Report Turn-Around Time
Report Turn-Around Time Jeffrey P. Kanne LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Define report turn-around time and describe its importance in the context of all stakeholders 2. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of…
Report Turn-Around Time Jeffrey P. Kanne LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Define report turn-around time and describe its importance in the context of all stakeholders 2. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of…
Patient Satisfaction Jeffrey P. Kanne LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Describe approaches to gauging patient satisfaction in radiology 2. List specific aspects of patient experience in radiology and list specific metrics that…
Quality and Safety in Medical Imaging Bryan P. Bednarz John R. Vetter LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Discuss common radiation quantities used in medical imaging quality and safety 2. Overview possible biologic…
ACR Quality and Safety Programs Jeffrey P. Kanne LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Describe the quality programs offered by the American College of Radiology (ACR) 2. Understand the purpose behind ACR registries…