Gastric Ulcer

 Sharply defined mucosal defect (ulcer); smooth, even, radiating folds to edge of ulcer crater

image Projects beyond expected contour of stomach (on upper GI and CT imaging)

image Usually on lesser curve, posterior wall, or antrum

image CT may show extravasation of gas and oral contrast (lesser sac or greater peritoneal cavity)

• Malignant ulcer
image Uneven shape; irregular or asymmetric edges; interruption and clubbing of radiating folds

image Does not project beyond contour of stomach

image CT may show metastasis to nodes, peritoneum, liver

• Imaging for diagnosis
image Upper GI series to show ulcer

image CT to show complications (± ulcer itself)

image CT gastroscopy in experienced hands may compete with endoscopy

• Sump ulcers: Distal 1/2 of greater curvature (NSAIDs)

• Incisura defect: Smooth or narrow indentation on curvature opposite ulcer (muscle contraction)


• Gastritis

• Gastric GIST

• Gastric metastases and lymphoma

• Artifactual


• 2 major risk factors: H. pylori (60-80%) and NSAIDs (20%)


• Benign (95%), malignant (5%)

• Often multiple: 20-30% prevalence

• Complications: Hemorrhage, perforation, gastric outlet obstruction, and fistula

(Left) Graphic shows a gastric ulcer with smooth gastric folds radiating to the edge of the ulcer crater. Note the infolding of the gastric wall “pointing” toward the ulcer, known as the incisura sign.

(Right) Film from an upper GI series shows an ulcer niche image projecting off the lesser curve of the antrum. Note the smooth gastric folds that radiate to the edge of the ulcer crater.

(Left) CECT of a perforated gastric ulcer shows thickening of the antral wall and submucosal edema image, along with free intraperitoneal gas image and ascites image. The patient was taken to surgery where a perforated antral ulcer was oversewn along with an omental patch.

(Right) A subsequent upper GI series in the same patient shows a large prepyloric ulcer image as a fixed outpouching of barium. The antrum and pylorus are distorted.



• Gastric ulcer (GU)


• Inflammatory erosion of gastric mucosa ± submucosal or deeper penetration


General Features

• Best diagnostic clue
image Sharply marginated barium collection with folds radiating to edge of ulcer crater on upper GI series

• Location
image Benign GU
– Most common on lesser curvature or posterior wall of antrum or body

– 3-11% on greater curvature, 1-7% on anterior wall

image Malignant GU
– Usually on greater curvature

• Size
image Most diagnosed ulcers are > 1 cm

image Giant (> 3 cm) ulcers are usually benign but have increased risk of complications (e.g., perforation)

• Morphology
image Same criteria are used for findings on upper GI series, CT virtual gastroscopy, and endoscopy

image Benign GU
– Sharply defined mucosal defect (ulcer); smooth, even, radiating folds to edge of ulcer crater

– Ulcer projects beyond expected contour of stomach (on upper GI and CT imaging)

image Malignant GU
– Uneven shape; irregular or asymmetric edges; interruption and clubbing of radiating folds

– Does not project beyond contour of stomach

Radiographic Findings

• Upper GI series
image Benign GU, profile view
– Ulcer crater: Round or ovoid collections of barium

– Hampton line: Thin radiolucent line separating barium in gastric lumen from barium in crater

– Ulcer mound: Smooth, bilobed hemispheric mass projecting into lumen on both sides of ulcer; outer borders form obtuse, gently sloping angles with adjacent gastric wall (edema or inflammation)

– Ulcer collar: Radiolucent rim of edematous mucosa around ulcer

– Ulcer projecting beyond gastric wall

– Smooth, symmetric radiating folds to edge of ulcer crater

– Incisura defect: Smooth or narrow indentation on curvature opposite ulcer (muscle contraction)

– Enlarged areae gastricae in adjacent mucosa (edema or inflammation)

– Sump ulcers: Distal 1/2 of greater curvature (due to NSAIDs)

– Linear barium-coated ulcer: Decreases in depth with healing

– Splitting of 1 ulcer to 2 smaller collections (healing)

– Central pit or depression, radiating folds, or retraction of adjacent gastric wall (scarring)

– Hourglass stomach: Marked narrowing of body (scarring)

image Benign gastric ulcer, en face view
– Ring shadow: Shallow ulcer on anterior or posterior wall (barium-coated rim and unfilled crater)

image Malignant GU, profile
– Carman meniscus sign: Ulcer crater and radiolucent elevated border

– Does not project beyond expected gastric contour

– Discrete tumor mass forms acute angles

image Malignant GU, en face view
– Irregular crater eccentrically located within tumor mass

– Focal nodularity, distortion, or obliteration of adjacent areae gastricae (tumor infiltration)

– Nodular, clubbed, fused, or amputated folds

CT Findings

• CECT (use water or water-soluble oral contrast, with oral gas granules to optimally distend stomach)
image May visualize ulcer itself as outpouching

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Nov 16, 2016 | Posted by in GASTROINTESTINAL IMAGING | Comments Off on Gastric Ulcer

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