Opening Round

Opening Round


Normal Kidneys


Unlike most of the other solid organs in the abdomen, the kidneys have a relatively complex sonographic appearance. The central renal sinus contains a combination of fat and soft tissue and appears echogenic. The renal parenchyma, on the other hand, is hypoechoic. In many patients, including the one shown in this case, it is possible to visualize the renal pyramids as structures even slightly less echogenic than the renal cortex. Normally, the renal parenchyma is the least echogenic solid organ in the upper abdomen, followed by the liver, the spleen, and the pancreas.

When performing scans of the kidneys, it is important to compare their echogenicity to that of the liver and the spleen. This allows for detection of abnormally echogenic kidneys as well as abnormalities in hepatic and splenic echogenicity. Therefore, views including a portion of the liver and spleen, such as those shown in this case, are important to obtain. Given the size of the liver, it is typical to view the right kidney using the liver as a window, so comparison of the right kidney with the liver is generally easy. Since the spleen is much smaller than the liver, comparison of the spleen with the left kidney is more difficult. Nevertheless, a high posterior and lateral approach with the patient supine will work for almost all patients except those with unusually small spleens. It is also helpful to scan both kidneys from a posterior and lateral approach without using the liver or spleen as windows since this will provide a closer approach to the kidneys and in some cases will allow you to identify abnormalities that might otherwise be overlooked.


Gallbladder Sludge


Gallbladder (GB) sludge consists of viscous bile that contains cholesterol crystals and calcium bilirubinate granules. It appears as echogenic material in the lumen of the GB. Since it is not attached to the GB wall, sludge should be mobile. However, if the bile is very thick and viscous, mobility may be very slow. Usually, sludge will layer into the dependent portion of the GB, and a straight line will form between the sludge and the rest of the bile in the GB. In some patients, sludge will completely fill the lumen of the GB. Sludge is usually homogeneous but occasionally will contain areas of heterogeneity. Blood and pus both can simulate sludge but are much less common. Unlike GB stones, sludge does not shadow. If even slight shadowing is detected within sludge, it indicates the presence of associated stones.

The pathogenesis of sludge is believed to be a combination of impaired gallbladder motility and altered nucleation factors. The most common conditions that provoke sludge formation are pregnancy, prolonged fasting, total parenteral nutrition, rapid weight loss, and critical illnesses. Some medications, including ceftriaxone, cyclosporine, and octreotide, are also associated with sludge formation.

The natural history of sludge is variable. Although good long-term studies are limited, it appears that in approximately 50% it is asymptomatic and resolves spontaneously when the precipitating cause is corrected. In 40% it is cyclic and periodically waxes and wanes. In the remainder it progresses to gallstone formation. Sludge can cause symptoms even in the absence of gallstones. It has been associated with biliary colic, acalculous cholecystitis, and pancreatitis.




AML is a benign renal tumor that contains fat, smooth muscle, and vessels. These occur either sporadically or in association with tuberous sclerosis. Sporadic AMLs typically occur in middle-aged women and are solitary. AMLs in tuberous sclerosis are usually multiple, small, and bilateral and show no gender predilection.

The great majority of AMLs are asymptomatic. Large AMLs (>4 cm) may cause bleeding into the subcapsular or perinephric space. This bleeding may be related in part to the abnormal vessels and microaneurysms that are present in these tumors. Some urologists advocate removal of these large lesions.

The sonographic appearance of an AML is usually very typical. In approximately 80% of cases, an AML appears as a homogeneous hyperechoic mass similar in echogenicity to renal sinus or perinephric fat. A small percentage of AMLs are less echogenic than fat but more echogenic than renal parenchyma.

Although the usual appearance of an AML is very characteristic, it does overlap with the appearance of renal cell cancer (RCC). Approximately 10% of all RCC appears echogenic enough to simulate an AML. This is most common in small RCC. Some features can help in the differentiation of echogenic RCC and AML. If any cystic elements or a hypoechoic halo or calcification are seen, then the mass is much more likely to be RCC. On the other hand, if there is attenuation of the sound so that there is slight posterior acoustic shadowing (other than shadowing caused by calcification), then the mass is much more likely to be an AML than RCC.


