Pelvic and lower extremity arteries

CHAPTER 8 Pelvic and lower extremity arteries


Pelvic arteriography is performed with common femoral artery access using a pigtail or similarly shaped catheter placed at the aortic bifurcation. Even with diminished or absent femoral pulses, catheterization is sometimes possible using real-time ultrasound guidance and a steerable hydrophilic guidewire. A retrograde brachial artery puncture is made when femoral access is not possible. Some interventionalists prefer the brachial route in patients who have suffered cholesterol embolization during prior retrograde femoral artery catheterization procedures.

When an iliac artery is occluded, multiple ipsilateral lumbar arteries can serve as major collaterals into the pelvis; in this situation, the catheter side holes are positioned slightly below the renal arteries to opacify these vessels. In patients with peripheral arterial disease, bilateral, 25- to 30-degree oblique pelvic arteriograms often are needed to thoroughly assess iliac artery disease and to lay out the iliac and femoral artery bifurcations. The left posterior oblique projection opens the left iliac and right femoral bifurcations; the right posterior oblique projection opens the opposite bifurcations.

Bilateral lower extremity arteriography (“run-off” study) is done with the pigtail just above the aortic bifurcation. Serial images are obtained down to the feet. If only one leg needs to be examined, it is usual practice to catheterize the contralateral groin and direct a cobra or similarly shaped catheter over the aortic bifurcation (see Chapter 3). If a pigtail catheter is already in place, it can be gently unwound on the bifurcation and replaced with a straight catheter (see Fig. 3-16). A long, reverse-curve catheter simplifies entry into internal iliac artery branches (see Fig. 3-15).

When the tibial or pedal arteries are poorly visualized on the initial angiogram, they often are better seen by advancing a catheter into the common or superficial femoral artery and first injecting an intraarterial vasodilator (e.g., 100 to 200 μg of nitroglycerin). In patients with a history of severe contrast allergy or renal insufficiency, alternative noninvasive imaging should be attempted. If catheter angiography is required before treatment, carbon dioxide can be used exclusively or supplemented with small volumes of iodinated contrast14 (see Chapter 3).



In the embryo, the lower extremities are supplied by the axial artery, which arises from the sciatic branch of the internal iliac artery.5 This vessel ends in a plantar network in the developing foot. The femoral artery, which runs along the ventral aspect of the limb, is the continuation of the external iliac artery; it joins the axial artery at the knee to form the popliteal artery. The posterior tibial and peroneal arteries originate from the axial artery below the knee and run along the dorsal aspect of the calf. The anterior tibial artery takes off from the lower popliteal artery and courses along the ventral aspect of the calf. The superficial femoral artery eventually becomes the dominant vessel to the lower leg. The deep femoral artery arises near the bottom of the femoral head. Most of the axial artery regresses before birth; normally, the only remnants are portions of the inferior gluteal, popliteal, and peroneal arteries.

Normal anatomy

The abdominal aorta divides into the common iliac arteries at the L4-L5 level6 (Figs. 8-1A and 8-2). The common iliac arteries lie in front of the iliac veins and the inferior vena cava. They usually have no major branches; rarely, they give off aberrant iliolumbar or accessory renal arteries. The common iliac artery divides near the lumbosacral junction. The external iliac artery continues directly to the groin behind the inguinal ligament. This vessel also has no major branches. The internal iliac artery takes off medially and posteriorly. At the superior edge of the greater sciatic foramen, it usually divides into anterior and posterior trunks. The branching pattern of the internal iliac artery is quite variable (see Fig. 8-1B). Classically, the major branches of the anterior division are as follows:

The major branches of the posterior division of the internal iliac artery are:

At the junction of the external iliac and common femoral arteries (which corresponds to the inguinal ligament), the inferior epigastric artery exits medially (see Fig. 3-1). It runs alongside the rectus abdominis muscle before communicating with the superior epigastric branch of the internal thoracic (mammary) artery. The deep iliac circumflex artery takes off laterally and superiorly (see Fig. 3-5).

The common femoral artery (CFA) courses over the femoral head encased in the femoral sheath along with the femoral vein (medial or posteromedial) and the femoral nerve (lateral). Branches of the CFA include the superficial epigastric artery, superficial circumflex iliac artery (laterally), and external pudendal artery (medially); all of these are inconsistently seen at angiography. The CFA divides into the superficial femoral artery (SFA) and deep femoral artery (DFA) or profunda femoris artery (PFA) near the bottom of the femoral head (see Fig. 8-1C). A “high” bifurcation is occasionally seen. The DFA takes off laterally and posteriorly. Its major branches are the lateral femoral circumflex, medial femoral circumflex, and four or so pairs of perforating arteries.

