Adrenal Gland

Fig. 14.1
Ultrasound performed on an 11-day-old male with a possible renal cyst seen on prenatal ultrasound screening demonstrates the normal appearance of the right adrenal gland with prominence of the cortex (left image). Follow-up ultrasound at 8 weeks of life demonstrates interval decrease in size of the adrenal gland (right image)


The adrenal glands are located within the fascia of Gerota, superior and medial to the upper pole of the kidneys; however, their exact location can be quite variable, making them more challenging to locate with decreasing relative size [7]. Typically, the left gland is located slightly lower and more anteriorly while the right gland is posterior to the inferior vena cava and slightly higher [1]. Heterotopic adrenal glands, horseshoe adrenal glands, and unilateral adrenal gland agenesis have been described, but are rare [8].

The arterial blood supply is provided by the inferior phrenic artery, the aorta, and the renal artery. These arteries further subdivide into small channels that span over the capsule of the gland and form a rich plexus within the gland. There is a single draining vein, but smaller accessory veins are usually found following the anatomic course of the smaller arteries [6].

Ultrasound Appearance of the Normal Adrenal Glands

The glands have a pyramidal or triangular shape and lie just above the upper pole of the kidneys. During infancy, the shape of the adrenal limbs is more bulbous or convex, while in older children the contour tends to have straight or even concave margins. The surface of the glands is usually smooth or mildly undulated. With ipsilateral renal agenesis, the adrenal gland retains a flat or discoid appearance and can be easily confused with renal tissue [9, 10]. Corticomedullary differentiation can be identified on US imaging but varies greatly with age [1, 11]. The cortex has lower echogenicity than the medulla and is prominent in normal newborns because of the thick transient fetal cortical zone. This zone shows a narrow hyperechoic central stripe which represents the congested sinusoids, the central vein, and the small medulla [12]. The adult cortex at this age can be seen with high-resolution US as an echogenic line along the peripheral gland [10, 13]. In the weeks after birth, as the fetal cortex atrophies and is replaced by fibrous tissue, the hyperechoic central stripe becomes broader, while the hypoechoic fetal cortex thins [12].

Solid Tumors of the Adrenal Gland

Primary adrenal neoplasms can be categorized by their origin and function. They arise from either the medulla or cortex, and they are usually nonfunctioning or hyperfunctioning. Medullary neoplasms originate from the neural crest cells and therefore can occur anywhere along the sympathetic neural chain. These neoplasms include neuroblastoma , ganglioneuroblastoma, ganglioneuroma, and pheochromocytoma. Neoplasms arising from the adrenal cortex include adrenocortical carcinoma and adenoma and are very uncommon in children. The rarer adrenal neoplasms of childhood include teratoid rhabdoid tumor and smooth muscle tumors in patients with AIDS. In addition to masses of adrenal origin, extra-adrenal masses in the suprarenal fossa may be difficult to differentiate from primary masses of the adrenal glands. The most common examples are retroperitoneal lymphatic malformations and intra-abdominal extralobar pulmonary sequestrations [7].

Medullary Neoplasms


Neuroblastoma is the second most common intra-abdominal neoplasm after Wilms’ tumor and the third most common pediatric tumor after leukemia and tumors of the central nervous system (CNS), accounting for 10 % of all pediatric neoplasms [14]. The majority (75 %) of neuroblastomas arise in the abdomen, with one third of these in the adrenal glands. The remainder of the neuroblastomas can occur anywhere along the sympathetic nerve chain, from the neck to the pelvis [15]. Over 90 % of the patients present between 1 and 5 years (median 2 years). Prenatal diagnosis occurs more frequently due to a rising number of fetal imaging, and currently 20 % of all neuroblastomas are diagnosed prenatally or within the first 3 months of life [16].

Clinically, neuroblastoma most commonly presents as a palpable mass, but can be an incidental finding on US or sequential imaging. If symptomatic, children can present with signs of increased adrenal medullary hormone production or symptoms from direct tumor growth or metastatic disease.

Local invasion can occur into the liver, kidneys, and through the neural foramina into the spinal canal, causing cord compression symptoms. Neuroblastomas typically show encasement or displacement of the vascular structures and only rarely invade the vasculature or ureter, which can be helpful to distinguish them from Wilms’ tumor. Distant metastases are present in half the cases at the time of diagnosis and are most commonly found in lymph nodes, bone marrow, liver, and skin [7].

