The shoulder girdle is a complex anatomic unit that is designed to maximize the position on the hand and opposing thumb in three-dimensional space. The shoulder is often thought of as synonymous with the glenohumeral joint, but is actually composed of four separate joints (sternoclavicular, scapulothoracic, acromioclavicular, and the glenohumeral). These four joints work synergistically with numerous muscles and ligaments to optimize motion of the upper extremity and to balance range of motion and stability. Shoulder pain is a very common complaint and is most often seen in association with acute trauma or repetitive overuse. Recent advances in cross-sectional imaging, including CT and MRI, have revolutionized the evaluation of the shoulder, particularly with regard to the soft tissue structures. Conventional radiography, however, remains a mainstay of imaging and is often the first examination ordered for a patient with complaints of shoulder pain.



Radiographs are often the first imaging study obtained in the patient presenting with the chief complaint of shoulder pain. The complex anatomy of the shoulder girdle has led to the development of numerous radiographic views, each designed to optimize the evaluation of a specific part of the shoulder girdle. Familiarity with the standard views as well as the specialized projections aid in optimizing the radiographic evaluation of the shoulder based on the clinical presentation and suspected abnormality.

The standard anteroposterior (AP) view is obtained in an anteroposterior direction relative to the body rather than the glenohumeral joint, which is tilted anteriorly 40 degrees in relation to the body, and, as a result, this view shows overlap of the humeral head and the glenoid rim. This view can be obtained in neutral, internal or external rotation and provides the best overall survey of the shoulder girdle. The glenohumeral “true” anteroposterior (Grashey) view is obtained by rotating the patient 35 to 40 degrees posteriorly so that the plane of the beam is directed parallel to the glenohumeral joint rather than the body, thus eliminating the overlap of the glenohumeral joint. This view is particularly helpful for evaluation of glenohumeral joint space and demonstrates loss of articular cartilage and subtle subluxation indicating possible glenohumeral instability.

The axial view provides a lateral view of the glenohumeral joint and is helpful in the evaluation of possible dislocation of the glenohumeral joint, but it requires the patient to abduct the arm, which can be difficult after acute trauma. The scapula “Y” view, on the other hand, provides a lateral view of the glenohumeral joint and can be obtained with the arm down by the side requiring no movement of the upper extremity and is thus more useful in the setting of acute trauma.

Numerous variations of the axillary view have been developed to minimize movement of the arm or to optimize visualization of a particular portion of the glenohumeral joint. One such projection, the West Point View, is obtained by placing the patient in the prone position with the arm abducted 90 degrees from the long axis of the body with the elbow and forearm hanging off the side of the table. This view was developed to optimize detection of a Bankart fracture of the anterior glenoid rim and is frequently requested by orthopedic surgeons in patients who have experienced anterior dislocation of the glenohumeral joint. Specialized views are also available to evaluate the scapula, the acromioclavicular joint, and the sternoclavicular joints.


Painful impingement of the shoulder is a clinical entity that results from compression of the rotator cuff and subacromial-subdeltoid bursa between the greater tuberosity of the humeral head and the protective overriding osseous outlet and acromion. Clinical impingement includes symptomatic subacromial-subdeltoid bursitis and tendinopathy resulting from the compressive forces of the adjacent osseous structures. Over time, this process may lead to a partial- or full-thickness tear of the cuff. The diagnosis of impingement cannot be established on the basis of imaging findings alone, but rather on the basis of the physical examination, which elicits pain during abduction and elevation of the arm. Certain anatomic configurations or abnormalities of the osseous outlet and acromion may result in mass effect on the underlying soft tissue structures during abduction and elevation of the arm, thus placing an individual at an increased risk for developing the clinical syndrome of impingement. This has been referred to as extrinsic impingement. Alternatively, impingement may result from glenohumeral instability, which allows subtle subluxation of the humeral head during overhead activities, thus leading to compression of the cuff and bursa. This form of impingement is internal impingement.

To be successful, surgical management must not only repair the injured soft tissue structures (cuff repair and debridement of the bursa), but also address the underlying cause of impingement (osseous outlet morphology or glenohumeral instability). It is important to understand the specific osseous configurations associated with impingement and to accurately describe them on each shoulder MR examination to ensure that the surgeon correctly addresses the underlying cause of impingement.