The SFA passes down the anteromedial aspect of the thigh, dives into the flexor muscle compartment, and runs through the adductor (Hunter) canal (see Fig. 8-1D). The SFA then becomes the popliteal artery, which is posterior to the femur (surrounded by the heads of the gastrocnemius muscle) and deep to the popliteal vein. Its major muscular branches are the sural arteries and paired superior, middle, and inferior geniculate arteries, all of which form an anastomotic network around the knee.

At the distal border of the popliteus muscle, the popliteal artery divides.7 The anterior tibial artery arises laterally, pierces the interosseous membrane, and then runs in front of the lower tibia (see Fig. 8-1E and F). It passes over the ankle onto the dorsum of the foot to become the dorsalis pedis artery. The tibioperoneal trunk is the direct continuation of the popliteal artery and bifurcates just beyond its origin into the posterior tibial and peroneal arteries. The posterior tibial artery runs posteriorly and medially in the flexor compartment. The peroneal artery runs between the posterior and anterior tibial arteries near the fibula. It is a small-caliber vessel unless functioning as a collateral in the face of tibial artery obstruction. In the distal calf, its perforating and communicating branches may join the anterior and posterior tibial arteries, respectively. Above the ankle, the artery divides into two calcaneal branches (“fish tail”) that have anastomoses with the distal tibial arteries.

A network of malleolar arteries interconnect the tibial arteries above the ankle.7 The dorsalis pedis artery gives off medial and lateral tarsal branches (see Fig. 8-1G). The posterior tibial artery passes behind the medial malleolus, where it divides into medial and lateral plantar arteries. The plantar arch is formed by the dominant lateral plantar branch of the posterior tibial artery and the distal dorsalis pedis artery. Smaller secondary arches are created by other branches of the distal tibial arteries. Metatarsal arteries arise primarily from the plantar arch.

Variant anatomy (online case 102)

The most common variations in branching of the internal iliac artery involve anomalous origin of a named artery (e.g., obturator, inferior gluteal, or superior gluteal) from another major branch of either division.

The persistent sciatic artery is a rare anomaly (about 0.1% of the population) in which the embryologic sciatic artery remains the dominant inflow vessel to the leg.8,9 The aberrant vessel arises from the internal iliac artery, passes through the greater sciatic foramen, and lies deep to the gluteus maximus muscle (Fig. 8-3). Above the knee, it joins the popliteal artery. The SFA is hypoplastic or absent. The anomaly is occasionally bilateral. Because of its relatively superficial position in the ischial region, the sciatic artery is prone to intimal injury or aneurysm formation.

Very rare femoral artery variants include the saphenous artery and duplication of the SFA.10 Anomalies of the DFA are common, including a posterior or even medial origin of the main DFA trunk and separate origins of the medial and lateral circumflex femoral branches.

Tibial artery anomalies are present in about 3% to 10% of the population.1113 The variants often are bilateral. The most frequent are “high” bifurcation or true trifurcation of the popliteal artery, common origin of the anterior tibial and peroneal arteries, and hypoplasia or absence of the anterior or posterior tibial artery (Fig. 8-4). In the latter case, the affected vessel is normal at its origin but gradually tapers in the mid to distal calf without discrete termination. A major branch of the peroneal artery often reforms the absent vessel above the ankle, resulting in normal pedal pulses.

Collateral circulation

The pelvis and lower extremities have rich and complex systems of collateral circulation that maintain blood flow to the leg when proximal arteries are obstructed. The major routes are formed by branches of the internal iliac, deep femoral, and popliteal arteries (Fig. 8-5 and see Fig. 7-5):

image image image image

Figure 8-5 Collateral patterns in cases of lower extremity arterial obstructions (see text for details). A and B, Right common iliac artery (CIA) occlusion with major collateral circulation through the fourth lumbar artery (black arrow) to the iliolumbar branch of the internal iliac artery (IIA, white arrow) and then into the external iliac artery (EIA, curved arrow). There are also transpelvic collaterals from left to right IIA (double white arrows). Note renal transplant off the right EIA. C, Bilateral IIA occlusions. In addition to distal external iliac/common femoral collaterals, the enlarged inferior mesenteric artery (arrow) contributes to the IIA branches. D, Right external iliac artery occlusion with reconstitution of the proximal deep femoral artery (arrow). E, Left femoropopliteal and proximal tibial artery occlusions. Deep femoral branches reconstitute a short segment of the midpopliteal artery, which supplies sural collaterals (arrow) into the calf. The posterior tibial artery is reconstituted in the midcalf. F, Critical stenosis of distal right superficial femoral artery (arrow) with multiple collateral channels. G, Posterior and anterior tibial artery occlusion, with the peroneal artery reconstituting the distal vessels in the foot. H through J, Thrombosis of left limb (long white arrow) of aortobifemoral bypass graft on axial and reformatted coronal contrast enhanced computed tomography images. The left leg is partially fed through superficial epigastric branches (arrowheads) of the distal left internal thoracic (mammary) artery. These vessels communicate with branches of the inferior epigastric artery (black arrow) which then fill the left common femoral artery.