US is often the first diagnostic imaging tool applied and can also be helpful in the diagnosis of metastatic disease, especially in liver involvement. On US, the neuroblastoma usually appears as a heterogeneous mass, with hyperechoic areas caused by calcifications, with or without posterior acoustic shadowing. Hypoechoic and anechoic areas in neuroblastoma correspond to cystic, hemorrhagic, or necrotic changes and are less common than in Wilms’ tumor . Larger cystic areas are more often present in newborns, in whom bilateral cystic neuroblastoma with intracystic hemorrhage may occur (Fig. 14.2) [17].


Fig. 14.2
Longitudinal ultrasound in a 29-day-old with a suprarenal mass noted on prenatal ultrasound demonstrates a heterogeneous cystic- and solid-appearing mass in the right adrenal gland. A posterior whole-body image from nuclear medicine I-123-MIBG study demonstrates intense uptake within the mass, consistent with neuroblastoma. No metastatic foci were seen

Diagnosis of neonatal neuroblastoma is often more challenging for several reasons. Sonographic findings may resemble neonatal adrenal hemorrhage , and, in addition, tests specific to neuroblastoma such as metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) scintigraphy and sampling of urine catecholamines are not reliable in this age group. Urinary catecholamines are increased in 90 % of the cases beyond infancy, but only in half of the cases in the first year of life. However, neuroblastoma in neonates usually shows a 4-year survival of greater than 95 % and is associated with a high rate of spontaneous regression, so that an expectant approach with serial short-term follow-up US with Doppler is often the only recommended testing [18]. If the mass does not decrease in size or enlarges, and/or shows increasing echogenicity, a more aggressive form of neuroblastoma should be considered [19].

Other differential diagnoses in the neonatal period include intra-abdominal extralobar pulmonary sequestrations. Helpful hints are the location and morphology, with sequestrations being more commonly located in the left suprarenal region, while neonatal neuroblastoma is more commonly located on the right side and is more heterogeneous in morphology. Calcifications occur in neuroblastoma and have not been reported in sequestrations. Additionally, feeding arteries are common in sequestrations. Neuroblastoma does not occur prior to the third trimester of gestation because the neural tissue in the adrenal gland is too underdeveloped to give rise to neuroblastoma, therefore alternative diagnoses should be considered in an adrenal region mass discovered in this age group [7].

Ganglioneuroblastoma and Ganglioneuroma

Ganglioneuroblastomas arise from both, the mature ganglion cells and immature cells resembling neuroblastoma cells, resulting in a potentially malignant behavior. One third of the tumors arise in the adrenal gland, one third in the retroperitoneum, and the remaining one third in the posterior mediastinum, with only rare manifestations in the neck or pelvis [12].

Ganglioneuromas are the most mature neural crest tumors and are histologically benign. One third of the cases are located in the retroperitoneum, and only rarely do they arise in the adrenal gland. Ganglioneuromas occur in older children, can be completely asymptomatic, and are often incidental findings on US or chest radiographs. When they invade the spine, neurologic symptoms can occur related to cord compression. Ganglioneuroblastomas and Ganglioneuromas cannot be distinguished from neuroblastoma with imaging alone, and therefore there is no standard imaging protocol for follow-up [12].


Pheochromocytoma is an uncommon pediatric neoplasm. It accounts for less than 1 % of all tumors seen in pediatric centers and is rarely diagnosed in infancy with the mean age at diagnosis being 11 years in children [20]. In the pediatric age group, 80 % of pheochromocytomas occur in the adrenal gland with bilateral involvement in 25 % [20, 21]. In the 20 % of extra-adrenal cases, the most frequent site is the upper abdomen [22]. Less common extra-adrenal sites include the sympathetic chain in a cervical, thoracic, or pelvic location, and, in rare cases, they may occur in the urinary bladder , spinal cord, and vagina. When occurring outside the adrenal gland, the tumors are usually referred to as paragangliomas. Multiple tumors are present in 30–70 % of the patients, especially in those with a positive family history for pheochromocytoma and in association with multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) type II, neurofibromatosis 1, or von Hippel–Lindau disease. In addition to age at presentation, the clinical presentation also differs from neuroblastoma, as pheochromocytoma arises from the chromaffin cells of the medulla that are actively producing epinephrine and norepinephrine and occasionally vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP). The first-line imaging modality is US, on which pheochromocytoma may present as a homogeneous soft tissue mass measuring 2–5 cm on average, but it may also contain heterogeneous areas, caused by hemorrhage, necrosis, or calcifications (Fig. 14.3) [7]. The tumor is often well encapsulated and color Doppler examination reveals hypervascularization [23]. MIBG scanning is more sensitive than US and can be positive, even when US shows no abnormalities [17].


