Tracer Kinetic Modeling

chapter 21 Tracer Kinetic Modeling

The spatial distribution of a radiotracer in the body is time varying and depends on a number of components such as tracer delivery and extraction from the vasculature, binding to cell surface receptors, diffusion or transport into cells, metabolism, washout from the tissue, and excretion from the body. Thus the temporal component often is very important in nuclear medicine studies, and the timing of the imaging relative to the administration of the radiopharmaceutical must be carefully chosen such that the images reflect the biologic process of interest. Furthermore, the rate of change of radiotracer concentration often provides direct information on the rate of a specific biologic process. This chapter discusses how the temporal information that can be obtained from nuclear medicine studies is incorporated to provide quantitative measures of physiologic parameters, biochemical rates, or specific biologic events. Further examples are provided in reference 1.

A Basic Concepts

Dynamic nuclear medicine studies enable the radiotracer concentration to be measured as a function of time, as shown in Figure 20-10. With an understanding of the biologic fate of the radiotracer in the body, it is possible to construct mathematical models with a set of one or more parameters that can be fit to explain the observed time-activity curves. In some cases the model parameters can be related directly to physiologic or biologic quantities. Examples include tissue perfusion (measured in mL /min /g) and the rate of glucose use (measured in mol/min/g). The mathematical models that describe the time-varying distribution of radiopharmaceuticals in the body are known as tracer kinetic models.

Tracer kinetic models may be very simple. For example, one method for evaluating renal function is to measure the uptake of 99mTc-labeled dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) using a single region of interest (ROI) positioned over each kidney at one instant in time. “Function” in this case is determined in relative rather than absolute physiologic units. A more rigorous approach for evaluating kidney function is to measure glomerular filtration rates (GFRs), in mL /min, using a tracer that is filtered by the kidneys, such as 99mTc-labeled diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA). In this case, it is necessary to obtain serial images of the kidneys and also to collect blood samples to measure tracer concentration in the blood as a function of time. Using these data and applying an appropriate mathematical model, one can then calculate the GFR.

Each of these approaches permits an assessment of “renal function” that is based on a different model for the behavior of the kidneys. The approach of choice depends on the medical or biologic information desired, as well as on the equipment available and acceptable level of technical complexity. Developing a model requires the investigator to synthesize a large amount of biologic information into a comprehensive description of the process of interest. This chapter summarizes some of the principles and techniques in developing these models and presents some examples of tracer kinetic models currently used in nuclear medicine.

The following example illustrates the principle of tracer kinetic techniques. Figure 21-1 shows a hollow tube with a substance flowing through it. If a small amount of tracer is injected instantaneously at time t and at point A and the measured activity at point B is plotted as a function of time, the resultant time-activity curve represents a histogram of the transit times for the tracer molecules from point A to point B. If the flow rate through the tube is decreased (dashed curve in Fig. 21-1), then the tracer molecules will on average take longer to get from point A to point B and the shape of the measured time-activity curve will change accordingly. This simple example illustrates conceptually how the kinetic information (i.e., the time-activity curve) varies in response to a change in a parameter in the system (flow rate). The flow rate, F, through the tube can be calculated as

(21-1) image

where V is the volume of the tube and τ is the mean transit time of the tracer molecules between points A and B. This is known as the central volume principle.

B Tracers and Compartments

Most applications of tracer kinetic principles in nuclear medicine are based on compartmental models. In this section, we review the basic principles of compartmental modeling.

1 Definition of a Tracer

A tracer is a substance that follows (“traces”) a physiologic or biochemical process. In this chapter, tracers are assumed to be radionuclides or, more commonly, small molecules or larger biomolecules (e.g., antibodies and peptides) that are labeled with radionuclides. These labeled molecules are also known as radiotracers or radiopharmaceuticals. For simplicity, we refer to them as tracers in the remainder of this discussion. Tracers can be naturally occurring substances, analogs of natural substances (i.e., substances that mimic the natural substance), or compounds that interact with specific physiologic or biochemical processes in the body. Examples include diffusible tracers for blood flow, tracers that follow important metabolic pathways in cells, and tracers that bind to specific receptors on cell surfaces. Table 21-1 lists some examples of tracers that are used in nuclear medicine and their applications.