Major disorders

Chronic peripheral arterial disease (online case 2)


Obstructive disease of the pelvic and lower extremity arteries is one of the most frequent clinical problems encountered by interventionalists. In the United States, the overall prevalence is 3% to 10% of the general population; up to 20% of individuals older than age 70 suffer from this disorder.14,15 The cardinal feature is diminished blood flow to the pelvis or legs with exercise or at rest.

Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) encompasses the following three clinical scenarios:

There are a variety of causes for lower extremity PAD (Box 8-1). However, the vast majority of cases result from atherosclerotic stenoses, superimposed thrombosis, or embolism. By a wide margin, atherosclerosis is the most common disease affecting the lower extremity arteries. Most of the established risk factors are well known14,16 (Box 8-2). The pathophysiology of atherosclerosis and the emerging significance of certain inflammatory markers (e.g., C-reactive protein) in progression of disease and response to treatment are discussed in Chapter 1. In certain situations, the interventionalist should keep in mind the less common causes of PAD (Box 8-3).

Atherosclerosis is a systemic disease. As such, it is typically diffuse and bilateral. However, there is a clear predilection for clinically significant disease in the distal aorta, common and external iliac arteries, distal SFA, and tibial arteries. The propensity for obstructions in the distal SFA as it passes through the adductor canal is related to turbulent flow and altered wall shear stress. These hemodynamic disturbances result from changes in curvature and tortuosity of this mobile vessel along with compression on the vessel by the adductor magnus muscle and fascia at the adductor canal.17,18 Atherosclerotic plaques cause symptoms by impeding blood flow to the leg, inducing thrombotic occlusion, or through embolization of clot or plaque fragments. In CLI, obstructions are accompanied by abnormalities of skin microcirculation that further exacerbate ischemia.

Diabetes is a strong risk factor for PAD. Extensive tibial and pedal artery disease is characteristic; the aortoiliac and femoropopliteal segments are relatively spared. Medial calcification is distinctive of diabetic arterial disease and chronic end-stage renal disease. Arterial obstructions tend to be more severe than in patients with atherosclerosis, and the collateral circulation often is less effective. For these reasons, nonhealing ulcers, gangrene, and amputation are much more common in this population.

Macroemboli usually are thrombi that originate from the heart. Less often, clot or plaque fragments break off from aneurysms or atherosclerotic surfaces in the proximal arteries. Emboli usually lodge at branch points or sites of underlying disease. Microemboli are composed of platelet-fibrin deposits or cholesterol crystals arising from atherosclerotic plaques or aneurysms. These particles may be released spontaneously or during operative manipulation or catheterization. Microemboli can lead to blue toe syndrome or an acute cholesterol embolization event (see Chapter 1).

Clinical features

By definition, the diagnosis of chronic PAD requires symptoms lasting more than 2 weeks. The severity of PAD often is graded according to the scale of Rutherford and Becker19 (Table 8-1). At least 50% of patients with PAD are asymptomatic or have atypical symptoms; in some cases, limited physical activity prevents the onset of leg pain. Only 10% or so will ultimately develop CLI.14 Chronic PAD is unusual before age 40. Men are affected more frequently than women, as are nonwhite individuals.14 Most patients have one or more risk factors for disease (see Box 8-2). These patients usually suffer from associated coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, or chronic renal insufficiency. PAD is an important marker of these conditions.