Normal Anatomy of the Liver


The ductus venosus is the embryologic vessel that provides communication between the umbilical vein and the inferior vena cava. It runs between the umbilical segment of the left portal vein and the most superior aspect of the inferior vena cava. It is embedded in the liver via a deep fissure that can be seen on both longitudinal and transverse images of the left lobe of the liver. This fissure separates the caudate lobe from the lateral segment of the left lobe. Whenever the fissure for the ligamentum venosum is seen, the portion of the liver seen anteriorly must be the lateral segment of the left lobe. Therefore, in the longitudinal view, the portal vein branch and hepatic vein branch that are seen must be branches of the left portal vein and hepatic vein that supply the lateral segment.

The ligamentum teres is the remnant of the umbilical vein. On transverse views such as those shown in this case, it appears as a round, echogenic structure that often produces some posterior shadowing. It attaches to the most anterior aspect of the left portal vein. In the fetus, blood flow from the umbilical vein travels into the liver, through a short segment of the left portal vein, and then into the ductus venosus. The segment of the left portal vein that connects the umbilical vein to the ductus venosus is called the umbilical segment of the left portal vein. The ligamentum teres and the umbilical segment of the left portal vein both separate the medial and lateral segments of the left lobe.


Normal Anatomy of the Common Bile Duct


The left and right hepatic ducts join each other to form the common hepatic duct. The common hepatic duct joins the cystic duct to form the common bile duct. Although it is visualized in this case, the insertion of the cystic duct is usually difficult to visualize. Therefore, it is usually not possible to precisely determine where the junction of the common hepatic duct and the common bile duct is located. For this reason, many ultrasonologists refer to the common hepatic duct and the common bile duct together as the “common duct.”

In most views of the porta hepatis, it is easy to identify the portal vein and to identify tubular structures anterior to the portal vein that represent the hepatic artery and the common duct. The common hepatic artery arises from the celiac axis. Following the takeoff of the gastroduodenal artery, it ascends into the porta hepatis as the proper hepatic artery. Therefore, the proper hepatic artery is usually what is visualized in the porta hepatis.

As shown in the transverse view, the proper hepatic artery is usually more to the left and the common duct to the right. This is easy to remember since the artery arises from the aorta (a left-sided structure) and the bile duct arises from the liver (a right-sided structure). After the proper hepatic artery bifurcates into the right and left hepatic arteries, the right hepatic artery crosses between the portal vein and the common duct. This produces the classic view showing the bile duct in long axis, the right hepatic artery in short axis, and the portal vein in an oblique axis, as shown in the longitudinal image.


Pleural Effusion


Pleural effusions are frequently seen as incidental findings on abdominal scans. Normally, the aerated lung is closely applied to the diaphragm so that sound cannot penetrate to the posterior structures of the chest. Pleural effusions displace aerated lung enough to provide a window to the posterior surface of the costophrenic sulcus. When the effusion is small, this produces a triangular-shaped collection. When the effusion is larger, there is usually associated compressive atelectasis of the lung, producing a mobile, curvilinear soft tissue structure floating within the fluid. Aerated lung, appearing as hyperechoic tissue with dirty posterior shadowing, is often seen above the atelectatic lung. On longitudinal views, pleural effusions are distinguished from perihepatic ascites by noting the triangular costophrenic sulcus. On transverse views, the bare area of the liver prohibits ascites from extending to the posterior medial aspect of the liver. Pleural effusions typically do extend to the most medial aspect of the liver, near the vena cava.

As shown on the first image, pleural effusions can also be seen by scanning directly over the chest wall in the region of the effusion. This scanning is commonly done when performing ultrasound-guided thoracentesis. The fluid is seen separating the parietal and visceral layers of the pleura. In the longitudinal plane, the ribs are seen as shadowing echogenic structures and the parietal pleura as a smooth, linear reflection deep to the ribs. Pleural effusions that appear simple on sonography may be either transudative or exudative. Complex effusions that contain septations and/or internal floating reflectors are usually exudative.


Normal Scrotal Anatomy


The testes are paired ovoid organs residing within the two halves of the scrotum. Six scrotal layers (the skin, dartos, external spermatic fascia, cremasteric muscle, internal spermatic fascia, and the tunica vaginalis) surround them and the testicular capsule called the tunica albuginea. The two scrotal sacs are divided by a midline median raphe.