TABLE 21-1 Selected Examples of Tracers Used in Nuclear Medicine

Process Tracer
Blood flow/perfusion:  
Diffusible (not trapped) H215O, 133Xe, 99mTc-teboroxime (heart)
Diffusible (trapped) 201TlCl (heart), 99mTc-sestamibi (heart),
  13NH3 (heart), 82RbCl, 99mTc-ECD (brain),
  99mTc-tetrofosmin (heart), 62Cu-PTSM, 99mTc-HMPAO (brain)
Nondiffusible (trapped) 99mTc-macroaggragated albumin (lung)
Blood volume 11CO, 51Cr-RBC, 99mTc-RBC
Ventricular function 99mTc-pertechnetate, 99mTc-DTPA
Esophageal transit time/reflux 99mTc-sulphur colloid
Gastric emptying 99mTc-sulphur colloid, 111In-DTPA
Gallbladder dynamics 99mTc-disofenin, 99mTc-mebrofenin
Infection 111In-WBC, 67Ga-citrate, 99mTc-WBC
Lung ventilation 133Xe, 81Kr, 99mTc-technegas™
Oxygen 15O2
Oxidative 11C-acetate
Glucose 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose
Free fatty acids 11C-palmitic acid, 123I-hexadecanoic acid
Osteoblastic activity 99mTc-MDP, 18F
Hypoxia 18F-fluoromisonidazole, 62Cu-ATSM
Proliferation 18F-fluorothymidine
Protein synthesis 11C-leucine, 11C-methionine
Receptor systems:  
Dopaminergic 18F-fluoro-L-dopa, 11C-raclopride, 18F-fluoroethylspiperone, 11C-CFT
Benzodiazepine 18F-flumazenil
Opiate 11C-carfentanil
Serotonergic 11C-altanserin
Adrenergic 123I-mIBG
Somatostatin 111In-octreotide
Estrogen 18F-fluoroestradiol

ATSM, diacetyl-bis (N4-methylthiosemicarbazone); CFT, [N-methyl-11C]-2-β-carbomethoxy-3-β-(4-fluorophenyl)-tropane; DOPA, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine; DTPA, diethylenetriamine penta-acetic acid; ECD, ethyl cysteinate dimer; HMPAO, hexamethyl propylene amine oxime; MDP, methylene diphosphonate; mIBG, metaiodobenzylguanidine; PTSM, pyruvaldehyde bis(N4-methylthiosemithiocarbazone); RBC, red blood cell; WBC, white blood cell.

Some specific requirements for an ideal tracer include the following:

4 Any isotope effect (see Chapter 3, Section B) should be negligible or at least quantitatively predictable.

If a tracer is labeled with an element not originally present in the compound (this is often the case with radionuclides such as 99mTc, 123I, and 18F), it should behave similarly to the natural substance or in a way that differs in a known manner. The strictness of this requirement depends on the process under investigation. One common use of tracers in clinical nuclear medicine is to examine gross function and distribution, including blood flow, filtration, and ventilation. Although the elements represented by radionuclides such as 99mTc, 67Ga, 111In, and 123I are not normally present in biologic molecules, it is possible to incorporate these radionuclides in physiologically relevant tracers that can measure simple parameters that are related to distribution, transport, and excretion.

However, these same elements are not normally present in human biochemistry (iodine is an exception when used to study thyroid metabolism). It is therefore much more difficult to mimic a biochemical reaction sequence with these radionuclides. The biochemical systems of the body are more specific than the transport processes that move or filter fluids or gases. Biochemical systems can selectively require that compounds be of one optical polarity versus the other; that compounds fit within angstroms in the cleft of an enzyme; that chemical bond angles, lengths, and strengths are appropriate; and so forth. When a compound is labeled with a foreign species, such as 99mTc, one cannot be sure that it will retain its natural properties and a careful examination and characterization of the compound must be undertaken. One of the advantages of radionuclides that represent elements normally involved in biochemical processes, such as 11C, 13N, and 15O, is that they generally do not alter the behavior of the labeled compound.

