Respiratory System

Respiratory System

Anatomy and Physiology

The respiratory system is responsible for two major functions. Ventilation involves the movement of air in and out of the lungs, and diffusion relates to the gas exchange between the lungs and the circulatory system. This system is usually subdivided into the upper respiratory tract—the nose, mouth, pharynx, and larynx—and the lower respiratory tract—the trachea, bronchi, alveoli, and lungs (Fig. 3-1). The thoracic cavity consists of the right and left pleural cavities and the mediastinum. The parietal pleura lines the thoracic cavity, and the visceral pleura adheres directly to lung tissue.

Anatomically, the mediastinum is divided into the anterior, middle, and posterior portions. The anterior mediastinum contains the thyroid and thymus glands. The middle mediastinum contains the heart and great vessels, esophagus, and trachea. The posterior mediastinum contains the descending aorta and the spine.

The anatomic bony structures of the thorax assist in both inspiration and expiration. These bony structures include the ribs, sternum, and thoracic vertebrae.

The paranasal sinuses are lined with respiratory epithelium and communicate with the nasal cavities, hence their inclusion in this chapter. The maxillary and ethmoid sinuses are the only paranasal sinuses present at birth. The frontal sinuses generally develop shortly after birth and are fully developed by the age of 10 years. The sphenoid sinus begins to develop around the age of 2 or 3 years and is fully developed by late adolescence.

Imaging Considerations


The examination most frequently performed in any radiology department is chest radiography. Although this examination may seem routine, chest radiography provides important information about soft tissues, bones, the pleura, the mediastinum, and lung tissue.

Exposure Factor Conditions

Correct exposure factor selection is critical because an incorrect exposure factor may hide or appear to create pathologic findings. This is particularly true for serial mobile radiographs because the interpreting physician relies heavily on consistent exposure conditions to analyze the change in pathology after treatment. Institutions may record exposure techniques for mobile chest images so that different technologists can use similar exposure factors to maintain consistency among the radiographs. Photostimulable phosphor–computed tomography (CT) imaging plates and direct readout (DR) image receptors are commonly used for mobile chest radiography to eliminate exposure repeats caused by the inadequacy or inconsistency of technical factors. Although accurate technical selection is important when using digital radiography systems to ensure that an appropriate exposure indicator is obtained, both systems offer wider latitude of error over conventional film or screen systems because of a wider dynamic range.

Some sources describe pathologies, including those in the chest, as additive, that is, they are harder than normal to penetrate or subtractive (destructive), that is, they are easier than normal to penetrate. In the respiratory system, any condition that adds fluid or tissue to the normally aerated chest (e.g., pneumonia) requires an increase in technical factors to afford proper penetration and exposure. Similarly, any condition that increases the aeration of the chest (e.g., emphysema) reduces the amount of radiation required for proper exposure to be achieved. Most experts agree that when chest radiography is performed using a digital imaging system, the radiographer must use his or her knowledge of pathologic conditions and specific image receptor characteristics to assess whether a change in milliampere second (mAs) or kilovoltage peak (kVp) is required to adjust the radiographic exposure. The kilovoltage range should be chosen based on the energy level necessary to penetrate the part of interest, keeping in mind the presence of additive or subtractive pathologies.

The use of automatic exposure control (AEC) in chest radiography facilitates consistent radiographic exposures but requires careful analysis of the clinical history and conscious thought about the type of disease present and its location to ensure truly optimal diagnostic-quality radiographs. Activation of the sensor, for example, over an area of significant aeration or consolidation (tissue or fluid accumulation) may result in excessive or insufficient exposure, respectively. Although the image may look fine on initial visual examination, care must be taken to always utilize an exposure indicator to assess proper technique selection. Experience with AEC, combined with careful thought in selecting the proper sensor, eliminates these mistakes.

Position and Projection

Patient position and projection are also critical exposure conditions that may distort the final image. Position refers to the arrangement of the patient’s body (e.g., erect, supine, recumbent), and projection refers to the path of the x-ray beam (e.g., anteroposterior [AP], i.e., entering through the body’s anterior surface and exiting the posterior surface). The standard projections for chest radiography are the erect posteroanterior (PA) and left lateral (Fig. 3-2). Each of these serves to place the heart closer to the film because the heart lies in the anterior part of the chest and mostly to the left side. When combined with a standard 72-inch source-to-image distance (SID), magnification of the heart is minimized.

