Degenerative Joint Disease

Degenerative Joint Disease


Degenerative joint disease (osteoarthritis, osteoarthrosis) is the most common form of arthritis. In its primary (idiopathic) form, it affects individuals aged 50 and older; in its secondary form, however, osteoarthritis may be seen in a much younger age group. Patients in the latter group have clearly defined underlying conditions leading to the development of degenerative joint disease (see Fig. 12.1).

Some authorities postulate that there are two types of primary degenerative joint disease. The first form is apparently closely related to the aging process (“wear and tear”) and represents not a true arthritis but a senescent process of the joint. It characteristically shows limited destruction of the cartilage, slow progression, lack of significant joint deformity, and no restriction of joint function. This process is not affected by gender or race. The second type, a true osteoarthritis, is unrelated to the aging process, although it shows an increased prevalence with age. Marked by progressive destruction of the articular cartilage and reparative processes such as osteophyte formation and subchondral sclerosis, true osteoarthritis progresses rapidly, leading to significant joint deformity. This form may be related to genetic factors, as well as to gender, race, and obesity. It has been shown that osteoarthritis tends to affect women more commonly than men, particularly in the proximal and distal interphalangeal joints and the first carpometacarpal joints. In the population older than 65 years, osteoarthritis affects whites more frequently than African Americans. Obesity is associated with a higher incidence of osteoarthritis in the knees, which may be related to an excessive weight-bearing load on these joints.

Generally, in osteoarthritis the large diarthrodial joints such as the hip or knee and the small joints such as the interphalangeal joints of the hand are most often affected; the spine, however, is just as frequently involved in the degenerative process (Fig. 13.1). The shoulder, elbow, wrist, and ankle are unusual sites for primary osteoarthritis, and if degenerative changes are encountered in these locations, secondary arthritis should be considered. It should be kept in mind, however, that evidence exists for an association between degenerative arthritis in unusual sites and certain occupations. Even primary osteoarthritic changes may develop more rapidly, for example, in the lumbar spine, knees, and elbows of coal miners and in the wrists, elbows, and shoulders of pneumatic drill operators. Degenerative changes are also commonly seen in the ankles and feet of ballet dancers and in the femoropatellar joints of bicyclists.

An overview of the clinical and radiographic hallmarks of degenerative joint disease is presented in Table 13.1.

Osteoarthritis of the Large Joints

The hip and knee joints are the most common sites of osteoarthritis. The severity of radiographic changes does not always correlate with the clinical symptoms, which may vary from stiffness and pain to severe deformities and limitation of joint function.

Osteoarthritis of the Hip

There are four cardinal radiographic features of degenerative joint disease in the hip:

  • Narrowing of the joint space as a result of thinning of the articular cartilage

  • Subchondral sclerosis (eburnation) caused by reparative processes (remodeling)

  • Osteophyte formation (osteophytosis) as a result of reparative processes in sites not subjected to stress (so-called low-stress areas), which are usually marginal (peripheral) in distribution

  • Cyst or pseudocyst formation resulting from bone contusions that lead to microfractures and intrusion of synovial fluid into the altered spongy bone; in the acetabulum, these subchondral cystlike lesions are referred to as Eggers cysts.

These hallmarks of degenerative joint disease can be readily demonstrated on the standard projections of the hip (Fig. 13.2). In the past, tomography used to demonstrate the details of the degenerative process; however, its application was not to make a specific diagnosis but rather to confirm or exclude possible complications (see Fig. 12.8). CT scanning may further delineate the characteristic features of osteoarthritis (Fig. 13.3).

As articular cartilage is destroyed and reparative changes develop, evidence emerges of a change in the relation of the femoral head with respect to the acetabulum, known as “migration.” Generally, three patterns of femoral head migration can be observed: superior, which may be either superolateral or superomedial; medial; and axial (Fig. 13.4). The most common pattern is superolateral migration; the medial pattern is less common, whereas axial migration is only exceptionally seen. It should be kept in mind, however, that in inflammatory arthritis of the hip, such as rheumatoid arthritis, in which a previous axial migration of the femoral head is commonly associated with acetabular protrusio, degenerative changes might develop as a complication of the
inflammatory process. Thus, one may see secondary osteoarthritis with axial migration (Fig. 13.5).