Analog tracers are compounds that possess many of the properties of natural compounds but with differences that change the way the analog interacts with biologic systems. In many cases, analog tracers are deliberately created to simplify the analysis of a biologic system. For example, analogs that participate through only a limited number of steps in a sequence of biologic reactions have been developed in biochemistry and pharmacology. Analogs are used to decrease the number of variables that must be measured, to increase the specificity and accuracy of the measurement, or to selectively investigate a particular step in a biochemical sequence. In other cases analog tracers are used because of the need to label the tracer with an element that is not normally present in the molecule of interest. As discussed earlier, this can lead to very significant deviations in the biologic properties (particularly in small molecules) compared with the natural compound. Correction factors based on the principles of competitive substrate or enzyme kinetics are employed in studies using analog tracers to account for differences between the analog and the natural compound. A well-known and widely used example of an analog tracer in nuclear medicine is 2-deoxy-2[18F]fluoro-D-glucose (FDG) to measure glucose metabolism (see Section E.5).


From Equation 21-2:


This result gives the total distribution volume, that is, total blood volume. The RBC volume is given by


More commonly, a compartment will be open; that is, the tracer will be able to escape from it. This applies, for example, to tracers that are distributed and exchanged between blood and tissue. In this case, after the tracer reaches its equilibrium distribution,* the concentration in blood will typically be different from that in the tissue (Fig. 21-2A). The ratio of tissue concentration Ct (Bq/g) to blood concentration Cb (Bq/mL) at equilibrium, is called the partition coefficient, λ, defined by

(21-3) image

The equilibrium blood concentration, Cb, can be directly measured by taking blood samples. If one assumes that the concentration of tracer in tissue is the same as the concentration in blood (Fig. 21-2B), and applies Equation 21-2, this leads to an apparent distribution volume in tissue given by V1 = At /Cb, in which At is the activity in the tissue. One also knows that At = Ct × Vt, in which Vt is the volume (or mass) of tissue; therefore combining these relationships and Equation 21-3 yields

(21-4) image

Thus another interpretation of the partition coefficient is that it is the distribution volume per unit mass of tissue for a diffusible substance or tracer. This interpretation is employed in some models for estimating blood flow and perfusion, as discussed in Section E.

5 Rate Constants

Rate constants describe the relationships between the concentrations and fluxes of a substance between two compartments. For simple first-order processes, the rate constant, k, multiplied by the amount (or concentration) of a substance in a compartment determines the flux:

(21-5) image

For first-order processes, the units of k are (time)–1. If “amount” refers to the mass of tracer in the compartment, the units of flux are mass/time (e.g., mg/min). If “amount” refers to concentration of tracer in the compartment, the units of flux are mass/time per unit of compartment volume (e.g., mg/min/mL), or mass/time per unit of compartment mass (e.g., mg/min/g). Note that, as illustrated by Figure 21-3, different directions of transport between two compartments can be characterized by different rate constants.

A first-order rate constant also may represent the fractional rate of transport of a substance from a compartment per unit time. For example, a rate constant of 0.1 min–1 corresponds to a transport of 10% of the substance from the compartment per minute. The inverse of the rate constant, 1/k, is sometimes referred to as the turnover time, or mean transit time, τ, of the tracer in the compartment (in this example, 10 minutes). Similarly, the half-time of turnover, t1/2, that is, the time required for the original amount of tracer in the compartment to decrease by 50% (assuming no back transfer into the compartment), is given by

(21-6) image

Thus the fractional rate constant k is analogous to the decay constant λ for radioactive decay, whereas the mean transit time is analogous to the average lifetime of a radionuclide (see Chapter 4, Section B.3). In first-order models, transport out of a compartment through a single pathway (without back-transport) is described by a single exponential function, ekt, analogous to the radioactive decay factor e–λt.

If there is more than one potential pathway for a tracer to leave a compartment, each characterized by a separate rate constant, ki, then the turnover time of the tracer in the compartment is the inverse of the sum of all these rate constants and the half-time of turnover is

(21-7) image

where m is the number of pathways by which the tracer can leave the compartment.

