Uncommon Causes of Stroke

Chapter 8 Uncommon Causes of Stroke

Imaging can be invaluable when evaluating patients with stroke of unknown cause. Sometimes it provides the diagnosis, and sometimes clues to guide additional investigations. This chapter illustrates some of the many infrequent causes of stroke and highlights the ways in which neuroimaging can contribute to their identification. For a more comprehensive review on the topic of uncommon causes of stroke, the reader is referred to a monograph edited by Caplan and Bogousslavsky.1

The stroke etiologies and mechanisms described in this chapter are seldom encountered in practice. Suspicion is often based on clinical presentation, associated semiological signs, or systemic manifestations. Imaging studies may be crucial to confirm previously suspected uncommon causes. But it may also bring into consideration potential causes that had not been entertained in the differential diagnosis until the imaging findings shed new light on the case. Examples of this situation include spontaneous dissections, different forms of vasculitis, CADASIL, and MELAS among others.


Case Vignette

A 41-year-old man with history of smoking and amphetamine use presented to the emergency department with acute confusion, right gaze preference, left homonymous hemianopia, left hemiplegia (involving face, arm, and leg) and marked left-sided neglect. Three hours before the onset of these deficits, he had complained of severe headache and had tried to go to sleep. Upon awakening, the neurological deficits were established. Computed tomography (CT) scan showed a hyperdense sign in the top of the internal carotid and middle cerebral arteries (Figure 8-1, A–B). The patient was emergently taken to the angiographic suite, and a catheter angiogram revealed occlusion of the right internal carotid artery 1.5 to 2 cm beyond its origin (Figure 8-1, E). No revascularization therapy was attempted because of the site of the occlusion, acceptable collateral pathways (the anterior communicating artery and posterior communicating arteries were open), and because the patient started seizing and had to be rapidly transferred to the intensive care unit for anticonvulsive treatment. His blood pressure was augmented with fluids and vasopressors, but he developed a large stroke in the middle cerebral artery territory, as shown on the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan performed within 24 hours of admission (Figure 8-1, C–D). He recovered well but was still moderately disabled at 3-month follow-up. At that time, a magnetic resonance angiogram (MRA) showed persistent occlusion of the right internal carotid artery (Figure 8-1, F).

Most dissections affect the extracranial portions of the internal carotid and vertebral arteries (Figures 8-1 and 8-2). Carotid dissections most often occur 1.5 to 2 cm above the carotid bifurcation (different from atherosclerosis, which characteristically affects the carotid bulb) and usually end at the skull base, before the artery penetrates the petrous bone. Vertebral artery dissections typically affect the V3 segment, originating at the C1–C2 level as the artery leaves the transverse foramen of the axis and makes its turn to enter the intracranial compartment.2,10

The angiographic signs of cervical artery dissections are listed in Table 8-1. These changes can be seen on MRA, CT angiography (CTA), or catheter digital subtraction angiography.

Angiography of the intracranial vessels allows identification of dissections extending into the intracranial compartment and intracranial pseudo-aneurysms (see Figure 8-2). Some consider the presence of these findings a relative contraindication for anticoagulation (used by many practitioners to prevent embolic infarctions after dissections, although never formally studied for this particular indication). However, subarachnoid hemorrhage typically occurs at the time of formation of dissecting aneurysms. The risk of this complication subsequently appears to be very low.15

MRI of the neck should include thin cuts of fat-suppressed T1-weighted sequence to allow the identification of the intramural hematoma (see Figure 8-3). It appears as a hyperintense signal, which may be eccentric (as a crescent) or concentric (as a doughnut), and widens the external diameter of the vessel. This sequence may also permit visualization of an intimal flap (generally seen as a thin, curvilinear, hypointense signal change between the true and a false lumen). Flow void may be normal, narrowed (eccentrically or concentrically), or absent. However, loss of flow void in these cases does not necessarily represent vessel occlusion, because very slow flow may cause signal loss in a patent vessel.

