State Estimation for Electrophysiology Models with Front Level-Set Data Using Topological Gradient Derivations

, and the primary unknowns are the extracellular potential $$u_e$$ and the transmembrane potential $$u$$. Hence, the intracellular potential reads $$u_i = u+ u_e$$. For all $$t>0$$” src=”/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/A339585_1_En_46_Chapter_IEq5.gif”></SPAN>, we seek <SPAN id=IEq6 class=InlineEquation><IMG alt=$$(u,u_e)$$ src= with $$\int _{\mathcal S} u_e \, dS= 0$$ such that, for all $$(\phi ,\psi )$$ with $$\int _{\mathcal S} \psi \, dS= 0$$,

$$\begin{aligned} {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} A_m \displaystyle \int _{\mathcal S} \Bigl ( C_m \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} + I_{\text {ion}}(u) \Bigr ) \phi \, dS + \displaystyle \int _{\mathcal S} \Bigl ({\varvec{\sigma }}_{i} \cdot \bigl (\varvec{\nabla }u+ \varvec{\nabla }u_e\bigr )\Bigr )\cdot \varvec{\nabla }\phi \, dS \\ \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad = A_m \displaystyle \int _{\mathcal S} I_{\text {app}} \phi \, dS, \\ \displaystyle \int _{\mathcal S} \Bigl (({\varvec{\sigma }}_{i} + {\varvec{\sigma }}_{e}) \cdot \varvec{\nabla }u_e \Bigr ) \cdot \varvec{\nabla } \psi \, dS + \displaystyle \int _{\mathcal S} \Bigl ({\varvec{\sigma }}_{i} \cdot \varvec{\nabla }u\Bigr ) \cdot \varvec{\nabla } \psi \, dS = 0. \\ \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

Here, the positive constant $$A_m$$ denotes the ratio of membrane area per unit volume, $$C_m$$ is the membrane capacitance per unit surface, $$I_{\text {ion}}(u)$$ a reaction term representing the ionic current across the membrane and also depending on local ionic variables satisfying additional ODEs – in our case we use the ionic model of [8] – and $$I_{\text {app}}$$ a given prescribed stimulus current, when applicable. We define the intra- and extra-cellular diffusion tensors $${\varvec{\sigma }}_{i}$$ and $${\varvec{\sigma }}_{e}$$ by

$$\begin{aligned} {\varvec{\sigma }}_{i, e} = \sigma _{i,e}^t {\varvec{I}} + (\sigma _{i,e}^l - \sigma _{i,e}^t) \bigl [ I_0(\theta ) \varvec{\tau }_0 \otimes \varvec{\tau }_0 + J_0(\theta ) \varvec{\tau }_0^\perp \otimes \varvec{\tau }_0^\perp \bigr ], \end{aligned}$$

where $${\varvec{I}}$$ denotes the identity tensor in the tangential plane – also sometimes called the surface metric tensor – $$\varvec{\tau }_0$$ is a unit vector associated with the local fiber direction on the atria midsurface, and $$\varvec{\tau }_0^\perp $$ such that $$(\varvec{\tau }_0,\varvec{\tau }_0^\perp )$$ gives an orthonormal basis of the tangential plane. The functions $$I_0(\theta ) = \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{4 \theta } \sin (2 \theta )$$ and $$J_0(\theta ) = 1 - I_0(\theta )$$ represent the effect of an angular variation $$2\theta $$ of the fiber direction across the wall. A typical physiological simulation of the model is presented in Fig. 1 in a healthy case, with the parameters given in Table 1. For details on the modeling formulation and parameter calibration we refer to [4, 7], and also to [16] where this model was used in the atria for numerical simulations of complete realistic electrocardiograms.

