with labels . If the number of possible labels is finite and small, then we can be interested in classification, i.e. in finding the label to assign to a new object based on the given examples. Otherwise, if the labels are values in a vector space, we can be interested in regression, i.e. in extrapolating previously observed values to any new object. Thus classification and regression tasks can be embedded in a similar framework, one aiming to predict discrete labels and the other one to continuous values.
The objects
are often named patterns, or cases, inputs, instances, or observations. The
are called labels, or targets, outputs or sometimes also observations. The set of all correspondences
given as examples is called the training set, whereas we name test set the set of new objects for which we would like to guess the label by extracting knowledge from the examples in the training set.

In both cases, classification or regression, we aim to generalize the correspondences (x i , y i ) to a function f defined on the set
of all possible objects and with values in the set
of all possible labels. The label predicted for a new test object x would then be f(x). Here we have no particular assumption on the spaces
except that
should be a vector space if we are interested in regression (in order to extrapolate continuously between any two values). But we have a strong intuitive assumption on f: it should generalize as well as possible the given examples, i.e. if x is close to an already observed input x i , its output f(x) should be close to the already observed output y i . The whole difficulty consists in defining precisely what we mean by “close” in the spaces
. More precisely, we need to quantify the similarity of inputs in
and the cost of assigning wrong outputs in

Loss function
Generally, expressing a distance or similarity measure in
is easy. In the case of regression, the Euclidean distance in
is often a simple, convenient choice. However we can consider other functions than distances, provided they express the cost of assigning a wrong label. We call the loss function the sum of the costs (or losses) of all mistakes made when we consider a particular possible solution f and apply it to all known examples. For instance we can choose:

Duality between features and similarity measures
On the other hand, expressing a similarity measure in
is much more difficult and lies at the core of machine learning. Either the space
has been carefully chosen so that the representation of the observed objects x i are meaningful, in the sense that their “natural” distance in
(say the Euclidean distance if
is a vector space) is meaningful, in which case learning will be easy; either
is non-trivial and we need to choose a set of N sensible features (seen as a function Φ from
), so that if we compute these features Φ(x i ) for each x i , we can consider a more natural distance in the feature space
. From a certain point of view, choosing a sensible feature map Φ or choosing a sensible distance in
(or in the feature space
) are equivalent problems, and hence equivalently hard in the general case.

Optimization problem over functions
The problem of classification or regression can be written as an optimization problem over all possible functions f: find the best function f from
such that it minimizes
where R(f) is a regularizer constraining f to be smooth in some way with respect to the similarity measure chosen in
. Note that we could also have restricted f to be a member of a small function space
. There are very nice theoretical results concerning the function space in the kernel case (see for example Sect. 2.3 about ridge regression).

2.2 Kernels
This section aims to define kernels and to explain all facets of the concept. It is a preliminary step to the following sections dedicated to kernel algorithms themselves.
A kernel is any symmetric similarity measure on 
that is, a symmetric function that, given two inputs x and x′, returns a real number characterizing their similarity (cf. [1, 3, 4, 7, 10]).

Kernels as inner products in the feature space
In the general case, either
is not a vector space, or the natural Euclidean inner product in
is not particularly relevant as a similarity measure. Most often, a set of possibly-meaningful features is available, and we can consequently use the feature map

Φ will typically be a nonlinear map with values in a vector space. It could for example compute products of components of the input x. We have used a bold face
to denote the vectorial representation of x in the feature space
. We will follow this convention throughout the chapter.

We can use the non-linear embedding of the data into the linear space
via Φ to define a similarity measure from the dot product in

The freedom to choose the mapping Φ will enable us to design a large variety of similarity measures and learning algorithms. The transformation of x i into
can be seen as a change of the inputs, i.e. as a new model of the initial problem. However, we will see later that, in some cases, we won’t need to do this transformation explicitly, which is very convenient if the number of features considered (or the dimension of
) is high.


Geometrical interpretation and kernel trick
Through the definition of k, we can provide geometric interpretation of the input data:
is the length (or norm) of x in the feature space. Similarly, k(x, x′) computes the cosine of the angle between the vectors
, provided they are normalized to length 1. Likewise, the distance between two vectors is computed as the length of the difference vector:

The interesting point is that we could consider any such similarity measure k and forget about the associated Φ: we would still be able to compute lengths, distances and angles with the only knowledge of k thanks to these formulas. This framework allows us to deal with the patterns geometrically through a understated non-linear embedding, and thus lets us study learning algorithms using linear algebra and analytic geometry. This is known as the kernel trick: any algorithm dedicated to Euclidean geometry involving only distances, lengths and angles can be kernelized by replacing all occurrences of these geometric quantities by their expressions as a function of k. Next section is dedicated to such kernelizations.
Examples of kernels
Let us introduce the most-commonly used kernels. They are namely: the polynomial kernel
and the Gaussian
for suitable choices of d and σ. Let us focus on the Gaussian case: the similarity measure k(x, x′) between x and x′ is always positive, and is maximal when x = x′. All points
have the same unit norm (since
) and consequently the images of all points x in the associated feature space
lie on the unit sphere.

Reproducing kernels as feature maps
One could wonder what is the feature map Φ which was used to build the Gaussian kernel. In fact kernel theory goes far beyond the way we introduced kernels. Let us consider any symmetric function k, not necessarily related to a feature map. Let us suppose also that k, seen as an operator, is positive definite, that is to say that for any non-zero L 2 function
, we need a measure on
. This measure is often thought of as a probability measure over
, giving more weight to objects that are more likely to appear.

Then we can define from this kernel k an associated feature map by:

This image of any input x by Φ is the function

Φ has now values in the space
of functions over
instead of having values in just a finite dimensioned vector space like



The magic comes from Moore-Aronszajn theorem [2] which states that it is always possible, for any symmetric positive definite function k, to build a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS)
so that

Because of such a property, symmetric positive definite kernels are also called reproducing kernels. This theorem highlights the duality between reproducing kernels k and feature maps Φ: choosing the feature space or choosing the kernel is equivalent, since one determines the other.
The Gaussian case (details)
We can make explicit the inner product on
in the Gaussian case. The associated norm is
which penalizes all fast variations of f at all derivative orders. We refer to [6] for a more general mathematical study of radial basis functions. Intuitively, consider the operator
. In the Fourier domain, it writes
, whereas k(x, ⋅ ) becomes
. Thus
is a Dirac peak in the space
of distributions over
. The inner product
will therefore satisfy:
hence, for the particular case

The overfitting problem
The kernel k should be chosen carefully, since it is the core of the generalization process: if the neighborhood induced by k is too small (for instance if k is a Gaussian with a tiny standard deviation σ), then we will overfit the given examples without being able to generalize to new points (which would be found very dissimilar to all examples). On the contrary, if the neighborhood is too large (for instance if k is a Gaussian with a standard deviation so huge that all examples are considered as very similar), then it is not possible to distinguish any clusters or classes.

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