Numerous radiographic and MR findings have been described that are associated with the clinical syndrome of impingement. The acromion, the acromioclavicular (AC) joint, and the coracoacromial ligament should be thoroughly evaluated for these specific configurations, anatomic variants, and abnormalities (Table 7-1).

Table 7-1 MR Evaluation of the Osseous Outlet and Acromion

Anatomic Part Abnormality Preferred MR Imaging Plane
Acromion Type or configuration of undersurface (Types I, II, III, IV) Sagittal; 1–2 images peripheral to AC joint
Anterior down-sloping Sagittal
Lateral down-sloping Coronal
Enthesiophyte formation Sagittal/coronal
Os acromiale “double AC joint” sign Axial—primary Sagittal/coronal—secondary
Acromioclavicular (AC) joint Osteoarthritis (mass effect on underlying cuff) Coronal/sagittal
AC joint separation (grades I, II, III) Coronal
Osteolysis of distal clavicle Coronal
Coracoacromial ligament Thickening Sagittal
Calcification Sagittal


The anterolateral aspect of the acromion plays the most crucial role in extrinsic compression of the rotator cuff; therefore, any acromial configuration that narrows the subacromial space anterolaterally places a person at risk for the clinical syndrome of impingement. Five aspects of the acromial shape and morphology should be evaluated on each shoulder MR examination.

1. The morphology of the undersurface of the acromion should be described as follows: a type I acromion demonstrates a flat undersurface; type II acromion, a gentle undersurface curvature; type III acromion, an anterior hook; and type IV acromion, a convex undersurface (Fig. 7-1). Acromial types II and III are associated with an increased risk of impingement, and this association was first demonstrated using the scapular Y radiograph (Fig. 7-2). To accurately type the undersurface of the acromion on MRI, evaluate the first or second image lateral to the AC joint on the oblique sagittal imaging plane (Fig. 7-3). The major pitfall with regard to typing the acromion on MRI is the use of the incorrect image or imaging plane. Evaluation of the acromion on a sagittal image that is too far central or peripheral or use of the coronal imaging plane results in an inaccurate typing of the acromion. Currently, there is decreased emphasis in the orthopedic community on the role of acromial morphology (acromial type) with regard to the clinical syndrome of impingement. The other acromial variations listed in the following text are thought to play a more significant role with regard to impingement.

2. Anterior down-sloping (Fig. 7-4). Anterior tilt (down-sloping) of the scapula is associated with kyphosis and can result in narrowing of the clinical syndrome of impingement.

4. Spur formation off of the undersurface of the acromion (Fig. 7-6A). The deltoid tendon slip attaches to the lateral aspect of the acromion. A common pitfall is to misinterpret the deltoid tendon slip as an acromial spur on MRI. The two can be easily differentiated because the deltoid tendon slip (Fig. 7-6B) appears dark on all pulse sequences, whereas a spur contains fatty marrow elements and demonstrates fat signal intensity on all pulse sequences (bright on T1).

The acromion develops from several separate ossification centers, which typically fuse by 22 to 25 years of age. Failure of one of these ossification centers to fuse can lead to an unstable os acromiale with osteophytic lipping at the level of the synchondrosis. An unstable, unfused ossification center can act as a fulcrum or hinge and can displace in a downward direction during contraction of the deltoid muscle, narrowing the subacromial distance and leading to impingement of the rotator cuff. Failure to recognize and address an unfused os acromiale at the time of subacromial decompression and rotator cuff repair is a known cause of failed cuff repair. Arthroscopic removal of small fragments (less than 4 mm) is recommended because it does not disrupt the attachment of the deltoid muscle or alter its function. Larger fragments are surgically fused rather than resected to prevent weakness of the shoulder during abduction.