Table 8-1 Rutherford-Becker Classification of Peripheral Arterial Disease

Grade Category Symptoms
0 0 None
I 1 Mild claudication
I 2 Moderate claudication
I 3 Severe (lifestyle-limiting) claudication
II 4 Rest pain
III 5 Nonhealing ulcers, focal gangrene
III 6 Major tissue loss

Intermittent claudication (IC) is the first symptom in some patients. IC is characterized by predictable and reproducible calf, thigh, or buttock muscle pain or fatigue with exercise (especially walking on an incline) that is invariably relieved by rest. The pain does not resolve with continued leg exercise. It rarely occurs in the foot. Unfortunately, a variety of unrelated conditions are often confused with true claudication, including spinal stenosis, nerve root compression, arthritis, chronic compartment syndrome, and venous claudication.14,20 Still, a careful history will usually distinguish among these entities. In a minority of afflicted patients, the collateral circulation eventually becomes insufficient to prevent muscle ischemia at rest despite maximum peripheral vasodilation. Chronic limb ischemia is present when symptoms of rest pain or ischemic skin changes are combined with an ankle-brachial index less than 0.50 (see later discussion).

Rest pain is usually localized to the (distal) foot, is made worse with leg elevation (while sleeping), and is relieved with dependency (e.g., dangling the limb off the bed). The pain is often excruciating and unremitting and may require opiate analgesics for relief. Many of these patients also have peripheral neuropathic pain. Rest pain can be mistaken for isolated diabetic (or nondiabetic) peripheral neuropathy, complex regional pain syndrome, nerve root compression, or “night cramps.” However, these disorders are not associated with a low ankle blood pressure (see later).

Ischemic skin changes may follow if the obstructions worsen or revascularization is not done. Ischemic ulcers often start with trivial skin injury, which is particularly dangerous in patients with diabetes with peripheral neuropathy and altered sensation. The toes are most affected, although arterial heel and malleolar ulcers do occur. Again, ischemic ulcers must be distinguished from traumatic, venous, or neuropathic lesions.14 Their appearance is sometimes distinctive: located on the toes (or heel), dry with a pale base, sharply marginated, and associated with severe pain. Ulcers about the malleoli or above the ankle are usually venous in origin (see Chapter 15). Gangrene is the feared sequela of CLI. Amputation may then be necessary. Diabetic patients suffer a major amputation rate that is 5- to 10-fold greater than the general PAD population.14

Physical signs of long-standing PAD include dependent rubor, leg coolness, delayed capillary refill (>1 second), and trophic changes (e.g., hair loss over the lower legs, thin shiny skin, nail thickening). With advanced PAD, ulcers and gangrenous changes occur. The interventionalist should document the status of the bilateral femoral, popliteal, dorsal pedis, and posterior tibial artery pulses. The peripheral pulses are evaluated on a 2-point scale (2 = full, 1 = diminished, 0 = absent). However, the pulse examination is notoriously nonspecific for the degree and location of PAD. Nonpalpable peripheral pulses should be examined with a Doppler probe. A venous signal may be pulsatile but vanishes with compression by the transducer.

Patients with blue toe syndrome complain of relatively acute onset of painful, bluish-colored toes on one or both feet.21,22 The symptoms often resolve but may recur and occasionally lead to tissue loss. The peripheral pulses often are intact.

Noninvasive testing

Noninvasive vascular studies identify at-risk patients with asymptomatic disease, confirm the diagnosis of PAD in those with an equivocal history or physical findings, determine the severity and level of obstructions, follow the progression of disease, and assess response to endovascular and surgical therapy. The most commonly used tests are the ankle-brachial and toe indexes, segmental blood pressure measurements, and plethysmography (pulse-volume recording).

The ankle-brachial index (ABI) is extremely sensitive (95%) and specific (almost 100%) for the diagnosis of PAD.14,23 It is an absolutely essential part of the evaluation of all patients with known or suspected PAD. The systolic blood pressure at the ankle is divided by the systolic brachial arterial pressure to yield an index (Table 8-2). Rest pain usually requires an ABI less than 0.5 or an absolute ankle pressure less than 50 mm Hg. Ischemic ulcers can develop below a pressure of 50 to 70 mm Hg. However, calcified or noncompressible arteries (as found in patients with diabetes or chronic renal failure) falsely elevate pressure measurements and can lead to underestimation of disease severity. In this situation, toe pressure measurements are more useful. The toe index is normally greater than 0.60. An absolute toe pressure of greater than 30 mm Hg is generally required for wound healing.

Table 8-2 Ankle-Brachial Index Classifications

Range Rutherford Grade Disease
<0.5 II or III Chronic limb ischemia
0.51 to 0.90 I Intermittent claudication
0.91 to 1.3 0 No significant PAD
>1.4 Noncompressible vessels, likely to have PAD

PAD, peripheral artery disease.