Each testis is divided into approximately 300 lobules. Each lobule contains up to four extremely convoluted seminiferous tubules. As they converge to exit the testis, the seminiferous tubules join together to form the straight tubules. The straight tubules then join to form a plexus of channels called the rete testis that is located within an infolding of the tunica albuginea called the mediastinum. The mediastinum is the hilum of the testis. The rete testes empty into the head of the epididymis via 10 to 15 efferent ductules. In the head of the epididymis, the efferent ductules join together to form a single convoluted ductus epididymis. The epididymis is a crescent-shaped structure that rests on the surface of the testis near the mediastinum. It is divided into the head superiorly, the tail inferiorly, and the body in between.

The normal testis has a low- to medium-level echogenicity and a homogeneous echotexture. It measures approximately 4 cm in length and 2 cm in width and thickness. The mediastinum is an elongated, echogenic structure at the periphery of the testis that runs from the upper third to the lower third of the testis. In some testes it is very prominent, and in others it is not visible at all. The epididymal head rests on the upper pole of the testis and has an echogenicity similar to that of the testis. Often, a faint posterior refractive shadow arises from the interface between the testis and the epididymal head. This is present on the second longitudinal image. During real-time scanning, the epididymal head can usually be followed into the body of the epididymis, which is slightly less echogenic than the testis. The location of the epididymal body is variable because the testis is somewhat mobile within the scrotal sac. Most often, the epididymal body is seen along the anterior and lateral aspect of the testis, as shown on the second transverse image. In some patients, the epididymal body is located posterior to the testis, as shown on the second longitudinal image.

The tail of the epididymis connects to the vas deferens. The inferior aspect of the vas deferens is very tortuous and can be visualized in some individuals. As the vas ascends in the spermatic cord, it straightens and becomes easier to identify. It is typically a thick-walled structure (total diameter approximately 2 mm) with a tiny lumen. Unlike the other structures in the spermatic cord, the vas is avascular and does not compress.

A small amount of fluid is often seen in the scrotal sac, usually around the epididymal head. Occasionally, the appendix of the testis and/or epididymis can be seen when they are surrounded by fluid. They typically appear as tiny ovoid structures attached to the testis or epididymis.


Normal Peripancreatic Anatomy


The pancreas is one of the more difficult organs to visualize with ultrasound. Knowledge of the peripancreatic vessels aids greatly in localizing the gland. The most useful landmark is the portosplenic venous confluence. On transverse scans, this appears as a tadpole-shaped hypoechoic to anechoic structure posterior to the body of the pancreas. The head of the pancreas wraps around the right lateral aspect of the portal vein at the level of the portomesenteric confluence, and the uncinate process extends posterior to the superior mesenteric vein. All of the peripancreatic veins are immediately adjacent to the pancreas without any intervening fatty tissue. On the other hand, the peripancreatic arteries are surrounded by echogenic fibrofatty tissue and do not make direct contact with the pancreas. The celiac axis typically arises at the superior aspect of the pancreas. The body of the pancreas can be seen by scanning just below the origin of the common hepatic artery and splenic artery. The SMA arises from the aorta immediately posterior to the pancreas and the portosplenic confluence. A characteristic hyperechoic ring of fibrofatty tissue surrounds the SMA.

The CBD travels in the most posterior aspect of the pancreas. In fact, it often appears immediately anterior to the IVC. The gastroduodenal artery arises from the common hepatic artery and descends along the anterior aspect of the head of the pancreas. These two structures often appear as two small anechoic dots on transverse views of the pancreatic head.




Sonographic detection of urinary obstruction depends on identification of a dilated collecting system, which appears as anechoic spaces within the echogenic central renal sinus. In most circumstances, it is easy to document that the cystic spaces communicate with each other and with the renal pelvis. This confirms that the fluid is in the collecting system.

Hydronephrosis is graded into different levels of severity. Grade 0 refers to a normal sonogram. Grade 1 refers to minimal separation of the central echogenic renal sinus. Grade 2 refers to obvious distention of the renal collecting system. Grade 3 refers to marked distention of the renal collecting system with associated cortical thinning.