Chest Radiography

On a normal erect PA chest image, the costophrenic and cardiophrenic angles are demonstrated, with the right hemidiaphragm appearing 1 to 2 cm higher than the left because of the position of the liver. When a patient is radiographed in the recumbent position, the lower lung fields may be obscured because of abdominal pressure raising the level of the diaphragm (Fig. 3-3).

Other projections of the thorax are used less frequently than the erect PA and left lateral projections. The AP projection is the method of choice for mobile radiography when the patient is too ill to tolerate a visit to the department and assume an erect position. As much as possible, it is important that mobile chest radiographs be taken with the patient sitting in bed in the erect position to demonstrate any air–fluid levels present. Maintenance of the beam perpendicular to the plane of the image receptor is essential to avoid any foreshortening of the heart. Furthermore, use of the 72-inch SID is very important for mobile radiography to minimize magnification of the heart, which is located farther from the image receptor in the AP projection. To improve image quality, many institutions commonly employ a short dimension grid when using a digital imaging system.

The AP and PA projections of the patient lying in the lateral decubitus position are useful under specific conditions such as diagnosing free air in the pleural space or pleural fluid. For example, for a right lateral decubitus chest radiograph, the patient lies on his or her right side. In this position, any fluid present tends to layer out along the edge of the lung field on the dependent side, which enhances its visibility, whereas the free air rises toward the left side.

For evaluation of the standard PA chest radiograph, the size and radiolucency of both lungs should be compared. Criteria for adequate inspiration and penetration of chest radiographs vary from institution to institution; however, a rule of thumb is that adequate inspiration should provide visualization of 10 posterior ribs within the lung field. In addition, all thoracic vertebrae and intervertebral disk spaces should be faintly visible through the mediastinum on an adequately penetrated chest radiograph. The average movement of the lungs and diaphragm between inspiration and expiration is approximately 3 cm (Fig. 3-4).

Oblique projections of the thorax are useful in separating superimposed structures such as the sternum, esophagus, and thoracic spine. A lordotic chest radiograph is useful in demonstrating the apical regions of the lung, which are normally obscured by bony structures on the standard PA projection (Fig. 3-5). Certain diseases such as tuberculosis (TB) have a predilection for the apices.

Soft Tissues of the Chest

Various soft tissue densities are present on chest radiographs. They may vary with patient age, sex, and pathologic conditions. The pectoral muscles are normally demonstrated overlying and extending beyond the lung fields. Radiographs of both men and women demonstrate breast shadows in the midchest region (Fig. 3-6). These shadows are normally homogeneous in appearance, and female breasts may obscure the costophrenic angles. Elevation of the breasts may be necessary to better demonstrate the bases of the lungs. Surgical removal of one or both breasts is also evident on chest radiographs; breast prostheses, which appear as well-defined, circular, radiopaque densities, are also evident. Nipple shadows may be visible at the level of the fourth or fifth anterior rib spaces and may occasionally mimic nodules or masses in the chest. These soft tissue structures may be differentiated with nipple markers or oblique projections of the chest.

Bony Structures of the Chest

The ribs, sternum, and thoracic spine enclose the thoracic cavity. These structures assist the technologist in the assessment of the technical adequacy of chest radiographs. Congenital anomalies of the ribs may be demonstrated (Fig. 3-7), as well as calcified costal cartilages. This calcification generally occurs in patients in their late 20s and beyond. Rib fractures may be seen (Fig. 3-8), sometimes with an accompanying pneumothorax. A depressed sternum (pectus excavatum) may also be demonstrated, possibly displacing the heart (Fig. 3-9). The thoracic spine may be assessed for scoliosis, which may affect the chest cavity, and kyphosis or compression fractures of the vertebrae.


The mediastinum contains all thoracic organs except the lungs. The heart occupies a large portion of the mediastinum, and the shape of the heart varies with age, degree of respiration, and patient position. Other organs contained within the mediastinum include the thyroid and thymus glands and nervous and lymphatic tissues (Fig. 3-10).

