Multiple Dorsal-Lumbar Traumatic Collapses Vertebroplasty
Fig. 1 a–f. XR anteroposterior (a–b) lateral (c), MPR sagittal CT (c), SE T1 (d), FSE T2 (e) STIR (f). D12–L1 superior profile depression. Edema pattern: T1 hypointensity (d), T2…
Fig. 1 a–f. XR anteroposterior (a–b) lateral (c), MPR sagittal CT (c), SE T1 (d), FSE T2 (e) STIR (f). D12–L1 superior profile depression. Edema pattern: T1 hypointensity (d), T2…
Fig. 1 a–g. XR anteroposterior (a), lateral (b), CT axial (c–e) and MPR sagittal (f–g). C5 prosthesis C4–C6-fixed. Lordosis inversion Related posts: Herniated Lumbar Disk Diskectomy Dorsal Herniated Disk Diskectomy and…
Fig. 1 a–b. Lumbosacral XR: posteroanterior (a) and lateral (b) views. L5–S1 diskectomy, intervertebral cage, and L4-S1 posterior stabilization Postoperative Follow-Up After 6 Months Fig. 2 a–b. Lumbosacral dynamic XR: lateral views in…
Fig. 1 a–e. STIR sagittal (a–c), fat sat SE T1 coronal (d) and CE coronal (e) sections. T2 hyperintensity of retrovertebral muscles due to edema and flogosis caudally extending until sacrum…
Fig. 1 a–g. CT axial (a–d), MPR sagittal (e, zoom in f) and coronal (g). Odontoid fracture with right lamina involvement Related posts: Herniated Lumbar Disk Diskectomy Dorsal Herniated Disk Diskectomy…
Fig. 1 a–i. XR lateral (a), CT axial (b–e), MPR sagittal (f), 3D sagittal, and coronal (g–h), FSE T2 sagittal (i). Odontoid posteriorly displaced (a). CT confirms XR findings with peduncles…
Fig. 1 a–j. XR lateral (a), CT axial (b–e), MPR sagittal bone window (f) and soft tissue window (g), SE T1 (h), FSE T2 (i), STIR (j). C5 traumatic fracture and…
Fig. 1 a–c. XR max extension lateral (a), SE T1 (b) and STIR (c). C2–C3 fracture dislocation. C3 collapse, edema pattern (b–c), and spinal cord compression. Both findings are malignant Related…
Fig. 1 a–c. SE T1 (a), TSE T2 (b) STIR (c) sagittal sections. D11 malignant collapse with posterior profile overflowing and compressing conus Fig. 2 a–d. CT axial sections. D11 lytic alteration…
Fig. 1 a–f. RM SE T1 (a), FSE T2 (b), STIR sagittal (c), CE T1 sagittal (d), and axial (e–f). L1 partial collapsed (T1 hypointensity, T2/STIR hyperintensity) and pathological CE. Intracanalar…