Segmental blood pressures are obtained by sequentially inflating blood pressure cuffs around the upper thigh, lower thigh, calf, ankle, and toe. Several sets of guidelines have been established to interpret these values.14,23 A drop of 20 to 30 mm Hg between levels (or comparing legs at the same level) suggests a significant stenosis or occlusion (Fig. 8-6A). Abnormal values at the upper thigh, lower thigh, calf, and ankle reflect obstructions in the aortoiliac segments, SFA, femoropopliteal segment, and tibial arteries, respectively (see Fig. 8-6B). However, the correlation is not always precise; for example, proximal femoral artery disease can mimic aortoiliac disease. Segmental pressure measurements after exercise can detect occult disease in patients with suspicious symptoms and a normal study at rest (see Fig. 8-6C). While walking on an inclined treadmill, ankle and brachial pressure measurements are periodically recorded. A fall in ankle pressure is diagnostic of significant PAD.

Plethysmography (pulse volume recordings, PVR) utilizes changes in leg volume to reflect overall perfusion of the limb.23 With mild or moderate PAD, digital or segmental pulse volume tracings are dampened; with severe occlusive disease, the waveform is almost flat. This technique is particularly useful when segmental pressure measurements are inaccurate, as in patients with noncompliant arteries.


A correct diagnosis of chronic lower extremity PAD can almost always be made through a combination of clinical findings and noninvasive testing. Direct imaging is used almost solely to identify the nature, sites, and extent of disease in patients whose symptoms warrant endovascular or surgical treatment.

Atherosclerosis is typically diffuse, bilateral, and often strikingly symmetric. Patients with claudication usually have single-level disease. With the notable exception of diabetic patients, patients with CLI almost always have multilevel disease. Clinically relevant lesions include hemodynamically significant stenoses (as measured by pressure gradients or luminal diameter reduction of more than 50%), diffuse long-segment atherosclerosis, thrombotic occlusions, and ulcerated or exophytic plaques. Plaques may be characterized as focal or long, calcified or noncalcified, concentric or eccentric, and smooth or ulcerated.

Magnetic resonance angiography

Magnetic resonance (MR) angiography has revolutionized the evaluation of patients with PAD.2528 When properly performed, MR angiography provides images almost comparable in quality and form to conventional catheter angiography with none of the associated risks (see Fig. 8-2). The sensitivity and specificity of state-of-the-art MR angiography approaches or exceeds 95%2630 (Figs. 8-7 and 8-8).

MR angiography is contraindicated in certain patients (e.g., those with pacemakers, intracranial clips, severe claustrophobia). Each institution must develop its own protocol for routine imaging of patients with PAD, and software and hardware are constantly evolving. The gadolinium injections and imaging acquisitions are coordinated such that the imaging interval is centered around the time of peak gadolinium concentration. Initial unenhanced two-dimensional time-of-flight acquisitions can be helpful in evaluating the calf and pedal vessels, but add substantial time to the examination. In addition to inspecting the maximum intensity projections in multiple planes, it is crucial to review source data to confirm findings.

Computed tomography angiography

The widespread availability of multidetector computed tomography (CT) scanners has made CT angiography an important tool in evaluation of a wide variety of vascular diseases, including PAD31 (Fig. 8-9). The sensitivity and specificity with current technology is about 92% to 96% compared with catheter digital angiography.3235 The major pitfalls of CT angiography for PAD include pulsation artifacts (which are minimized with cardiac gating), contrast bolus mistiming, calcified vessels, and the presence of metallic objects (e.g., stents, coils) (Fig. 8-10).

Catheter angiography

Catheter arteriography remains the gold standard for evaluation of patients with symptomatic PAD. In practice, however, it is only requested when endovascular revascularization is being contemplated or high-quality CT or MR angiography cannot be obtained before planned surgery. A complete procedure includes the following components:

However, a more tailored study is appropriate if MR or CT angiography is available or preexisting renal insufficiency makes contrast load a concern. When the angiogram is performed through the CFA on the less symptomatic leg, groin complications do not interfere with surgical bypass procedures, catheter occlusion of a stenotic iliac artery is less likely, and antegrade puncture for infrainguinal treatment of the affected leg can be performed in the same setting. On the other hand, direct access to iliac artery stenoses is available if the angiogram is performed on the side with diminished femoral pulses.

Visualization of the entire arterial circulation to the foot is mandatory because vascular surgical techniques allow bypass to the pedal arteries. Measurement of aortoiliac pressure gradients after vasodilator injection is particularly important in patients with claudication or before infrainguinal bypass graft placement (Fig. 8-12). The drop in peripheral vascular resistance and resulting increase in flow that occurs with exercise or after graft placement increase the significance of proximal stenoses (see Chapter 3).

