Appendicular Artery

21  Appendicular Artery

K.I. Ringe, S. Meyer

The drawings showing the appendicular artery are very schematic because variations of the ascending, anterior, and posterior cecal arteries have not been included. The appendicular artery can run anteriorly to the ileum if this artery branches very distally from the cecal artery. Normally even an appendicular artery as a branch of the anterior cecal artery runs posteriorly to the ileum. Duplications of the appendicular artery have been described if one artery is posterior and the other anterior to the ileum.18

21.1  Appendicular Artery Runs Posteriorly to the Ileum (>99%)


Fig. 21.1 Origin from the ileocolic artery proximal to its division (3%). Schematic.


Fig. 21.2 Origin from the division of the ileocolic artery (28%). Schematic.


Fig. 21.3 Origin from the last branch to the ileum (35%). Schematic.

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Oct 29, 2018 | Posted by in CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING | Comments Off on Appendicular Artery

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