2.1 Sclerotic Changes
10.1055/b-0035-121591 2.1 Sclerotic Changes 2.1.1 Case 1 (Fig. 2.1) Fig. 2.1 a–e Case 1: Too much bone: normal variant or pathologic? Case description Referring physician: radiologist. Prior history and clinical…
10.1055/b-0035-121591 2.1 Sclerotic Changes 2.1.1 Case 1 (Fig. 2.1) Fig. 2.1 a–e Case 1: Too much bone: normal variant or pathologic? Case description Referring physician: radiologist. Prior history and clinical…
10.1055/b-0035-121595 3.3 Diseases of Spinal Entheses and Joints 3.3.1 Case 39 (Fig. 3.36) Fig. 3.36 a–i Spondylitis or metastases? Case description Referring physicians: orthopedist and rheumatologist. Prior history and clinical…
10.1055/b-0035-121596 3.4 Sacrum 3.4.1 Case 43 (Fig. 3.46) Fig. 3.46 a–h Chronic nonbacterial osteitis (CNO)? Case description Referring physician: radiologist. Prior history and clinical question: A 12-year-old girl had a…
10.1055/b-0035-121589 1.1 Selecting the Correct Imaging Modality Orthopedics and trauma surgery, rheumatology, the vast field of oncology and, to a degree, even biopsy-based pathology must rely heavily on skeletal imaging….
10.1055/b-0035-121590 1.2 Image Interpretation Before any remarkable image details are interpreted, they must be described. This does not require a lengthy narrative but may be done concisely in a “key-word”…
10.1055/b-0035-122529 13 KidneysMaria Beatrice Damasio, Ann Nystedt, Lil-Sofie Ording Muller, and Giorgio Pioggio Ultrasound (US) is the workhorse in imaging of the urinary tract. The US examination should ideally be…
10.1055/b-0035-122525 9 Liver and Biliary SystemRick van Rijn and RAJ Nievelstein Diagnosing liver and biliary tract disease requires, besides obtaining a solid clinical examination and a thorough clinical history, proper…
10.1055/b-0035-122532 16 Male Genital TractMatteo Baldisserotto Diseases of the genital tract are frequent in boys. Common indications for ultrasonography (US) include acute painful swelling of the scrotum or its contents,…
10.1055/b-0035-122528 12 PancreasMaria Raissaki and Marina Vakaki The pancreas is a challenging organ to visualize with ultrasonography (US), and it is less commonly scrutinized than other intra-abdominal organs. It is…