FIGURE 13.1 Highlights of the morphology and distribution of arthritic lesions in primary osteoarthritis.

Occasionally, the degenerative process in the hip may run a more rapid course. This destructive arthrosis of the hip joint is known as Postel coxarthropathy, a condition characterized by rapid chondrolysis that may quickly lead to complete destruction of the hip joint. Originally described by Lequesne, and also by Postel and Kerboull in 1970, this unique hip disorder occurs predominantly in women, with age of onset at 60 to 70 years. In all cases, a rapid clinical course of hip pain is the consistent common symptom. The histologic findings are those of conventional osteoarthritis with severe degenerative changes in the articular cartilage. However, osteophyte formation is absent or minimal. Hypervascularity in the subchondral bone is a common finding. The bone trabeculae are either abnormally thickened or abnormally thinned. Occasionally, one can observe foci of fibrosis, interstitial edema and hemorrhage in the marrow spaces, focal marrow fat fibrosis, and focal areas of bone resorption. The precise pathogenesis of this condition remains unclear, although direct drug toxicity and the analgesic effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have been implicated. Some investigators have suggested that intraarticular deposition of hydroxyapatite crystals might lead to joint destruction. Others have proposed subchondral insufficiency fracture of the femoral head as a cause of this arthritis. Because of the rapidity of the process, the radiographic presentation of this condition is marked by very little, if any, reparative changes, mimicking infectious or neuropathic arthritis (Charcot joint) (Fig. 13.6). More recently, Boutry and colleagues reported MRI findings of this form of osteoarthritis. These included joint effusion, a bone marrow edema-like pattern in the femoral head, neck, and acetabulum, femoral head flattening, and cyst-like subchondral defects (Fig. 13.7).

TABLE 13.1 Clinical and Radiographic Hallmarks of Degenerative Joint Disease

Type of Arthritis


Crucial Abnormalities


Primary Osteoarthritis (F > M; >50 years)


Degenerative changes in

Dorsovolar view

Proximal interphalangeal joints (Bouchard nodes)

Distal interphalangeal joints (Heberden nodes)


Narrowing of joint space

Anteroposterior view

Subchondral sclerosis

Marginal osteophytes

Cysts and pseudocysts

Superolateral subluxation


Same changes as in hip

Anteroposterior view

Varus or valgus deformity

Weight-bearing anteroposterior view

Degenerative changes in

Femoropatellar compartment

Lateral view

Patella (tooth sign)

Axial view of patella


Degenerative disk disease

Narrowing of disk space

Lateral view

Degenerative spondylolisthesis

Lateral flexion/extension views


Anteroposterior and lateral views

Spondylosis deformans

Anteroposterior and lateral views

Degenerative changes in apophyseal joints

Oblique views (cervical, lumbar)

Foraminal stenosis

CT, myelogram, MRI

Spinal stenosis

Secondary Osteoarthritis


Similar changes to those in primary osteoarthritis

Standard views



Shoulder, elbow, wrist, ankle (unusual sites)

History of previous trauma

Younger age

FAI syndrome


Bone formation at the head/neck junction


Acetabular crossover sign

Slipped capital femoral epiphysis


Herndon hump

Anteroposterior and frog-lateral views

Narrowing of joint space


Congenital hip dislocation (F > M)


Signs of acetabular hypoplasia

Anteroposterior and frog-lateral views

Perthes disease (M > F)


Unilateral or bilateral

Anteroposterior and frog-lateral views

Osteonecrosis of femoral head

Coxa magna

Lateral subluxation

Inflammatory arthritis


Medial and axial migration of femoral head

Standard views


Periarticular osteoporosis

Limited osteophytosis



Increased bone density

Anteroposterior views (hip, shoulder)


Joint space usually preserved or only slightly narrowed

Grashey view (shoulder)

Crescent sign

Frog-lateral view (hip)

Paget disease (>40 years)

Hips, knees, shoulders

Coarse trabeculations

Standard views of affected joints

Thickening of cortex

Radionuclide bone scan

Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia

Epiphyses of long bones

Dysplastic changes

Standard views of affected joints

Narrowing of joint space




Degenerative changes in second and third metacarpophalangeal joints with beak-like osteophytes

Dorsovolar view



Large joints

Joint spaces widened or only slightly narrowed

Standard views of affected joint


Enlargement of terminal tufts

Dorsovolar view

Beak-like osteophytes in heads of metacarpals

* Radionuclide bone scan is used to determine the distribution of arthritic lesions in the skeleton.