In cases of vertebral artery dissection the pattern of acute multiple brain infarctions also predominates (Figure 8-5), affecting the terminal branches of the basilar artery. More than a third of patients present signs of ischemia in the cerebellar border-zone distribution. Pontine ischemia is less common after vertebral artery dissections than with atherosclerosis of this vessel, and isolated small thalamic infarctions appear to be distinctly uncommon with both mechanisms of large-vessel vertebrobasilar disease.20

In cases of arterial occlusion, recanalization is possible within the first few weeks, and it may be more common in the vertebral arteries.21 Thus, follow-up imaging is indicated in these patients. We typically recommend repeating imaging of the neck 8 to 12 weeks after a documented dissection with compromise of the vessel lumen.

TABLE 8-1 Angiographic signs of cervical artery dissections.

Tapered luminal narrowing (string sign)
With stenosis
With occlusion
Pseudo-aneurysm (segmental dilatations)
Oval segmental dilatation of the lumen
Extraluminal pouch
Small dilatation at the end of a string sign
Intimal flap*
Double lumen
High carotid stenosis or occlusion

* Usually only seen on catheter angiography but sometimes noted on thin axial cuts of magnetic resonance imaging scans.


The stroke pattern varies according to the mechanism of infarction. Aortic embolism may result in bilateral infarctions (Figures 8-6 and 8-7) and may involve anterior and posterior circulation territories. Extension of dissection may also provoke brain ischemia from artery-to-artery-embolism, but in this case the infarctions will be confined to the territory of the affected cervical vessel. If the dissection causes severe narrowing or occlusion of the cervical vessels, hemodynamic infarctions in watershed distributions may occur.



It can produce symptoms from compression of adjacent structures, ischemia (typically in distributions of penetrating arteries or, in the case of vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia [Figure 8-9] in the territory of the posterior cerebral arteries), or rupture with intraparenchymal or subarachnoid hemorrhage.3640 It has also been associated with increased incidence of pathologically proved small vessel disease.41 Risk of recurrent ischemic infarctions is elevated.40


Moyamoya disease is a nonatherosclerotic, noninflammatory vasculopathy that occurs predominantly in patients of Japanese ancestry,42,43 in whom it was initially described. However, it may also affect other ethnic groups.4449 The etiopathogenesis of moyamoya disease is unknown; occurrence of familial cases argues for a genetic contribution.

Angiographic findings of moyamoya can also be seen in patients with advanced intracranial atherosclerosis, radiation-induced vasculopathy, sickle cell disease, meningitis, systemic vasculitis, and cocaine use.5053 Although these cases may be classified as moyamoya syndrome or moyamoya phenomenon, they should not be confused with cases of moyamoya disease.


Although the diagnosis requires genetic confirmation, brain imaging is extremely valuable to evaluate this diagnosis. Brain MRI shows multiple subcortical infarctions with diffuse leukoencephalopathy (Figure 8-11), findings that progress over time. Predominant involvement of the anterior temporal lobes is characteristic, although lesions are also common in the frontal-parietal white matter and external capsule.5658 Lesions tend to become confluent over time, particularly in the temporal poles.57

Intracerebral hemorrhages can also occur, although they are very infrequent.59 Microhemorrhages on T2*/GRE sequence are probably more common, especially when patients are also hypertensive and diabetic.60


Initially they show an inflammatory appearance with gyriform swelling and compression of sulci. Subcortical white matter may be involved or spared. On MRI, these acute lesions are bright on DWI (Figure 8-12, C) but often normal on apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC; distinguishing them from true infarctions),63 hyperintense on T2-weighted imaging and FLAIR, and frequently enhance with contrast. GRE rarely shows evidence of microhemorrhage.64


This form of angiopathy, often referred to as Call-Fleming syndrome,70 is caused by transient, reversible vasoconstriction of the arteries of the circle of Willis and their branches.71

Brain imaging typically demonstrates small, multifocal areas of infarction in the posterior head regions or watershed distributions (Figure 8-13, A and B). Sparing of the calcarine cortex and medial occipital lobes differentiates these infarctions from those produced by embolism.72 Perfusion scans may reveal large areas of hypoperfusion. Serial brain imaging may show additional areas of ischemia before the vasculopathy subsides.

Angiography indicates the diagnosis by disclosing multifocal areas of arterial narrowing and dilatation during the acute phase (Figure 8-13, C and D) with subsequent resolution (over days or weeks). Large and medium-sized arteries are most often affected. Noninvasive angiographic studies (MRA, CTA) may be useful, but conventional catheter angiography remains the best method to certify the diagnosis. Transcranial Doppler may be used to monitor disease progression.

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