Atlas Axis Transverse process Iliac wing Sacral ala 7 cervical vertebral bodies 12 thoracic vertebral bodies 5 lumbar vertebral bodies 5 fused sacral vertebral bodies 4 coccygeal bodies (Top) Coronal graphic of the spinal column shows relationship of 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 fused sacral, and 4 coccygeal bodies. Note cervical bodies are smaller with neural foramina oriented at 45° and capped by the unique C1 and C2 morphology. Thoracic bodies are heart-shaped, with thinner intervertebral discs, and are stabilized by the rib cage. Lumbar bodies are more massive, with prominent transverse processes and thick intervertebral discs.
Thoracic intervertebral discs Lumbar intervertebral discs Sacral nerve roots Sciatic nerve Brachial plexus C8 root exiting at C7-T1 level Intercostal nerves T12 root exiting at T12-L1 level L4 root exiting at L4-L5 level Lumbosacral plexus (Bottom) Coronal graphic demonstrates exiting spinal nerve roots. C1 exits between the occiput and C1, while the C8 root exits at the C7-T1 level. Thoracic and lumbar roots exit below their respective pedicles.
(Left) Sagittal graphic of CVJ shows: 1) Ant. atlantooccipital membrane, 2) apical lig., 3) ALL, 4) cruciate lig., 5) tectorial membrane, 6) transverse lig., 7) post. longitudinal lig., and 8) post. atlantooccipital membrane. Red star is the basion; blue star is the opisthion.
(Right) Posterior view of CVJ shows: 1) Sup. cruciate ligament, 2) cruciate lig., 3) odontoid ant. to cruciate lig., 4) atlantoaxial jt., 5) accessory atlantoaxial lig., 6) inf. cruciate lig., 7) transverse lig., 8) alar lig., and 9) atlantooccipital jt. Red star = basion.
(Left) Graphic shows cervical vertebra from above. Vertebral body is broad transversely, central canal is large and triangular in shape, pedicles are directed posterolaterally, and laminae are delicate. Lateral masses contain the vertebral foramen for passage of vertebral artery and veins.
(Right) Mid-C5 body at the pedicle level: Transverse foramina are prominent , encompassing the vertical course of vertebral artery. The anterior and posterior tubercles give rise to muscle attachments in neck.
(Left) Graphic shows thoracic vertebral body from above. Thoracic bodies are characterized by long, spinous processes and transverse processes. Complex rib articulation includes both costotransverse joints and costovertebral joints . Facet joints are oriented in the coronal plane.
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