The MR appearance of an unfused os acromiale is variable depending on which ossification center fails to fuse. The unfused os acromiale is best depicted on axial images (Fig. 7-8). However, the most superior axial image obtained on MRI of the shoulder often begins below the level of the acromion; as a result, if one relies solely on the axial images, an unfused os acromiale may be overlooked. Therefore, the oblique sagittal and oblique coronal images should also be evaluated for an unfused os acromiale. An unfused os acromiale on sagittal or coronal images often demonstrates an appearance similar to that of the AC joint and may be misinterpreted as the AC joint. Simultaneous visualization of the AC joint and the unfused os acromiale on the same image gives the appearance of a “double AC joint,” and has been referred to as the double AC joint sign. More often, the unfused os acromiale appears as a second AC joint (Fig. 7-9) on an image two to three slices posterior to the true AC joint. The presence of fluid within the synchondrosis or edema surrounding the synchondrosis seen on MR imaging usually indicates pseudarthrosis or fibrous union and is an indication of probable instability.

An unfused os acromiale can occasionally mimic an acromial fracture. The two entities can be differentiated because the accessory ossicle usually appears triangular with sclerotic margins and forms a synchondrosis that is always oriented perpendicular to the long axis of the acromion. An acute fracture, on the other hand, is usually oriented at an oblique angle relative to the long axis of the acromion and demonstrates nonsclerotic irregular margins (Fig. 7-10).

Acromioclavicular Joint

Abnormalities of the AC joint are common and are often detected while imaging the shoulder. Osteoarthritis is a very common entity in patients over 40 years of age, whereas in the young athletic individual, post-traumatic AC joint separation and osteolysis of the distal clavicle are common entities. These conditions occasionally mimic one another, but can usually be differentiated on the basis of history and imaging findings (Table 7-2).

Table 7-2 Acromioclavicular (AC) Joint Osteoarthritis versus Osteolysis Distal Clavicle

  Osteoarthritis Post-traumatic Osteolysis
Patient Typically > 40 Young athlete
Symptoms Minimally symptomatic or asymptomatic Painful
Etiology No history of trauma Acute trauma: Repetitive microtrauma (weight-lifters)
Location of involvement Both sides of joint Isolated to distal clavicle
Radiographic findings

MR findings

Osteoarthritis of the AC joint typically involves both sides of the joint, and imaging findings include capsular hypertrophy, joint effusion, and adjacent soft tissue edema. Osteophyte formation, subchondral marrow signal change, and subchondral cyst formation can also occur on both sides of the joint. The differential diagnosis for marrow edema on both sides of the AC joint includes recent AC joint separation, osteoarthritis, and inflammatory arthritis. Osteoarthritis of the AC joint is often asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic when compared with post-traumatic osteolysis of the distal clavicle, which can be quite painful. Osteoarthritis of the AC joint can be a source of extrinsic impingement on the rotator cuff; however, the AC joint does not play as crucial a role as does the anterior acromion with regard to impingement. The portion of the cuff immediately underlying the AC joint is less rigidly confined than the portion of the cuff underlying the anterior acromion, and degenerative osteoarthritis of the AC joint may result in the appearance of mass effect on the underlying cuff on MRI when there are no clinical symptoms of impingement. Degenerative changes of the AC joint with its associated mass effect on the underlying cuff are best appreciated on sagittal and coronal MR images (Fig. 7-11). Large joint effusion and pericapsular edema are signs that are often associated with synovitis of the AC joint and are associated with an increased incidence of symptomatic AC joint osteoarthritis.

Post-traumatic osteolysis of the distal clavicle is a painful condition that typically occurs after mild to moderate acute trauma to the AC joint or after repetitive microtrauma, as seen in weight lifters and other athletes who experience repetitive stress to the AC joint. Clinically, osteolysis differs from osteoarthritis in that it usually occurs in the young athlete and results in moderate to severe pain, whereas osteoarthritis occurs in the older patient population with no history of trauma or repetitive stress and is minimally painful or asymptomatic.

Initial radiographs in post-traumatic osteolysis demonstrate soft tissue swelling of the AC joint, demineralization, and loss of the cortical margin of the distal clavicle (Fig. 7-12A). The AC joint may appear widened during the acute phase, but over time the distal clavicle usually reconstitutes, at least in part. Chronic changes of subchondral sclerosis and subchondral cystic change isolated to the distal clavicle are common. Early in post-traumatic osteolysis, MRI demonstrates marrow edema isolated to the distal 1 to 3 cm of the clavicle and may demonstrate loss of the normal cortical black line. Findings of a small joint effusion, capsular hypertrophy, and pericapsular edema of the AC joint are often present. Late findings may include widening of the AC joint, mild capsular hypertrophy, and cortical irregularity or subchondral sclerosis involving the distal tip of the clavicle (Fig. 7-12B).