FIGURE 13.2 Osteoarthritis of the hip joint. A 51-year-old woman presented with a history of right hip pain for the past 10 years and no previous history suggesting predisposing factors for osteoarthritis. Anteroposterior radiograph of the hip demonstrates the radiographic hallmarks of osteoarthritis: narrowing of the joint space, particularly at the weight-bearing segment (arrow); formation of marginal osteophytes (open arrows); and subchondral sclerosis. Note the lack of osteoporosis.

FIGURE 13.3 CT of osteoarthritis of the hip. Coronal reformatted image shows diminution of the joint space, osteophytes, and subchondral cysts in the femoral head.

FIGURE 13.4 Migration of the femoral head. (A) Anteroposterior radiograph of the right hip of a 65-year-old woman with long-standing degenerative joint disease in both hips demonstrates superolateral migration of the femoral head, the most common pattern seen in osteoarthritis of the hip joint. Note the typical Eggers cyst in the acetabulum (arrow). (B) Medial migration of the femoral head is apparent in this 48-year-old woman with osteoarthritis of the right hip. (C) Axial migration of the femoral head is evident in this 57-year-old woman who was suspected of having inflammatory arthritis. Clinical and laboratory investigations, however, led to a diagnosis of idiopathic osteoarthritis, which was confirmed on histopathologic examination after total hip replacement.

FIGURE 13.5 Rheumatoid arthritis with superimposed osteoarthritis. Anteroposterior radiograph of the right hip of a 42-year-old woman with a known history of long-standing rheumatoid arthritis shows the typical changes of inflammatory arthritis, including axial migration of the femoral head and acetabular protrusio. Superimposition of secondary osteoarthritis is evident in subchondral sclerosis and marginal osteophytes.

FIGURE 13.6 Postel coxarthropathy. Anteroposterior radiograph of the right hip of a 72-year-old man who had pain in the hip for 4 months shows the typical appearance of Postel coxarthropathy, which often mimics Charcot joint or infectious arthritis. Note the destruction of the articular portion of the femoral head, which is laterally subluxed. The same destructive process has led to widening of the acetabulum.

FIGURE 13.7 Postel coxarthropathy. (A) Anteroposterior radiograph of the right hip of a 44-year-old man shows destructive changes of the femoral head and acetabulum. (B) Aspiration arthrogram, that was performed to rule out infection, shows hypertrophic synovitis. (C) A gradient-echo T2*-weighted MRI shows joint effusion, hypertrophied synovium, and subchondral cysts in the acetabulum and femoral head.

FIGURE 13.8 Posttraumatic osteoarthritis. A 64-year-old man, who in the past sustained complex right acetabular and femoral fractures, developed secondary osteoarthritis. (A) A preliminary scout CT image shows posttraumatic deformity of the acetabulum and femoral head associated with acetabular protrusio. (B) Axial CT section through both hips shows osteoarthritic changes of the right femoral head and ununited fracture of the anterior column (arrow). (C) Coronal reformatted image demonstrates significant narrowing of the joint space, deformity of the femoral head, and periarticular sclerosis. (D) 3D reconstruction shows almost complete obliteration of the hip joint, acetabular protrusio, and osteophyte formation. All CT findings are consistent with posttraumatic osteoarthritis.

Secondary osteoarthritis is often seen in the hip joint in patients with predisposing conditions such as previous trauma (Fig. 13.8), femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) syndrome (see below), slipped capital femoral epiphysis, congenital hip dislocation, Perthes disease, osteonecrosis, Paget disease, and inflammatory arthritides. The radiographic findings are the same as those described for primary osteoarthritis, but the features of the underlying process also can often be detected. Although the standard radiographic views are usually sufficient for demonstrating these changes, computed tomography (CT), arthrography, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may at times be needed for a more accurate assessment of the status of the articular cartilage.

Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome

FAI results from incongruity of the femoral head and acetabulum, and is one of the leading causes of precocious osteoarthritis of the hip joint. Two types of FAI have been described based on the predominance of anatomic abnormalities affecting either femoral head or acetabulum. In cam type, the nonspherical shape of the femoral head secondary to excessive bone formation at the junction of head and neck results in abutment against the acetabular rim. In pincer type, because of deep acetabulum (coxa profunda), acetabular protrusio, or acetabular retroversion, acetabular “overcoverage” of the femoral head limits the range of motion in the hip joint and leads to abnormal stresses on acetabular rim. In both types of FAI the abnormal mechanism results in damage of the acetabular labrum, thus promoting secondary osteoarthritis. The diagnosis of FAI is based on (a) the patient’s clinical history of chronic pain, (b) physical examination revealing reduced range of motion in the hip joint, particularly flexion and internal rotation, and (c) imaging findings on conventional radiography, CT, and MRI. In cam type, conventional radiography demonstrates excessive bone formation at the femoral head/neck junction with loss of normal anatomic “waist” at this site (Fig. 13.9A), occasionally resembling the smooth hand grip of some pistols (“pistol grip deformity,” or a “cam effect”) (Fig. 13.9B); an os acetabulum, which more likely represents a fragment of damaged acetabular rim; and a radiolucent lesion at the head/neck junction, formerly called “synovial herniation pit,” and now designated as fibroosseous lesion. CT shows these abnormalities even better (Fig. 13.10). MR arthrography (MRa), particularly the radial reformatted images, in addition to the findings listed above, clearly demonstrates abnormalities of the fibrocartilaginous labrum at the anterosuperior portion of the acetabulum (Fig. 13.11, see also Fig. 2.36). In pincer type, particularly in case of acetabular retroversion, conventional radiograph shows “cross-over” sign, when more
lateral projection of anterior acetabulum, which normally should project medially to the posterior acetabulum, “crosses” the posterior acetabular outline (Fig. 13.12). MRI demonstrates acetabular version and depth of the femoral head coverage (Fig. 13.13). To determine the sphericity of the femoral head and the prominence of the anterior femoral head/neck junction, the alpha angle is calculated on the oblique axial CT or oblique axial MR images (Fig. 13.14). Radial reformatted MR images are of particular value in this respect, because they allow optimal visualization of the anterosuperior region of the femoral head/neck junction, where the most significant changes in the alpha angle occur (see Fig. 13.14B). The normal alpha angle should not exceed 50 degrees. The larger the alpha angle, the more pronounced is nonspherical shape of the femoral head, and the greater is predisposition for anterior FAI.

FIGURE 13.9 Cam type of FAI. (A) Anteroposterior radiograph of the right hip of a 39-year-old woman shows excessive bone buildup at the femoral head/neck junction (arrow). Note secondary osteoarthritis of the hip joint. (B) In another patient, a 41-year-old man, tubular appearance of the proximal right femur and the osseous prominence at the femoral head/neck junction assumed a “pistol grip” deformity. Also evident is osteoarthritis of the hip joint.

FIGURE 13.10 CT of cam type FAI. (A) Coronal reformatted CT image and (B) 3D reconstructed CT image in shaded surface display in a 34-year-old man show bone accretion at the femoral head/neck junction (arrows).

FIGURE 13.11 MR arthrography of cam type FAI. Radial reconstructed MRa images of the hip joint show various characteristic features of this abnormality. (A) In a 34-year-old woman—a decreased femoral head/neck offset associated with hypertrophic ossification (arrow). (B) In a 32-year-old woman—a fibroosseous lesion at the anterosuperior aspect of the femoral head/neck junction (arrow). (C) In a 38-year-old man—a tear of the superior anterior cartilaginous labrum (arrow). (D) In a 30-year-old woman—a delamination injury to the acetabular labrum (arrow).


