
Sep 18, 2016 by in MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING Comments Off on Cases

Cases Lubdha M. Shah, MD CASE 1 Right Parietal Opercular Cavernous Malformation (CM) Tongue-tapping task demonstrates that lateral primary motor cortex abuts CM and may be vulnerable to injury during…

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Foot Motion

Sep 18, 2016 by in MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING Comments Off on Foot Motion

Foot Motion Lubdha M. Shah, MD Key Facts Imaging Anatomy Foot/ankle movement results in robust activity within cortex about superior termination of central sulcus in paracentral lobule Supplementary motor activation…

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Passive Reading

Sep 18, 2016 by in MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING Comments Off on Passive Reading

Passive Reading Lubdha M. Shah, MD Key Facts Anatomy-based Imaging Issues Primarily for localization of language comprehension areas in dominant hemisphere region of posterior superior temporal gyrus/parietal angular gyrus (Wernicke…

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Unilateral/Bilateral Hand Motion

Sep 18, 2016 by in MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING Comments Off on Unilateral/Bilateral Hand Motion

Unilateral/Bilateral Hand Motion Lubdha M. Shah, MD Key Facts Imaging Anatomy Unilateral sequential finger tapping results in robust activity within cortex surrounding superior lateral central sulcus in expected somatotopic location…

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Silent Verb Generation

Sep 18, 2016 by in MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING Comments Off on Silent Verb Generation

Silent Verb Generation Lubdha M. Shah, MD Key Facts Anatomy-based Imaging Issues Fluency-verb generation task produces consistent activation of both frontal and posterior language areas Broca area classically located in…

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Picture/Object Naming

Sep 18, 2016 by in MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING Comments Off on Picture/Object Naming

Picture/Object Naming Lubdha M. Shah, MD Key Facts Terminology Intended to activate speech and language cortical functions for language lateralization Localization of inferior frontal and posterior parietal temporal speech and…

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Phrase Recognition

Sep 18, 2016 by in MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING Comments Off on Phrase Recognition

Phrase Recognition Lubdha M. Shah, MD Key Facts Anatomy-based Imaging Issues Syntactic processing predominantly shows brain activity in left hemisphere Sentence processing associated with expanded activation of frontal operculum and…

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Sentence Completion

Sep 18, 2016 by in MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING Comments Off on Sentence Completion

Sentence Completion Lubdha M. Shah, MD Key Facts Terminology Visual language comprehension task for language localization Anatomy-based Imaging Issues Language localization in Broca area (inferior frontal gyrus) and Wernicke area…

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