After trauma to the shoulder, the AC joint should also be evaluated for evidence of fracture and AC joint separation. A fracture is seen on MRI as a dark line on both T1- and T2-weighted images with surrounding marrow edema. Separation of the AC joint is graded on a three-point scale (Fig. 7-13).

Grade I injury: Mild strain of the AC joint; the AC and coracoclavicular (CC) ligaments remain intact. Radiographs of the shoulder are normal, and MRI shows only mild pericapsular edema of the AC joint. The symptoms are mild, treatment is conservative, and the patient usually recovers spontaneously.

Grade II injury: Moderate strain of the AC joint: it is associated with disruption of the AC joint capsule; the CC ligaments remain intact. Radiographs demonstrate slight elevation of the distal clavicle, whereas MRI demonstrates pericapsular AC joint edema in addition to distal elevation of the clavicle. With a grade II injury, the AC joint capsule is disrupted whereas the CC ligaments remain intact. Treatment is conservative and recovery is usually spontaneous.

Grade III injury: Severe injury of the AC joint; both the AC capsule and the CC ligaments are disrupted. Radiographs show complete dislocation of the AC joint with marked elevation of the distal clavicle, and MRI also shows pericapsular edema and disruption of the AC joint capsule and the CC ligaments. Complete AC joint separation (grade III injury) may result in scapular droop and may be a source of extrinsic impingement of the rotator cuff.


The rotator cuff is composed of four separate muscles and their tendons. Each muscle originates along either the anterior or posterior margin of the scapula and then extends toward and completely covers the humeral head with tendons inserting onto either the greater or lesser tuberosities of the humeral head. The rotator cuff contributes to the motion of the upper extremity and also plays an important role in stabilizing the humeral head within the glenoid fossa during movement of the glenohumeral joint. The rotator cuff is often referred to as an active stabilizer of the rotator cuff.

MR Appearance of the Normal Rotator Cuff

The normal rotator cuff, as just described, is a complex structure, and an accurate assessment of the cuff on MRI requires a thorough understanding of the normal MR appearance of the cuff in all three imaging planes, as well as some knowledge of the common variations and imaging pitfalls that can occur.

The supraspinatus muscle and tendon are best evaluated on the oblique coronal and sagittal imaging planes (Fig. 7-16); the axial images, however, also provide important information regarding the status of the supraspinatus. The normal muscle should completely fill the supraspinatus fossa and should demonstrate intermediate T1 and T2 signal. Without fatty atrophy, the muscle should demonstrate a bulk that is relatively similar to that of the infraspinatus and teres minor muscles, as seen on the oblique sagittal images. The supraspinatus muscle tapers from central to peripheral with the normal musculotendinous junction situated at approximately the 12 o’clock position of the humeral head. The infraspinatus and teres minor muscles are also best evaluated on the oblique sagittal and oblique coronal images, and these two muscles should completely fill the infraspinatus fossa. They also taper peripherally with their musculotendinous junctions located at a level similar to that of the supraspinatus muscle. On coronal images, the supraspinatus tendon can easily be differentiated from the infraspinatus because the supraspinatus tendon is oriented horizontally, whereas the infraspinatus tendon is oblique in orientation.

The subscapularis muscle has a broad origin along the anterior border of the scapula and is best evaluated on the axial MR images. However, the oblique sagittal and oblique coronal sequences are important secondary imaging planes. Unlike the other three muscles, the subscapularis musculoskeletal junction is broad with multiple tendon slips arising out of the muscle and extending peripherally to insert in a broad fashion onto the lesser tuberosity of the humeral head.

Tendons arise out of the four separate muscles and then broaden and flatten peripherally, merging to form a single water-tight unit that inserts onto the tuberosities of the humeral head. The normal tendon demonstrates low signal intensity on all MR pulse sequences. Tendon pathology is usually manifested as increased signal or as a focal area of thickening, thinning, or attenuation, surface irregularity or as an area of discontinuity of the cuff.

