Syphilitic Myelitis

 Very rare in antibiotic era

image General paresis, dementia, tabes dorsalis (sensory ataxia with bowel and bladder dysfunction)

Clinical Issues

• Lower extremity weakness, pyramidal signs, bowl and bladder dysfunction, polyradiculopathy

• Nontreponemal serology (RPR, VDRL) 78-86% sensitive in 1° syphilis, 100% sensitive in 2°

• Varying incidence rates by geography, race, and sexual orientation

• Negative CSF fluorescent treponemal antibodies (FTA-abs) excludes neurosyphilis

(Left) Sagittal T2WI MR shows diffuse cord edema as T2 hyperintensity with diffuse cord expansion obscuring any CSF surrounding cervical cord. (Courtesy E. Gasparetto, MD.)

(Right) Sagittal T1WI C+ FS MR shows multiple nodular foci of enhancement primarily located on the cord pial surface extending from medulla throughout the cervical cord. More severe pial involvement is referred to as “candle guttering” pattern with linear and nodular foci. (Courtesy E. Gasparetto, MD.)

(Left) Sagittal STIR MR shows diffuse T2 hyperintensity throughout the thoracic cord in this patient with subacute syphilitic myelitis. Slight irregularity or T2 hyperintensity image corresponds to foci of enhancement. (Courtesy E. Gasparetto, MD.)

(Right) Sagittal T1WI C+ FS MR shows multiple nodular foci of enhancement throughout the thoracic cord, with a strong predominance toward the cord pial surface. (Courtesy E. Gasparetto, MD.)



• Neurosyphilis, syphilitic meningomyelitis


• CNS infection by spirochete Treponema pallidum


General Features

• Best diagnostic clue
image Neurosyphilis diagnosis requires 1 of the following CSF pathologies
– Increased cell count or protein

– Reactive VDRL or RPR

– Positive iTPA index

– Positive PCR for T.pallidum

• Location
image Pial surface of cord &/or intramedullary

• Size
image Variable nodular and linear enhancement

Imaging Recommendations

• Best imaging tool
image Enhanced MR to define cord edema and enhancing leptomeningeal or cord parenchymal enhancement

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Oct 5, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROLOGICAL IMAGING | Comments Off on Syphilitic Myelitis

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