Certain points in the interpretation of lower extremity run-off studies are worth comment:

Luminal narrowing has other causes than atherosclerosis (Figs. 8-17 through 8-20; see Box 8-1). The presence of atypical clinical or angiographic features should raise this possibility (see Box 8-3).

Medical therapy

Many patients with asymptomatic PAD or intermittent claudication respond to medical therapy without the need for any type of imaging or intervention. The treatment goals are to stabilize or reduce lower extremity symptoms and prevent other cardiovascular events (e.g., myocardial infarction or stroke). The interventionalist must work aggressively with the patient to accomplish these goals14,36 (Box 8-5). Drug therapy, risk factor modification, and a supervised exercise program remain the cornerstones of treatment for mild to moderate IC. Endovascular interventions should serve an adjunctive role.37,38

A host of pharmacologic agents have been tried for specific treatment of PAD. Most are not effective, including pentoxifylline, aspirin, vasodilators, and l-arginine.14 Two drugs are valuable in patients with IC. Cilostazol is a phosphodiesterase-III inhibitor with several properties of direct benefit to claudicants.39,40 There is strong evidence that long-term use will significantly increase walking distance and improve overall quality of life in this population. Side effects include diarrhea, headaches and palpitations. Cilostazol is contraindicated in patients with congestive heart failure. Naftidrofuryl is a 5-hydroxytryptamine antagonist the inhibits red cell and platelet aggregation and enhances striated muscle metabolism. Daily therapy affords similar benefits to cilostazol.4143

For patients with CLI, the goals of therapy are relief of pain, healing of ulcers, avoidance of major amputation, and improvement in quality of life. Narcotic analgesics are appropriate before revascularization or for palliation. Along with aggressive antibiotic therapy for infections, local would care is essential.

Endovascular therapy

Patient selection

The mere presence of a peripheral arterial lesion (even an apparently significant one) in the absence of associated symptoms is not a license to intervene. An invasive procedure may convert a stenosis with a fairly benign natural history into a lesion that becomes rapidly and severely progressive and quite symptomatic.

The primary goals of intervention are improved quality of life, limb salvage, and prolonged survival. Revascularization should be considered for patients with the following:

Moderate or severe intermittent claudication that does not respond adequately to medical measures (see Box 8-5). However, one rigorous analysis suggested that angioplasty is more cost-effective than exercise therapy in patients with IC.44

Selection of patients for endovascular versus open surgical therapy depends on a variety of patient factors and the site and nature of disease. For almost all arterial segments, results are better in groups suffering from claudication than those with CLI. The guidelines of the TransAtlantic Inter-Society Consensus on Peripheral Arterial Disease (TASC) working group are widely recognized14 (Fig. 8-22).

The technical details of percutaneous arterial revascularization are considered in detail in Chapter 3. Selection criteria, specific technical features, and outcomes at various sites are discussed herein. Perhaps in no other area of interventional radiology are reports of the efficacy of a procedure more disparate and confusing. Older radiologic series focused primarily on technical success and patency rates. The outcomes summarized in Table 8-3 are rough estimates intended only to help educate patients and referring physicians. To properly compare endovascular procedures with surgical treatment, these modalities must be evaluated in terms of durable clinical improvement in ischemic symptoms, limb salvage, and survival.

It is interesting to note that arterial angioplasty and stent placement provoke an inflammatory reaction at the treated site. The response is marked by elevations of serum C-reactive protein and fibrinogen (among other factors) and is more intense after femoropopliteal percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty (PTA) than carotid or iliac artery PTA. This phenomenon may partly explain the increased frequency of clinical restenosis at this site.45 The risk of restenosis also may be associated with higher preprocedure and postprocedure levels of C-reactive protein.46,47

Infrarenal aortic stenosis (TASC b lesions)

Isolated, severe atherosclerotic abdominal aortic stenoses are relatively uncommon. They occur mostly frequently in middle-aged or elderly women who smoke and in patients with hypoplastic aortic syndrome (small aorta and hypoplastic iliofemoral arteries).48 The traditional therapy was surgical endarterectomy or bypass grafting. For endovascular repair, these lesions cause some trepidation for interventionalists because the theoretical risk of rupture is greater than at other sites due to the large diameter of the aorta. In reality, angioplasty is remarkably safe, effective, and durable at this location49 (Fig. 8-23 and see Table 8-3). Primary hemodynamic patency at 10 years with PTA alone is close to 50%. Stents are certainly justified for failures of angioplasty and for large exophytic lesions that are more likely to shower emboli with balloon dilation.50 In actual practice, and despite the lack of solid evidence, most interventionalists opt for primary stent placement for all infrarenal aortic stenoses.5155 In one small series, 3-year primary patency was 83% with primary stent insertion.53