Ultrasound Appearance of the Rotator Cuff

A complete description of the technique for ultrasound examination of the rotator cuff is beyond the scope of this chapter. However, knowledge of the normal MR appearance of the cuff can aid in the understanding the normal ultrasound appearance of the cuff. The examination often begins by scanning in the transverse imaging plane along the anterior surface of the shoulder to identify the key landmark of the long head of the biceps tendon within the intertubercular groove covered by the subscapularis tendon. Imaging then proceeds in a systematic manner to evaluate the musculotendinous units of each rotator cuff muscle in both the transverse and longitudinal planes. The normal rotator cuff tendon demonstrates a typical bandlike appearance of medium-level echoes located deep to the deltoid muscle. A thin stripe of bright echoes just superficial to the rotator cuff tendon represents the normal subacromial subdeltoid bursa. Muscle is hypoechoic in appearance. The biceps tendon is seen as an oval-appearing area of bright echoes located within the intertubercular groove. The bony surface of the humerus results in a rim of bright echoes (Fig. 7-17).

Sonographic signs of a rotator cuff tear include:

Tendinosis may manifest as focal or diffuse areas of tendon thickening with altered echogenicity, either increased or decreased. A secondary sign of rotator cuff pathology may include fluid within the subdeltoid bursa (Fig. 7-18).

MR Appearance of Rotator Cuff Pathology

The sensitivity and specificity of MRI in the detection of rotator cuff tears range from 88% to 100%. Supraspinatus and infraspinatus pathology is best demonstrated on T2-weighted coronal and sagittal images, whereas subscapularis pathology is best evaluated on axial T2-weighted sequences. Rotator cuff pathology can be classified as discussed in the following text (Table 7-3 and Fig. 7-19).

Table 7-3 MR Appearance of Rotator Cuff Pathology

Cuff Pathology Appearance on MRI
Normal tendon Dark on T1 and T2
Tendonopathy Thickening of tendon
Intermediate signal T1/T2
Calcific tendinitis Globular decreased signal T1/T2 within tendon; often with surrounding soft tissue edema
Thickened tendon; intermediate signal T1/T2
“Blooming” artifact on gradient echo
Partial-thickness tear Fluid signal/gadolinium extending partially through tendon superior to inferior
Associated intramuscular cyst
No retraction of tendon
Full-thickness tear Fluid extending completely through tendon top to bottom
Retraction of tendon
Gap/discontinuity in tendon
Musculotendinous retraction Measured as the length of the medial-to-lateral tendon gap
Fatty atrophy Grade—mild/moderate/severe
Streaks of high signal on T1—irreversible
Loss of muscle bulk relative to other rotator cuff muscles on sagittal imaging—reversible

On MRI, tendinopathy appears as intermediate signal intensity within the substance of the tendon on both T1- and T2-weighted images (slightly less bright than water on T2 images). The tendon may also demonstrate mild to moderate thickening (Fig. 7-20). Histologically, the increased signal represents mucoid degeneration of the tendon.

Hydroxyapatite deposition disease can occur within the rotator cuff tendon, calcific tendinitis, or within other periarticular soft tissues including the glenohumeral ligaments and adjacent bursa, calcific bursitis (Fig. 7-21). These calcifications are best detected on radiographs but may also be identified on MRI as focal areas of globular decreased signal on both T1- and T2-weighted images. Calcific tendinitis is often associated with intense inflammatory changes of the adjacent soft tissues, resulting in surrounding increased signal on T2-weighted images. On MRI, it may be difficult in some cases to detect the calcification and to distinguish calcific tendinitis from noncalcific tendinitis. Gradient-echo imaging can be helpful in this regard, since “blooming” artifact seen on gradient-echo images exaggerates the size and appearance of the calcification.

A partial-thickness tear of the rotator cuff is defined as a tear that extends partially through the thickness of the tendon from superior to inferior. MR imaging demonstrates fluid signal intensity on T2-weighted images extending partially through the thickness of the tendon. The tear may involve the bursal or articular surface, or the interstitial portions of the tendon (Fig. 7-22). A partial-thickness tear may occasionally be difficult to differentiate from tendinopathy, especially when partial healing has occurred with granulation tissue filling the tendon defect. The granulation tissue may demonstrate intermediate signal intensity on T2-weighted images, mimicking tendinopathy.

