the material coordinates of the undeformed cardiac domain , by
the spatial coordinates of the deformed cardiac domain
at time t, by
the deformation gradient. The cardiac tissue is modeled as a nonlinear hyperelastic material satisfying the steady-state force equilibrium equation


(b) Mechanical Model of Active Tension. The active component
is given in terms of the active tension, that we assume developed along the myofiber direction only,
, with
the fiber direction in the reference configuration and the biochemically generated active tension
is calcium, stretch (
), and stretch-rate (
) dependent, with the dynamics described by a system of ODEs proposed in Land et al. [21].

(c) Electrical Model of Cardiac Tissue: The Bidomain Model. We will use the following parabolic-elliptic formulation of the modified Bidomain model on the reference configuration

for the transmembrane potential
extracellular potential
gating and ionic concentrations variables
. This system is completed by prescribing initial conditions, insulating boundary conditions, and applied current
, see [11] for further details. The conductivity tensors are given by

are the conductivity coefficients in the intra- and extracellular media measured along and across the fiber direction



(d) Ionic Membrane Model and Stretch-Activated Channel Current. The functions
in the Bidomain model (2) are given by the ionic membrane model by ten Tusscher et al. [28], available from the cellML depository ( The ionic current is the sum
of the ionic term
given by the ten Tusscher model and a stretch-activated channel current
. This last current is modeled as in [22] as the sum of non-specific and specific currents

3 Methods
Space Discretization. We discretize the cardiac domain with an hexahedral structured grid
for the mechanical model (1) and
for the electrical Bidomain model (2), where
is a refinement of
, i.e.
is an integer multiple of
. We then discretize all scalar and vector fields of both mechanical and electrical models by isoparametric
finite elements in space.

Time Discretization. The time discretization is performed by a semi-implicit splitting method, where the electrical and mechanical time steps could be different. At each time step,
at time
, solve the ODE system of the membrane model with a first order IMEX method to compute the new

given the calcium concentration
, which is included in the concentration variables
, solve the mechanical problems (1) and the active tension system to compute the new deformed coordinates
, providing the new deformation gradient tensor

, solve the Bidomain system (2) with a first order IMEX method and compute the new electric potentials
with an operator splitting method.

We refer to [9] for more details.
Computational Kernels. Due to the employed space and time discretization strategies, at each time step, the main computational efforts consist of:
Domain Geometry and Parameter Calibration. The cardiac domain
is the image of a cartesian slab using ellipsoidal coordinates, yielding a portion of truncated ellipsoid. The values of the orthotropic conductivity coefficients (see (3)) used in all the numerical tests are
, all expressed in
. The parameters of the orthotropic strain energy function are given in [14]. The bulk modulus is
solving the nonlinear system deriving from the discretization of the mechanical problem by a Newton-GMRES-Algebraic Multigrid method, see [10];
solving the two linear systems associated with the elliptic and parabolic Bidomain equations using the Conjugate Gradient method preconditioned by a Multilevel Additive Schwarz preconditioner studied in [23]. Our parallel simulations have been performed on a Linux cluster using the parallel library PETSc [6] from the Argonne National Laboratory.