In very early stages of osteoarthritis, particularly in the patients with FAI, open or arthroscopic trimming of acetabular rim and/or femoral head may be attempted. In younger patients, labral and acetabular repair and/or osteoplasty with reshaping of femoral head/neck junction contributed to satisfactory results. Occasionally intertrochanteric flexionvalgus osteotomy may also relieve the clinical symptoms. Periacetabular osteotomy is an effective way to reorient the acetabulum in young adults with symptomatic FAI due to acetabular retroversion. Advanced osteoarthritis, whether primary or secondary, is usually treated surgically by total hip arthroplasty using, among the various types available, either a cemented or a noncemented prosthesis. The reader is referred to Chapter 12 for further discussion of management.

FIGURE 13.12 Pincer type FAI. (A) Anteroposterior radiograph of the left hip in a 29-year-old woman shows a cross-over sign. Note that the posterior acetabular rim outline (yellow line) projects medially (arrow) in relation to the anterior acetabular rim (red line), indicative of acetabular retroversion. (B) In a normal hip joint, the posterior acetabular rim outline projects laterally to the posterior acetabular rim.

FIGURE 13.13 MRI of pincer FAI. (A) Axial oblique T1-weighted MR image shows deeply seated femoral head secondary to acetabular retroversion. Acetabular depth can be quantified by drawing a line (a-b) connecting the posterior and anterior acetabular rims, and a parallel line (c-d) that passes through the center of the femoral head (red dot). The distance between these two lines defines the acetabular depth, with the value being positive (+) if the center of the femoral head projects lateral to the line connecting the acetabular rims. Negative values (-) indicate deep seating of the femoral head within the acetabulum. (B) Axial oblique MR image of normal hip joint is shown for comparison.

FIGURE 13.14 Femoroacatabular impingement—calculation of alpha angle. The alpha angle is formed by the intersection of two lines: line A-B, drawn from the center of the femoral head (A) to the point where peripheral osseous contour of the anterior femoral head intersects the extrapolated circle of the femoral head (B), and the second line A-C, drawn from the center of the femoral head (A) through the longitudinal axis of the femoral neck (C). Normal alpha angle should not exceed 50 degrees. (A) Alpha angle calculated on the oblique axial CT image of the right hip in a patient with cam FAI. (B) Alpha angle calculated on the oblique axial MR image of the left hip in a patient with cam FAI. The arrows point to excessive bone formation at the anterosuperior aspect of the femoral head/neck junction.

FIGURE 13.15 Osteoarthritis. Anteroposterior (A) and lateral (B) radiographs of the knee of a 57-year-old woman demonstrate narrowing of the medial femorotibial and femoropatellar compartments, subchondral sclerosis, and osteophytosis, which are the typical features of osteoarthritis. Note that osteophytes that were not obvious on the frontal projection are much better demonstrated on the lateral radiograph.

Osteoarthritis of the Knee

The knee is a complex joint comprising three major compartments—the medial femorotibial, the lateral femorotibial, and the femoropatellar— and each of which may be affected by degenerative changes. The radiographic features of these changes are similar to those seen in osteoarthritis of the hip, including narrowing of the joint space (usually one or two compartments), subchondral sclerosis, osteophytosis, and subchondral cyst (or pseudocyst) formation. The standard anteroposterior and lateral projections of the knee are sufficient to demonstrate these processes (Fig. 13.15). If the medial joint compartment is affected, the knee may assume a varus configuration, which is best demonstrated on the weight-bearing anteroposterior view (Fig. 13.16A); involvement of the lateral compartment may lead to a valgus configuration (Fig. 13.16B). CT and 3D reconstructed CT images may provide additional information as to the status of osteoarthritic process (Fig. 13.17). A frequent complication of osteoarthritis of the knee is the formation of osteochondral
bodies, which can be demonstrated on the standard projections of the knee (Figs. 13.18 and 13.19); however, MRI may also be effective in this respect (Figs. 13.20,13.21,13.22). The femoropatellar joint compartment is also commonly involved in primary osteoarthritis. The lateral radiograph of the knee and axial view of the patella are the most effective means of visualizing degenerative changes of the femoropatellar compartment (Fig. 13.23).

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