Whenever hydronephrosis is detected, the next task is to determine the level and cause of obstruction. When the hydronephrosis is bilateral, the obstruction is often at the level of the bladder, and this is usually easy to document sonographically. Prostatic hypertrophy is easy to identify in men, and pelvic tumors are usually easy to identify in women. Primary bladder tumors are often easily identified in both genders. Unilateral obstruction of the ureter at a level above the bladder is more difficult to sort out with ultrasound. Depending on the patient, it may be possible to follow the ureter over its entire course and document the transition point and the cause of obstruction. However, the mid ureter is often not visible, and unless the obstruction is caused by a sizable mass or stone, the source of mid-ureteral obstruction may not be visible sonographically. In such cases, sonography should be followed by further imaging tests, such as noncontrast CT (if a stone is likely) or CT urography (if a mass is likely).


Normal Liver and Gallbladder Anatomy


The normal gallbladder (GB) is located along the inferior and posterior aspect of the liver. It rests between the right and left lobes and serves as a valuable landmark to help separate the right and left lobes. In most fasting patients, the GB is readily identified simply by moving the transducer along the right inferior costal margin while visualizing the lower margin of the liver. In cases in which the GB is difficult to find, it is helpful to use hepatic landmarks. Start by finding the ligamentum teres between the medial and lateral segments of the left lobe. It typically appears as a round, echogenic structure, often with some posterior shadowing. Then look to the right for the interlobar fissure. This fissure is a shallow indentation on the posterior–inferior aspect of the liver that appears as an echogenic line extending from the porta hepatis into the liver parenchyma. The interlobar fissure separates the left lobe (medial segment) and right lobe (anterior segment). The GB is located immediately adjacent to the interlobar fissure. In some patients, the interlobar fissure is not visible sonographically. This most often occurs when the GB is well distended. Fortunately, the interlobar fissure is usually easiest to see in those situations in which the GB is contracted and more difficult to see.

The GB is usually well distended in a patient after an overnight fast. The upper limit of normal for GB size, even in a fasting patient, is 4 cm in the transverse plane. The transverse diameter is a better indicator of overdistention than the longitudinal diameter. Nevertheless, most GBs will be less than 10 cm in length. The GB wall thickness should not exceed 3 mm. When the GB is contracted, the wall may seem thick and the muscle layer may become apparent as a hypoechoic layer deep to the mucosa. However, even in the contracted state, it is unusual for the wall to measure more than 3 mm.


Normal Tendon Anisotropy


Normal Anatomy of the Shoulder


The RC is a band of conjoined tendons that covers the humeral head. The anterior tendon (subscapularis) crosses the glenohumeral joint and attaches to the lesser tuberosity. The superior tendon (supraspinatus) attaches to the greater tuberosity just posterior to the biceps tendon groove. The intra-articular portion of the long head of the biceps tendon separates these two tendons. Anatomic studies have shown that the supraspinatus tendon measures approximately 1.5 cm in width. Behind and inferior to the supraspinatus tendon is the infraspinatus tendon, which also inserts on the greater tuberosity. A minor tendon located just inferior to the infraspinatus is the teres minor.

Sonograms of the shoulder display multiple structures in a series of layers. The deepest structure is the humeral head, which appears as a strong, curvilinear reflection. On longitudinal views, the concave anatomic neck separates the humeral head and the greater tuberosity. Immediately on top of the humeral head is a thin layer of anechoic or hypoechoic articular cartilage. The next layer is the RC, which appears as a thick (4–6 mm) band of tissue. In most patients, the RC appears hyperechoic compared to the overlying deltoid muscle. In elderly patients, the RC and the deltoid may appear more similar in echogenicity. Superficial to the RC is a thin, hypoechoic layer that represents the subdeltoid bursa. Superficial to this is a thin, hyperechoic layer that represents peribursal fat. The deltoid muscle is the final layer. Like other muscles, it is hypoechoic.

The outer surface of the normal RC is convex. Conversion to a concave contour is an important sign of a full-thickness RC tear. In addition, the normal RC is not compressible. The ability to compress the RC is another sign of a full-thickness tear.


Gallbladder Wall Thickening


Normal Hepatic Venous Anatomy


Frame Rate and Resolution


Normal Anatomy of the Thyroid

Dec 26, 2015 | Posted by in CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING | Comments Off on Opening Round

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