Cecum is distended and lumen narrowed by medial folding and displacement, without a twist
• Radiography: Dilated, air-filled cecum in LUQ or abdominal midline
Single, long air-fluid level within cecum (upright or decubitus film)
Moderately distended gas or fluid-filled small bowel, little gas in distal colon
Markedly dilated cecum that appears upside down and backward with ileocecal valve directed laterally
• Additional CT signs
Whirl sign: Tightly twisted colonic wall and ileocolic mesenteric vessels
• Best imaging test: CT in axial and coronal planes
• Sigmoid volvulus
• Acute ileus
• Distal colon obstruction
• Ogilvie syndrome
• Embryology/anatomy
Right colon is incompletely fused to posterior parietal peritoneum
• There are many causes of colonic distention, but ligamentous laxity is necessary for cecal volvulus to occur
• Accounts for 1/3 of colonic volvulus cases
• Complications: Ischemia, necrosis, perforation
• Treatment: Colonoscopy to reduce volvulus, surgery to prevent recurrence
• Rule out ileus, Ogilvie syndrome
(Left) Graphic shows a twist (volvulus) of the ascending colon, obstructing the lumen and blood supply. The cecum on the mesentery is dilated and displaced toward the left upper quadrant (LUQ).
(Right) Supine radiograph shows a gas-distended segment of bowel (cecum) within the mid abdomen. The base of the cecum is directed toward the upper quadrant, and the ileocecal valve is directed laterally. Small bowel is gas-distended, whereas the left colon is relatively collapsed.
(Left) Axial CT in the same case shows a markedly distended cecum and a twisted (“whirled”) ileocolic mesentery within the right lower quadrant.
(Right) Coronal reformatted CT in the same case shows the markedly distended midline cecum . The cecum is upside down and backward, with the ileocecal valve pointed laterally. Coronal-reformatted CT is usually the most definitive study to show the characteristic features of cecal volvulus.
• Volvulus of cecum and part of ascending colon
• Rotational twist of right colon on its axis, resulting in progressive distention and potential ischemia
• Cecal bascule
Cecum is distended and lumen narrowed by medial folding and displacement, without twist
General Features
• Best diagnostic clue
Markedly dilated cecum that appears upside down and backward with ileocecal valve directed laterally
Radiographic Findings
• Radiography
Dilated, air-filled cecum in left upper quadrant (LUQ) or abdominal midline
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