Table 1.
Conductivity parameters (all in $$\text {}^{-1}$$) and maximal conductance $$g_{Na}$$ in the different atrial areas (all in $$\text {nS}.\text {pF}^{-1}$$) with RT = regular tissue, PM = pectinate muscles, CT = crista terminalis, BB = Bachman’s bundle, FO = fossa ovalis

$$\sigma _e^{t}$$

$$\sigma _e^{l}$$

$$\sigma _i^{t}$$

$$\sigma _i^{l}$$

$$g_{Na}$$ (RT)

$$g_{Na}$$ (PM)

$$g_{Na}$$ (CT)

$$g_{Na}$$ (BB)

$$g_{Na}$$ (FO)

$$9.0\, 10^{-4}$$

$$2.5\, 10^{-3}$$

$$2.5\, 10^{-4}$$

$$2.5\, 10^{-3}$$







Fig. 1.
Atrial electrical depolarization and corresponding synthetic front data

2.2 Data of Interest

We assume in this work that the patient-specific depolarization front is measured, as is the case when isochrones are available. From a mathematical standpoint, the measurement procedure can be modeled by considering that, for a particular solution of (1) denoted by $$(\breve{u},\breve{u}_e)$$ and associated with patient-specific parameters and initial conditions, we have at our disposal the time evolution of the front

$$\begin{aligned} \varGamma _{\breve{u}}(t) = \{\varvec{x} \in \mathcal S, \, \breve{u}(\varvec{x},t) = c_{\text {th}}\}, \end{aligned}$$

defining $$c_{\text {th}}$$ as a threshold value characterizing the front, and the already traveled-through region is given by

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal S^{\text {in}}_{\breve{u}}(t) = \{\varvec{x} \in \mathcal S, \, \breve{u}(\varvec{x},t) > c_{\text {th}}\}, \end{aligned}$$” src=”/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/A339585_1_En_46_Chapter_Equ4.gif”></DIV></DIV><br />
<DIV class=EquationNumber>(4)</DIV></DIV>up to some measurement noise. These data can be represented as a sequence of images – denoted by <SPAN id=IEq41 class=InlineEquation><IMG alt=$$z(t)$$ src= – that essentially take two different values inside and outside the traveled-through region. Our objective is to use the image sequence $$z(t)$$ to reconstruct the target solution $$(\breve{u},\breve{u}_e)$$, in a context where the initial conditions and some physical parameters are uncertain.

3 Estimation Methodology

3.1 Sequential Estimation Principles

We consider a general dynamical system $$\dot{y} = A(y,\theta ,t)$$, where y is the state variable, A the model operator, and $$\theta $$ some parameters of interest. In this abstract setting, we consider a specific target trajectory $$\{ \breve{y}(t), t>0 \}$$” src=”/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/A339585_1_En_46_Chapter_IEq46.gif”></SPAN> solution of the model with initial condition <SPAN id=IEq47 class=InlineEquation><IMG alt=, where $$y_\diamond $$ is a known a priori whereas $$\breve{\zeta }_y$$ is unknown, and assuming the same type of decomposition for the parameters $$\theta = \theta _\diamond + \breve{\zeta }_\theta $$. We further assume that we have at our disposal some indirect measurements of the target trajectory represented by the observation variable z(t). Our estimation problem consists in reconstructing the solution $$\{ \breve{y}(t), t>0 \}$$” src=”/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/A339585_1_En_46_Chapter_IEq51.gif”></SPAN> and possibly identifying the parameters <SPAN id=IEq52 class=InlineEquation><IMG alt= from the data z(t).

As a prerequisite to any estimation strategy, we must be able to define – at each time – a similarity/discrepancy measure $$\mathcal {D}(y,z)$$ between the data z and the state variable y. When $$\mathcal {D}(y,z)$$ vanishes, the state is exactly compatible with the data. By contrast, when $$\mathcal {D}(y,z)$$ is non-zero, the data indicate that $$y(t) \ne \breve{y}(t)$$.

Sep 14, 2016 | Posted by in RESPIRATORY IMAGING | Comments Off on State Estimation for Electrophysiology Models with Front Level-Set Data Using Topological Gradient Derivations

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