The Role of the Orthopedic Radiologist
Spectacular progress has been made and continues to be made in the field of radiologic imaging. The introduction and constant improvements of new imaging modalities—computed tomography (CT) and its spiral (helical) and three-dimensional (3D) variants, multichannel multidetector row CT (MDCT), dual-energy CT (DECT), cone-beam CT (CBCT), high resolution flat-panel volume CT (fpVCT), micro-computed tomography (micro CT), 3D CT-angiography, dynamic 4D CT of the joints, digital (computed) radiography (DR or CR) and its variants: digital subtraction radiography (DSR) and digital subtraction angiography (DSA), 3D ultrasound (US), radionuclide angiography and perfusion scintigraphy, positron emission tomography (PET), PET-CT, and PET-MRI, single-photon emission CT (SPECT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and its 3D variant, delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage (d-GEMRIC), 3D MRI/CT fusion imaging, MR diffusion tensor imaging (MRDTI), diffusion-weighted MRI (DWMRI), MR-arthrography (MRa), and MR-angiography (MRA), among others—have expanded the armamentarium of the radiologist, facilitating the sometimes difficult process of diagnosis. These new technologic developments have also brought disadvantages. They have contributed to a dramatic increase in the cost of medical care and have often led clinicians, trying to keep up with new imaging modalities, to order too many frequently unnecessary radiologic examinations.
This situation has served to emphasize the crucial importance of the role of the orthopedic radiologist and the place of conventional radiography. The radiologist must not only comply with prerequisites for various examinations but also, more importantly, screen them to choose only those procedures that will lead to the correct diagnosis and proper evaluation of a given disorder. To this end, radiologists should bear in mind the following objectives in the performance of their role:
To diagnose an unknown disorder, preferably by using standard projections along with the special views and techniques obtainable in conventional radiography before using the more sophisticated modalities now available.
To perform examinations in the proper sequence and to know what should be performed next in the radiologic investigation.
To demonstrate the determining imaging features of a known disorder, the distribution of a lesion in the skeleton, and its location in the bone.
To monitor the progress of therapy and possible complications.
To be aware of what specific information is important to the orthopedic surgeon.
To recognize the limits of noninvasive radiologic investigation and to know when to proceed with invasive techniques.
To recognize lesions that require biopsy and those that do not (the “don’t touch” lesions).
To assume a more active role in therapeutic management, such as performing an embolization procedure, delivering chemotherapeutic material by means of selective catheterization, or performing (usually CT-guided) radiofrequency thermal ablation of osseous lesions (such as osteoid osteoma).
The radiologic diagnosis of many bone and joint disorders cannot be made solely on the basis of particular recognizable radiographic patterns. Clinical data, such as the patient’s age, gender, symptoms, history, and laboratory findings, are also important to the radiologist in correctly interpreting an imaging study. Occasionally, clinical information is so typical of a certain disorder that it alone may suffice as the basis for diagnosis. Bone pain in a young person that is characteristically most severe at night and is promptly relieved by salicylates, for example, is so highly suggestive of osteoid osteoma that often the radiologist’s only task is finding the lesion. However, in many cases, clinical data do not suffice and may even be misleading.
When presented with a patient, the cause of whose symptom is unknown (Fig. 1.1) or suspected on the basis of clinical data (Fig. 1.2), the radiologist should avoid, as a point of departure in the examination, the more technologically advanced imaging modalities in favor of making a diagnosis, whenever possible, on the basis of simple conventional radiographs. This approach is essential not only to maintain cost-effectiveness but also to decrease the amount of radiation to which a patient is exposed. Proceeding first with conventional technique also has a firm basis in the chemistry and physiology of bone. The calcium apatite crystal, one of the mineral constituents of bone, is an intrinsic contrast agent that gives skeletal radiology a great advantage over other radiologic subspecialties and makes information on bone production and destruction readily available through conventional radiography. Simple observation of changes in the shape or density of normal bone, for example in the vertebrae, can be a deciding factor in arriving at a specific diagnosis (Figs. 1.3 and 1.4).
To aid the radiologist in the analysis of radiographic patterns and signs, some of which may be pathognomonic and others nonspecific, a number of options within the confines of conventional radiography are available. Certain ways of positioning the patient when radiographs are obtained allow the radiologist the opportunity to evaluate otherwise hidden anatomic sites and to more suitably demonstrate a particular abnormality. The frog-lateral projection of the hip, for example, is better than the anteroposterior view for imaging the signs of suspected osteonecrosis (ON) of the femoral head by more readily demonstrating the crescent sign, the early radiographic feature of this condition (see Figs. 4.61 and 4.62B). The frog-lateral view is also extremely helpful in the early diagnosis of slipped femoral capital epiphysis (see Fig. 32.37B). Likewise, the application of
special techniques can help to identify a lesion that is difficult to detect on routine radiographs. Fractures of complex structures such as the elbow, wrist, ankle, and foot are not always demonstrated on the standard projections. Because of the overlap of bones on the lateral view of the elbow, for example, detecting a nondisplaced or minimally displaced fracture of the radial head occasionally requires a special 45-degree angle view (called the radial head-capitellum view) that projects the radial head free of adjacent structures, making an otherwise obscure lesion evident (see Figs. 6.14, 6.29, and 6.30). Stress radiographic views are similarly useful, particularly in evaluating tears of various ligaments of the knee and ankle joints (see Figs. 9.16, 9.17, 9.83B, 10.10, and 10.11).
