Triplets and Beyond
KEY FACTS Terminology • 3 or more embryos/fetuses with any combination of ○ Separate or shared chorionic sacs ○ Separate or shared amniotic sacs Imaging • Establishment of chorionicity is…
KEY FACTS Terminology • 3 or more embryos/fetuses with any combination of ○ Separate or shared chorionic sacs ○ Separate or shared amniotic sacs Imaging • Establishment of chorionicity is…
KEY FACTS Terminology • Spectrum of anomalies, including absence or hypoplasia of radius, radial carpal bones, &/or thumb Imaging • Single forearm bone • Radial deviation of hand ○ Fixed…
KEY FACTS Terminology • Fetus is pathologically small (growth restricted) ○ Fetal growth restriction (FGR) ○ Intrauterine growth restriction • Small for gestational age ○ Fetus is small but healthy,…
KEY FACTS Terminology • Several definitions in use ○ Focal dilatation of umbilical vein (UV) > 9-mm diameter ○ Varix diameter 50% > intrahepatic portion of UV ○ UV diameter…
KEY FACTS Terminology • Umbilical cord with single umbilical artery (SUA) and 1 umbilical vein (UV) instead of 2 UAs and 1 UV • Also referred to as 2-vessel cord…
KEY FACTS Terminology • Placenta previa (PP) : Placenta covers cervix internal os (IO) • Low-lying placenta (LLP) : Placenta edge < 2 cm from IO • Normal: Placenta edge…
KEY FACTS Imaging • ↑ middle cerebral artery (MCA) peak systolic velocity (PSV) suggests diagnosis of fetal anemia • High-output heart failure is late finding ○ Cardiomegaly, polyhydramnios ○ Hydrops…
KEY FACTS Terminology • Mandibular hypoplasia with cleft palate and glossoptosis (backward and downward displacement of tongue) Imaging • Severe micrognathia on midsagittal view in midtrimester ○ 1st-trimester diagnosis has…
KEY FACTS Terminology • Discordant twin growth most commonly defined as 20% difference in estimated fetal weight (EFW) between fetuses ○ Percentage difference in EFW = EFW larger – EFW…