Most compartment models used in nuclear medicine are based on the assumption that first-order kinetics describe the dynamics of the system of interest. The tracer kinetics of such systems are linear. That is, doubling the input (amount or concentration) doubles the output (flux) of the system. As shown in Section E, linear first-order tracer kinetic models adequately describe many systems even when the dynamics of the natural substances are nonlinear.

A more general expression for the relationship among rate constants, fluxes, and concentrations (or masses) is

(21-8) image

where n refers to the order of the reaction. The units of rate constants for nth order reactions (in terms of concentration) are [concentrations(1—n) • time–1]. Thus only first-order rate constants represent a constant fractional turnover and Equations 21-6 and 21-7 apply only to first-order processes.

Figure 21-3 illustrates a three-compartment system consisting of a blood compartment separated by a membrane barrier (e.g., capillary wall) from two sequential tissue compartments. R and P refer to chemical reactant and product, whereas the subscripts b and t refer to reactant in blood and tissue compartments, respectively. [Rb],* [Rt], and [P] are the blood and tissue concentrations of reactant and product, whereas the fluxes between the compartments are the first-order rate constants, k1, k2, k3, and k4, multiplied by corresponding concentrations. The thicknesses of the arrows in Figure 21-3 are proportional to the magnitude of the corresponding rate constant. In this example, the rate constants into and out of tissue are larger than the corresponding rate constants between the reactant and product compartments in tissue. Thus the majority of the reactant initially transported into the tissue space is transported back into blood without undergoing any biochemical reactions. This is a common occurrence in actual biochemical systems and introduces a reserve capacity into the system that can accommodate changes in metabolic supply and demand (e.g., by changing k3).

Figure 21-4 illustrates the relationship between first-order rate constants and the relative concentrations of the substrates in a biochemical sequence. If a substrate (S) and enzyme (E) combine to form a substrate-enzyme complex (SE), which then dissociates into a product (P) with release of the enzyme, the fluxes of the first-order reaction steps are concentrations multiplied by the corresponding rate constants. If a small amount of labeled substrate is introduced into the system at time zero, the tracer will go through the reaction steps, producing concentrations of labeled S, SE, and P as shown in the graphs in Figure 21-4. If k3 (the forward rate constant for the reaction converting SE to E and P) is reduced by 50% with all the other rate constants remaining unchanged, the concentrations of labeled S, SE, and P are then represented by the dotted orange lines in Figure 21-4. Decreasing k3 causes a slower production of P and causes a compensatory increase in labeled S and SE.

6 Steady State

The term steady state refers to a condition in which a process, parameter, or variable is not changing with time. For example, a flux through a biochemical pathway is said to be in a steady state when the concentration of reactants and products are not changing with time. In all tracer kinetic models, it is assumed that the underlying process that is being measured by the tracer is in a steady state. Because of biorhythms, steady states almost never exist in the body; however, if the magnitude or temporal period of change is small compared with the process being measured, then the steady-state assumption is reasonable. In many cases, the experimental sampling rate is slow compared with the biorhythm (e.g., blood sampling rate vs. pulsatile nature of blood flow) and it is not perceived in the measured data. In these cases, the measured parameters represent average values of the function measured. However, if the experimental sampling rate is fast compared with the biorhythm, significant errors can be introduced in the model calculations. In this case, the calculated parameters typically do not represent a simple average of the non-steady-state values.

Steady state of a process should not be confused with steady state of the tracer. Measurements of the tracer commonly are made when the tracer itself is not in steady state but rather while it is distributing through the process under study. Some tracer kinetic models are used in which measurements are made when both the tracer and process studied are in a steady state. These methods usually are referred to as “equilibrium” models.

