Lymphatic ducts and disorders
2.11: Lymphatic ducts and disorders Indirani M, Shelley Simon, Shema Mathew Introduction Lymphedema (LED) is a common phenomenon affecting 150–300 million worldwide. It is a prevalent disease which carries a…
2.11: Lymphatic ducts and disorders Indirani M, Shelley Simon, Shema Mathew Introduction Lymphedema (LED) is a common phenomenon affecting 150–300 million worldwide. It is a prevalent disease which carries a…
3.16: Imaging of submandibular space Rajendra N. Solanki, Chetan Mehta, Nirja Desai, Digish Vaghela Introduction The anatomical neck is divided into multiple mucosal and extra mucosal spaces. The infrahyoid neck…
3.24: Nose and paranasal sinuses Anagha Rajeev Joshi, Ankita U. Shah, Ashwini Sankhe Abbreviation ACC – Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma ACP – Antrochoanal polyp ADC – Apparent Diffusion Coefficient AE –…
3.29: Lower cranial nerves imaging (9–12th nerves) C Seetharaman, Shriram Varadharajan, Meena Nedunchelian, Athira Abbreviations 3D—Three dimensional CN IX, X, XI, XII—9, 10, 11, 12th nerves, respectively CN(s)—Cranial nerve(s) CT—Computed…
3.17: Imaging of masticator space 3.17.1 IMAGING OF MASTICATOR SPACE Jyoti Kumar, Surabhi Gupta Introduction Masticator space is a paired deep fascial space seen in relation to the ramus of…
3.2: Overview of head and neck imaging anatomy G. Suganya, Seetharaman C, S.P. Rajesh Accurate interpretation of head and neck imaging requires an understanding of fascial layers and its location,…
1.21: Research methodology and biostatistics Amarnath C, Arun Murugan, Sam Kamelsen, Rajashree R Statistics is the Grammar of Science. Karl Pearson The goal of any clinical research is to improve…
1.28: Basics of general pathology Indumathi Karnan, Geetha Devadas Cell injury Cell injury is defined as the effect of a various stresses a cell encounters resulting in changes in its…
3.14: Carotid space Madhavi Kandagaddala, Arunima Patra, Matthew Monachen Introduction The carotid space (CS) is a paired tubular space in the supra and infra-hyoid neck, encased by the carotid sheath….
2.3: Vasculitis S. Rammurti, S. Gayatri, P. Krishna Mohan, K. Sreshta, N. Kavitha Vasculitides include an uncommon group of diseases characterized by relapsing and remitting immune-mediated inflammation of vessel walls….