Case 69(Continuation of Case 68)

Indication: Follow-up of findings categorized BI-RADS 3 in the left breast.

History: Unremarkable.

Risk profile: No increased risk.

Age: 77 years.


Clinical Findings



Fig. 69.1 a,b Ultrasound between the outer quadrants of the left breast.


Fig. 69.2 a,b Digital mammography, MLO view.


Fig. 69.3 a,b Digital mammography, CC view.




Fig. 69.4 a-c Contrast-enhanced MRI of the breasts.


Fig. 69.5 a-c Contrast-enhanced MRI of the breasts.


Fig. 69.6 Contrast-enhanced MR mammography. Maximum intensity projection.


Please characterize ultrasound, mammography, and MRI findings.

What is your preliminary diagnosis?

What are your next steps?


Fig. 69.7 a,b Signal-to-time curves, right breast.


Fig. 69.8 a,b Signal-to-time curves, left outer quadrants.


Fig. 69.9 a,b Signal-to-time curves, left inner quadrants.

This case shows the follow-up after 6 months of a lesion depicted in sonography and MRI between the outer quadrants of the left breast (Case 68).


Again, a hypoechoic, irregular lesion (diameter 4 mm) was seen between the outer quadrants of the left breast. Sonography depicted this lesion only in one plane. A slight increase in possible spiculations was seen. There was also distal shadowing. There were no echogenic margins and there was no architectural distortion. A hypoechoic lesion between the inner quadrants of the left breast (diameter 5 mm) and a cyst (diameter 1 cm) between the lower quadrants of the left breast were visible (these findings were unchanged since the previous examination). US BI-RADS left 4.


Inhomogeneously dense parenchyma, ACR type 3. Particularly between the outer quadrants of the left breast, there were still no signs of suspicious lesions. BI-RADS right 1/left 1. PGMI: CC view G (medial skin fold); MLO view M (angle of right pectoralis muscle, left nipple, inframammary fold).

MR Mammography

There was an irregular, well-defined lesion between the outer quadrants of the left breast (diameter 5 mm) with homogeneous contrast uptake, an initial signal increase of 110%, and a postinitial plateau as well as reduced signal in T2-weighted imaging. There was also a well-defined lesion measuring 5 mm between the inner quadrants of the left breast with homogeneous enhancement, an initial signal increase of 130%, and a postinitial continuing signal increase as well as increased signal in T2-weighted imaging. Also, unchanged since the previous examination, MRI depicted a well-defined lesion (diameter 4 mm) in the lower outer quadrant of the right breast with an initial signal increase of 130% and a post-initial plateau as well as increased signal in T2-weighted imaging. In maximum intensity projection there was a ring enhancement behind the left nipple with unremarkable signal curve and increased signal in T2-weighted imaging (no quantification, complicated cyst).

MRI Artifact Category: 1

MRI Density Type: 2


image Differential Diagnosis

Left lateral: Adenosis, carcinoma.

Left medial: Fibroadenoma, adenoma, papilloma.

Left behind nipple: Complicated cyst.

Right: Fibroadenoma, adenoma, papilloma.


BI-RADS Categorization

Clinical Findings

right 1

left 1


right 1

left 4


right 1

left 1

MR Mammography

right 3

left 4


right 3

left 4



Although there was no increase in size, the findings appear a little more suspicious in ultrasound and MRI (BI-RADS 4) than 6 months previously. For this reason, a histopathological investigation was indicated.


MR-guided vacuum biopsy of the lesion between the outer quadrants of the left breast. Histology: Tubular carcinoma.


Fig. 69.10 a-d MR-guided vacuum core biopsy.

a Subtraction image showing lesion.

b Coaxial needle.

c Biopsy area after removal of tissue specimens.

d Final subtraction image after further contrast administration showing enhancement due to bleeding in the resection cavity.


Fig. 69.11 Histology of the left breast: tubular carcinoma.


Fig. 69.12 a,b Preoperative hook-wire localization of the lesion between the outer quadrants of the left breast after core biopsy.


Fig. 69.13 a-c Preoperative hook-wire localization of the second lesion between the inner quadrants of the left breast.

Sep 3, 2016 | Posted by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY | Comments Off on 69

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