Heterotopic Ossification Prophylaxis

Mar 25, 2017 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Heterotopic Ossification Prophylaxis

Heterotopic Ossification Prophylaxis Updated by Jing Zeng and Michael J. Swartz BACKGROUND What is heterotopic ossification (HO)? HO refers to abnl bone formation outside the skeleton. It often appears after…

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Hemangiopericytoma and Solitary Fibrous Tumors

Mar 25, 2017 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Hemangiopericytoma and Solitary Fibrous Tumors

Hemangiopericytoma and Solitary Fibrous Tumors Updated by Boris Hristov BACKGROUND Are hemangiopericytomas benign or malignant lesions? Hemangiopericytomas are considered malignant lesions (sarcomatous lesions associated with blood vessels). What is the…

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Superior Vena Cava Syndrome

Mar 25, 2017 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Superior Vena Cava Syndrome

Superior Vena Cava Syndrome Updated by Delnora L. Erickson and Bronwyn R. Stall BACKGROUND What vessels form the SVC? The right and left brachiocephalic veins join to form the SVC….

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Vestibular Schwannoma/Acoustic Neuroma

Mar 25, 2017 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Vestibular Schwannoma/Acoustic Neuroma

Vestibular Schwannoma/Acoustic Neuroma Updated by Sarah McAvoy BACKGROUND What is the cell of origin for vestibular schwannomas and acoustic neuromas (ANs)? The Schwann cell of the myelin sheath is the…

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Urethral Cancer

Mar 25, 2017 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Urethral Cancer

Urethral Cancer Updated by Reid F. Thompson BACKGROUND What is the estimated annual incidence of urethral cancer in the U.S.? ~500 cases/yr of urethral cancer in the U.S. Is there…

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Pituitary Tumor

Mar 25, 2017 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Pituitary Tumor

Pituitary Tumor Updated by Emma B. Holliday BACKGROUND What is the % of pituitary tumors in relation to all primary brain tumors? ~10%–15% of all diagnosed primary brain tumors are…

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Ovarian Cancer

Mar 25, 2017 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian Cancer Updated by Surbhi Grover BACKGROUND In the U.S., where does ovarian cancer rank as a cause of cancer death in women? In the U.S., epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC)…

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Metastatic Prostate Cancer

Mar 25, 2017 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Metastatic Prostate Cancer

Metastatic Prostate Cancer Updated by Phillip J. Gray BACKGROUND What % of newly diagnosed prostate cancer pts present with advanced Dz? ~10%–20% of pts present with advanced Dz (local and/or…

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Desmoid Tumors

Mar 25, 2017 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Desmoid Tumors

Desmoid Tumors Updated by William K. J. Skinner and Deborah A. Frassica BACKGROUND What are desmoid tumors (DT)? DTs are rare, benign, slow-growing fibroblastic neoplasms that arise from musculoaponeurotic stromal…

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Low-Risk Prostate Cancer

Mar 25, 2017 by in GENERAL RADIOLOGY Comments Off on Low-Risk Prostate Cancer

Low-Risk Prostate Cancer Updated by Anand Background What is the annual incidence and mortality of prostate cancer in the U.S.? ~24,0000 Dx of and ~30,000 deaths from prostate cancer annually…

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