Radiobiology of High Dose Fractions
Fig. 5.1 The solid line shows the typical variation of cell survival with fraction size as predicted by the standard linear-quadratic (LQ) model [Eq. 5.2]. The curve is characterised by…
Fig. 5.1 The solid line shows the typical variation of cell survival with fraction size as predicted by the standard linear-quadratic (LQ) model [Eq. 5.2]. The curve is characterised by…
Fig. 8.1 The definition of GTV, CTV, ITV, and PTV. GTV gross tumor volume, CTV clinical target volume, ITV internal target volume, PTV planning target volume 8.2.2 Real-Time Tumor Tracking…
Organ Dose Dose (EQD2) Author(s) Brachial Plexus Dmax 60 Gy Emami B, Lyman J, Brown A, et al. (1991) Dmax 66 Gy Truong MT, Nadgir RN, Hirsch AE, et al….
Institution Number of cases Median follow-up (months) Fractionation scheme (cGy) Total dose (cGy) Percent local recurrence Good/excellent cosmetic results HDR brachytherapy Ochsner Clinic [29] 26 75 400 × 8 3,200 2a 75a…
Fig. 9.1 Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer Staging System (From Klein et al. [7] based on Dawson [102]) This figure describes potential treatment options, and suggestions for the incorporation of radiotherapy…
Fig. 6.1 Shift of 1 mm in prescription isodose line (green) in the anatomical, anterior right quadrant comparing ray-tracing plan (left) with Monte Carlo calculation (right) The need for an…
Fig. 4.1 Depth dose data for a 6 MV beam for (a) 1 × 1 cm2, (b) 10 × 10 cm2, and (c) 40 × 40 cm2 fields using different detectors (From Klein et al. [1];…
Fig. 3.1 LB-SBRT immobilization system with abdominal compression by CDR Systems 3.2.2 Image-Guided Localization and Tracking Immobilization devices can reduce body and organ movement to a certain degree, whilst image-guided…
Small melanoma (<6 mm) Medium/large melanoma (≥6 mm) Brachytherapy 106 Ru Eye enucleation Transpupillary thermotherapy Cyberknife radiosurgery Proton beam therapy Gamma Knife radiosurgery Brachytherapy 125 iodine Proton beam, helium ions…
Authors Treatment Mean tumor size (cm) Follow up (months) No of patients Cancer specific survival (%) Local failure rate (%) Lane et al. (2007) [6] Partial nephrectomy 2.9 68 58…