An important and useful property of a steady-state condition is that the rates (fluxes) of all steps in a nonbranching transport or reaction sequence are equal. Thus if a tracer technique is used to measure one step in a sequence, the rate for each step in the entire sequence can be determined. If the reaction branches into two or more separate pathways then the sum of each pathway must equal the rate of the preceding step. In this case, if one determines the rate of any of the preceding steps and also knows the branching fractions, then the rate of each branch can be determined by multiplying the rate of the preceding step by the branching fraction. For example, if the reaction sequence in Figure 21-5 is in a steady state and the rate of disappearance of A is RA, the rates of formation of B, C, D, and E are RB, RC, RD, and RE, respectively, and fd and fe are the branching fraction down the corresponding pathways, then

(21-9) image


(21-10) image

(21-11) image


(21-12) image

C Tracer Delivery and Transport

A tracer that is injected into the body must follow several steps in sequence before it can enter a biochemical pathway: delivery to the capillary via blood flow, extraction across the capillary wall into the tissue space, and finally, incorporation into a biochemical reaction sequence. Although only one of the steps in a process may be of interest in a particular application, it may be influenced by other steps in the process of tracer delivery. In this section we examine tracer techniques for describing these processes.

1 Blood Flow, Extraction, and Clearance

Blood flow through vessels is described in units of volume per unit time (usually in units of mL /min). For regional tissue measurements it is blood flow per mass of tissue that is determined (mL /min /g). Blood flow per mass of tissue is more properly referred to as perfusion; however, in the literature the term blood flow is used to indicate both blood flow and blood flow per mass of tissue. In both cases the basic phenomenon is still blood flow. Thus relationships involving blood flow apply equally to blood flow and perfusion, provided that care is taken to ensure that the units are consistent. For example, in the relationship between blood flow and blood volume (see Section E.4), if blood flow is in units of mL / min, then blood volume must be in units of mL. If blood flow is in units of mL /min /g, then blood volume must be in units of volume per mass of tissue (mL /g). In this text, the term blood flow, symbolized by F, is used to denote either blood flow or blood flow per mass of tissue. The units indicate which quantity is being discussed.

In addition to its dependence on blood flow, the uptake of a tracer by tissue depends on tissue extraction and clearance. Extraction is defined in two different contexts: net and unidirectional. Net extraction refers to the difference in steady-state tracer concentrations between the input and output blood flow of an organ. If the input (arterial) concentration is CA, and the output (venous) concentration is CV, the net extraction fraction, En, is defined as

(21-13) image

If there is no metabolism of the tracer, that is, if all the tracer delivered to the tissue eventually is returned to the blood, the net extraction is zero. This situation applies, for example, to inert diffusible blood flow tracers when steady-state conditions for the tracer are reached.

Unidirectional extraction refers to the amount of tracer extracted only from blood to tissue. It does not include the amount transferred back from tissue to blood. Thus the unidirectional extraction fraction, Eu, generally is larger than the net extraction fraction. An exception to this general rule occurs with O2. Virtually all oxygen extracted by tissue is metabolized; thus the net and unidirectional extraction fractions are the same. For essentially all other substances, a major portion of what is extracted by the tissue is transported back to blood. This is the situation represented by the bidirectional transport in the model shown in Figure 21-3.

Extraction fractions are expressed as fractions or as percentages and can be measured using tracer kinetic techniques. To determine net extraction, it is necessary to measure the input and output concentrations of the tracer in the blood under steady-state conditions, that is, after the concentrations have reached constant values. The route of administration of the tracer is unimportant in this case. For example, the tracer can be administered by constant infusion or as a bolus into a peripheral vein.

Unidirectional extraction can be measured by observing the rate of uptake by the tissue or organ immediately after injection of the tracer, that is, when the blood concentration is maximum and the tissue concentration is zero. Measurements of unidirectional extraction are useful for studying the transport properties of substrates and drugs.

An important concept relating the processes of blood flow, flux, and extraction is the Fick principle. This principle is based on the conservation of mass and states that, under steady-state conditions, the net uptake of a tracer (or other substance) is simply the difference between the input to and output from the organ or tissue. If the input (arterial) concentration of the tracer is CA (mg/mL) and the output (venous) concentration is CV (mg /mL), and the blood flow to the organ is F (mL /min), then the net uptake rate, U (mg/min), is given by

(21-14) image

As an example, if the arterial and venous concentrations of oxygen and the blood flow to an organ are measured, Equation 21-14 can be used to determine the oxygen utilization rate for that organ. If blood flow F in Equation 21-14 is replaced by blood flow per mass of tissue (perfusion), then the uptake or utilization is given in units of utilization per mass of tissue (mg/min/g).

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