Normal Diffusion Tensor Imaging-Based White Matter Anatomy
Fig. 12.1 The principle of fiber tracking . (a) Schematic view of a person watching a flower. Information is transported from the eye to the visual cortex at the back…
Fig. 12.1 The principle of fiber tracking . (a) Schematic view of a person watching a flower. Information is transported from the eye to the visual cortex at the back…
(4.1) The b-factor in this equation captures all the relevant scanning parameters and was introduced to take abstraction of them [2]. In general, it can be seen as the amount…
Fig. 11.1 In vivo illustration of a single streamline created in the corpus callosum, superimposed on the principal orientation field. The seed point is denoted by an asterisk. Image created…
Fig. 6.1 This figure shows the readout, phase encode, slice select, and radiofrequency (G ro, G pe, G ss, and RF respectively) of a typical Stejskal-Tanner diffusion pulse sequence with…
, , and (see Box 5.1). Fig. 5.1 Schematic illustration of the relationship between the mathematical diffusion tensor and its ellipsoid representation. Decomposition of the tensor into eigenvectors and eigenvalues…
Fig. 7.1 Decision tree scheme for checking and correcting of diffusion data. Std standard deviation, interslice inst. interslice instabilities, PIS physically implausible signal, MDC motion-distortion correction, TV total variation, FA/DEC…
Fig. 15.1 Differentiation between arachnoid cyst and epidermoid cyst using DWI. A 19-year-old female patient (a–c) and a 27-year-old male patient (d–f), each with a lesion located in the quadrigeminal…
Fig. 20.1 The term “crossing fibers” can refer to any situation where the fiber orientation is not unique. This includes obvious cases where the voxel contains two fiber bundles that…
Fig. 21.1 (Left–Middle–Right) The probabilities of throwing n eyes with 1, 2, and 5 dice, respectively, are shown Similarly, rather than counting eyes on dice, one can also measure the…
Fig. 3.1 Illustration of the free diffusion of water molecules in pure water over time interval 2T. The random walks of a selection of molecules are illustrated with red lines….