Boerhaave Syndrome

 Usually from left side of distal thoracic esophagus

• Chest film
image Left side pleural effusion or hydropneumothorax

image Radiolucent streaks of gas along aorta or in neck

• Esophagography with nonionic, water-soluble contrast agent
image Shows extravasation of ingested or injected (through nasogastric tube) contrast medium

image From left side of esophagus, just above gastroesophageal (GE) junction

image If initial study with water-soluble contrast medium fails to show leak, examination must be repeated immediately with barium to detect subtle leaks

• CT
image Extraluminal gas &/or oral contrast medium in lower mediastinum &/or upper abdomen


• Mallory-Weiss syndrome

• Pulsion diverticulum (epiphrenic)

• Iatrogenic (postinstrumentation) injury


• Accounts for 15% of total esophageal perforation cases

• Prognosis for large perforation
image After 24 hours without treatment: Mortality = 70%

image After immediate surgical drainage: Good

• Treatment
image Drains in esophagus, mediastinum, pleural space, &/or abdomen

(Left) Graphic shows a vertically oriented laceration image of the distal esophagus, just above the hiatus and gastroesophageal (GE) junction.

(Right) Film from an esophagram following injection of a water-soluble contrast medium through a nasogastric tube demonstrates a leak of contrast medium image from a tear in the left anterior wall of the distal esophagus image, a classic appearance for Boerhaave syndrome.

(Left) Axial CECT in a middle-aged man with severe chest pain after repeated retching shows extraluminal gas and contrast material image surrounding the esophagus in the lower mediastinum and upper abdomen.

(Right) Film from a fluoroscopic exam in the same patient during injection of water-soluble contrast through a nasogastric tube shows extraluminal contrast in the mediastinum and upper abdomen image. The site of the tear is the left anterior wall image of the distal esophagus.



• Spontaneous distal esophageal perforation following vomiting or other violent straining


General Features

• Best diagnostic clue
image Extraluminal gas and contrast material in lower mediastinum surrounding esophagus

• Other general features
image Sudden increase in intraluminal pressure leads to full-thickness esophageal perforation

image Left side of distal thoracic esophagus
– Most vulnerable (due to lack of supporting mediastinal structures)

– Vertical, full-thickness tear, 1-4 cm long

Nov 16, 2016 | Posted by in GASTROINTESTINAL IMAGING | Comments Off on Boerhaave Syndrome

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