US: Diffusely enlarged hypoechoic gland with increased vascularity. If multinodular, goiter is enlarged and asymmetrical with several focal nodules of mixed echogenicity.
Correlate with antibody results and NM.
US: unilateral, more common on left.
Due to hypertrophy of single lobe or dysfunction.
US: Findings depend on stage, usually diffuse or focal hypoechogenicity and enlargement of both lobes. Doppler shows no increased vascularity.
Clinical signs of thyrotoxicosis in 50%.
Table 4.53 Thyroid mass
Cyst (usually colloid)
US: hypo-/anechoic mass. If any solid component, requires work-up for thyroid malignancy.
MRI: may appear bright on T1 due to hemorrhage, colloid, or high protein.
Uncommon in young children. True thyroid cysts are rare.
US: Primary imaging modality showing either solid or cystic mass usually hypoechoic but may have hyperechoic calcification. Cervical lymphadenopathy seen in 90%.
Rare. Ninety percent are papillary; three-quarters of cases occur in females.
Neck and chest CECT and bone scan are required for staging.
Fig. 4.172 Abscess with a fairly well-defined, hypoechoic mass with internal echoes on transverse US of left thyroid.Fig. 4.173 Papillary carcinoma with a diffuse solid mass with calcification involving both lobes on transverse US of the thyroid gland.
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