angled downward (Fig. 3.11). Rib abnormalities may be easier to detect by rotating the image 90 degrees (clock- or counterclockwise). Although the bony structures are not very well delineated on chest radiographs, significant abnormalities can be seen, emphasizing the need for review of the four corners of the radiograph (Fig. 3.12).
Three areas where lung lesions are commonly missed are behind the anterior first ribs, behind the heart, and behind the diaphragm.
For lateral radiographs, it is customary to have the film oriented such that the patient is facing toward your left (Fig. 3.13). Once again, begin by reviewing the entire image looking for any obvious abnormalities. Following this, evaluate the size and shape of the cardiac silhouette, which lies anteriorly. On lateral projections, the right ventricle forms the anterior border of the cardiac silhouette. The left ventricle forms the major portion of the inferior–posterior cardiac border, and the left atrium forms the superior–posterior cardiac border. On most lateral chest radiographs, the posterior wall of the inferior vena cava can be seen as it enters from the abdomen into the right atrium (Fig. 3.13, straight arrows). The identification of the inferior vena cava shadow is useful in the determination of left ventricular size. The left ventricle is considered enlarged when the posterior border of the left ventricle resides 2 cm or more posterior to the inferior vena cava. Since the right atrium is a superimposed cardiac chamber, it is not visualized on the lateral projection.
The lateral film is the best view to evaluate the hilar structures. By drawing a vertical line down the tracheal air column, both hila can be distinguished (Fig. 3.14). The dominant shadow ventral to your line is largely composed of the right main pulmonary artery, which should be about the size of the distal phalanx of your thumb. The left hilum, composed primarily of the left pulmonary artery, resides posterior to this line and should be about one-third the size of the right. Next, locate the sternum and search the retrosternal and pre-cardiac spaces for abnormal or pathologic soft tissue or air shadows (Fig. 3.15A). On the lateral view, the retrosternal lucency is due to the superimposition of the aerated upper lobes, whereas the right middle lobe and the lingular segment are projected over the cardiac silhouette. The lower lobes are located in the retrocardiac space overlying the spine extending inferiorly to the diaphragms (Fig. 3.15B). It is important to understand the pulmonary lobar spatial relationships in locating pathologic pulmonary processes. The apical segments of the lower lobes extend as high as the fourth thoracic vertebra and the costophrenic recesses of the lower lobes may extend down to the second lumbar vertebra.
Finally, observe the contours of the diaphragms and the posterior costophrenic angles (or gutters). The right hemidiaphragm should be slightly lower in location and more magnified than the left on the lateral view. This is important in identifying and determining the location of a small pleural effusion, which may not be apparent on the frontal film. Note that the right hemidiaphragm can be seen in its entirety, because air in the right lower lobe abuts the soft tissue density hemidiaphragm allowing a sharp interface to be formed. On the left, only the cardiac apex and posterior hemidiaphragm are generally demonstrated, so the anterior aspect of the left diaphragm is usually obscured by its continuity with the heart and pericardial fat (Fig. 3.16).
Additional Views
The AP lordotic view, which is an AP film taken with the patient leaning back is useful for visualization of upper lobe or apical pathology (Fig. 3.17). This projection displaces the clavicles above the thoracic inlet and enables better visualization of the lung apices.
Placing a patient on their side (decubitus position) and obtaining a film across the chest in the AP direction is described as a decubitus view. This view is helpful for detecting small amounts of pleural air or fluid, which may not be seen on the standard views described above (Fig. 3.18).
Multidetector (or spiral) CT (MDCT) allows imaging of the chest within one breath hold (~15 seconds or less). Figures 3.19 to 3.27 demonstrate normal cadaveric cross-sectional anatomy correlated with CT and magnetic resonance (MR). In general, CT is preferred to MR for chest and pulmonary imaging because of faster examination times and less susceptibility to motion and respiratory artifacts. Some MDCT scanners are capable of scanning the heart in a heartbeat, with excellent spatial and temporal resolution allowing three-dimensional (3D) visualization of the coronary arteries (Fig. 3.28).
Embryonic migration of the azygos vein up over the superior recess of the right upper lobe creates a mock vertical fissure-like opacity (Fig. 3.29) which is created by indentation of both visceral and parietal pleural surfaces along the arc-like course of the azygos vein as it courses inferiorly to insert normally into the SVC. This azygos fissure, which is only visualized on PA radiographs as a thin curvilinear line and outlines an azygos lobe is a common normal variant and is of no clinical significance.
The most common thoracic aortic anomaly is a right-sided aortic arch (Fig. 3.30). On the PA radiograph, the right-sided arch often appears more cephalad than a normal left-sided arch. The most common types are right-sided aortic arch with aberrant left subclavian artery and the mirror-image type. The variant with aberrant left subclavian artery is rarely associated with congenital heart disease whereas the mirror-image type of right aortic arch is very strongly associated with congenital heart disease, most commonly tetralogy of Fallot.
Coarctation of the aorta is a focal stenosis at the junction of the aortic arch and the descending thoracic aorta. The degree of coarctation is variable, and the clinical features vary with the location and degree of stenosis. Patients may have a systolic murmur, cardiac enlargement, and pre- and poststenotic aortic dilatation depending on the location and severity of the stenosis (Fig. 3.31). Rib notching can occur along the inferior aspect of the ribs reflecting collateral blood flow through dilated intercostal arteries (Fig. 3.31B).
Occasionally objects on the skin may be mistaken for chest pathology. Examples included are hair braids and skin nodules (Figs. 3.32–3.35). Characteristically these are very well defined on the chest radiograph. An innocuous skin fold which appears as a well-defined line traversing the lung may be mistaken for the visceral pleural edge of a pneumothorax. Some foreign bodies such as central venous lines and endotracheal and nasogastric tubes are intentionally placed (Fig. 3.36) and it is important to recognize and document the course and location of these when caring for acutely ill patients. The optimal location of central venous lines is between the mid SVC and the mid right atrium. The optimal location for the tip of an endotracheal tube is 5 cm above the carina.
Air in the Wrong Places
A pneumothorax is an accumulation of air within the pleural space. It is most often spontaneous or may be due to trauma or iatrogenic causes such as lung biopsy (Table 3.2). The definitive radiographic diagnosis of pneumothorax is made by identifying the visceral pleura edge of the collapsed lung (Fig. 3.37). Additional findings include an abnormally hyperlucent hemithorax and loss of peripheral lung markings on the affected side. Upright or decubitus films are useful ways to document the presence of pleural air. Expiratory films accentuate air trapping in the pleural space and may make small and subtle pneumothoraces more visible. Recumbent portable films on the other hand are unreliable for demonstrating even large pneumothoraces, because the air resides immediately ventral to the lung and is not visualized on a frontal view. A tension pneumothorax occurs when the air within the pleural space is sufficiently large to produce mass effect upon the mediastinal structures and ipsilateral diaphragm. If sufficiently great enough, the mass effect on the heart and great vessels can produce acute cardiovascular collapse due to diminished cardiac output (Fig. 3.38). A tension pneumothorax represents an emergency requiring immediate placement of chest tube to decompress the pleural space. For most pneumothoraces, the optimal location for chest tube placement is the second intercostal space in the mid clavicular line. Most pleural effusions are percutaneously drained (thoracentesis) posteriorly below the seventh intercostal space.