Radiographically, the mediastinum is divided into three sections: (1) The anterior mediastinal masses generally arise from the thyroid gland, thymus gland, or lymphatic tissue; (2) the middle mediastinal masses are commonly lymphatic tissue; and (3) the posterior mediastinal masses usually arise from nervous or bony tissue.

In infants, the mediastinum appears wide because the thymus is normally large in a healthy infant. On frontal projections, it may extend beyond the heart borders and caudally to the diaphragm, and on a lateral projection, it may fill the anterior portion of the mediastinum, which is normally radiolucent later in life. This radiographic appearance is readily visible on both PA and lateral views and is referred to as the “sail sign” because of its characteristic appearance (Fig. 3-11). Diagnosis is difficult because the width of the upper mediastinum varies greatly with the phase of respiration. A crying child may present an opportune moment for the technologist to make an exposure, but the resultant Valsalva maneuver adds to the distortion of the thymus. The Valsalva maneuver increases both the intrathoracic pressure and the intraabdominal pressure by asking the patient to inhale deeply and hold the breath to force the diaphragm and chest muscles against a closed glottis. True mediastinal masses are rare in infants and generally represent congenital malformations or neoplasms. In the mediastinum of older adults, the aorta dilates, and the aortic knob becomes much more visible.

Mediastinal emphysema (pneumomediastinum) occurs when there has been a disruption in the esophagus or airway and air is trapped in the mediastinum (Fig. 3-12). It may result from chest trauma, endoscopy, or violent vomiting. When unaccompanied by a pneumothorax, spontaneous mediastinal emphysema is usually self-limiting, subsiding in a few days without complication. Air in the mediastinum from rupture of the esophagus (usually from vomiting) or a major bronchus (usually from trauma) is more serious and requires prompt diagnosis and surgical intervention. An esophagogram may be performed with a water-soluble contrast agent to verify that a leak has not occurred.

When the pneumomediastinum is extensive, air may pass from the mediastinum into the subcutaneous tissues of the chest or neck, resulting in subcutaneous emphysema (Fig. 3-13). Diagnosis of this may be made by feeling air bubbles in the skin of the chest or neck.

Glandular enlargements of the thyroid gland are demonstrated by a displacement or narrowing of the trachea. The thyroid gland is usually located superior to the lung apices, but an ectopic thyroid gland may also displace the trachea. Clinical manifestations of an ectopic thyroid gland are often absent, and the mass may be discovered accidentally when chest radiography is performed for some other purpose.

In some instances, a routine chest radiograph may be requested on admission to the hospital, but for stable patients, this must be based on specific clinical indications such as need for cardiac monitoring or the presence of extrathoracic disease. Although many institutions routinely obtain mobile chest radiographs for all patients in the intensive care unit, recent research indicates that the diagnostic and therapeutic value of routine chest radiography is low in this population. On the basis of current evidence, the American College of Radiology (ACR) suggests that routine mobile chest radiography is only indicated in patients with acute cardiopulmonary conditions and patients in respiratory failure who are on a mechanical ventilator. In cases involving the placement of an endotracheal tube, central venous line, arterial line, and chest tubes, radiographs should only routinely be obtained upon placement of the device. Follow-up chest radiography should not be routine for these patients and should be performed based on appropriate clinical indications.

Computed Tomography

Volumetric CT offers the advantage of imaging the entire chest with one breath hold, which allows better evaluation of the chest, especially the diaphragm area. Advances in CT software allowing high-resolution, thin-slice thicknesses ranging from 1 to 1.5 mm (Fig. 3-14) and faster scan times, in combination with dynamic scanning (Fig. 3-15), have greatly enhanced the role of CT in chest imaging. CT is the method of choice for evaluation of pulmonary adenopathy. Standard radiography is only about 50% sensitive to chest disease, typically displaying advanced pathologic conditions. The excellent specificity of CT, however, may be a problem because most people have granulomatous disease, which is often benign. A rule of thumb for evaluating the character of a visualized nodule relates to its size: Those less than 1 cm in size are usually benign, and those larger than 1 cm may be malignant. Also, the presence of calcium within a nodule is a reasonable indication of benignancy, particularly in the middle of the lesion or diffusely within the nodule, but eccentric calcification may indicate malignancy.

