Image Fusion Technology
Fig. 28.1 Information content from two imaging modalities typically overlaps in certain aspects. Image fusion can merge complementary information from two or multiple imaging modalities We will first consider briefly…
Fig. 28.1 Information content from two imaging modalities typically overlaps in certain aspects. Image fusion can merge complementary information from two or multiple imaging modalities We will first consider briefly…
Fig. 27.1 Normal coronary artery. OCT demonstrates good contrast of the three layers of normal vessel. The media (M) is seen as a dark band delimited by the intima (I)…
Fig. 24.1 Different types of vulnerable plaque as underlying cause of acute coronary events and sudden cardiac death. (a) Rupture-prone plaque with large lipid core and thin fibrous cap infiltrated…
Fig. 11.1 Influence of window-level setting and convolution kernels on the evaluation of lumen and plaque. Four axial MDCT images through the carotid bifurcation obtained with a smooth (a, c)…
Fig. 15.1 Methods for stenosis quantification in angiography (a) and their equivalents in ultrasonography (b). NASCET, method used in the American studies NASCET and ACAS; ECST, method used in the…
Fig. 4.1 Sample images illustrating the flow suppression capability of different BB-imaging techniques. (a) IS, (b) single-slice DIR, (c) multislice MDIR, and (d) MSDE. The residual flow signal is eliminated…
Fig. 12.1 Calcified plaques on left anterior descending quantified with Agatston score and volume evaluation (a) One, if the density plaque (DP) is 130 < DP < 199 (b) Two, if 200 < DP < 299 …
Fig. 6.1 Slice positioning on the vertical long-axis (VLA) (a) and 4-chamber (4CH) (b) planes to obtain multislice short axis (SAX) images (c) from base to apex of the ventricles….
Fig. 23.1 Plain abdominal film showing kink of the left iliac limb of an aorto-biiliac EVAR 2 Ultrasound Ultrasound is a noninvasive method that does not use ionizing radiation. It…
Fig. 3.1 Sixty-one-year-old female with carotid stenosis. In TOF images proton dephasation occurs at the site of stenosis causing intraluminal loss of signal simulating focal occlusion. Contrast-enhanced images demonstrate lumen…