special techniques can help to identify a lesion that is difficult to detect on routine radiographs. Fractures of complex structures such as the elbow, wrist, ankle, and foot are not always demonstrated on the standard projections. Because of the overlap of bones on the lateral view of the elbow, for example, detecting a nondisplaced or minimally displaced fracture of the radial head occasionally requires a special 45-degree angle view (called the radial head-capitellum view) that projects the radial head free of adjacent structures, making an otherwise obscure lesion evident (see Figs. 6.14, 6.29, and 6.30). Stress radiographic views are similarly useful, particularly in evaluating tears of various ligaments of the knee and ankle joints (see Figs. 9.16, 9.17, 9.83B, 10.10, and 10.11).
An accurate diagnosis depends on the radiologist’s acute observations and careful analysis, in light of clinical information, of the radiographic findings regarding the size, shape, configuration, and density of a lesion; its location within the bone; and its distribution in the skeletal system. Until the conventional approach with its range of options fails to provide the radiographic findings necessary for correct diagnosis and precise evaluation of an abnormality, the radiologist need not turn to more costly procedures.
Knowing the proper sequence of procedures in radiologic investigation depends, to a great extent, on the pertinent clinical information provided by the referring physician. The choice of modality or modalities for imaging a lesion or investigating a pathologic process is dictated by the clinical presentation as well as by the equipment availability, physician expertise, cost, and individual patient restrictions. Knowing where to begin and what to do next, as rudimentary as it may sound, is of paramount importance in reaching a precise diagnosis by the shortest possible route, with the least expense and detriment to the patient. Redundant studies should be avoided. For example, if a patient presents with arthritis and if clinician is interested in demonstrating the distribution of “silent” sites of the disorder, the radiologist should not begin by obtaining radiographs of every joint (a so-called joint survey). It is instead more sensible to perform a skeletal scintigraphy and, afterward, to order radiographs of only those areas that show increased uptake of radiopharmaceutical. A simple radionuclide bone scan rather than a broad-ranging bone survey is also a reasonable starting point for investigating other possible sites of involvement when a lesion is detected in a single bone and is suspected of representing part of a multifocal or systemic disorder, such as Langerhans cell histiocytosis, enchondromatosis, polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, polyostotic Paget disease, or metastatic disease. Similarly, if a patient is suspected of having osteoid osteoma around the hip joint and standard radiography has not demonstrated the nidus, a radionuclide bone scan should be performed next to determine the site of the lesion. This should be followed up by CT for more precise localization of a nidus in the bone. However, if the routine examination demonstrates the nidus, scintigraphy can be omitted from the sequence of examination. At this point, only CT scan is required to determine the lesion’s exact location in the bone and to obtain specific measurements of the nidus (Fig. 1.5; see Figs. 17.10 and 17.11). If ON of the femoral head is suspected and the radiographs are normal, MRI should be ordered as the next diagnostic procedure, because it is a more sensitive modality than CT, or scintigraphy. If the clinician suspects a gouty arthritis and the conventional radiographs are equivocal, the best action is to proceed directly to DECT because this modality may identify outright the presence of monosodium urate crystals and confirm (or exclude) gout in clinically challenging cases (see Figs. 2.15, 12.10, 12.11, 15.26, and 15.27). However, the choice of proper action is not always so clear. For instance, if the patient complains of wrist pain after fall on the outstretched hand, and there is significant tenderness on the
palpation at the anatomical “snuff box,” but the conventional radiographs of the wrist show unremarkable scaphoid, the occult fracture of this bone cannot be excluded. The radiologist may suggest to immobilize the wrist in the thumb spica splint and repeat the radiographs in 14 days from the time of injury, or conversely, to take a more direct approach (although more costly) and proceed with MRI examination (see Fig. 7.53). The text that follows presents many similar situations in which the proper sequence of imaging modalities may dramatically shorten the diagnostic investigation.
palpation at the anatomical “snuff box,” but the conventional radiographs of the wrist show unremarkable scaphoid, the occult fracture of this bone cannot be excluded. The radiologist may suggest to immobilize the wrist in the thumb spica splint and repeat the radiographs in 14 days from the time of injury, or conversely, to take a more direct approach (although more costly) and proceed with MRI examination (see Fig. 7.53). The text that follows presents many similar situations in which the proper sequence of imaging modalities may dramatically shorten the diagnostic investigation.
![]() FIGURE 1.3 Shape and contour of bone. Observation of changes in the shape and contour of a vertebral body on conventional radiographs may disclose critical information leading to a correct diagnosis.
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