Chiari 3


image Syndromic occipital encephalocele


• Severity classified by sac contents

• Cephalocele contents: Meninges, cerebellum, brainstem ± cervical cord, occipital poles, vasculature
image Disorganized (neuronal migration anomalies, cortical dysplasias) and gliotic brain tissue

image Lining of sac may show gray matter heterotopias

• Associated abnormalities: Corpus callosum anomalies, gray matter heterotopia, syringohydromyelia, tethered cord

Clinical Issues

• Microcephaly, severe developmental delay, spasticity, hypotonia, seizures

• Mechanical brainstem traction, respiratory deterioration, lower cranial nerve dysfunction

Diagnostic Checklist

• Occipitocervical cephalocele containing cerebellum ± brainstem in conjunction with C1-C2 spina bifida = Chiari 3 malformation

• Distinct malformation; not just a Chiari 2 malformation with encephalocele

(Left) Sagittal T2WI MR reveals a large defect in the ventral chondral portion of the supraoccipital bone and opisthion of the foramen magnum. Gliotic cerebellar tissue image protrudes into a large sac. Note displacement of the brainstem image and basilar artery image.

(Right) Sagittal T1WI MR shows a large meningoencephalocele composed of meninges, CSF, cerebellum image, brainstem image, and upper cervical spinal cord herniated through a bone defect in the lower occiput and upper cervical spine.

(Left) Bone CT 3D shaded surface rendering of the posterior calvarium/upper cervical spine in a Chiari 3 malformation (CM3) patient shows a large defect image of the ventral chondral and squamous supraoccipital bones, in conjunction with upper cervical spina bifida image.

(Right) Sagittal MRV demonstrates typical venous abnormalities of Chiari 3. The straight sinus image and vein of Galen is severely hypoplastic. Large occipital sinuses image, rather than transverse sinuses, are present.



• Chiari 3 malformation (CM3)


• Chiari III, rhombencephalocele


• Combined cephalocele + myelocele herniating through high cervical ± low occipital dysraphic defect


General Features

• Best diagnostic clue
image Skin-covered upper cervical meningoencephalocele containing cerebellum

CT Findings

image Midline posterior cephalocele containing cerebellum

image Small posterior cranial fossa ± scalloped clivus, lacunar skull

Oct 5, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROLOGICAL IMAGING | Comments Off on Chiari 3

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