One helpful indirect MRI sign that can help in establishing the diagnosis of a partial-thickness rotator cuff tear is the presence of an intramuscular cyst. Joint fluid can track through the defect of a partial-thickness articular surface tear of the rotator cuff tendon and then dissect in a laminar fashion through the tendon and form a cyst within the substance of the rotator cuff muscle. These intramuscular cysts can easily be differentiated from paralabral cysts because they are contained within the fascia of the rotator cuff muscle, best demonstrated on sagittal T2-weighted images. An intramuscular cyst has a high association with partial-thickness tearing of the rotator cuff, just as a paralabral cyst has a high association with a labral tear. The presence of an intramuscular cyst can help differentiate between tendinopathy and a partial-thickness tear of the rotator cuff (Fig. 7-23). Two other imaging tips that can help differentiate between tendinopathy and a partial-thickness articular surface tears of the rotator cuff are the use of direct MR arthrography and ABER (abducted and externally rotated) imaging (with or without intra-articular contrast). Both techniques improve the conspicuity of partial-thickness articular surface tears of the rotator cuff (Fig. 7-24).

It is important to provide an accurate description of the extent and location of a partial-thickness tear because this information can have an impact on the decision to operate and can also influence the surgical approach and the type of surgery. A tear that extends more than 70% through the thickness of the tendon from superior to inferior is usually completed by the surgeon and then treated as a full-thickness tear. A tear that extends less than 30% through the thickness of the tendon is usually treated conservatively or by debridement alone (similar to the surgical treatment of tendinopathy). A tear that extends 30% to 70% through the thickness of the tendon is treated with debridement followed by suturing to shorten the “bridge” that is created by the debridement. In all cases, the cause of impingement must be addressed surgically to prevent recurrence of the rotator cuff pathology.

A partial articular-side supraspinatus tendon avulsion or “PASTA” lesion is a subset of partial-thickness tears that has been recently described in the orthopedic literature. The tear represents a partial-thickness articular-side avulsion of the supraspinatus tendon at its most anterior attachment site. This type of tear deserves special attention and should be accurately described on MRI because the recommended treatment for this subset of tendon tears differs from the standard partial-thickness tears previously described. A transtendon suture technique is performed to preserve the intact portion of the tendon while firmly reattaching the torn portion of the tendon to the humeral footprint. On MRI, a small articular-side avulsion is seen as fluid signal extending into the articular surface of the supraspinatus tendon at its anterior attachment site with partial avulsion of the tendon at this level and represents a subset of the articular surface partial-thickness tears (see Fig. 7-22E and F).

A full-thickness tear of the rotator cuff is defined as a tear that extends completely through the thickness of the tendon from superior to inferior. MR demonstrates bright fluid on T2-weighted images extending through the entire thickness of the tendon (Fig. 7-25). There may be retraction of the torn tendon end. Sagittal and axial images can be very helpful in differentiating a partial-thickness from a fullthickness tear, especially when the tear is located at the level of attachment to the humeral head. Small full-thickness tears often involve the most anterior aspect of the supraspinatus tendon immediately adjacent to its attachment to the greater tuberosity. It is important to evaluate the supraspinatus tendon on the most anterior coronal image to avoid missing a small full-thickness tear at the most anterior bone-tendon interface (Fig. 7-26). The extent of tear should be measured and reported in both the anteroposterior and medial-lateral directions. A tear that is larger in the anteroposterior direction is often repaired using a tendon-to-bone suture technique, whereas a tear that is greater in the medial-lateral direction may be amenable to repair using a mattress type tendon-to-tendon repair technique.

Tears of the subscapularis tendon are best depicted on axial and sagittal images and are often associated with subluxation or dislocation of the biceps tendon out of the intertubercular groove (Fig. 7-27). The subscapularis tendon is typically seen covering the anterior portion of the humeral head on the sagittal imaging plane. Fluid within the expected location of the subscapularis tendon anterior to the humeral head indicates a complete tear with retraction of the torn tendon end.

A complete tear

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