Aortic occlusion and severe aortoiliac occlusive disease (TASC c and d lesions)

This relatively uncommon form of PAD is typically seen in a somewhat younger population, most of whom smoke.56 Symptoms of bilateral claudication (and impotence in men) are common (Leriche syndrome) (see Fig. 7-5). The singular risk of an untreated infrarenal aortic occlusion is proximal propagation of clot leading to renal or mesenteric artery thrombosis. For these TASC C and D lesions, first-line treatment is still aortobifemoral bypass (AFB) grafting. Inferior alternatives include endarterectomy, axillobifemoral grafting, or thoracoaortic femoral grafting. Recently, some aggressive interventionalists have tackled these difficult cases by endovascular reconstruction with (limited) thrombolysis, angioplasty, and stent insertion (bare or covered). Long-term patency is still inferior to AFB grafting, but is perhaps acceptable given the reduced risk of perioperative complications, similar amputation rates, and comparable 30-day mortality.5762 The reported primary patency rates at 3 and 5 years are 66% and 60% to 86%, respectively, with secondary patency rates of 90% and 80% to 98%, respectively. Hybrid interventions are becoming increasingly popular, whereby suprainguinal endovascular treatment is done in concert with CFA endarterectomy and/or infrainguinal bypass grafting 63

Iliac artery stenosis (TASC a-d lesions)

Primary stent placement is now standard of care for all TASC type B and C iliac lesions.57,64 Although formally considered operative territory, many interventionalists now handle type D iliac lesions. Balloon angioplasty is effective and durable for many simple iliac artery stenoses (Table 8-4). The oft-quoted Dutch Iliac Stent Trial and some other reports found no particular benefit to primary stent placement over selective stenting for type A and B lesions.65,66 Even so, many experienced operators still prefer primary stent placement for all iliac artery stenoses. Primary stent placement is certainly justified in the following situations67 (Fig. 8-24).

Table 8-4 Ideal Conditions for Balloon Angioplasty of Lower Extremity Arteries

Lesion Characteristics Patient Characteristics
Short Nondiabetic
Concentric Milder degrees of ischemia
Large vessel  
Continuous in-line run-off  

Predilation with a balloon catheter ensures that the lumen can be fully expanded and that the appropriate balloon and stent size is chosen to avoid vessel rupture. In reality, unless the lesion is heavily calcified, most interventionalists perform primary stent placement to expedite the procedure and theoretically decrease the risk of distal embolization of plaque fragments.

Stents must cover all of the diseased segment and ideally end at a relatively normal point on the artery. Notably, the internal iliac artery often remains patent even with a bare stent placed across its origin. Either self-expanding (SE) or balloon-expandable (BE) stents may be used60,67,68 (see Chapter 3). When precise placement is critical (e.g., at the aortic bifurcation), BE stents are advantageous. When long arterial segments must be covered, SE stents are a wise choice. Although no single device has proven most effective or durable, there is good evidence that nitinol stents yield better long-term results than other materials.

For iliac disease at or just adjacent to the aortic bifurcation, so-called “kissing stents” are often placed. In this technique, bare stents are deployed simultaneously from both groins in both iliac arteries with the superior ends touching in the very distal aorta60,68 (see Fig. 8-24). In this way, overhanging aortic disease is covered and a unilateral stent extending into the aortic lumen will not infringe on the contralateral common iliac artery. However, this common practice may be unnecessary if the opposing iliac vessel is normal and the stent is deposited just up to the bifurcation.69

Table 8-3 summarizes the primary patency rates for endovascular iliac artery treatment.* Eight- to 10-year primary patency rates of iliac artery stents (including occlusions) have been reported at 46% to 74%.70,71 Secondary patency rates at 3 years approach 90% to 95% with most devices. The most commonly reported predictors of long-term durability are male gender, abstinence from smoking, common iliac artery location, large arterial (stent) diameter, patent outflow arteries, short lesion length, and complete covering of the diseased segment.14,70 For example, patency rates for common versus external iliac artery stent placement at 5 years in one study were 76% and 56%, respectively.74 This response may be related to the smaller size of the vessel and the fact that hip flexion causes arterial angulation in this region (not just around the CFA as commonly believed).75

Complications (most of which are minor) occur in about 10% of cases and include puncture site injury or hematoma, acute stent thrombosis, distal embolization, stent dislodgment, pseudoaneurysm formation, and vessel rupture.