CT is also sensitive in detecting emboli within the thoracic vessels (Fig. 3-16). In fact, the current standard of care when a pulmonary embolus is suspected is a computed tomographic angiogram (CTA) of the chest with contrast.

Chest CT is also indicated in the clinical staging of small cell lung carcinomas and in the detection of metastatic disease of the chest. Percutaneous transthoracic needle aspiration is commonly performed under CT guidance. Needle aspirations are performed to obtain cytologic specimens from lesions within the lungs (Fig. 3-17), pleural space, and mediastinum. Following the biopsy, chest radiographs may be obtained to check for a possible pneumothorax or hemorrhage.

Nuclear Medicine Procedures

Perfusion and ventilation scans, as performed in nuclear medicine, are useful in evaluating chest disease, particularly in the case of obstructive disease and in cases of suspected pulmonary emboli when a CTA is contraindicated. Injection of a radionuclide into the venous system for a perfusion causes it to become trapped in the pulmonary circulation, allowing for γ-camera visualization of its distribution. In a ventilation scan, the patient inhales a radioactive gas (such as xenon) and holds the breath while an image is taken of the gas distribution throughout the lungs (Fig. 3-18).

Positron emission tomography (PET) captures information regarding metabolic activity. The primary imaging agent used in PET of the lungs is fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG), making it useful in distinguishing benign and malignant lesions within the chest because it has the capability of imaging an increase in glucose uptake from neoplastic cells. FDG whole body PET is useful in the evaluation of solitary pulmonary nodules and in the staging of bronchogenic carcinoma (Fig. 3-19).

Chest Tubes, Vascular Access Lines, and Catheters

A variety of tubes, lines, and catheters can be placed in relation to particular parts of the respiratory system. It is important for the technologist to be familiar with each of these and exercise great caution in attempting patient movement with any of these in place. It is best to have assistance from another technologist or nursing personnel to ensure that the lines and tubes are free of any obstructions before patient movement occurs. Furthermore, the technologist who is unsure whether the patient is allowed to sit erect should always ask the patient’s nurse. The x-ray tube, image receptor, and exposure technique should be established before the patient is moved. Patients in critical care units often can be erect for only a short period because of the instability of their blood pressure. Finally, it is necessary to cover cassettes with a plastic bag to limit infection transfer and keep the cold cassette surface from touching the patient’s back.

An endotracheal (ET) tube is a large plastic tube inserted through the patient’s nose or mouth into the trachea. It helps to manage the patient’s airway, allows frequent suctioning, and allows mechanical ventilation. Its proper position is below the vocal cords and above the carina (Fig. 3-20). Movement of a patient with an ET tube should be done with great caution because inadvertent displacement or extubation may leave the patient without a patent airway.

A chest tube is a large plastic tube inserted through the chest wall between the ribs. It allows drainage of air (e.g., pneumothorax) or fluid (e.g., pleural effusion or hemothorax) from the thoracic cavity (Fig. 3-21) and allows the lungs to inflate to help the patient breathe normally. Those placed lower on the chest wall are usually for fluid drainage; those placed higher are usually for air removal. After open heart surgery, a chest tube may be placed in the mediastinum for proper fluid drainage. Its location is midline, just below the sternum. The collection device attached to the chest tube must be kept below the level of the chest to allow for proper drainage. The amount of time a chest tube remains in the thorax is dependent on the amount of deflation of the lung.

Central venous pressure (CVP) lines are usually inserted via the subclavian vein, but they may also be placed through the jugular vein, antecubital vein, or femoral vein. Proper insertion places the tip of the CVP catheter in the distal superior vena cava (SVC) just above the right atrium (Fig. 3-22). This catheter provides an alternative injection site to compensate for loss of peripheral infusion sites or to allow for infusion of massive volumes of fluids. In addition, it allows for measurement of CVP, which indicates the patient’s fluid status and provides information about the function of the heart’s right side. However, pulmonary artery catheters have largely supplanted the use of CVP lines for these purposes because they provide even greater accuracy in measurements. Chest radiographs are generally requested following the insertion of a CVP line to check for proper placement and the presence of a pneumothorax or hemothorax. Improperly placed catheters may result in cardiac arrhythmias.

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