Fig. 14.3
A 14-year-old female with hypertension and elevated urine metanephrines. Longitudinal ultrasound demonstrates a heterogeneously hypoechoic mass in the left adrenal gland. Sagittal T2-weighted fast spin-echo magnetic resonance image demonstrates a heterogeneously hyperintense T2 mass. Pheochromocytoma was confirmed at surgical resection

Cortical Neoplasms

Primary tumors of the adrenal cortex are extremely rare in children, and their clinical presentation and outcome can differ greatly from the adult-onset disease. Adrenocortical carcinoma is rarely reported, and there are no reports of Conn’s syndrome resulting from aldosterone-producing adenomas in a pediatric patient.

Adrenocortical carcinoma has an overall incidence of 1–1.5/million/year, peaking in childhood and in the fifth decade of life. The outcome tends to be more favorable when the diagnosis is made under the age of 4; however, the overall 5-year survival of less than 30 % is poor [1, 24]. As opposed to adults, where adrenocortical neoplasms are usually nonfunctioning, most pediatric patients present with hormonally active tumors, displaying endocrinologic abnormalities. These include virilization in girls or precocious puberty and Cushing’s syndrome in both sexes. Physical exam often will not reveal a palpable tumor; if they are large enough to be found on clinical exam, they are often carcinomas rather than benign neoplasms. US is the first-line imaging method and can be helpful in determining local invasion of the vena cava (Fig. 14.4) [7].


Fig. 14.4
A 2-year-old with abdominal distention and weight gain. Longitudinal ultrasound demonstrates a large heterogeneous mass in the left adrenal gland (arrow). Coronal post-contrast T1 with fat saturation demonstrates heterogeneous enhancement of the mass. Pathologic evaluation at surgical resection confirmed adrenal cortical carcinoma

Other Tumors

Other tumors of the adrenal gland are often incidental findings with no further clinical intervention needed. These include myelolipomas and angiomyolipomas that are extremely rare in children [5]. Angiomyolipomas arise from the perivascular epithelioid cells and are typically found in the kidneys. They can be associated with tuberous sclerosis and appear as multiple masses of varying echogenicity depending on the fat content [25]. Myelolipomas contain fatty as well as hematopoietic elements and appear rather homogenous and hyperechoic with no substantial vascularity. They can look impressive on imaging as they can reach sizes reported as large as 10 cm; however, they are benign in nature (Fig. 14.5) [26].


Fig. 14.5
Longitudinal ultrasound in a 25-year-old female with a urinary tract infection shows a relatively hyperechoic circumscribed mass in the right adrenal gland. The fat-attenuation mass did not enhance following contrast administration on computed tomotgraphy (CT), consistent with adrenal myelolipoma

Other adrenal masses that are nonneoplastic in nature include hemorrhage, cysts, and abscesses. They are generally rare and often incidental findings [7].


Neonatal Adrenal Hemorrhage

Neonatal adrenal hemorrhage is a rare event commonly presenting within the first week of life with unexplained hyperbilirubinemia. Clinical findings can be subtle and vary. Reports include newborns with hypovolemia, anemia, abdominal mass , or even scrotal or inguinal ecchymosis [27]. Infants at risk are usually macrosomic newborns who underwent stressful delivery, with a higher incidence in vaginal deliveries. In addition, single reports mention an association with anoxia, sepsis, bleeding disorders, and maternal diabetes [28]. Hemorrhage more commonly occurs in the right adrenal gland than left. In the acute phase, US will reveal a heterogeneously hypoechoic mass with a hyperechoic rim [5

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Apr 2, 2016 | Posted by in INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY | Comments Off on Adrenal Gland

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