Iliac artery occlusion (TASC type b-d)

Endovascular therapy is an attractive alternative to surgery for some common or external iliac artery occlusions. Balloon angioplasty alone is not sufficient; all of these obstructions require a stent. It is also accepted practice to skip thrombolysis or mechanical thrombectomy and proceed directly to primary uncovered stent insertion once the obstruction is crossed.76

An ipsilateral groin approach provides the most direct pathway to the obstruction. It is also preferable when stents must be deployed up into the aorta. However, many devices can be advanced from the opposite groin over the bifurcation, through a guiding catheter or sheath, and then deployed in the main iliac artery trunks. Rarely, a brachial artery approach is necessary. The occlusion is crossed with a steerable hydrophilic guidewire. If the guidewire will only traverse the occlusion from the contralateral groin, the tip can be snared from the ipsilateral CFA and pulled through the sheath. An angiographic catheter is then placed in a retrograde direction for stent placement. Stents may be inserted even when guidewire passage is partially subintimal, as long as the wire reenters the lumen before reaching the aorta. Stents are deposited along the entire length of the occlusion, incorporating adjacent segments of significant atherosclerotic disease. Placement of stents well into the CFA is controversial (see later discussion).

Revascularization of TASC B and C iliac artery occlusions is somewhat less successful than TASC A iliac stenoses14 (see Table 8-3). However, the difference is largely attributable to cases in which the occlusion cannot be traversed with a guidewire. Thus, following a technically successful procedure, long-term patency rates are about 15% higher than published figures.7679 The overall complication rate is about 10%. The frequency of distal embolization is about 2% to 5% whether or not thrombolysis is performed.

Internal iliac artery stenosis

Occasionally, proximal internal iliac artery stenoses cause isolated buttock claudication.8082 Balloon angioplasty and stents have been used successfully to relieve such lesions.

Femoropopliteal artery stenosis (TASC types a and b)

Endovascular therapy is first-line treatment for many femoropopliteal lesions in patients with appropriate symptoms14,89,90 (Figs. 8-26 and 8-27). Unlike the iliac artery, the best endovascular approach is often controversial. The outcomes of “plain old” balloon angioplasty and bare stent placement in the femoropopliteal artery have been disappointing compared with applications in the iliac artery (Fig. 8-28). Leading explanations for this disparity invoke (1) the larger atherosclerotic burden of the long femoropopliteal segment, (2) constant extrinsic compression of the SFA at the adductor canal, and (3) hemodynamic stresses related to frequent and significant bending and shortening of the vessel with leg motion. Numerous strategies have been pursued to improve on early modest results.

Cryoplasty entails balloon dilation of plaque combined with delivery of cold thermal energy.95 Liquid nitrous oxide (rather than diluted contrast material) is used to inflate the balloon. As the agent rapidly assumes a gaseous state, a local −10° C heat sink is created. The consequences are smooth muscle cell apoptosis (programmed cell death) to inhibit neointimal hyperplasia and restriction of arterial elasticity by thermal effects on collagen and elastin. Although the method has some proponents, it offers no significant benefit over (and is perhaps worse than) standard angioplasty.96,97

Self-expanding bare nitinol stents have yielded lower angiographic restenosis rates and higher primary patency rates at 1 year than balloon angioplasty for the femoropopliteal arteries in some studies.111,112 Metaanalyses of the literature have failed to show consistent benefit across angiographic and clinical parameters.113,114 The controlled and randomized FAST, RESILIENT, Vienna ABSOLUTE, and ASTRON trials collectively provide modest support for use of these devices in complex or longer femoropopliteal lesions (e.g., >5 to 10 cm).115118 On the other hand, stents composed of other materials or of the balloon-expandable variety should be avoided. The advantages of nitinol include greater radial force and flexibility, minimal plastic deformity, and more predictable lesion coverage due to minimal shortening at deployment. Two vexing and persistent problems with some current devices are in-stent restenosis and stent fracture, both of which can reduce overall patency.112,119

ePTFE covered stent grafts show great promise for femoropopliteal obstructions that do not respond to balloon angioplasty.124,125 A randomized, multicenter trial conducted more than 10 years ago (largely in claudicants) found significantly improved target vessel patency and limb ischemia status in the Viabahn stent graft group compared with angioplasty alone, particularly for lesions greater than 3 to 13 cm in length.124 The ongoing VIASTAR trial will compare a bare nitinol stent with the Viabahn Propaten (heparin-bonded coating) platform. Most patients receive aspirin or clopidogrel before and for at least several months after covered stent placement.126,127

Jan 8, 2016 | Posted by in INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY | Comments Off on Pelvic and lower extremity arteries

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